Prošla je još jedna godina, a kao što i sami znate to znači poplavu postova o omiljenim i omraženim proizvodima, promašajima i ljubavima. Ja lično volim takve postove i smatram da su korisni, jer na jednom mestu mogu da vidim šta je dobro a šta bi eventualno trebalo zaobići. Ja sam rešila da napravim malo drugačiji post sa sličnom temom. Ovo je post o mojoj 2013. godini, o proizvodima, osobama i događajima koji su obeležili vreme koje je prošlo. Želim da se osvrnem i na dobre i na loše stvari, jednostavno na stvari koje ću pamtiti.
Another year has passed, and as you may know that means a flood of posts about favorite and hated products, failures and loves. Personally, I love these posts and believe that they are useful, because at one place you can see what is good and what should be avoided. I decided to do a little different post with a similar theme. This is a post about my year 2013, about the products, people and events that have marked the time that has passed. I want to look back on the good and the bad things, in one word the things that I remember.
Another year has passed, and as you may know that means a flood of posts about favorite and hated products, failures and loves. Personally, I love these posts and believe that they are useful, because at one place you can see what is good and what should be avoided. I decided to do a little different post with a similar theme. This is a post about my year 2013, about the products, people and events that have marked the time that has passed. I want to look back on the good and the bad things, in one word the things that I remember.
Kao prvo 2013. godina je godina rođenja mog bloga. Za oko dva meseca ću tek slaviti moj prvi blogorođendan. I dalje mi je neverovatno da je za to kratko vreme moj blog pomalo izronio iz mora blogova koji postoje i da se broj ljudi koji me prate sve brže povećava. I naravno da sam upoznala mnogo divnih blogokoleginica. Svima koji me pratite sam veoma zahvalna!
Preparativa i dekorativa koja je izmamila moj osmeh:
Ne mogu reći da mi je mnogo proizvoda baš obeležilo ovu godinu. Bilo je dosta baš dobrih ali samo nekoliko koji su me oduševili. Ubedljivo najdraži proizvodi ove godine i su:
- Avon baza za senke,
- Avon Mega Effects maskara.
Oba su za mene fenomenalnta i ovim proglašavam Avon brendom godine za mene!
Firstly 2013. is the year my blog was born. For about two months I will celebrate my first blog-birthday. I still find it amazing that in such a short time, my blog has somewhat emerged from the sea of blogs that exist, and that the number of people who follow me is rapidly increasing. And of course I met many wonderful blog-colleagues. To all who follow me I'm very grateful!
Cosmetics and makeup that made me smile:
I cannot say I have tried a lot of products that marked this year. There were a lot of quite good products, but only a few that have thrilled me. Convincingly favorite products of this year are:
- Avon eyeshadow base,
- Avon Mega Effects mascara.
Both are phenomenal and I hereby declare Avon as my brand of the year!
Ne mogu reći da mi je mnogo proizvoda baš obeležilo ovu godinu. Bilo je dosta baš dobrih ali samo nekoliko koji su me oduševili. Ubedljivo najdraži proizvodi ove godine i su:
- Avon baza za senke,
- Avon Mega Effects maskara.
Oba su za mene fenomenalnta i ovim proglašavam Avon brendom godine za mene!
Firstly 2013. is the year my blog was born. For about two months I will celebrate my first blog-birthday. I still find it amazing that in such a short time, my blog has somewhat emerged from the sea of blogs that exist, and that the number of people who follow me is rapidly increasing. And of course I met many wonderful blog-colleagues. To all who follow me I'm very grateful!
Cosmetics and makeup that made me smile:
I cannot say I have tried a lot of products that marked this year. There were a lot of quite good products, but only a few that have thrilled me. Convincingly favorite products of this year are:
- Avon eyeshadow base,
- Avon Mega Effects mascara.
Both are phenomenal and I hereby declare Avon as my brand of the year!
