недеља, 29. септембар 2013.

Allin MakeUp Brush Cleanser

Videla sam nekoliko postova do sada o Allin tečnosti za pranje četkica. Baš sam planirala da je kupim, kada su me kontaktirali iz Allin-a i rekli da će mi poslati jednu bočicu. Baš sam se obradovala. Isprobala sam ga, a sada vam donosim i utiske. Naravno bez obzira što sam ovaj proizvod dobila utisci su i dalje iskreni.

I've seen a few posts so far about  Allin MakeUp Brush Cleanser. I was planning to buy it, when they contacted me from Allin, and said they would send me a bottle. I was really happy. I tried it, and now I'm bringing you my impressions. Of course, even thought I  got this bottle from the manufacturer my impressions are still honest.

Allin MakeUp Brush Cleanser je proizvod koji se od nedavno može naći na policama drogerija. U Lilly-u cena mu je 395 dinara. Bočica je nekako skromna, lepa, plastična, roze boje i ima raspršivač. Sadrži 150ml. Drago mi je što je jedan ovakav proizvod i to po veoma povoljnoj ceni, konačno došao i kod nas. Meni je jako zanimljiv miris ovog čistača. Kao što su i druge blogerke lepo rekle, miriše na  dečije žvake. Takođe se ovaj miris baš zadržava na četkicama, posebno velikim, pa ćete dok se šminkati uživati i u mirisu.

Allin Makeup Brush Cleanser is a product that was recently introduced to the shelves of drugstores. In Lilly its price is 395 RSD. The bottle is somewhat modest, pretty, plastic, pink in colour and has a spray nozzle. It contains 150ml. I'm glad that such a product, and at a very reasonable price,  finally came to us. It has very interesting smell. Just like the other bloggers already said, it smells like children's chewing gum. The smell lingers on the brushes even when they finish drying, particularly the  large ones, so you'll also enjoy the smell while putting on your makeup.

Na poleđini se može videti da je ovo zapravo antibakterijska formula na biljnoj bazi. Na slici iznad možete da pročitate i sastav. Tečnost je retka i žućkasta i jedan pritisak na pumpicu dovoljan je za manje četkice, dok će za velike dva, tri pritiska biti poželjna. Proizvod se vrlo lako koristi, i ima lepo objašnjenje na pakovanju. Na četkicu naprskate tečnost i zatim isperete i ostavite da se četkica osuši.

Utisci su mi vrlo pozitivni. Ja sam ranije prala četkice tečnim sapunom, kupkama i slično tako što ih protrljam od dlan. Iako sa ovim čistačem nema takve pene, kada naprskam četkicu protrljam je o dlan da tečnost prodre do svih dlaka. Zanimljivo mi je koliko je tečnost efikasna, a potrebna je jako mala količina. Već prve sekunde kada četkica dodirne dlan totalno obojena tečnost mi se razlije po ruci i to je to, više uopšte nema boje koja se kasnije ispira iz četkice. Četkicu isperem vodom i to je to. Kod većih četkica malo više protrljam, eventualno ih malo i pokvasim, i onda isto za sekund sva prljavština samo ispadne i onda sledi ispiranje. 

Proces definitivno mnogo kraće traje nego sa sapunom. Takođe kao test oprala sam i četkicu koju koristim za gel ajlajnere, koja je kao bila "čista" i iz nje je takođe iscurela crna tečnost, koju sapun nije uspeo da skine (iako je na prvi pogled izgledala čisto).

A sada i primer. Moju voljenu Blush četkicu koja je već bila prljava, dodatno sam još malo uprljala divnim pigmentovanim Nyx rumenilom, da bi bilo jasnije na slikama, i onda je oprala. Slikala sam istu četkicu na dva mesta u kupatilu i van njega, kako bi se bolje videla, pa evo i slika:

On the back of the packaging you can read that this is actually anti-bacterial herbal-based formula. In the picture above you can read all of the ingredients. Liquid is rare and yellowish and one squeeze of the pump is sufficient for smaller brushes, while for the big ones two, three squeezes will be required. The product is very easy to use, and has a nice explanation on the package. Spray the liquid on the brush and then rinse and allow brush to dry.

