субота, 4. јун 2016.

Vichy Liftactiv Serum 10 Eyes & Lashes

U ovom postu pišem o jednom od proizvoda koji mi je dugo bio na Wish List-i konačno se našao u mojim rukama. Možda ste primetile da mnoge blogerke imaju čudnu vrstu opsesije prema okoloočnim kremama, a među njima sam svakako i ja. Ne znam zašto je to tako, ove kreme su najblaže kreme koje postoje i retko kad imaju neke revolucionarne efekte. Moje područje oka nije previše zahtevno ali ako neka krema uspe da dobro hidrira moju kožu, a uz to smanji nadutost ima veliki plus od mene. U ovom postu predstaviću vam  Vichy Liftactiv Serum 10 Eyes & Lashes - poseban serum za regiju oka koji neguje kožu ali i trepavice. Za razliku od klasičnih okoloočnih krema koje se mažu ispod oka, ovaj serum se maže i preko kapaka i trepavica. 

In this post I will write about one of the products that was long on my Wish List, and that is now finally in my hands. You might have noticed that many bloggers have a strange kind of obsession towards eye creams and I am definitely one of them. I do not know why this happens, since these creams are very mild and rarely have any revolutionary effect. My eye area is not too demanding, but if some cream succeeds in hydrating my skin, and also reduce puffiness it has a huge plus from me. In this post I will present you Vichy Liftactiv Serum 10 Eyes & Lashes - special serum for the eye region, which nourishes the skin but also lashes. Unlike conventional eye creams which should be applied under the eye, this serum should be applied over the eyelids and eyelashes, too.

Ovaj serum sadrži 10% ramnoze, aktivnog anti-age sastojka biljnog porekla, koji obnavlja kožu. Takođe sadrži i reflektujuće čestice koji vizuelno čine ovu regiju svetlijom. Takođe tu su i ceramidi sa antinflamatornim svojstvima koji neguju i regenerišu trepavice. Formula ovog seruma je hipoalergena, bez parabena, i obogaćena Vichy termalnom vodom. Serum obećava trenutno svetliju regiju, zategnutije bore i gušće trepavice iz dana u dan. Serum se preporučuje osobama starijim od 35 godina (ja nisam još uvek u toj grupi ali i to će brzo doći).

This serum contains 10% rhamnose, active anti-aging ingredient of vegetable origin, which regenerates the skin. It also contains reflective particles that visually make this region brighter. Also there are ceramides with anti-inflammatory properties that nourish and regenerate the eyelashes. The formula of this serum is hypoallergenic, paraben-free and enriched with Vichy thermal water. Serum promises a brighter region, tighter lines and thicker eyelashes with every passing day. Serum is recommended for people older than 35 years (I'm not in this group yet, but I will be soon enough).

Serum dolazi metalnoj bočici sa pumpicom. Sadrži 15ml i košta 3735 dinara (na žalost). Serum je redak i bele boje, a presijava se kao biser. Nema nikakav miris. Pakovanje mi se mnogo sviđa a pimpica savršeno dozira serum. Jedan pritisak na pumpicu istisnuće serum veličine zrna pirinča što je taman dovoljno za oba oka. Serum ima vodenu teksturu, veoma brzo se upija i ne ostavlja nikakav lepljivi film koji se oseća na koži.

Serum comes in a metal bottle with a pump dispenser. Contains 15ml and costs 3735 RSD (unfortunately). Serum is rare and white, and has pearly shine. It has no scent. Packaging is great and pump perfectly doses serum. One touch of the pump will give you serum the size of a rice grain, which is just enough for both eyes. The serum has a watery texture, is very quickly absorbed and does not leave a sticky film that can be felt on the skin.

A sada ono glavno - efekti. Kao prvo posvetljivanje regije reflektujućim česticama nisam uopšte primetila. Ipak koža izgleda lepo i nahranjeno. U ovoj regiji nemam mnogo bora pa efekti zatezanja nisu mogli da se vide dovoljno. Ali primecujem da koža izgleda lepo i čvrsto, a takođe mi se i jutarnja nadutost brže povlači. 

Now for the main part - the effects. Firstly I didn't notice that my eye region is brighter due to reflective particles. Yet skin looks nice and supple. I do not have a lot of wrinkles in this region, so tightening effects could not be seen very well. But I have notice that skin looks nice and firm. Also, morning puffiness disappears faster.

Što se trepavica tiče moje su kratke i ravne, pa sam se zato posebno ponadala da ću ovim serumom moći malo da ih popravim. Nakon skoro cele potrošene bočice i više meseci korišćenja moram da priznam da su mi trepavice gušće! To se posebno vidi na jednom delu gde su mi trepavice uvek bile nekako jadne, kao da imam razdeljak na trepavicama. Tog dela više skoro uopšte nema. Trepavice mi nisu duže, barem ne vidno, ali sve ovo malo zavisi i od genetike. Generalno sam zadovoljna efektima, jer nisam očekivala da će biti toliki da mogu lako da ih primetim.

My lashes are short and straight, and I was therefore particularly hoping that this little serum will be able to fix this. After almost a whole bottle and several months of use I have to admit that my eyelashes are thicker! This is especially evident in one part where my eyelashes have always been kind of miserable, as if I had a hole in my lashes. This part is almost non existent now. Eyelashes are not longer, at least not visibly, but this all depends on genetics, too. Generally I am quite satisfied with the effects, because I did not expect them to be so easily noticeable.

Za kraj pogledajte kako serum izgleda:

For the end I want to show you how this serum looks like:

Da li ste probali ovaj serum za okoloočnu regiju i kakvi su bili vaši utisci? Da li ste i vi primetili poboljšanje u izgledu vaših trepavica?

Informacije i ocene
Cena3735 RSD
Gde kupitiLilly, apoteke
Da li bih ga ponovo kupilaDa
Nega kože5/5
Nega trepavica5/5
Ukupna ocena4/5
- pakovanje
- lepo hidrira
- lagana brzoupijajuća formula
- zateže i smanjuje nadutost
- gušće trepavice
- cena                                   

Have you tried this serum for eye region and what were your impressions? Did you also notice the improvement in the appearance of your lashes?

Information and scores
Price3735 RSD
Where to buyLilly, pharmacies
Would I buy them againYes
Skin care5/5
Lash care5/5
Overall Score4/5
- packaging
- nice hydration
- light fast-absorbing formula
- tightens and reduces puffiness
- denser lashes
- price                                  

2 коментара:

  1. Koristim drugu bočicu ovog seruma. Zadovoljna sam kako mi njeguje okoloočno područje, ali da nešto radi na mojim "jadnim" trepavicama nisam primjetila

    1. Ja nisam ocekivala da vidim na trepavicama poboljsanje ali nekako se ipak vidi. Bolje izgledaju. Mada mislim to ja vidim jer ih zagledam, za svakog drugog su iste ko i pre.
