Kako je došlo leto ubedljivo najčitaniji postovi na blogu su oni o anticelulit kremama. Iako je celulit nešto o čemu treba stalno da se misli i protiv čega se najbolje bori fizičkom aktivnošću i ishranom, kao i dovoljnim unosom vode, kada dođe leto većina nas se tada seti da počne i sa mazanjem anticelulit krema. Lično ne verujem mnogo u njihovu delotvornost, ali većina bar zategne malo kožu pa kritični delovi bolje izgledaju.
Since summer is here by far the most read blog posts are those about anti-cellulite creams. Although cellulite is something that should be consistently thought about and against which we can best fight by physical activity and healthy nutrition, as well as sufficient water intake, in summer most of us think about using some kind of anti-cellulite cream as well. I personally do not believe a lot in these creams, but most of them at least tighten the skin so that critical parts look a bit better.
Ovog leta odlučila sam da dam šansu jeftinom brendu Velnea koji se može kupiti u Lilly drogerijama. I pored niskih cena ovaj brend ima dosta prilično dobrih prozvoda. Velnea anticelulit gel dolazi u kutiji u kojoj je tuba od 200ml. Pakovanje nije loše ali ono što me je najviše privuklo je gumeni masažer na dnu tube. Cena gela je 499 dinara. Evo ga i sastav:
This summer, I decided to give a chance to a cheap brand Velnea, which can be bought in Lilly drugstores. Despite the low prices this brand has a lot of very good products. Velnea anti-cellulite gel comes in a box in which is a 200ml tube. Packaging is not bad but what drew my attention the most is the rubber massager at the bottom of the tube. Price of this gel is 499 RSD. Here's the composition:
Gel je tipične žućkaste boje i brzo se upija prilikom nanošenja. Masažer koji me je privukao je na kraju ispao nešto što mi se ne sviđa. Gel se nanosi tako što se masažer odvrne na jednu stranu i gel izlazi kroz rupiu na sredini. Zatim se tuba zatvori i gel može da se umasira. Prvi problem je što kada se gel osuši na masažeru i otvoru tube ostavlja beli trag kao kamenac, koji začepi otvor. Lako se skida ali ipak nervira. Ovo može da se izbegne ispiranjem vodom nakon masaže, što je takođe dodatna aktivnost koja me nervira. Na kraju sam odustala od masažera i umasiravala rukama.
Gel has a typical yellowish colour and is quickly absorbed during application. Massager which first got my attention was ultimately something I didn't like. The gel is applied so that the massager is unscrewed to one side and gel can then exit through the hole in the middle. Then, the tube is closed and the gel massaged into the skin. The first problem is that when the gel gets dry on the massager and the opening of the tube it leaves a white trail similar to tartar, which plugs the hole. It is easily removed but it's still annoying. This can be avoided by washing the massager with water after the massage, which is also an additional activity that annoys me. In the end I gave up on the massager and I just apply it with my hands.
Moram da priznam da me je i sam gel prilično razočarao. Efekti zatezanja kože i uklanjanja celulita su skoro nepostojeći. Većina gelova ima slab efekat ali ovaj gel na žalost ima, barem kod mene, još slabiji. Na kutiji piše da se gel koristi nakon gela za tuširanje sa piling efektom iz iste linije koji ja nisam koristila, ali gel bi i samostalno trebalo da ima neki efekat.
I must admit that I was also pretty disappointed with the gel, too. The effects of skin tightening and cellulite removal are almost non-existent. Most gels have little effect but unfortunately this gel has, at least for me, even smaller effect. The box says that the gel should be used after a shower gel with exfoliating effect from the same line which I haven't used, but the gel should have some effect by it self, too.
Ovim gelom nisam zadovoljna i neću ga ponovo kupovati, mada nikad se ne zna kako će se pokazati na nekoj drugoj osobi i drugoj koži.
I'm not satisfied with this gel and I won't buy it again, but you never know how it will behave on another person and different skin.
Da li ste isprobali ovaj anticelulit gel i kakvo je vaše mišljenje o njemu? Koji anticelulit gel je vaš favorit?
Have you tried this anti-cellulite gel, and what is your opinion about it? Which anti-cellulite gel is your favourite?
Informacije i ocene | |
Cena | 499 RSD |
Gde kupiti | Lilly |
Vrste | 1 |
Da li bih ga ponovo kupila | Ne |
Pakovanje | 2/5 |
Cena | 5/5 |
Zatezanje | 1/5 |
Celulit | 1/5 |
Ukupna ocena | 2/5 |
Za | Protiv |
- cena | - nepraktičan masažer - ne zateže kožu - ne uklanja celulit |
Information and scores | |
Price | 499 RSD |
Where to buy | Lilly |
Types | 1 |
Would I buy it again | No |
Packaging | 2/5 |
Price | 5/5 |
Tightening | 1/5 |
Cellulite | 1/5 |
Overall Score | 2/5 |
Pros | Cons |
- price | - unpractical massager - doesn't tighten the skin - no cellulite removal |
Ja baš nisam nešto od anticelulitnih proizvoda... Kad se zainatim, više sam healthy living tip... Samo se nešto dugo nisam popravo zainatila ;) :D
ОдговориИзбришиHahahaha e pa to je problem :)
Избришиja ga koristim nekoliko meseci i super je ... evo danas u prodavnici LILLY u Knez Mihailovoj ... tura bez kutije i masažera, 2oo ml je 255,oo dinara
ОдговориИзбришиTo je bas jeftino. Treba to iskoristiti.
ИзбришиJa nisam zadovoljna tim Velnea anticelulit gelom. Prosto nema nikakvog efekta
ОдговориИзбришиKoristim ga već deset dana, dva puta dnevno uz masažu i apsolutno ništa se tu ne dešava.