Dve maske dobila sam kao PR uzorak od Stevan Still kompanije. Rešila sam da sama kupim i treću masku pa da napravim jednu grupnu recenziju. Tako da ću danas da vam predstavim sve tri maske: Keratin Mask, Argan Mask i Grape Mask.
I got two masks as a PR sample from Stevan Still company. I decided to buy the third mask and then make a group review. So today I'm going to tell you my impressions of all three masks: Keratin Mask, Argan Mask and Grape Mask.
I got two masks as a PR sample from Stevan Still company. I decided to buy the third mask and then make a group review. So today I'm going to tell you my impressions of all three masks: Keratin Mask, Argan Mask and Grape Mask.
Generalno moram da napomenem da razlika između sve tri maske nije velika, kao što ćete moći da pročitate na slikama sa stavom. Svi sastojci su isti i tek se na samom kraju pojavljuju ovi sastojci po kojima su maske i dobile ime.
Pakovanje je dobro, a količina u kesici od 15ml je dovoljna za celu kosu, a meni je kosa prilično dugačka. Cena ovih maski je 89 dinara. Ima ih na raznim mestima kao što su razne drogerije ili veći supermarketi. Ja sam moju kupila u Lilly-u. Sve maske bi trebalo da se nanose na vlažnu kosu i da stoje 20 minuta. Posle toga se kosa ispere.
Generally I have to mention that the difference between all three masks isn't big, as you'll be able to read on the photos with ingredients. All the ingredients are the same and the ingredients, these masks got their names by, appears at the end of these ingredient lists.
The packaging is good, and the amount it contains is 15ml, which is sufficient for the whole hair, and my hair is pretty long. Price of these masks is 89 RSD. They can be found in some drogeries and larger supermarkets. I bought mine in Lilly. All masks should be applied to damp hair and stay for 20 minutes. After that, the hair should be rinsed.
Generally I have to mention that the difference between all three masks isn't big, as you'll be able to read on the photos with ingredients. All the ingredients are the same and the ingredients, these masks got their names by, appears at the end of these ingredient lists.
The packaging is good, and the amount it contains is 15ml, which is sufficient for the whole hair, and my hair is pretty long. Price of these masks is 89 RSD. They can be found in some drogeries and larger supermarkets. I bought mine in Lilly. All masks should be applied to damp hair and stay for 20 minutes. After that, the hair should be rinsed.
1. Keratin Mask
Ova maska je sa keratinom i namenjena je obnavljanju i jačanju kose. Miriše kao neke tipične stvari po frizerskim salonima, sve u svemu veoma lepo i prijatno. Ova maska mi se najviše svidela. Nakon nje kosa je bila izrazito mekana i izgledala je zdravo. Meni su trenutno baš rascvetali krajevi i ovih dana idem da ih šišam, ali nakon ove maske četka je prolazila kroz kosu skoro identično kao kada se tek ošipam, pa kad četka samo ispadne iz kose na samom kraju. Potpuno neverovatno. Volela bih da probam da je koristim češće i da vidim koliko će mi negovati i štititi kosu.
This mask is with keratin and is intended for the renewal and strengthening of hair. It smells like some typical things from hairdressers, all in all very nice and pleasant. I liked this mask the most. After using it my hair was very soft and looked healthy. I currently have a lot of split ends and these days I'm going to get a hair cut, but after using this mask the brush went through my hair so easy, almost the same as after a hair cut, when the brush just falls out at the end. Completely unbelievable. I would like to try to use it more often and see how it is going to nurture and protect my hair.
This mask is with keratin and is intended for the renewal and strengthening of hair. It smells like some typical things from hairdressers, all in all very nice and pleasant. I liked this mask the most. After using it my hair was very soft and looked healthy. I currently have a lot of split ends and these days I'm going to get a hair cut, but after using this mask the brush went through my hair so easy, almost the same as after a hair cut, when the brush just falls out at the end. Completely unbelievable. I would like to try to use it more often and see how it is going to nurture and protect my hair.
2. Argan Mask
Ova maska je sa arganovim uljem i treba da kosu neguje i da joj sjaj. Kosa posle nje jeste sjajna i meka. Po mirisu i delovanju podseća me na mnoge maske u velikim pakovanjima koje sam probala i s te strane me nije nešto mnogo impresionirala. Ima i tipičan ali prijatan miris. Dejstvo joj je dobro ali nekako slabije nego kod keratisnke maske.
This mask with argan oil should nourish and make hair shiny. After use my hair was really shiny and soft. The scent and the effects remind me of many masks in large packagings that I have already tried, so it didn't really impress me that much. It has typical but pleasant smell. The effects on my her are good but somehow weaker than with keratin masks.
This mask with argan oil should nourish and make hair shiny. After use my hair was really shiny and soft. The scent and the effects remind me of many masks in large packagings that I have already tried, so it didn't really impress me that much. It has typical but pleasant smell. The effects on my her are good but somehow weaker than with keratin masks.
3. Grape Mask
Ovu masku sam ja kupila. Na bazi je ulja iz semenki grožđa. Namenjena je nezi i zaštiti strukture i boje kose. Veoma lepo i voćkasto miriše, ali ne previše jako. Posle ove maske kosa je isto veoma lepa, meka i sjajna. Po meni je taj efekat između efekta keratinske i arganove maske. Kod ove i argan maske krajevi nisu totalno zaglađeni, ali kosa jeste u generalno dosta boljem stanju nego bez korišćenja ovih maski.
