понедељак, 25. мај 2015.

Vichy Idealia Skin Sleep Night Cream

Krema koju trenutno koristim za noćnu negu i o kojoj ću danas pisati je najnoviji proizvod iz Vichy Idealia linije proizvoda - Idealia Skin Sleep. Krema obećava idealnu kožu, obnovu, regeneraciju i lep izgled, a namenjena je svim tipovima kože. Obnova kože dešava se u toku noći, dok spavamo, a kako mnogi od nas ne spavaju redovno i u dovoljnoj količini ujutru se često budimo sa sivom i umornom kožom koja nije elastična.

The cream I currently use for night care and that I'll write about today is the latest product from Vichy Idealia product line - Idealia Skin Sleep. Cream promises ideal skin, renewal, regeneration and beautiful skin, and is intended for all skin types. Regeneration of the skin occurs during the night, while we sleep, and many of us do not sleep regularly and in sufficient quantity, so in the morning we often wake with dull and tired skin that is not elastic.

Krema sadrži vitamin B3 i obnavljajuća ulja, LHA koja vrši piling, glicirizinsku i hijaluronsku kiselinu, kao i kofein koji pospešuje mikrocirkulaciju. Ima hipoalergijsku formulu sa termalnom vodom i ne sadrži parabene. Evo ga i ceo sastav (cosDNA):

The cream contains vitamin B3 and regenerating oils, exfoliating LHA, glycyrrhizic and hyaluronic acids, and caffeine, which stimulates microcirculation. It has a hypoallergenic formula with thermal water and contains no parabens. Here's the whole composition (cosDNA):

Ima veoma blag i prijatan miris koji bi trebalo da asocira na jasmin i zeleni čaj. Tekstura je vrlo zanimljiva, gel i balzam u jednom, Na prvi dodir formula je vrlo lagana i gelasta ali kada krenete da je razmazmazujete pod prstima kreće da se ponaša kao mnogo gušći i hranljiviji balzam. Zbog toga moguće je umasirati je u kožu, međutim i pored toga brzo se upija i nije teška i mnogo masna. Naravno ipak ima malo bogatiju teksturu i kada se namaže biće sjajna na koži. U kutiji čak postoji i uputstvo kako je možete umasirati na kožu.

It has a very mild and pleasant fragrance that should be reminiscent of jasmine and green tea. Texture is very interesting, gel and balm in one. At the first touch formula is very light and gel-like, but when you start applying it under your fingers it starts behaving more like much richer and more nourishing balm. Therefore, it is possible to massage it into the skin, however it is still absorbed quickly and is not heavy and greasy a lot. Of course it is still a little richer texture and when you apply it, it will be a bit oily on the skin. In the box there is even a guide to show you how to massage it into the skin.

Krema dolazi u teglici što nije veoma higijensko rešenje, ali je zato lepo i luksuzno. Teglica je standardna od 50ml i košta 3369 dinara, a može se naći u apotekama kao i u Lilly drogerijama.

The cream comes in a jar which is not very hygienic solution, but it is beautiful and luxurious one. Jar is a standard 50 ml and costs 3369 RSD and can be found in pharmacies as well as Lilly drogeries. 

Ipak najbolje od svega jeste efekat koji krema stvara već nakon nekoliko korišćenja. Koža mi nikad nije bolje izgledala kada se probudim. Veoma je hidrirana i meka, vrlo elastična i zategnuta, ten mi je ujednačen i zdrav. I izgledom i na dodir koža mi se vidno popravila. Čak mislim da je ovo postala moja HG noćna krema. I zaista sve loše strane kože kada se tek probudim su nestale, a koža je lepa preko celog dana. Jedino što možda nekome neće odgovarati je to što se ujutru budim prilično masnog lica, pošto je krema sama po sebi hranljiva i jaka.

And best of all is the effect that the cream has after repeated use. My skin has never looked better when I wake up. It is hydrated and soft, very elastic and tight, my tan is balanced and healthy. The look and feel of my skin has visibly improved. I even think this has became my HG night cream. Indeed, all the bad things about my skin when I wake up have disappeared, and the skin is beautiful all day long. The only thing that might be a problem for some is that when I wake up my skin is quite oily, as the cream itself is nutritious and strong.

Tekstura kreme se teško opisuje rečima a i slikom. Tek pod prstima može da se vidi kakva je krema zaista. A dok je ne probate evo je slika.

The texture of the cream is hard to describe with words and pictures. Only under the fingers you'll be able to see the texture clearly. But until you try the cream, here is a photo.

Da li ste probali Skin Sleep kremu i kakvi su vaši utisci? Mene je oduševila.

Informacije i ocene
Cena3369 RSD
Gde kupitiLilly, apoteke
Da li bih je ponovo kupilaDa!
Igled kože5/5
Ukupna ocena5/5
- odlična nega
- koža je meka i elastična
- ujednačen ten
- cena

Have you tried the Sleep Skin cream and what are your impressions? I love it.

Information and scores
Price3369 RSD
Where to buyLilly, pharmacies
Would I buy it againYes!
Skin appearance5/5
Overall Score5/5
- great care
- skin is soft and elastic
- even complexion
- price

10 коментара:



  2. Blago tebi, meni je ovo najgora krema iz Vichy asortimana :(

    1. E pa stvarno steta. Meni je bas legla. Koza mi super izgleda.

    2. Ja samo da aminujem šta je Sonja rekla. :D Najgora krema, imam osećaj istopljene plastike na licu i zapravo mi isuši kožu.

    3. Ju ju ju meni je bas lepo koza reagovala.:/

  3. Kako mi je aqualia spa noćna veoma prijala, ova mi se pokazala upravo na tu foru. Meni su te dve kreme veoma slične :)

    1. E ne znam tu aqualia nocnu nisam probala. Doduse jesam neki tester i cinila mi se gelastom. Slicne su da, ali ova je nekako jaca.
