Nastavljamo sa postom o Eucerin DermoPURIFYER liniji proizvoda. Danas pišem o proizvodima za početak i kraj vaše dnevne rutine - gelu za umivanje i korektroru.
Let's continue with reviewing Eucerin DermoPURIFYER product line. Today I'll write about products to start and end your daily routine with - cleansing gel and cover stick.
Eucerin DermoPURIFYER Reinigungsgel
Gel za umivanje dolazi u plastičnoj bočici od 200ml i košta 1213 dinara. Providan je i takođe ima veoma slab miris na lekove. Sadrži SLS, ali ne sadrži parabene i parfeme. U sastavu sadrži salicilnu kiselinu koja je zadužena za držanje problematične kože pod kontrolom. Sadrži 6% amfotenzida, koji su slični sapunima i deterdžentima, ali su blagi. Gel je namenjen za svakodnevnu upotrebu, uklanja višak sebuma i rastvara ostatke šminke i nečistoće.
Cleansing gel comes in a plastic bottle of 200ml and costs 1213 RSD. It is transparent and also has a very light medicine like smell. It contains SLS, but does not contain parabens and perfumes. The composition also includes salicylic acid, which is responsible for keeping the skin under the control. It contains 6% amphotenzides, which are like soaps and detergents, but mild. Gel is designed for everyday use, removes excess sebum, and dissolves makeup and impurities.
Što se mojih utisaka tiče, nisam imala osećaj da mi isušuje kožu, a vrlo je lepo očisti. Ipak, ako imate suvlju kožu možda ćete osetiti neko zatezanje i isušivanje. Sam gel nema hidratantna svojstva. Samostalno ne može da vam pomogne mnogo sa bubuljicama, ali u kombinaciji sa drugim proizvodima lepo radi.
As far as my impressions go, I didn't have the feeling that my skin dries out when I use it, and it is very nicely cleaned. However, if you have drier skin, you may feel some tightening and drying. It does not have any moisturizing properties. Gel alone cannot help you much with pimples, but in combination with other products it works well.
Eucerin DermoPURIFYER Abdeckstift
Korektor dolazi u kartonskoj kutiji u kojoj je plastično tanko pakovanje korektora. On sadrži 2.5g i košta 1075 dinara. Postoji samo jedna nijansa korekora, koja je prilično svetla, ali će odgovarati prosečnoj boji kože na ovim prostorima. Tamnoputima će biti malo svetla. Ne sadrži ulja u sastavu, a sadrži sintetički pčelinji vosak i saliciln kiselinu. Zbog kiseline u sastavu nakon nanošenja na bubuljicu, on je umiruje i otčepljuje zapušenu poru, za razliku od klasičnih korektora koji mogu da pogoršaju problem i dodatno zatvore pore.
Concealer comes in a cardboard box in which is a thin plastic packaging of concealer itself. It contains 2.5g and costs 1075 RSD. There is only one shade, which is quite bright, but it will match the average skin colour in these regions. For darker-skinned girls it might be a little light. It does not contain oils, and contains synthetic beeswax and salicylic acid. Because of the acid in the composition after application to the pimple it calms it down and unclogs the pore, unlike traditional concealers that can make the problem worse and close the pores.
Moj utisak o korektoru nije loš. Nijansa je na granici da mi bude presvetla, posebno u toku leta, ali ja imam malo tamniji ten. Prekrivanje mu je dobro, ali se malo lepi za suve delove i ističe ih, a oko bubuljica takvi delovi uglavnom postoje. Takođe nije ni nešto ultra trajan, pa ga treba popraviti par puta u toku dana. Dobra strana korektora je što zaista umiruje bubuljice i sigurno vam neće napraviti dodatne probleme kao što obični gusti korektori znaju da urade kada se nanesu na bubuljicu.