My impressions are very positive. I used to clean my brushes with liquid soap, shower gel etc. by rubbing the brushes on my palm. Although with this cleanser there is no big foam when I apply it, I still like to rub the brush against my palm, so the liquid will pass through all the fibers. It's impressive how efficient it is, and it requires a very small amount to work. The first second I touch the brush with my palm completely coloured liquid splashed onto my hand and that's it, there is no more colour to rinse from the brush later. Then I rinse with water and that's it. Larger brushes I rub little bit more, possibly add a little bit of water, and then again in a second all of the dirt just falls out and then it's time for rinsing.

The process is definitely much shorter than with a soap. Also as a test I washed my brush that I use for gel liners, which was "clean" but again back liquid came out of it (although at first glance it looked clean).

And now an example. I took my beloved Blush brush that was already dirty, and made it even dirtier with very pigmented Nyx blush, so it would be more obvious in the photos. I took photos of the same brush in two places in the bathroom and outside, in order for you to see the process better, so here are the pictures:

Šta mi se sviđa kod ovog proizvoda:
- cena,
- pakovanje,
- potrebna je mala količina tečnosti za svaku četkicu,
- jako brzo reaguje i skida nečistoće,
- nije potrebno veliko trljanje,
- divno miriše.

Šta mi se ne sviđa:
- potrebno je za nijansu više vremena i nekoliko prskanja da bi se očistile guste velike četkice, mada da budem iskrena to i nije neka mana, samo treba lepo da prodre do svih dlačica.

Informacije i ocene:

CENA: 395 dinara

CENA: 5/5

Da li ste vi probali ovaj proizvod? Kako vi perete svoje  četkice?

What I like about this product:
- Price,
- Packaging,
- Requires a small amount of liquid for each brush,
- Quickly reacts and removes impurities,
- Requires very little rubbing,
- Smells great.

What I don't like:
- It takes a bit more time and several sprays to cleanse large dense brushes, although to be honest this is not really a flaw, it just needs to reach all of the fibers.

Information and scores:


PRICE: 5/5

Did you try this product? How do you wash your makeup brushes?

петак, 27. септембар 2013.

Moj novi omiljeni LOTD

Jedna od mojih omiljenih kombinacija boja je braon - naradžasto. Volim ovu kombinaciju svuda, od odeće do šminke. Pa nije ni čudo da mi se na kraju mnogo svidela ova kombinacija kada sam se nedavno šminkala. Zato sam morala da se slikam da vam pokažem.

One of my favorite color combination is brown - orange. I love this combination on everything from clothes to makeup. So it is no wonder that I liked this combination a lot when I recently did my makeup in these colours. So I had to take a few photos to show you.

Koristila sam sledeće proizvode:
- Sleek Face Form malkice za konturiranje i hajlajter,

- Maybelline Illegal Length maskara,
- Sephora set za obrve svetlija nijansa,

I used the following products:
- Sleek Face Form for a little bit of contouring and highlightning,

- Maybelline Illegal Length Mascara,
- Sephora eyebrows set in the lighter shade,

Zvezdicom sam obeležila senke koje sam koristila. Svetliju braon, crvenu i narandžastu sam pomešala preko celog kapka. Spoljno V i crease sam osenčila tamnijom braon, a crnu sam još malo dodala u spoljno V da još malo potamnim. Tamnu braon sam stavila i malo sa spoljne strane duž donje linije trepavica. Evo sada još malo slika da vidite kako je ispalo.

I marked with a star shades that I used. Lighter brown, red and orange I mixed up and applied over the entire eyelid. On the outer V and crease I used dark brown and I also added some black to further darken the outer V. I've also put some dark brown on the outside along the lower lash line. Here are a few more pictures so you can see how it turned out.

Na ovoj slici možete lepo da vidite koliko je Nyx baza loša. Tek što sam se našminkala a u pregibu kapka senke već nisu iste kao na ostatku kapka grrrr.

On this photo you can see how bad Nyx Eyeshadow Base really is. I just put my makeup on and the colours on the crease already aren't the same as on the rest on my eyelid.

Meni se posebno svidelo jer mi je kosa sličnih tonova trenutno. Braon je, a pošto polako prelazim u smeđe neki delovi su, kao što vidite na slikama, blago žućkasti.

I especially like this makeup because my hair has similar colour nuances at the moment. It is brown, but since I'm slowly making it lighter it has some yellowish parts, as you can see in the photos.

