петак, 31. јул 2015.

Velnea Body Anti Cellulite Body Gel

Kako je došlo leto ubedljivo najčitaniji postovi na blogu su oni o anticelulit kremama. Iako je celulit nešto o čemu treba stalno da se misli i protiv čega se najbolje bori fizičkom aktivnošću i ishranom, kao i dovoljnim unosom vode, kada dođe leto većina nas se tada seti da počne i sa mazanjem anticelulit krema. Lično ne verujem mnogo u njihovu delotvornost, ali većina bar zategne malo kožu pa kritični delovi bolje izgledaju.

Since summer is here by far the most read blog posts are those about anti-cellulite creams. Although cellulite is something that should be consistently thought about and against which we can best fight by physical activity and healthy nutrition, as well as sufficient water intake, in summer most of us think about using some kind of anti-cellulite cream as well. I personally do not believe a lot in these creams, but most of them at least tighten the skin so that critical parts look a bit better.

Ovog leta odlučila sam da dam šansu jeftinom brendu Velnea koji se može kupiti u Lilly drogerijama. I pored niskih cena ovaj brend ima dosta prilično dobrih prozvoda. Velnea anticelulit gel dolazi u kutiji u kojoj je tuba od 200ml. Pakovanje nije loše ali ono što me je najviše privuklo je gumeni masažer na dnu tube. Cena gela je 499 dinara. Evo ga i sastav:

This summer, I decided to give a chance to a cheap brand Velnea, which can be bought in Lilly drugstores. Despite the low prices this brand has a lot of very good products. Velnea anti-cellulite gel comes in a box in which is a 200ml tube. Packaging is not bad but what drew my attention the most is the rubber massager at the bottom of the tube. Price of this gel is 499 RSD. Here's the composition:

Gel je tipične žućkaste boje i brzo se upija prilikom nanošenja. Masažer koji me je privukao je na kraju ispao nešto što mi se ne sviđa. Gel se nanosi tako što se masažer odvrne na jednu stranu i gel izlazi kroz rupiu na sredini. Zatim se tuba zatvori i gel može da se umasira. Prvi problem je što kada se gel osuši na masažeru i otvoru tube ostavlja beli trag kao kamenac, koji začepi otvor. Lako se skida ali ipak nervira. Ovo može da se izbegne ispiranjem vodom nakon masaže, što je takođe dodatna aktivnost koja me nervira. Na kraju sam odustala od masažera i umasiravala rukama.

Gel has a typical yellowish colour and is quickly absorbed during application. Massager which first got my attention was ultimately something I didn't like. The gel is applied so that the massager is unscrewed to one side and gel can then exit through the hole in the middle. Then, the tube is closed and the gel massaged into the skin. The first problem is that when the gel gets dry on the massager and the opening of the tube it leaves a white trail similar to tartar, which plugs the hole. It is easily removed but it's still annoying. This can be avoided by washing the massager with water after the massage, which is also an additional activity that annoys me. In the end I gave up on the massager and I just apply it with my hands.

Moram da priznam da me je i sam gel prilično razočarao. Efekti zatezanja kože i uklanjanja celulita su skoro nepostojeći. Većina gelova ima slab efekat ali ovaj gel na žalost ima, barem kod mene, još slabiji. Na kutiji piše da se gel koristi nakon gela za tuširanje sa piling efektom iz iste linije koji ja nisam koristila, ali gel bi i samostalno trebalo da ima neki efekat.

I must admit that I was also pretty disappointed with the gel, too. The effects of skin tightening and cellulite removal are almost non-existent. Most gels have little effect but unfortunately this gel has, at least for me, even smaller effect. The box says that the gel should be used after a shower gel with exfoliating effect from the same line which I haven't used, but the gel should have some effect by it self, too.

Ovim gelom nisam zadovoljna i neću ga ponovo kupovati, mada nikad se ne zna kako će se pokazati na nekoj drugoj osobi i drugoj koži.

I'm not satisfied with this gel and I won't buy it again, but you never know how it will behave on another person and different skin.

Da li ste isprobali ovaj anticelulit gel i kakvo je vaše mišljenje o njemu? Koji anticelulit gel je vaš favorit?

Have you tried this anti-cellulite gel, and what is your opinion about it? Which anti-cellulite gel is your favourite?

Informacije i ocene
Cena499 RSD
Gde kupitiLilly
Da li bih ga ponovo kupilaNe
Ukupna ocena2/5
- cena- nepraktičan masažer
- ne zateže kožu
- ne uklanja celulit     

Information and scores
Price499 RSD
Where to buyLilly
Would I buy it againNo
Overall Score2/5
  - price- unpractical massager
- doesn't tighten the skin
- no cellulite

четвртак, 30. јул 2015.