My impression of concealer is not bad. The shade is on the verge of being too bright for me, especially during the summer, but I have a slightly darker complexion. Coverage is good, but it sticks a bit to dry parts and highlights them, and around the pimple these parts usually exist. Also, it is not too durable, but it needs to be repaired several times during the day. The good side is that concealer really soothes the pimples and certainly will not make any additional problems, like ordinary camouflage creams can, when applied to a pimple.
Volela bih kada bi Eucerin još malo poradio na samoj formuli korektora kako bi on još lepše nalegao na kožu i bio neprimetniji. Takođe pakovanje je praktično mada ne funkcioniše baš najbolje. Korektor se okretanjem izvlači kako ga trošite, međutim korektor kao da nije baš najbolje pričvršćen za samu plastiku pa mi se vrlo brzo desilo da se otkači i da hoće da izleti iz pakovanja. Srećom, malim guranjem lako se pričvrsti opet, ali ga ipak pažljivo koristim kako ne bi ispao i slomio se.
I wish that Eucerin could work a bit more on the formula, so the concealer can stick to the skin even more and be less visible. Also, the packaging is practical, but it does not function too well. Concealer is extracted by turning a part of plastic as you spend it, but the concealer is not attached very well to the plastic base. It very quickly come off and could fall out of the packaging. Fortunately, I pushed it it a bit, and it easily got attached again, but still I use it carefully so it won't fall out and break.
Korektorom sam generalno zadovoljna, iako ima tu još malo prostora za unapređenje. Na slici ispod možete da vidite boju korektora i njegovo prekrivanje, koje je vrlo dobro.
I'm generally satisfied wit the concealer, although there's a little room for improvement. In the picture below you can see its colour and coverage, which is very good.
Eucerin DermoPURIFYER je linija koja meni lično odgovara, a ako ste do sada koristli slične proizvode za problematičnu kožu moguće je da će vam i ovi proizvodi odgovarati. Podsećam da samo pored ovog posta pisala i o:
Informacije i ocene | |
Cena | gel: 1213 RSD korektor: 1075 RSD |
Gde kupiti | Lilly, apoteke |
Vrste | 1 |
Da li bih ih ponovo kupila | Možda |
Pakovanje | 4/5 |
Cena | 4/5 |
Čišćenje | 5/5 |
Izgled kože | 4/5 |
Bubuljice | 4/5 |
Ukupna ocena | 4/5 |
Za | Protiv |
- umanjuju bubuljice - gel lepo čisti i ne isušuje - korektor lepo prekriva | - cena - pakovanje korektora malo lošije izvedeno - sporo uklanjaju veće bubuljice - korektor naglašava suve delove - samo jedna nijansa korektora |
Eucerin DermoPURIFYER the line is good for me personally, and if you have been using similar products for problematic skin, it is possible that you'll also like these products. I want to remind you that I also wrote these post:
Information and scores | |
Price |
gel: 1213 RSD
concealer: 1075 RSD
Where to buy | Lilly, pharmacies |
Types | 1 |
Would I buy it again | Yes |
Packaging | 4/5 |
Price | 4/5 |
Cleansing | 5/5 |
Skin appearance | 4/5 |
Pimples | 4/5 |
Overall Score | 4/5 |
Pros | Cons |
- reduce pimples - gel cleanses nicely and doesn't dry skin out - concealer has good coverage | - price - concealer packaging badly made - slow in reducing larger pimples - concealer sticks to dry parts - concealer has just one shade |
I naravno za kraj evo ga i poklon! Eucerin vam poklanja jedan korektor kako biste ga i vi isprobali i videli da li i kod vas smiruje bubuljice. Darivanje se odnosi samo na područje Srbije, a učestvujete tako što popunite Rafflecopter aplikaciju ispod. Igramo se do 15.9. 2016. Srećno!
And of course for the end, here is a gift for one of you! Eucerin is giving away one concealer for you to try and see if it calms down your pimples. Giveaway is open only for Serbia, a you are in if you fill in the Rafflecopter application below. We're playing until 15.9. 2016. Good luck!