Kako vam se dopada? Meni se mnogo sviđa za dnevni look za posao. Nije previše jako, a opet nije baš ni kao da nemam ništa, pošto ipak mnogo volim senke na očima.

How do you like it? I like this daily look a lot. Not too harsh, yet not exactly like I have nothing on, since I love eyeshadows on my eyes.

четвртак, 26. септембар 2013.

Aura Shine Killer

Danas  ću da vam pokažem još jedan noviji Aurin proizvod - Shine Killer. Za početak da vam kažem koji je sastav proizvoda. Lista sastojaka je veoma kratka, sadrži samo jednu stvar, a to je - silica. Dakle reč je o veoma sitnom prahu ili puderu koji služi za matiranje lica. Kao masnokožac morala sam da ga probam, pošto su svi puderi za matiranje koje sam do sad koristila bili mnogo manje trajni nego što sam želela.

Today I'll show you another new product from Aura - Shine Killer. First let me tell you what are the ingredients of the product. The list of ingredients is very short, containing only one thing, and that is - silica. So it is a very fine powder that should mattify the face. As I have oily skin I had to try it, since all the mattifying powders that I've ever used were much less durable than I wanted.

Pakovanje izgleda lepo. Prvo što vidite je kartonska crna kutija, a unutra se nalazi kutiijica koja sadrži 5g proizvoda, koji može da se koristi 18 meseci od otvaranja. Ovaj tip rastresitih proizvoda uglavnom dolazi u ovakvom pakovanju, koje ja lično ne volim previše jer je mnogo neuredno. 

Packaging looks nice. The first thing you see is a black cardboard box, and inside is a small box containing 5g of product, which can be used 18 months after opening. This type of powdery product usually comes in this kind of packaging, which I personally don't like too much because it is messy.

Kada otvorite poklopac ispod se nalazi plastika sa rupicama kroz koje prah izlazi. Preko toga je zalepljena folija, koju kada odlepite morate da pazljivo rukujete kutijicom da ne bi kroz rupice izašlo previše praha koji će oko vas napraviti beli oblak. Ali dobro, čim se naviknete na to lako ćete koristiti i ovakvo pakovanje.

When you open the lid underneath is plastic with holes through which the powder comes out. Above that is a glued foil, and after peeling it off you need to be careful handling the packaging, because otherwise too much powder will start flying around and it will make a white cloud around you. But once you get used to it, you can easily use this packaging.

Ovaj puder trebalo bi da matira kožu i do 8h, čini da šminka traje duže, ublažava izgled bora i smanjuje vidljivost sitnih nepravilnosti. Takođe je i vodootporan i otporan na znojenje. Ne sadrži talk i ulje (što je vrlo očigledno kada pogledate sastav).

Ja sam ga kupila u toku leta tako da sam ga testirala u baš ekstremnim uslovima. Ono s čim se definitivno slažem je da prelepo matira kožu. Mat izgled definitivno traje duže od svega što sam probala pre ovog proizvoda. Prah je veoma fin i svilenkast i kada se nanese nije ni malo beo i ne primećuje se. Koža je nekako svilankasta na dodir, ali se prah uopšte ne oseća na koži niti mi je smetao. Nije takođe izazvao nikakve probleme na koži.

U toku zime će biti odličan i verujem da ću zaista satima biti matirana, ali u toku leta nije baš uspeo da izdrži 8 sati. Zaista sam se mnogo znojila ovog leta, toliko da je znoj uspevao da probije i da prilično brzo krenem da se sijam. Već sat vremena nakon nanošenja sam primećivala da više ne izgledam toliko matirano. Ali sada kada je hladnije zaista se drastično produžilo vreme matriranja. Dakle nije baš skroz otporan na znoj. Mislim da lako može da zaista izdrži i do 8 sati pri normalnom vremenu i na svim tipovima kože osim kod ekstremno masne.

This powder should mattify the skin up to 8h, make makeup last longer, reduce the appearance of wrinkles and the visibility of small irregularities. It is also waterproof and resistant to sweat. It is talc and oil-free (which is very obvious when you look at the ingredients).

I bought it in the summer so I tested it in very extreme conditions. What I definitely agree with is that it mattifies the skin beautifully. Matte finish definitely lasts longer than with anything I've tried before this product. The powder is very fine and silky when applied and is not at all white and noticeable. The skin is somehow silky to the touch, but I cannot feel the powder on my skin. Also it didn't cause any skin problems. 