Golden Rose Holiday 80

Novi lak u mojoj kolekciji grbavih lakova je ovaj divni drecavi Golden Rose Holiday lak, nijnsa 80. Reč je o drečavo žutom laku. Nijansa je slična kao žuti markeri za obeležavanje teksta, možda malo toplija.

New nail polish in my sand collection is this beautiful bright Golden Rose Holiday, shade 80. It is a neon yellow lacquer. The shade is similar to a yellow highlighter, perhaps a little warmer.

Dolazi u bočici od 11.3ml i košta 260 dinara (parfimerija Kristabel). Formula je dobra, brzo se suši i dva sloja su dovoljna da nema providnih delova. Sličan je ostalim GR Holiday lakovima koje imam i jednako trajan - 4 ili 5 dana.

It comes in bottles of 11.3ml and costs 260 RSD (perfumery Kristabel). The formula is good, dries quickly and the two layers are enough not to have transparent parts. It is similar to other GR Holiday nail polishes that I have, and it is as permanent - 4 or 5 days.

Nijansa nije za svakoga ali ko voli drečavo, posebno u toku leta, obožavaće ovaj lak.

Shade is not for everyone, but those who like bright colours, especially during the summer, will love this shade.

A evo i jedna slika u hladu:

And here is one photo in the shade:

Da li volite ovakve grbave lakove i da li volite drečave boje? Šta mislite o GR Holiday lakovima?

Do you like sand nail polishes and bright colours? What do you think about GR Holiday nail polishes?

петак, 24. јул 2015.

Eucerin pH5 Hautschutz Duschol (ulje za tuširanje)

Evo jednog proizvoda koji je mnogo hvaljen po blogovima. Nije nešto za šta bih se ja baš uhavtila u prodavnici niti nešto od čega bih očekivala da me mnogo oduševi. Do sad bar slični proizvodi nisu. A onda sam dobila ovo čudo - Eucerin pH5 ulje za tuširanje. Namenjeno je osetljivoj koži, štiti enzime kože i obnavlja lipide tj. prirodnu barijeru kože. Dolazi u plastičnoj bočici od 200ml, a nije ni toliko skupo s obzirom da je reč o Eucerinu. Košta samo 566 dinara (Srbotrade cena). Evo ga i sastav:

Here's one product that is praised a lot on blogs. It's not something I would necessarily pick up in a store or something I would expect to knock me of my feet. So far at least, similar products did not. And then I got this little miracle - Eucerin pH5 Shower Oil. It is designed for sensitive skin, protects skin enzymes and restores lipids ie. natural skin barrier. It comes in a plastic bottle of 200ml and isn't so expensive considering that it is a Eucerin product. It costs only 566 RSD (Srbotrade price). Here's the composition:

Sadrži ulje soje koje je glavni sastojak, ali i ricinusovo ulje i pantenol koji umiruje. Ima savršen miris koji mene podseća na neke proizvode za bebe i puder. Mnogo uživam u ovom mirisu prilikom tuširanja i to je po meni jedan veliki deo celokupnog užitka koje ulje pruža. Ja ipak najviše volim da se prvo okupam nekim gelom za tuširanje a zatim i ovim uljem da bi ga ipak malo sporije trošila. Ulje je vrlo zanimljivo pošto se u dodiru sa vodom na koži prilikom nanošenja pretvara u kremastu i finu penu koja je mnogo lakša za razmazivanje i čišćenje kože. Nakon blage masaže i razmazivanja sačekam minut ili dva da koža malo upije hranljive sastojke iz ulja, a zatim ulje isperem vodom. Miris ulja se blago zadržava na koži nakon tuširanja.

It contains soy oil as a main ingredient, but also castor oil and panthenol which soothes. It has a perfect scent that reminds me of some baby products and powder. I enjoy the scent a lot and to me it is a big part of the overall pleasure that this oil provides. I still prefer to bath first using some shower gel and then use this oil so it can last a bit longer. The oil is very interesting because in contact with water on the skin during application it turns into a creamy and fine foam that is much easier to smudge and clean the skin. After mild massages and application I wait a minute or two, so the skin absorbs nutrients from the oil a little bit, and then wash it off. The fragrance of this oil gently lingers on the skin after showering.

