уторак, 3. мај 2016.

Sephora Colorful Matte Eyeshadows - Fresh Limonade 276 & Starlette 262

Neko vreme me nije bilo, zbog poslovnog putovanja. Malo i kriziram što ne pišem. Zato sam ulovila vreme između dva leta da se malo posvetim i blogovanju. Ovaj post biće posvećen jednom lepom i drečavom poklonu koji sam dobila od Tijana sa bloga Pudrijera, koju verujem već pratite. Ona zna moju ljubav prema drečavim senkama, pa su se tako i ove dve Sephora senke našle u mojim rukama. Ovo su zapravo prve njihove senke koje koristim, a to su Sephora Colorful Matte 276 Fresh Limonade i 262 Starlette.

I was gone for a while, because of a business trip. I'm don't like that I'm not writing. That's why I caught the time between two flights to do some blogging. This post will be dedicated to a beautiful and bright gift that I received from Tijana from Pudrijera blog, which I believe you already follow. She knows about my love of bright eyeshadows, so these two Sephora eyeshadows easily found their way into my hands. These are actually the first of their shadows I own, and these are Sephora Colorful Matte 276 Fresh Lemonade and 262 Starlette.

Sephora Colorful senke su mnogobrojne, i u njima svako može da nađe nešto za sebe. Postoje tri vrste završnica Glitter, Shimmer i Matte, a senke koštaju 1520 RSD. Dolaze u čvrstoj plastičnoj kutijici i sadrže 2g. Na poleđini nalazi se i sastav svake senke. Mat senke imaju čest problem sa krunjenjem i slabijom pigmentacijom, međutim ove Sephorine senke nemaju takve probleme. Solidne su pigmentacije, posebno roza, i ne krune se pri nanošenju. Vrlo su sitno mlevene. Lako se kupe četkicom a uz dobru bazu vrlo su i postojane. Ceo dan bez problema stoje, sa zaista minimalnim nakupljanjem u pregibu kapka.

Sephora Colorful eyeshadows are numerous, so everyone can find something for themselves. There are three types of finish Glitter, Shimmer and Matte, and all eyeshadows cost 1520 RSD. They come in a hard plastic case and contain 2g. On the back there is a composition of each eyeshadow. Matte eyeshadows have a common problem with crumbling and poor pigmentation, but these Sephora eyeshadows don't have such problems. Solid pigmentation, especially the pink one, and no crumbling during application. They are very finely ground. They are easy to pick up with a brush and with a good base they are very durable. Will stay on all day without a problem, and with really minimal accumulation in the crease.

Pošto su ovo jedine Sephorine senke koje sam do sad probala, ne mogu da kažem da li su i senke drugih završnica jednako kvalitetne, ali s obzirom da su i ove najproblematičnije mat senke dobrog kvaliteta, ostale bi trebalo da ne kaskaju za njima.

Since these are the only Sephora eyeshadows that I've ever tried, I cannot say whether eyeshadows with different finish have the same quality, but given that these most problematic matte eyeshadows have good quality, the rest shouldn't be any worse.

Na slici ispod možete videti swatch-eve senki na ruci bez baze. Sa bazom su još bolje. Sa leve strane slikano je na suncu, a desna slika je u senci.

In the picture below you can see swatches on my arm without an eyeshadow base. With some base they are even better. On the left side is a photo taken in the sun, and the right image is in the shadow.

Naravno red je da ih pokažemo i u akciji. Iako su drečave, nekako ne moraju biti previše upadljive zar ne? Ipak znam da se neki prosto osećaju nelagodno sa ovakvim senkama na sebi, ali.... ja nisam jedna od tih osoba!

Of course, I have to show them in action, too. Though bright, somehow they do not have to be too bold don't they? Still, I know that some simply feel uncomfortable with this kind of eyeshadows on them, but .... I'm not one of those people!

Da li ste probali Sephora Colorful senke i kakvo je vaše mišljenje o njima? Lično, volela bih da su jeftinije, jer su po meni manje kvalitetne od npr. Inglota, koji je jeftiniji.

Informacije i ocene
Cena1520 RSD
Gde kupitiSephora
Da li bih ih ponovo kupilaDa
Ukupna ocena4/5
- čvrsto pakovanje
- veliki broj senki
- solidna pigmentacija
- ne krune se
- trajnost
- cena                       

Have you tried Sephora Colorful eyeshadows and what is your opinion about them? Personally I would love them to be cheaper, because in my opinion they are of lesser quality than eg. Inglot eyeshadows, which are cheaper.

Information and scores
Price1520 RSD
Where to buySephora
Would I buy them againYes
Overall Score4/5
- firm packaging
- large number of shades
- quite good pigmentation
- no crumbling
- durability
- price                           

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