During the winter it will be great, and I believe that I will actually be matte for hours, but during the summer it wasn't able to withstand 8 hours of blazing sun. I was really sweating a lot this summer so the sweat managed to break through it and I was shiny pretty quickly. After about an hour I could already notice that I'm starting to be shiny. But now that the weather is colder, mattification time  is actually drastically extended. So It's not entirely resistant to sweat. I believe that it can easily withstand 8 hours of mattification during regular weather and on all skin types, except on extremely oily skin.

Nisam primetila da maskira sitne nepravilnosti, tj. ne znam čime bi to mogao da maskira. Eventualno zato što lice izgleda nekako mekano i svilenkasto pa da se nepravilnosti manje primećuju. Isti slučaj je sa borama, mada ih ja i nemam baš, ali ne vidim kako bi to mogle mnogo manje da se vide. Da budem iskrena ovo maskiranje mi i nije nešto bitno, niti sam to očekivala od ovakvog proizvoda. Bitno je da matira! I to prilično dobro. 

Šta mi se sviđa kod ovog proizvoda:
- cena,
- pakovanje lepo izgleda,
- dobro matira,
- koža izgleda baršunasto i lepo kada se nanese.

Šta mi se ne sviđa:
- pakovanje je nepraktično,
- pri velikim vrućinama i velikom znojenju ne uspeva da održi mat izgled,
- ne ublažava baš izgled nepravilnosti i bore.

Informacije i ocene:

CENA:  627 dinara

CENA: 5/5

I noticed that it doesn't mask imperfections, ie. I don't really know how it is supposed to do that. Possibly because the face looks kinda soft and silky so that irregularities are less noticeable. The same is with wrinkles, even though I don't really have a lot of them yet, but I don't see how they could be any less visible. To be honest this isn't something that is important to me and that I really expected from this type of product. Mattification is important! And that's pretty good.

What I like about this product:
- Price,
- Packaging looks nice,
- Mattifies well,
- Skin looks velvety and beautiful when applied.

What I don't like:
- Packaging is impractical,
- At high heat and high perspiration it cannot maintain a matte finish,
- Doesn't make imperfections and wrinkles less visible.

Information and scores:


PRICE: 4/5

среда, 25. септембар 2013.

Kineska paleta od 120 senki

Ovo će definitivno biti post sa dosta slika, a manje teksta. Dakle kao što sam vam već rekla nedavno sam u kineskoj prodavnici kupila ovu no name kinesku paletu sa 120 senki. To je jedna od paleta koja može da se naruči i on-line, samo što je često dosta skuplja. Ja sam je platila 1200 dinara. Mnogo sam srećna što je konačno imam.

This will definitely be a post with lots of pictures and less text. So as I said before, I recently bought this no name Chinese palette with 120 shades in a China shop. This is one of the palettes that can also be ordered on-line, but it is often much more expensive. I paid 1200 RSD for it. I'm so happy that I finally have it.

Paleta dolazi u kartonskoj kutiji, a unutra je kesa sa vazdušnim mehurićima (tako da dobijate i zabavu dok ih puckate). Na kutiji ne piše ništa osim liste sastjaka, koju možete da vidite na sledećoj strani. Sama pleta je od lepe i čvrste crne plastike.

The palette comes in a cardboard box, and inside is a bag with air bubbles (so you will also get lot of fun while bursting the bubbles). The box doesn't say anything except ingredients, which you can see on the next photo. The palette itself is made out of nice and sturdy black plastic.

Preko obe palete stoji čvrsta zaštitna folija, koja me je baš prijatno iznenadila. Nema rasipanja i mešanja senki kada zatvorite paletu. Takođe obe strane palete su zapravo odvojene i mogu da se izvade.

On both sides of the palette there is a protective foil, which pleasantly surprised me. No mixing or crumbling of eyeshadows when the palette is closed. Also, both sides are actually separate and can be removed.