Doziranje je prilično dobro uz pomoć običnog otvora na vrhu pakovanja. Ulje je jako ugodno za korišćenje i ja ga zaista obožavam. Posebno volim da ga koristim u danima kada sam se sunčala i kada mi je koža dodatno isušena i blago osetljiva. Ulje lepo nahrani i umiri kožu a nakon tuširanja koža je na dodir meka i hidrirana. Ovo ulje je po meni jedan divan proizvod koji svako ko voli kreme i ulja za tuširanje mora da proba. Meni je ovo najbolji proizvod tog tipa koji sam probala. I po efektu na kožu koji ima i po mirisu i uživanju koje pruža prilikom korišćenja.

Dosage is pretty well with ordinary opening at the top of the bottle. The oil is very pleasant to use and I really love it. I especially love to use it on days when I was sunbathing and when my skin is dried even more and slightly sensitive. Oil nicely feeds and soothes the skin and after showering the skin is soft to the touch and hydrated. This oil is in my opinion a superb product that everyone who loves in shower creams and oils must try. To me this is the best product of this type that I have tried so far when it comes to the effect on the skin, but also to its scent and enjoyment during use.

Da li koristite ulja ili mleko za telo pod tušem? Verujem da su svi u poslednje vreme isprobali bar jedan ovakav proizvod. Da li ste probali ovo fenomenalno ulje koje je postalo moj HG proizvod?

Informacije i ocene
Cena566 RSD
Gde kupitiLilly, apoteke
Da li bih ih ponovo kupilaDa!
Ukupna ocena5/5
- prelep miris
- uživanje da se koristi
- dobro hidrira kožu
- cena

Do you use oil or in shower body milk? I believe that all of you have recently tried at least one such product. Have you tried this phenomenal oil that has become my HG product?

Information and scores
Price566 RSD
Where to buyLilly, pharmaces
Would I buy it againYes!
Overall Score5/5
- great scent
enjoyable to use- nice skin hydration       
- price

четвртак, 23. јул 2015.

Proizvodi za lice koje trenutno koristim

Moja dnevna i noćna rutina za lice menjaju se često s obzirom da isprobavam dosta proizvoda, mada ne menjam ih često već koristim jedan po jedna dok ih ne potrošim i tek onda menjam. U toku leta obavezan je SPF i laganije kreme, a čišćenje ostaje isto kao i preko godine. Šminka je laganija i često nemam na sebi puder jer kada lice pocrni ten je već vrlo lepo ujednačen. U ovom postu pokazaću vam proizvode koje trenutno koristim i kojima sam moram priznate veoma zadovoljna.

My daytime and nighttime face routines changes often, considering I try out a lot of products, but I do not change them often. I use one by one until I spend it and only then I change the product. During the summer, I always use SPF and lighter creams, while cleansing remains the same as over the whole year. Makeup is lighter and I often don't use foundation because when your face is tanned complexion is already very good and even. In this post I will show you the products I currently use and which I must admit I'm very satisfied with.

Čišćenje lica:
- Garnier Pure Active micelarna - dobro skida šminku. Namenjena je problematičnoj koži, i sadrži alkohol pa imajte to u vidu ako želite da je probate. Detaljnije sam pisala o njoj ovde.
- Ebelin gumeno jastuče - sa njim se uvek umivam jer blago masira kožu i vrši vrlo lagan piling. Svako veče ga koristim za umivanje, dok ujutru često preskočim korišćenje da odmorim kožu.
- Bioten gel za umivanje za normalnu i mešovitu kožu - nedavno sam ga kupila, ali je zaista odličan. Oduševljena sam. Miris mu je osvežavajuć i divan, a super i čisti i ne isušuje kožu.

Face Cleansing:
- Garnier Pure Active micellar water - removes makeup well. It is intended for problematic skin, and contains alcohol so keep that in mind if you want to try it. Details are written here.
- Ebelin rubber cushion - I always wash my face with it as it gently massages the skin and provides a very light peeling. Every evening I use it for washing, while in the morning I often skip using it to give my skin a bit of rest.
- Bioten cleansing gel for normal and mixed skin - I bought it recently, but it's really great. I am thrilled. Its scent is refreshing and beautiful, a it cleans great without drying out the skin.

Sledeća stavka i prilikom noćne i prilikom dnevne nege su kreme protiv nepravilnosti. Trenutno rotiram dve:
- Eucerin Dermo Purifyer Aktiv Konzentrat - vrlo lagana i retka tekstura, vodenasta i nemasna. Dobro smiruje kožu i uklanja nepravilnosti. Njega koristim u manje problematičnim danima. Detaljnije ovde.
- La Roche-Posay Effaclar Duo + - moja HG krema za nepravilnosti. Koristim je kada mi nalete malo problematičniji dani zbog ciklusa i uglavnom je nanosim samo na kritične regije. Najbolja krema za bubuljice ikada. Detaljnije o njoj ovde.

