Post o Kräuterhof anticelulit gelu jedan je od najposećenijih na blogu. I zaista, ovo je jedan od boljih gelova koje sam probala, iako verovatno najneprijatniji prilikom korišćenja, zbog izrazito jakog efekta zagrevanja koji proizvodi. Kräuterhof pored ovog gela ima i desetodnevni serum, koji ću vam danas pokazati.
Post about Kräuterhof anti-cellulite gel is one of the most visited on my blog. Indeed, this is one of the best gels I've tried so far, although probably the most uncomfortable for use, due to very strong warming effect it produces. Kräuterhof also has a ten day serum, which I'll show you in this post.
Serum dolazi u plastinoj bočici sa pumpicom i dnom koje se podiže. Ima samo 50ml, što je i očekivano, jer piše da se koristi 10 dana. Ipak cena mu nije niža od običnog gela, pa on košta 841 dinar. No dobro, ako su efekti ovog seruma jači ... što da ne, daću pare. Teksturom i mirisom serum veoma podseća na gel, gelast je i lako se razmazuj i ne lepi, a miriše citrusno. Za razliku od gela, efekat zagrevanja kod seruma je veoma blag, skoro nepostojeći. Ovo će olakšati korišćenje osobama sa osetljivom kožom i kapilarima.
Serum comes in a plastic bottle with a pump and raisable bottom. It has only 50ml, which is expected, because it should last for just 10 days. Yet, its price is not lower than that of the regular gel, so it costs 841 RSD. Well, if the effects of this serum are stronger ... what the hell, I'll give the money. Texture and scent are very reminiscent of regular gel. Gel is easily spread and isn't sticky, and has a citrusy smell. Unlike the gel, this serum has a much milder, almost non-existent warming effect. This will facilitate the use for people with sensitive skin and capillaries.
Namenjen je borbi protiv pojave i smanjenju celulita. Sadrži kompleks Liporeduks, koji zateže kožu i umanjuje vidljivost neravnina. Takođe sadrži i ekstrakt divljeg kestena, pantenol, kofein, ulje limunove trave, i sastojke koji zagrevaju. Nanosi se pred spavanje, na butine, zadnjicu, stomak i druge problematične regije.
Serum is designed to help stop production of cellulite and reduce its amount. It contains Liporeduks complex, which tightens the skin and minimizes the appearance of cellulite. It also contains chestnut extract, panthenol, caffeine, lemongrass oil, and warming ingredients. It is applied before bed, on the thighs, buttocks, abdomen and other problematic areas.
E sad moj lični utisak o ovom serumu nikakav. Deluje mi isto kao i običan gel, s tim da za iste pare kod gela dobije mnogo više proizvoda. Za 10 dana ili koliko vam već bočica bude trajala, nikakvi posebni efekti ne mogu da se vide. A ako bih nastavila da kupujem ovaj serum, onda se malo gubi poenta korišćenja seruma za 10 dana zar ne? Možda bi bio dobar kao priprema pred korišćenje običnog gela, ali iskreno možete proći i bez toga. Odmah kupite običan gel. Osim ako teško podnosite veliku toplotu. Onda na gel zaboravite.
Now my personal impression of this serum is well ... quite bad. It seems the same as the regular gel to me, but if you buy regular one you get much more product for the same price. In 10 days or how much you'll need to spend the bottle, no effects can be visible. And if I continue to buy this serum, it loses its purpose as a 10 days serum, is not it? Maybe it could be good as a preparation treatment before the use of the regular gel, but honestly you can skip it entirely. Immediately buy regular anti-cellulite gel. Unless you don't tolerate high heat. In that case forget about the gel.
Ne očekujem mnogo od anticelulit preparata, pa me tako ni ovaj nije mnogo razočarao. Ipak ne bih nikad dala ponovo pare za ovaj serum. Da li ste ga možda vi probali? Da li je kod vas imao nekakav efekat?
Informacije i ocene | |
Cena | 841 RSD |
Gde kupiti | Lilly, DM |
Vrste | 1 |
Da li bih ga ponovo kupila | Ne |
Pakovanje | 4/5 |
Cena | 3/5 |
Zatezanje | 2/5 |
Uklanjanje celulita | 1/5 |
Ukupna ocena | 3/5 |
Za | Protiv |
- prijatna tekstura | - slabo zatezanje kože - ne uklanjanja celulit - cena - mala mililitraža |
I do not expect much from anti-cellulite products, so this serum did't disappoint me that much. However I would never give money for it again. Have you tried it? Did it have any effects on you?
Information and scores | |
Price | 841 RSD |
Where to buy | Lilly, DM |
Types | 1 |
Would I buy it again | No |
Packaging | 4/5 |
Price | 3/5 |
Firming | 2/5 |
Cellulite removal | 1/5 |
Overall Score | 3/5 |
- nice texture | - bad in making skin firmer - no cellulite removal - price - small packaging |
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