This mask I bought. It contains grape seed oil. It is intended for care and protection of the hair structure and colour. It has very nice and fruity smell, but not too intense. After this mask my hair was also very beautiful, soft and shiny. To me, this mask has the effect somewhere between the effects of keratin and argan mask. This mask, as well as argan mask, don't make my ends totally smooth, but the hair is generally in a lot better condition than without the use of these masks.
This mask I bought. It contains grape seed oil. It is intended for care and protection of the hair structure and colour. It has very nice and fruity smell, but not too intense. After this mask my hair was also very beautiful, soft and shiny. To me, this mask has the effect somewhere between the effects of keratin and argan mask. This mask, as well as argan mask, don't make my ends totally smooth, but the hair is generally in a lot better condition than without the use of these masks.
Sve u svemu jako mi se sviđaju maske, ali mi se keratin maska nekako izdvojila. Sve bi ih rado kupila ponovo, ali ovu sa keratinom najradije. Da li ste ih vi probali i kakvi su bili vaši utisci?
Šta mi se svidelo kod ovih maski:
- cena,
- pakovanje,
- dostupnost,
- delovanje.
Šta mi se nije svidelo:
- po sastavu se ne razlikuju mnogo,
- argan i grožđe su malo slabijeg efekta.
Informacije i ocene:
CENA: 89 dinara
GDE IH NABAVITI: Lilly, DM, neki veći supermarkteti
CENA: 5/5
All in all, I really like these mask, but Keratin Mask is a front runner. I would gladly by them again, but I prefer Keratin Mask. Have you tried them you and what were your impressions?
What I liked about these masks:
- Price,
- Packing,
- Availability,
- Effects.
What I didn't like:
- Their composition isn't really much different,
- Argan and grape masks have slightly weaker effect.
Information and scores:
WHERE TO BUY: Lilly, DM, some larger supermarkets
PRICE: 5/5
Probala sam prve dve i mislim da su sasvim ok za maske tog cenovnog ranga :) Moja kosa je kovrdzava i suva, pa mi je stoga i odgovarala vise hidratantna nego proteinska maska.
ОдговориИзбришиSkroz se slazem. Bas su dobre a jeftine. :)
ИзбришиSvidja mi se ova sa keretinom,moram da probam,a i cena im je odlicna!! :)
ОдговориИзбришиPa da. Ko ne stavlja maske cesto isplati se da kupi po nekad ovako po kesicu :)
ИзбришиNisam probala ni jednu, moram priznati da prvi put čujem :)
ОдговориИзбришиNekako mi se najviše sviđa maska od argana, šteta što joj je slabije djelovanje nego od keratina, ali vjerujem da je fina :)
Ma da super su. Pa Still je iz Srbije a ne znam ima li ih po okolnim zemljama pa zato verovatno nisi chula.
ИзбришиA evo maske se proizvode u kolicini za samo jedno koriscenje? Hm.. To je kao probno ili ce uvek biti tako? Zbunjena sam malo :o
ОдговориИзбришиNe prosto je takvo pakovanje. Ima raznih maski koje su ovako u kesicama. Od raznih proizvodjaca. Kako ih nisi nikad primetila?:)
ИзбришиHahaa, ne znaam, moracu da ih isprobam. :D
ИзбришиNisam probala nijednu od tih maski, ali se naoruzavam da poharam lilly :) Citala sam dosta pohvalnih recenzija o njima, ali ih nisu uvek isto poredjali po kvalitetu. Nekome je vise odgovarala proteinska, nekome hranljiva. Tako da je najbolje da se probaju sve, pa da se onda vidi. Super sto je malo pakovanje, pa ne moze mnogo da se pogresi.
ОдговориИзбришиPa da to i ja mislim. Svakako su jeftine a ni jedna nije losa pa da se zazali :)
ИзбришиDopada mi se keratin maska, volela bih je probati, deluje obecavajuce a i povoljna je :)
ОдговориИзбришиNadam se da ce se i tebi dopasti kada je probas :)
ИзбришиVolim Still Med i Čokolada pakovanje, ali me ova parcijalna iz nekog razloga ne privlače :)
ОдговориИзбришиSta ja znam i ja sam ih retko u zivotu kupovala. Nekad mi ej ok da kupim to pojedinacno ali cesto volim i ja veliko pakovanje.
ИзбришиMislim da ovih maski nema kod nas, ali defnitivno bih isprobala keratinsku, po opisu bi bila za mene :)
ОдговориИзбришиE pa da i ja mislim da ih nema :/
Избришиmoram počastit kosu s dozom keratina ;)
ОдговориИзбришиHahahah lepo receno :)
ИзбришиJa sam probala tu keratinsku masku i posle jednog nanosenja kosa mi je bas bila bolje. Inace imam prirodno jako suvu kosu ,jos se i farbam u crveno ( valjda ce mi ostati neka dlacica na glavi ). Nisam cak ni morala da se feniram, kosa postane glatka i nekako smirena, gubi onaj naelektrisani izgled i nezna je na dodir :):e sad ne znam ima li je u velikom pakovanju...:(
ОдговориИзбришиuhhh da mogu umocila bih celu glavu u nju :):):)
Hahaha. Eh pa ja mislim da nema veliko pakovanje pa da umacemo glave:) Steta :))