Next thing every morning and every night are creams against irregularities. Currently I rotate two:
- Eucerin Dermo purifyer Aktiv Konzentrat - very light and line texture, watery and non-greasy. Well soothes the skin and removes imperfections. I use in less problematic days. Details here.
- La Roche-Posay Effaclar Duo + - my HG cream for irregularities. I use it when I stumble on a bit more problems during my cycle and I generally apply it only to the problematic regions. Best imperfections cream ever. Details about it are here.

Na kraju mažem kreme i serume kao i zaštitu od sunca ako izlazim iz kuće. U dnevnu negu spadaju:
- Avon Anew Clinical Eye Lift Pro krema za okoloočnu regiju - Krema koja u kutijici ima dva odeljka. Gel za kapke i kremu za regiju ispod oka. Tek sam krenula da je isprobavam iako je odavno želim. Namenjena je svim uzrastima iako možda naziv zvuči pomalo anti-age. Za sada mi se mnogo sviđa, a uskoro očekujte i detaljnu recenziju.
- Nivea Q10 serum sa aktivnim perlama - još jedna recenzija koju ću uskoro napisati. Serum mi se mnogo svideo. Daje koži elastičnost i čini je vrlo lepom i zdravom. Potpuno je nemasan pa se može koristiti ispod vaše uobičajene dnevne kreme, mada ja koja imam blago masnu kožu leti ne mažem kremu preko njega, poseno zbog SPF kreme koju nanosim posle.
- Eucerin Sun Gel-Creme Oil COntrol SPF50+ - još jedna HG krema. Odlično štiti, još i usporava mašćenje lica i blago matira. Lagana je i ne oseća se na licu. Sve što tražim od ovakve kreme od nje sam i dobila. Detaljnije u ovom postu.

In the end, I'm applying creams, serums and sunscreen if I leave the house. My day care includes:
- Avon Anew Clinical Eye Lift Pro eye cream - cream that has two sections inside the packaging. Gel for eyelids and cream for the region below the eye. I've just started using it though I wanted it for a long time. It is intended for all ages, although the name may sound a bit anti-age. For now, I love it, and you can soon expect a detailed review.
- Nivea Q10 serum with active beads - another review that I will soon write. I like it a lot. It gives the skin elasticity and makes it very beautiful and healthy. It is completely non-oily and can be used under your usual day cream, although I don't do that since I have a slightly oily skin and since I always use SPF creams after it.
- Eucerin Sun Gel-Creme SPF50 + Oil Control - another HG cream. Great protection, but also slows down sebum production and makes face matte. A light texture and you won't feel it on the face. All I ask of such creams I got from it. More details in this post.

Noćna nega nakon čišćenja i krema protiv nepravilnosti je vrlo prosta. Pored okoloočne kreme nanosim samo noćnu kremu za lice:
- Garnier Miracle Sleeping Cream - ove godine više brendova je napravilo kremu sa ovakvom tematikom obnavljanja kože u toku noći. Ovu sam krenula nedavno da koristim i za sada mi se sviđa i krema obećava. Uskoro naravno pišem i opširnije o njoj. Pritom ima savršen citrusan miris koji mi se mnogo sviđa.

Night Care after cleansing and anti irregularities crems is very simple. In addition to my undereye cream I only use one night cream for the face:
- Garnier Miracle Sleeping Cream - this year more brands made a cream with the same theme of skin regeneration during the night. This one I recently started using this one and so far I like it and the cream has potential.  Soon I'll write about it, of course. It has a perfect citrusy scent that I just love.

Dodatna nega koju koristim s vremena na vreme je prilično raznolika. Imam dosta maski sa raznim namenama, ali u toku leta najviše koristim ove dve:
- Avon Planet Spa Perfectly Purifuing Gommage Face Mask - ovo je zapravo jedan vrlo lep enzimski piling koji koristim s vremena na vreme da uklonim mrtve ćelije kože. Detaljnije o njemu u ovom postu.
- Freeman Facial Sleeping Mask - hranljiva noćna maska u formi kreme nakon koje je koža izrazito meka i nežna. Nju isto nanosim s vremena na vreme umesto noćne kreme i mnogo je volim. Detaljnije o njoj ovde.