Od kada sam je kupila baš sam je dosta koristila. Nikakve mi probleme na koži nije izazvala i zaista je divna. Kao što ćete videti na slikama, nisu sve senke podjednako pigmentovane, ali je većina baš veoma pigmentovana. Generalno se senke ni malo ne krune, mada su neke prilično mekane pa treba pažljivo da se uzimaju da ne biste pokupili previše. To ćete isto moći da vidite po swatch-evima, pošto će kod nekih biti i malo grumuljica. Swatch-evi ru rađeni bez baze. Pa da krenemo redom. 

Jedna strana:

Ever since I've bought it I used it a lot. It didn't cause any problems on my skin and it is really wonderful. As you will see in the pictures, not all eyeshadows are equally pigmented, but most are very pigmented. Generally speaking, they don't crumble at all, although some are quite soft and should be carefully piked up with a brush. You'll also be able to see this on the swatches, as these eyeshadows will have some crumbles in them. Swatches are done without any eyeshadow base. So let's go on.

One side:

I druga strana:

And the other side:

I još malo slika da uživate u šarenilu.

And some more photos to enjoy the range of colours.

Šta kažete? Da li i vi imate neku od ovih paleta? Da li je volite koliko i ja?

What do you say? Do you also have any of these palettes? Do you love them as much as I do?

понедељак, 23. септембар 2013.

Balea Young Soft & Care gel za umivanje i serum

Danas sam rešila da pišem o dva proizvoda koji su trenutno u mojoj dnevnoj rutini i koje koristim svaki dan. Proizvodi su iz linije Balea Young Soft & Care koja je vrlo prepoznatljiva po drečavoj svetlo zelenoj boji, a namenjena je mešovitoj koži i sardži voćnu kiselinu. Proizvodi iz ove linije mirišu baš lepo, citrusno, tačnije na limetu, ali im miris nije previše jak. Pa da krenemo redom.

Today I decided to write about two products that are currently in my daily routine and I use them every day. The products are from Balea Young Soft & Care line, that is very recognizable by the neon green color, and is intended for mixed skin and contains fruit acid. Products from this line smell so nice, citrusy, more precisely like lime, but the smell is not too strong. So let's get right to business.

1. Gel za umivanje

Gel za umivanje dolazi u tubici, što nije moj omiljeni tip pakovanja, mada mu ništa ne fali. Pakovanje sadrži 150ml i košta samo 299 dinara. Ovaj gel bi trebalo da lepo čisti pore, a voćna kiselina uklanja izumrle stanice kože i vrši piling. Pomoć u pilingu dolazi i od malih čestica koje se nalaze u gelu, ali ono što mene lično jako nervira je što su one plastične. Iako ovakve čestice rade blaži piling od npr. mlevenih ljuski oraha (edukovala me je MeteoBeauty, obavezno pročitajte ovaj post) i dalje me mnogo nervira jer plastika zagađuje okolinu i ne razgrađuje se. Ekstrakt sladića umiruje, a pantenol štitit od isušivanja.

Sastav (CosDNA): Aqua, Alcohol Denat, Dedyl Glucoside, Glycerin, Polyethylene, Dehydroxanthan Gum, Malic Acid, Panthenol, Sodium Cocoamphoacetate, Parfum, Sodium Hydroxide, Dipotassium Glycrryhizate, Phenoxyethanol, Potassium Sorbate, Benzyl Alcohol, Sodium Chloride, Tocopherol, Limonene, Hexyl Cinnamal, Linalool, Geraniol, Citronellol.

Moje mišljenje o ovom gelu je vrlo pozitivno, osim naravno momenta sa plastičnim česticama za piling. Gel jako dobro čisti kožu i vrši veoma blag piling. Iako je alkohol čak drugi na listi sastojaka, nije mi isušio kožu, tj. taman za nas masnokošce. Gel ne pravi neku bogatu penu već se samo malo zapeni i ostaje gust i kremast, malo me podseća na pilinge. Tačnije ovaj gel se upravo i ponaša kao ono što jeste, nešto između običnog gela za umivanje i pilinga. I ono što je još dobro je da od njega ne peku oči pri umivanju.

This gel has a tube packaging, which isn't my favorite type of packaging but it's not that bad either. Packaging contains 150ml and costs only 299 RSD. This gel should clean pores, while fruit acid removes dead skin cells and does peeling. Peeling is also done by small particles that gel contains, but what really annoys me personally is that they are made of plastic. Although these particles do milder exfoliation than for example. ground walnut shells (MeteoBeauty educated me, please read her post) it still annoys me a lot because plastic is polluting the environment and doesn't biodegrade. Licorice extract soothes and panthenol protect the skin from drying out.