Pored Avonovih stvari moram još da istaknem i predivni i na sve strane hvaljeni Eveline Celebrities ajlajner, čijoj se hordi fanova i ja pridružujem.
Apart from Avon stuff I also have to mention wonderful and all-round praised Eveline Celebrities eyeliner, to whos crowd of fans I must join.
Apart from Avon stuff I also have to mention wonderful and all-round praised Eveline Celebrities eyeliner, to whos crowd of fans I must join.
Što se preparative tiče samo dve stvari su me potpuno oduševile:
- Ekstra devičansko kokosovo ulje - koje je odlično i za moju kosu i za okoloočnu regiju, a i za kuvanje.
As far as cosmetics go I was absolutely thrilled only about two things:
- La Roche-Posay Effaclar Duo,
- Extra virgin coconut oil - which is great for my hair, eye region, but also for cooking.
As far as cosmetics go I was absolutely thrilled only about two things:
- La Roche-Posay Effaclar Duo,
- Extra virgin coconut oil - which is great for my hair, eye region, but also for cooking.
Omiljeni LOTD:
Nisam mogla da se odlučim samo za jedan. Ubedljivo omiljena tri su mi ovi sa slika. Sva tri su barem što se senki na očima tiče rezultati proizvoda koji je ubedljivo obeležio moju godinu što se šminke tiče. Proizvod kojem sam se najviše obradovala i koji je ispunio i premašio sva moja očekivanja - Kineska paleta od 120 senki.
Favorite LOTD:
I couldn't make up my mind and choose just one. My favorite three are in the photos below. All three are, at least as far as the eyeshadows go, the results of the product that has marked my year as far as makeup goes. The product which I am most pleased about and which has met and exceeded all my expectations - Chinese 120 eyeshadow palette.
Favorite LOTD:
I couldn't make up my mind and choose just one. My favorite three are in the photos below. All three are, at least as far as the eyeshadows go, the results of the product that has marked my year as far as makeup goes. The product which I am most pleased about and which has met and exceeded all my expectations - Chinese 120 eyeshadow palette.
Velika razočaranja:
E u ovoj kategoriji veliko i počasno mesto zauzima Bourjois Volume Glamour Max Definition maskara. Čekala sam i da se osusi ali džabe. I na početku i kao suva se maže kao blato lopatom. Bacam je i tačka.
Great disappointments:
Well in this category honorery place is held by Bourjois Volume Glamour Max Definition Mascara. I waited for it to dry a bit, but with no effect. In the beginning as well as later on the application was like I was putting on mud with a shovel.
Great disappointments:
Well in this category honorery place is held by Bourjois Volume Glamour Max Definition Mascara. I waited for it to dry a bit, but with no effect. In the beginning as well as later on the application was like I was putting on mud with a shovel.
Najupečatljiviji događaj na kom sa bila:
Bilo je nekoliko baš lepih i dobro organizovanih događaja na kojima sam bila, ali ovaj put izdvajam predstavljanje Vichy Ideali seruma (a o samom serumu ovde). Em je zaista organizacija bila na nivou, a prostor u kom se sve dešavalo prelep, em je to moj prvi događaj tog tipa kada sam upoznala mnogo blogokoleginica i zato je ovaj događaj ostao nekako poseban za mene.
The most memorable event that I attended:
There were a couple of beautiful and nicely organized events in the past year, but this time I will have to choose the presentation of Vichy Idealia Serum (about this serum read here). It was really well organized, and the space in which everything happened was so beautiful. I was also my first event of this kind where I met a lot of blog-colleagues and that is why this event remained something special for me.
Blog koji je obeležio ovu godinu:
Blog that has marked this year:
Dosta blogova mi se baš svidelo. Ali definitivno ovaj put izdvajam dragu Selmu i njen divni blog Meteo Beauty. Osećam da smo vrlo slične i da bismo se lepo slagale da živimo bliže. Nadam se da ću je upoznati i uživo, to će biti šlag na torti mojoj velikoj želji da ponovo odem u predivno Sarajevo. I naravno ona svog muža zove isto kao i ja svog - muž-puž. Šaljem joj puno :*****.