Extra care that I use from time to time is quite diverse. I have a lot of masks with different purposes, but in the summer I mostly use these two:
- Avon Planet Spa Perfectly Purifuing Gommage Face Mask - this is actually a very nice enzyme peeling that I use from time to time to remove dead skin cells. Details about him in this post.
- Freeman Sleeping Facial Mask - nourishing mask in the form of a cream, after which the skin is extremely soft and gentle. I apply it the same from time to time instead of a night cream and I love it a lot. Details about it are here.

Kao što vidite to i nije tako veliki broj proizvoda. Evo na sledećoj slici proizvoda koje koristim svako jutro i svako veče. Jedino što su na slikama obe kreme za nepravilnosti a uglavnom koristim po jednu svaki put.

As you can see it's not such a large number of products. Here's the next picture with all of the product that I use every morning and every evening. Both creams for irregularities are there but I mainly use just one each time.

Da li vi koristite neki od ovih proizvoda i naravno imate li jednako pozitivne utiske o njima?

Do you use some of these products and do you have the same good impressions about them as I do?

понедељак, 20. јул 2015.

Balea 7 Tage Kur Anti-Stress ampule za lice

Primetila sam po blogovima da je Balea uvela ampule za lice za posebnu negu koja traje 7 dana, međutim nisam ih nigde našla u prodavnicama. Pretpostavljam da ih nisu ni uvezli u Srbiju. Ali nakon nekog vremena naletela sam na Baleine ampule, doduše iz druge linije proizvoda, ali sam svakako odmah rešila da ih kupim. 

I noticed on some beauty blogs that Balea introduced ampoules for the facial special care, which lasts 7 days, but I haven't found them anywhere in stores. I assumed that they were not imported into Serbia at all. But after a while I ran into Balea ampoules, although from the other product line, and I immediately decided to buy them.

Ove ampule namenjene su anti-stres tretmanu koji traje 7 dana. Sastoje se od tri vrste ampula koje sadrže ekstrakte voća, biljaka i pantenol. Prva dva dana koriste se ampule za umirenje sa ekstraktom žuto-narandžaste maline i pantenolom. Zatim se tri dana koriste ampule koje hidriraju sa ekstraktom kleke i kompleksom za hidrataciju kože. I na kraju poslednja dva dana koriste se anti-age ampule sa ekstraktom korena ruže i biljnim kompleksom polipeptida. Evo ga i sastav svih ampula redosledom koji je u tekstu i nabrojan:

These ampoules are intended for the anti-stress treatment that lasts for 7 days. They consist of three types of ampoules containing fruit extracts, plants and panthenol. The first two days one should use ampoules with calming effect that contain yellow-orange raspberry extract and panthenol. Then for three days hydration ampoules with moisturizing extracts of juniper and skin hydration complex. And finally the last two days one should use anti-aging ampoules with rose extract and plant polypeptide complexes. Here is the composition of all ampoules in the order mentioned in the text:

Svaka ampula ima po 1ml, a pakovanje ampula košta 499 dinara. Sve tri vrste ampula imaju veoma blag voćkasto cvetni miris, iako postoji mala razlika u mirisima između tipova ampula. Ampule se koriste kao dodatna nega nakon koje se mogu naneti uobičajeni proizvodi za lice.

Each ampoule has a 1ml, and packaging costs 499 RSD. All three types of ampoules have a very mild fruity and floral fragrance, although there is a slight difference between the types of scents in ampoules. These ampoules are used as an additional treatment after which you can apply the usual facial products.

Ja sam ampule koristila kao noćnu negu i nakon njih nisam koristila noćnu kremu kako bih videla kakav je efekat samih ampula. Nakon što uz pomoć peškira polomim staklenu ampulu naprskam lice termalnom vodom i na vlažno lice, vrat i dekolte umasiram ulje iz ampule. Ima ga i više nego dovoljno za ovu celu regiju. Zbog blagog prelepog mirisa nanošenje ovog ulja je vrlo prijatno i opuštajuće. Zanimljivo je da se ulje vrlo brzo upija i ne ostavlja lice ni najmanje masnim, tako da ako želite da nanesete kremu posle ampule to neće biti problem.

I have used these ampoules as a night care and after them I did not use a night cream in order to see what effect do these ampoule have. When with the help of a towel I break the glass ampoule, I spray thermal water and apply oil from the ampoule on my wet face, neck and chest. It contains more than enough oil for this whole region. Because of the mild beautiful fragrance application of this oil is very pleasant and relaxing. It is interesting that the oil is quickly absorbed and does not leave an oily film on the skin, so if you want to apply the cream after the ampoule it will not be a problem.