Ingredients (CosDNA): Aqua, Alcohol Denat, Dedyl Glucoside, Glycerin, Polyethylene, Dehydroxanthan Gum, Malic Acid, Panthenol, Sodium Cocoamphoacetate, Parfum, Sodium Hydroxide, Dipotassium Glycrryhizate, Phenoxyethanol, Potassium Sorbate, Benzyl Alcohol, Sodium Chloride, Tocopherol, Limonene, Hexyl Cinnamal, Linalool, Geraniol, Citronellol.

My opinion of this gel is very positive, except of course the part with plastic particles that exfoliate. Gel cleanses the skin very well and very gentle exfoliates. Although alcohol is on the second place in the list of ingredients, it won't dry out your skin, that is if you have mixed or oily skin. Gel doesn't make a lot of foam, but rather has a rich foam and remains thick and creamy. It slightly reminds me of face scrubs. Specifically, this gel acts just like what it is, something between an ordinary gel and peeling. And what is also good is that it doesn't burn the eyes if it comes in contact with them.

Šta mi se sviđa kod gela:
- cena,
- miris,
- dobro čisti,
- blagi piling,
- ne peku oči od njega,
- ne isušuje kožu.

Šta mi se ne sviđa:
- nisam veliki ljubitelj tubica,
- plastične čestice za piling,
- alkohol je drugi na listi sastojaka.

Informacije i ocene:

CENA: 299 dinara

CENA: 5/5

What do I like about this gel:
- Price,
- The smell,
- Clean well,
- Gentle exfoliation,
- Won't burn your eyes,
- Doesn't dry out the skin.

What I don't like:
- I'm not a big fan of tube packagings,
- Plastic particles for exfoliation,
- Alcohol is the second in the list of ingredients.

Information and scores:


PRICE: 5/5

2. Serum za finije pore:

Serum takođe sadrži voćnu kiselinu koja otklanja odumle ćelije kože i pravi ravnomeran i lep ten. Pore bi s vremenom trebalo da se skupe, a koža hidrira. Kao i kod gela namenjen je koži lica, vrata i dekoltea, a ne bi trebalo da se nanosi na predeo oko očiju. Pakovanje je lepo i ima pumpicu, a sadrži 30ml i košra 265 dinara.

Sastav (CosDNA): Aqua, Glycerin, Phenoxyethanol, Xanthan Gum, Panthenol, Sodium PCA, Salicylic Acid, Polyglyceryl-10 laurate, Lactic Acid, Hamamelis virginiana, Hamamelis Virginiana Bark/Leaf Extract, Sodium Hydroxide, Citric Acid, Tetrasodium EDTA, Parfum, Alcohol Denat, Methylisothiazolinone, Limonene, Linalool, Benzyl Alcohol.

Serum ima formu providnog gela i jedna pumpica je dovoljna za celo lice. Brzo se upija i lako razmazuje. Moje mišljenje o ovom serumu je takođe dobro. Da li je suzio pore? Pa ne baš. Ali od kad koristim ovaj serum koža mi izgleda dosta bolje. Nekako je više glatka i lepša nego pre. Pore nisu vizuelno manje, barem ne za sad, ali su nekako izravnate i bolje izgledaju. A i lice se manje masti kada nakon jutarnjeg umivanja nanesem ovaj serum, a ne neku dnevnu kremu. Verovatno za taj lepši izgled treba zahvaliti voćnoj kiselini koja skida izumrle delove kože, pa lepa nova koža može da se pokaže u punom svetlu.

Serum also contains fruit acid that removes dead skin cells and makes an even and beautiful complexion. Pores should be reduced with time and skin hydrated. Same as gel it is intended for use on the face, neck and chest, and should not be applied to the eye area. The packaging is nice, has a pump and contains 30ml and costs 265 RSD.

Ingredients (CosDNA): Aqua, Glycerin, Phenoxyethanol, Xanthan Gum, Panthenol, Sodium PCA, Salicylic Acid, Polyglyceryl-10 laurate, Lactic Acid, Hamamelis virginiana, Hamamelis Virginiana Bark/Leaf Extract, Sodium Hydroxide, Citric Acid, Tetrasodium EDTA, Parfum, Alcohol Denat, Methylisothiazolinone, Limonene, Linalool, Benzyl Alcohol.