A lot of blogs I have really liked. But this time I definitely have to single out a blog led by dear Selma that is called Meteo Beauty. I feel that we are very similar and that we would get along very well if we lived closer to each other. I hope to meet her in person, it will be the icing on the cake to my great desire to go back to the beautiful Sarajevo. And of course she calls her husband just like I call mine - husband-snail (it rimes in Serbian). I'm sending her a lot of : *****.
Ali ne mogu da ne pomenem ni dragu Anu sa Me, Makeup and I bloga, koja mi je ubedljivo najveće iznenađenje ove godine i dokaz da je svet jako mali. I naravno veliko joj hvala za svo dobavljanje šminke po NBG-u i Hrvatskoj. I njoj šaljem :*****.
To su bili moji utisci o 2013. godini a da su vezani za blogosvet i kozmetiku. Koji su vaši utisci? Šta se vama urezalo u pamćenje?
But I also have to mention dear Anna from Me, Makeup and I blog, who was definitely the biggest surprise of this year, and a proof that the world is very small. And of course I want to thank her again for all the makeup fetching around New Belgrade and Croatia. I'm sending her a lot of : *****, too.
These were my impressions of the year 2013. that are related to the world of blogging and cosmetics . What are your impressions? What are the thing you'll remember?
Bilo je nekoliko baš lepih i dobro organizovanih događaja na kojima sam bila, ali ovaj put izdvajam predstavljanje Vichy Ideali seruma (a o samom serumu ovde). Em je zaista organizacija bila na nivou, a prostor u kom se sve dešavalo prelep, em je to moj prvi događaj tog tipa kada sam upoznala mnogo blogokoleginica i zato je ovaj događaj ostao nekako poseban za mene.
The most memorable event that I attended:
There were a couple of beautiful and nicely organized events in the past year, but this time I will have to choose the presentation of Vichy Idealia Serum (about this serum read here). It was really well organized, and the space in which everything happened was so beautiful. I was also my first event of this kind where I met a lot of blog-colleagues and that is why this event remained something special for me.
Blog koji je obeležio ovu godinu:
Blog that has marked this year:
Dosta blogova mi se baš svidelo. Ali definitivno ovaj put izdvajam dragu Selmu i njen divni blog Meteo Beauty. Osećam da smo vrlo slične i da bismo se lepo slagale da živimo bliže. Nadam se da ću je upoznati i uživo, to će biti šlag na torti mojoj velikoj želji da ponovo odem u predivno Sarajevo. I naravno ona svog muža zove isto kao i ja svog - muž-puž. Šaljem joj puno :*****.
A lot of blogs I have really liked. But this time I definitely have to single out a blog led by dear Selma that is called Meteo Beauty. I feel that we are very similar and that we would get along very well if we lived closer to each other. I hope to meet her in person, it will be the icing on the cake to my great desire to go back to the beautiful Sarajevo. And of course she calls her husband just like I call mine - husband-snail (it rimes in Serbian). I'm sending her a lot of : *****.
Ali ne mogu da ne pomenem ni dragu Anu sa Me, Makeup and I bloga, koja mi je ubedljivo najveće iznenađenje ove godine i dokaz da je svet jako mali. I naravno veliko joj hvala za svo dobavljanje šminke po NBG-u i Hrvatskoj. I njoj šaljem :*****.
To su bili moji utisci o 2013. godini a da su vezani za blogosvet i kozmetiku. Koji su vaši utisci? Šta se vama urezalo u pamćenje?
But I also have to mention dear Anna from Me, Makeup and I blog, who was definitely the biggest surprise of this year, and a proof that the world is very small. And of course I want to thank her again for all the makeup fetching around New Belgrade and Croatia. I'm sending her a lot of : *****, too.
These were my impressions of the year 2013. that are related to the world of blogging and cosmetics . What are your impressions? What are the thing you'll remember?