U toku korišćenja a i sada nakon korišćenja ampula koža je izgleda malo svežije, odmornije i zdravije. Ne mogu da kažem da je efekat bio vrlo vidan, ali koža mi u toku korišćenja nije bila u lošem stanju pa i to moram uzeti u obzir. Za male pare ampule su mi dodale taj opuštajući spa efekat u noćnu negu lica koji mi se mnogo svideo. Nisu ništa revolucionarno, ali sasvim su prihvatljive da se s vremena na vreme dodaju uobičajenoj nezi i da se koži i vašim čulima malo ugodi i da uživaju.

During use and now after using these ampoules skin looks a little fresher, more rested and healthier. I cannot say that the effect is visible a lot, but my skin was not in bad shape during their use, so I have to take this into account, too. For a small price these ampoules have added a relaxing spa effect to my night face care, which I liked a lot. They are nothing revolutionary, but it is quite nice to add something like this to your usual care from time to time and to give your skin and your senses a little pleasure and enjoyment.

Informacije i ocene
Cena499 RSD
Gde kupitiDM
Da li bih ih ponovo kupilaDa
Ukupna ocena5/5
- prelep miris- brzo se upijaju i nisu masne
- uživanje da se koriste
- cena
- efekat nege nije mnogo  

Da li koristite ovaj tip proizvoda? Imate li neku sličnu preoporuku?

Information and scores
Price499 RSD
Where to buyDM
Would I buy it againYes
Overall Score5/5
- great scent
- fast absorbing and non-oily
enjoyable to use
- price
- they don't have a very
  large effect

Do you use this type of product? Do you have something similar to recommend?

субота, 18. јул 2015.

La Roche-Posay Anthelios XL Ultra Light Invisible Mist 50+

SPF zaštita za lice i telo je svake godine sve laganija, lakša za korišćenje i kvalitetnija. Uvek se iznenadim novim i inovativnim rešenjima koja svakog leta dodju na police prodavnica. LRP je ove godine izbacio jedan jako zanimljiv proizvod koji čini mackanje na plaži izuzetno zanimljivim brzim i lakim. Idealno ako morate da namažete dete ili muža / dečka / bilo kog muškarca jer je njima to sve vrlo dosadno i naporno. Sa ovom kremom neće morati dugo da sede mirno i čekaju.

SPF products for the face and body, are lighter, easier to use and have better quality every year. Brands are always coming up with new and innovative solutions that they present every summer. LRP has launched a very interesting product this year that makes application on the beach very interesting, quick and easy. Ideal if you have to apply it on a child or husband / boyfriend / any man because they all very bored when they have to sit while you apply it. With this cream they won't have to sit for a long time.

Krema dolazi u metalnoj boci i u formi je spreja. Izgleda kao dezodorans, međutim kada se pritisne pumpica izlazi veoma lagana i retka bela tecnost. Dok prskate izgleda kao sprej ali kada dodirne kožu vidi se da je u pitanju lagani beli fluid. Ako raspršivač odmaknete ujednačeno će se rasporediti po koži, a za kritičnije zone kao što su ramena ja raspršivač približim, pa dobijem belu liniju na koži koju posle rukama malo razmažem.

The cream comes in a metal bottle in the form of a spray. It looks like a deodorant, but when you press the pump a very light and rare white liquid comes out. While spraying it looks like its a gas but when it touches the skin you can seen that it is a light white fluid. If you spray it from far it will be spread evenly over the skin, and for critical areas like shoulders I sprayer it closer, and get a white line on the skin which I then spread out.

Boca sadrži 200ml i ima vema dobar raspršivač. Cena ove kreme je 2485 dinara. Nakon nanošenja krema je vrlo izdržljiva i ne spira se u vodi. Kada se pokvasim krema postane malo beličasta na koži pa se na nekim mestima može videti da je i dalje tu. Nije masna, a pošto je i vrlo tečna lako se razmazuje. Međutim ako je nanosite van plaže i treba da obučete odeću moraćete ipak koji minut da sačekate da se upije. Nije baš potpuno nevidljiva kao što joj stoji u nazivu ali to na kraju krajeva i nije bitno. Sadrži parfem, ali ne i parabene. Evo kako izgleda na koži ako je nanesem sa raspršivačem blizu kože:

Bottle contains 200ml and has a great spray pump. The price of this cream is 2485 RSD. After applying the cream it is very durable and does not wash off in water. When you get wet the cream becomes slightly white on the skin and in some places you can see that it is still there. Non-greasy, and since it is very light it is easy to spread. But if you apply it outside of the beach and the need to wear clothes you will have to wait a few minutes for it to dry. It's not completely invisible like it says in the name but ultimately that does not matter. It contains perfume, but not parabens. Here's how it looks on the skin if applied with the sprayer close to the skin:

Krema me je oduševila jer je jako zabavna za korišćenje ima dobru i laganu teksturu, a naravno kao što sam i očekivala odlično i štiti od sunca. Da li ste probali ovu sprej-kremu i koliki SPF koristite? Ja uvek koristim 50+ i svakog leta super pocrnim i pored toga.