Serum takes the form of a transparent gel and one pump is enough for the whole face. It is absorbed quickly and easily applied. My opinion of this serum is also good. Did it make my pored narrower? Well, not exactly. But since I started using this serum my skin looks a lot better. Somehow, it is more smooth and more beautiful than before. The pores aren't visually smaller, at least for now, but they are somehow flattened and look better. And face is less oily when I use this serum in the morning and not a day cream. My skin probably looks better thanks to fruit acid which removes dead skin cells, and beautiful new skin can shine.

Šta mi se sviđa kod ovog seruma:
- cena,
- pakovanje sa pumpicom,
- miris,
- čini kožu lepom i glatkom,
- manje mi se masti koža nakon njega.

Šta mi se ne sviđa:
- nije zapravo suzio pore.

Informacije i ocene:

CENA: 265 dinara

CENA: 5/5

Sve u svemu, ova Baleina linija ima moju preporuku. Jeftina je, prilično dobra, a ako ste masnokožac ili imate mešovitu i problematičnu kožu (ali bez suvih delova), i niste previše ekološki zabrinuti, ovu liniju ćete koristiti sa uživanjem.
Jeste li vi probali neki od proizvoda iz ove linije? Kakvo je vaše mišljenje?

What I like about this serum:
- Price,
- Packaging with a pump,
- The smell,
- Makes the skin beautiful and smooth,
- My skin is less oily after use.

What I don't like:
- Didn't really make my pores any narrower.

Information and scores:


PRICE: 5/5

All in all, this Balea line has my recommendation. It's cheap, pretty good, and if you have oily or mixed and problematic skin (but without any dry parts), and are not too concerned about the environment, you will use these products with pleasure.
Have you tried some of the products from this line? What is your opinion?

четвртак, 19. септембар 2013.

Kanta Vol. 4

Evo došla je na red još jedna kanta. Ovaj put u kanti je samo preparativa i to uglavnom preparativa koja mi se jako svidela. Uglavnom. :P

Here comes another trash post. This time there is only cosmetics going to the trash, and this cosmetics I mostly liked a lot. Mostly. : P

Evo šta sam potrošila:

- Mixa Baby gel za kosu i telo - O njemu sam već pisala ovde. Prelepo miriše i jako je nežan. Za kosu kod odraslih je malo slab, ali će vam biti dobar ako perete kosu svaki dan. Dolazi u bočici od 250ml i košta 299 dinara. Moja ocena 5/5.

- Derma Plus antibakterijski intimni sapun - Moj omiljeni sapun ovog tipa od svih koje sam ikada probala. Već sam kupila novu bočicu. Mnogo je bolji i bolje ubija bakterije od običnih sapuna ovog tipa. Na kutiji piše da može da se rastvori u vodi i koristi kao kupka, ili regularno. Odličan je, a pakovanje ima i pumpicu. Pakovanje sadrži 250ml i košta 535 dinara. Ocena 5/5.

- Balea regenerator kokos i cvet tijare - Inače ne pišem o proizvodima ovog tipa osim ako su jako zanimljivi, ali neki su tražili moje utiske o ovom regeneratoru. Miris mu je malo veštači kokosast i sladak ali nije ružan. Dobro mi omekša kosu i omogućava rasčeljavanje. Od regeneratora i ne očekujem ništa više, tako da sam zadovoljna. Pakovanje sadrži 300ml i košta 169 dinara. Ocena 4/5.

- Aktivni kiseonik - I naravno jedan aktivni kiseonik, ovaj put proizvođač je AkvaBent. Pakovanje sadrži 200g i košta oko 400 dinara. Svi znamo da obožavam aktivni kiseonik o kom sam pisala još ranije ovde. Naravno moja ocena je 5/5.

Here's what I spent:

- Mixa Baby gel for hair and body - I have already written about it here. It has a beautiful scent and is very gentle. For hair in adults it is perhaps a little weak, but it will be good enough if you wash your hair every day. It comes in a bottle of 250ml and costs 299 RSD. My score for this product is 5/5.

