четвртак, 18. август 2016.

Kiko 30 Days Extension Daily Treatment Mascara

Kiko je brend čijim se proizvodima snabdevam kada negde otputujem. Poslednji put sam, moram priznati, kupila i nekoliko baš velikih promašaja. Srećom proizvod o kome danas pišem nije jedan od njih. Kako mi je bila potrebna maskara, odlučila sam se za 30 Days Extension Daily Treatment Mascara, maskaru koja je u isto vreme i tretman za jačanje i rast trepavica. Kiko pored ove maskare ima i noćni tretman za brži rast trepavica, koji naravno nije obojen.

Kiko is a brand whose products I acquire whenever I take some trip. Last time, I must admit, I bought some really bad things. Fortunately, the product about I'm writing about today is not one of them. Since I needed a mascara, I decided to go for 30 Days Extension Daily Treatment Mascara, which is at the same time a treatment for strengthening and growth of eyelashes. Kiko also has a night treatment for faster growth of eyelashes, which of course is not coloured as this mascara.

Maskara dolazi u kartonskoj kutiji, a pakovanje same maskare je veoma lepo, zlatne boje i potpuno metalik. Maksara ima 8ml i košta 7.90 EUR, isto koliko i noćni tretman. Sadrži K2 - pro growth kompleks koji hrani trepavice i jača koren dlake. Trepavice bi trebalo da postanu jače, gušće i duže.

Mascara comes in a cardboard box, and the packaging itself is very nice, golden and completely metallic. It contains 8ml and costs 7.90 EUR, the same as the night treatment I mentioned. Mascara contains K2 - pro growth complex, which nourishes eyelashes and strengthens hair roots. Eyelashes should become stronger, thicker and longer.

Pošto je ovo maskara, moram prvo da napomenem kakva je četkica i kako maskara izgleda kada se nanese. Četkica je uska sa gumenim bodljicama koje su srednje dužine. Odlično razdvaja trepavice i nanosi maskaru. Dobro se slaže i sa formulom, koja je srednje gustine. Zbog toga trepavice imaju prirodan izgled, tamne su, razdvojene i prirodno naglašene, bez prevelikog dodatka volumena. Formula mi se sviđa i zbog toga što se ne kruni i ne razliva u toku dana, a sa skidačima šminke se veoma lako uklanja.

Since this is a mascara, I need to mention the brush and how it looks when applied. The brush is narrow with rubber spikes that are of medium length. Excellently separates lashes. Brush is compatible with the formula, which has medium density. Therefore, lashes have a natural look, they are dark, separated and without too much added volume. I also like the formula because it doesn't crumble and run during the day, but is easily removed by any makeup remover.

Prvo što sam primetila kada sam krenula da koristim ovu maskaru je da mi trepavice manje opadaju pri skidanju šminke (iako moram da napomenem da sa ovim nemam neki veliki problem). Takođe mi se čini da su mi trepavice postale malo gušće. Nije to neki značajan efekat, ali na jednom delu gde sam uvek imala rupu u trepavicama, ta rupa se poprilično smanjila, skoro da je više i nema. Dužina trepavica se moram priznati i nije previše popravila.

The first thing I noticed when I started to use this mascara is that my lashes were falling out less, when I remove my makeup (although I have to say that I don't have a big problem with this generally). It also seems to me that my lashes became thicker. It is not a significant effect, but I had one area where I have always had a hole in my lashes, and this hole is considerably smaller at the moment. It has almost dissipated. Length of the lashes is not much better, though.

Imajući u vidu cenu ovog proizvoda i činjenicu da je ovo ipak maskara, a ne neki superkoncentrovani čudesni preparat za trepavice, efekti ove maskare su odlični. S obzirom da su dovoljni da mogu da primetim malu razliku u odnosu na stanje pre korišćenja ove maskare, ja sam veoma zadovoljna. Da budem iskrena, nisam očekivala od ove maskare nikakve vidne efekte.

Bearing in mind the price of this product and the fact that this is just a mascara, and not some miraculous super-concentrated product for the eyelashes, the effects of the mascara are great. Effects are sufficient to be slightly noticeable compared to the situation before using this mascara, I am very satisfied. To be honest, I did not expect any visible effects from this mascara.

Za kraj evo kako maskara izgleda na trepavicama. Prirodno i nikako prenapadno. Baš kako ja volim. Da li ste je vi možda probali? Ili možda Kiko noćni tretman?

Here is how it looks on the lashes. Natural and not too bold. Just the way I like it. Have you perhaps tried it? Or maybe Kiko night treatment?

Informacije i ocene
Cena7.90 EUR
Gde kupitiKiko
Da li bih je ponovo kupilaDa
Izgled trepavica5/5
Ukupna ocena5/5
- prirodan izgled trepavica
- cena
- neguje i jača trepavice
- ne razliva se u toku dana


Information and scores
Price7.90 EUR
Where to buyKiko
Would I buy it againYes
Lash appearance5/5
Overall Score5/5
- natural looking lashes
- price
- nourishes and 

 strengthens lashes
- doesn't dissolve during the day


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