Informacije i ocene
Cena2485 RSD
Gde kupitiLilly, apoteke
Da li bih ih ponovo kupilaDa!
Zaštita od sunca5/5
Izgled na kože4/5
Ukupna ocena5/5
- dobra formula
- odlčno štite od sunca
- zabavna aplikacija
- cena
- blago bela na ko
- treba joj malo vremena da se skroz upije

The cream has delighted me because it is very fun to use and has a good light texture, and of course protection is as I expected great. Did you try this spray-cream and how high SPF do you use? I always use 50+ and I get a great tan every summer.

Information and scores
Price2485 RSD
Where to buyLilly, pharmacies
Would I buy it againYes!
Sun protection5/5
Appearance on the skin4/5
Overall Score5/5
- good formula
- great protection from sun
- fun application
- price
- slightly white on skin
- it need a bit of time to dry on the skin

Kanta Vol. 17

Došao je moj omiljeni trenutak. Bacanje prazne ambalaže. A evo ih i moji sažeti utisci o potrošenim proizvodima:

My favourite moment is here. Throwing away empty packagings. And here are my summarized impressions about the spent products:

- Top Ten Propanthen Skin Renewal Cream-Gel - odlična gel krema za mešovitu kožu. Lagana i nemasna a hrani i umiruje. Idealna za zimu. Tubica od 50ml košta 209 dinara. Detaljnija recenzija je ovde. Moja ocena je 5/5.
- Top Ten Propanthen Hair & Skin Renewal Emulsion - ovaj rastvor sa pantenolom, hamamelisom i aloe verom namenjen je licu i kosi. Obožavala sam ga. Na licu neguje i umiruje i čak umanjuje lučenje sebuma. Nakon depilacije i iritacija umiruje kožu. Na kosi je isto super, olakšava rasčešljavanje, hrani kosu i kožu glave. Jedino malo ukruti kosu kada se kosa osuši. Bočica od 200ml košta 479 dinara. Detaljna recenzija je ovde. Moja ocena 5/5.

- Top Ten Propanthen Skin Renewal Cream-Gel - a great gel cream for mixed skin. Lightweight, not oily, nourishes and soothes. Ideal for winter. The tube of 50ml costs 209 RSD. A more detailed review is here. My score is 5/5.
- Top Ten Propanthen Hair & Skin Renewal Emulsion - this solution with panthenol, witch hazel and aloe vera is intended for face and hair. I loved it. On-site nourishes and soothes and even reduces the secretion of sebum. After waxing or irritation it soothes the skin. On hair it is also great, makes combing easier, nourishes the hair and scalp. The only problem is that it makes the hair a little stiff when the hair dries. 200ml bottle costs 479 RSD. Detailed review is here. My score is 5/5.

- Siberian Health okoloočna krema - dobra i lagana krema koja neguje i hidrira. Svidela mi se a detaljna recenzija je ovde. Pakovanje sadrži 15ml a košta 710 dinara. Ocena 4/5.
- Siberian Health intimni sapun - detaljnije o ovom proizvodu nisam pisala. Ali sapun je vredan pažnje, blag je, lepo čisti i umiruje. A kao i ostali SH proizvodi od prirodnih je sastojaka. Sadrži 250ml i košta 890 dinara. Ocena 4/5.

- Siberian Health undereye cream - good and light cream that nourishes and hydrates. I liked it and a detailed review is here. The packaging contains 15ml and costs 710 RSD. Score 4/5.
- Siberian Health intimate soap - I haven't written about this product until now. But this soap is noteworthy, it's mild, nicely cleans and calms. This product as well as other SH products is made of natural ingredients. It contains 250ml and costs 890 RSD. Score 4/5.