- Derma Plus intimate antibacterial soap - My favorite soap of this kind of all I have ever tried. I've already bought a new bottle. It is much better and kills bacteria more effectively than regular soaps of this kind. The box says that it can be dissolved in water and than used as an intimate wash, or the regular way. It is excellent and has a bottle with a pump. Packaging contains 250ml and costs 535 RSD. Awarded 5/5.

- Balea Conditioner with Coconut and Tiare Flower - I do not usually write about this type of products unless they are very interesting, but I've been asked by some of my impressions of this conditioner. It smells a little fake coconuty and sweet but still the scent is not bad. It softens the hair well and allows for easier combing. I don't expect anything more from a conditioner, so I'm satisfied with it. Packaging contains 300ml and costs 169 RSD. Score 4/5.

- Active oxygen - And of course one active oxygen. This time the manufacturer is AkvaBent. Packaging contains 200g and costs around 400 RSD. We all know that I love active oxygen which I wrote about earlier here. Of course my score is 5/5.

- Macadamia Healing Oil Spray i Healing Oil Treatment - Oba proizvoda su baš dobra, a o njima sam pisala ovde. Ovo su najmanja pakovanja od 10ml (ulje) i 60ml (sprej). Sprej košta 906 dinara, a ulje 340 dinara. Moja ocena je 5/5.

- La Roche-Posay Effaclar Duo krema - Obožavam je. Skroz mi je sredila lice, a i leđa ili gde god bubuljice požele da izađu. Detaljnije o ovoj divnoj kremi pročitajte ovde, ako već niste. Pakovanje sadrži 40ml i košta 1495 dinara. Ocena je naravno 5/5.

- Avon Perceive parfem - I o njemu sam već pisala ovde. Jako lep prolećni miris, koji sam baš volela. Ova bočica od 30ml košta 499 dinara. Ocena 5/5.

- Dahlia Hydra Perfect okoloočna krema - Jako mi se svidela. Jeftina je dobro hidrira i zateže okoloočno područje. Detaljnije o njoj pročitajte ovde. Pakovanje sadrži 15ml i košta 569 dinara. Ocena 5/5.

- Eucerin micelarna - E nju baš ne volim mnogo. Loše skida šminku, baš se mučila sa otpornom šminkom. Njenu borbu sa Biodermom možete da pogledate ovde. Naravno iz borbe je izašla kao gubitnik. Pakovanje od 200ml košta oko 800 dinara. Ocena 3/5.

- Afrodita Young & Pure pena za umivanje - Nije loša, ne isušuje kožu, ali joj smanji mašćenje i nepravilnosti. Trajala mi je baš dugo. Pakovanje sadrži 150 ml i platila sam je 633 dinara. Detaljnije pročitajte ovde. Ocena 4/5.

I to je to! Jeste li vi probali neki od ovih proizvoda i kakvi su vam utisci?

- Macadamia Healing Oil Spray and Healing Oil Treatment - Both products are very good, I wrote about them here. These are the smallest packagings of 10ml (oil) and 60ml (spray). Spray costs 906 RSD and oil is 340 RSD. My score is 5/5.

- La Roche-Posay Effaclar Duo - I love it. It completely helped my face to get rid of pimples, but also my back and any other part of my body that decided to have pimples. Read more about this wonderful cream here, if you haven't already. Packaging contains 40ml and costs 1495 RSD. Of course its score is 5/5.

- Avon Perceive perfume - I have written about it here. Very nice spring scent, which I really liked. This 30 ml bottle costs 499 RSD. Awarded 5/5.

- Dahlia Hydra Perfect Eye Cream - I really liked it. It's cheap, moisturizes well and tightens the skin around the eyes. Read more about it here. The packaging contains 15ml and costs 569 RSD. Awarded 5/5.

- Eucerin Micellar Solution - I didn't really like this product much. It doesn't remove makeup that well, and it struggled with more durable makeup. A comparison with Bioderma  is described in this post. Of course, Eucerin was the loser in this comparison. Packaging of 200 ml costs approximately 800 RSD. Score 3/5.

- Afrodita Young & Pure Cleansing Foam - Not bad. It doesn't dry out the skin, but it reduces the amount of sebum and irregularities. Lasted me a very long time. The packaging contains 150ml and I paid 633 RSD for it. Read more details here. Grade 4/5.

And that's it! Have you tried any of these products and what are your impressions?