- Avon Advance Techniques Dry Ends Serum - odlična stvar za negu i zaštitu suvih krajeva. Zagladi ih i olakšava rasčešljavanje i dalje krzanje a predivno i miriše. Bočica sadrži 30ml i košta 700 dinara, a cela recenzija je ovde. Ocena 5/5.
- Revlon Nutri Color Creme nijansa 400 Tangerine - vrlo zanimljiv 3u1 proizvod koji osvežava boju ali i omekšava i neguje kosu. Nakon nanošenja kosa je vrlo meka ali što je još bitnije veoma osveži boju. Kao neka polu trajna farba. Kada mi se između dva farbanja ispere kosa ja ovo nanesem i koja mi je skoro jednako drečava kao nakon farbanja a to traje nekoliko pranja. Tubica sadrži 100ml liči na farbu za kosu i košta 1245 dinara. Detaljnije o ovom proizvodu pogledajte ovde. Moja ocena je 4/5.

- Avon Advance Techniques Dry Ends Serum - a great thing for the care and protection of dry ends. It smooths them and makes combing easier preventing further damaging. It also has a beautiful scent. The bottle contains 30ml and costs 700 RSD, and the whole review is here. Score 5/5.
- Revlon Nutri Color Creme Shade 400 Tangerine - very interesting 3in1 product that refreshes the colour but also softens and nourishes the hair. After applying it the hair is very soft but more importantly the colour is renewed. As a semi-permanent hair dye. When I'm between two colourings I apply it and my hair becomes almost bright orange as when I dye my hair and this last a couple of washes. The tube containing 100ml looks like hair dye and costs 1245 RSD. Details about this product are click here. My score is 4/5.

- Allin MakeUp Brush Cleanser - antibakterisjko sredstvo na biljnoj bazi koji neverovatno lako i brzo uklanja nečistoće sa pribora za šminkanje. A lepo i miriše. Bočica sadrži 150ml i košta 395 dinara. Detaljnije pogledajte ovde. Ocena 5/5.
- Sofi prirodno ulje grejpa - sadrži maslinovo ulje, bademovo, ulje avokada, semenki grožđa, šargarepe, eterično ulje grejpfruta, pomorandže i ekstrakt ruzmarina. Ulje se prilično brzo upija pa po meni nije najbolje rešenje za masažu ali za aromaterapiju svakako jeste. Savršeno miriše na citruse. Takođe odlično je za negu i hidrataciju kože za šta sam ga ja najviše i koristila. Mnogo mi se svidelo. Sadrži 110ml i košta oko 400 dinara ja mislim. Ocena 4/5.

- Allin MakeUp Brush Cleanser - antibacterial agent based on plant ingredients that incredibly easily and quickly removes impurities from the makeup brushes. Has a nice smells. The bottle contains 150ml and costs 395 RSD. Details are here. Score 5/5.
- Sophie natural grapefruit oil - contains olive oil, almond oil, avocado oil, grape seed oil, carrot oil, essential oils of grapefruit and orange, and rosemary extract. The oil is absorbed fairly rapidly and in my opinion it is not the best solution for a massage, but for aromatherapy certainly is. It has a perfect smell like citruses. Also great for skin care and skin hydration for what I mostly used it. I liked it a lot. It contains 110ml and costs around 400 RSD I think. Score 4/5.

- Nivea Cellular Skin Perfecting Fluid SPF 15 - ubedljivo jedan od mojih omiljenih proizvoda za dnevnu negu lice. Veoma blago ujednačava ten, potpuno je neprimetan na koži a daje koži blistav i lep izgled. Naravno odlično i neguje a štiti i od sunca. Tuba sadrži 40ml a cena mu je 1815 dinara. Cela recenzija je ovde. Ocena 5/5.
- Avon Planet Spa Peel Off Face Mask - solidna i zabavna maska koje se nakon sušenja oljušti sa lica. Jedino mi je smetao jak miris alkohola ili neke hemikalije dok se maska suši. Tuba sadrži 75ml i košta 630 dinara a cela recenzija je ovde. Ocena 4/5.

- Nivea Cellular Skin Perfecting Fluid SPF 15 - by far one of my favourite products for daily care of the face. Very slightly evens the complexion, it is completely imperceptible on the skin and gives the skin a radiant and beautiful appearance. Of course it also nourishes well, while protecting from the sun. Tube contains 40ml and its price is 1815 RSD. Full review is here. Score 5/5.
- Avon Planet Spa Peel Off Face Mask - nice and fun mask that peels off after drying on the face. The only thing that bothered me was a strong scent of alcohol or some other chemicals while the mask dries. Tube contains 75ml and costs 630 RSD and a full review is here. Score 4/5.

I tako smo prošli kroz sve potrošene proizvode za ovaj put. Da li ste vi koristili neki od njih? A sad sve da odnesem u kantu za đubre!

And so we went through all consumed products for this time. Did you use any of them? Now I can throw them all away!