Svi pišu postove ovog tipa oko nove godine, šta su voleli, a šta nisu. Ja volim ovakve postove i mislim da su vrlo korisni, zbog snalaženja u moru proizvoda kojima smo izloženi. Zato ću i ja da sumiram svoju godinu i pomenem proizvode koji su na mene ostavili najveći utisak.
Everyone is writing this sort of posts around the new year, what did they like and what didn't. I love these posts and I think they are very useful, because they can help us manage large amounts of products we are exposed to. So, I will now summarize my year and mention products that left a big impression on me.
Everyone is writing this sort of posts around the new year, what did they like and what didn't. I love these posts and I think they are very useful, because they can help us manage large amounts of products we are exposed to. So, I will now summarize my year and mention products that left a big impression on me.
Sama godina mi je proletela, da budem iskrena. Jedna je od onih godina u kojima se ništa revolucionarno ne desi. Bila je puna ogromne sreće, pa i velike tuge, ali to tako valjda uvek mora. Ne bunim se, zahvalna sam zbog sve sreće koja dođe u moj život. Prebrzo sve leti, ponekad me hvata i panika od toga, ali onda shvatim da to nije bitno. Bitno je da se radi na sebi i svom životu, i u procesu se bude što srećniji, pa i ako se ne stigne sve što se želelo i zamislilo...nema veze. Ali za sad da se vratim na kozmetiku i na ono što je glavni deo ovog mog pisanija. Nema mnogo proizvoda koji su me baš oborili s nogu ove godine. Bez prelistavanja bloga retko čega mogu da se setim, mada...bilo je tu po nešto i dobro.
This year just flew by me, to be honest. It is one of those years where nothing revolutionary happens. It was full of enormous happiness and also great sadness, but that's just how things have to be. I am not complaining, I'm grateful for all the happiness that comes into my life. Time flies too fast, and sometimes that makes me panic a bit, but then I realize that that is not important. It is important to work on ourselves and our lives, and in the process try to be as happy as we can, even if we don't do everything we have imagined ... it doesn't matter. But for now, let's get back to cosmetics which is the point of this whole post. There are not many products that just knocked me off my feet this year. Without scrolling through the my blog I couldn't remember most of them, but ... there were definitely some good products.
This year just flew by me, to be honest. It is one of those years where nothing revolutionary happens. It was full of enormous happiness and also great sadness, but that's just how things have to be. I am not complaining, I'm grateful for all the happiness that comes into my life. Time flies too fast, and sometimes that makes me panic a bit, but then I realize that that is not important. It is important to work on ourselves and our lives, and in the process try to be as happy as we can, even if we don't do everything we have imagined ... it doesn't matter. But for now, let's get back to cosmetics which is the point of this whole post. There are not many products that just knocked me off my feet this year. Without scrolling through the my blog I couldn't remember most of them, but ... there were definitely some good products.
Dobro / Good:
- Vichy Idealia Skin Sleep i Garnier Miracle Sleeping Cream - su dve vrlo dobre noćne kreme koje sam volela.
- Vichy Idealia Skin Sleep and Garnier Miracle Sleeping Cream - are two very good night cream, which I loved.
- Vichy Idealia Skin Sleep and Garnier Miracle Sleeping Cream - are two very good night cream, which I loved.
- Nivea Q10 Plus Anti-Wrinkle Serum Active Perls - serum je dodatna nega, a ovaj mi je mnogo prijao.
- Nivea Q10 Plus Anti-Wrinkle Serum Active Perls - serum is extra care, and this one really suited me nicely.
- Nivea Q10 Plus Anti-Wrinkle Serum Active Perls - serum is extra care, and this one really suited me nicely.
- Vichy Normaderm Global Anti-Imperfections Hydrating Care - je krema dnevna za kontrolu problematične kože i kontrolu lučenja sebuma koju sam sa uživanjem koristila.
- Vichy Normaderm Global Anti-Imperfections Hydrating Care - a day cream that controls problematic skin and sebum secretion, which I used with pleasure.
- Vichy Normaderm Global Anti-Imperfections Hydrating Care - a day cream that controls problematic skin and sebum secretion, which I used with pleasure.
- Avon Planet Spa Volcanic Iceland Warming Face Mask i Freeman Honeydew & Camomile Sleeping Mask- zanimljive maske, jedna za čišćenje i piling kože sa zagrevajućim efektom, a jedna hranljiva, koju sam često koristila umesto noćne kreme.
- Avon Planet Spa Volcanic Iceland Warming Face Mask i Freeman Honeydew & Camomile Sleeping Mask- interesting masks, one for cleaning and scrubbing the skin with warming effect, and the other is nutritious, so I often used it instead of night cream.
- Avon Planet Spa Volcanic Iceland Warming Face Mask i Freeman Honeydew & Camomile Sleeping Mask- interesting masks, one for cleaning and scrubbing the skin with warming effect, and the other is nutritious, so I often used it instead of night cream.
- Eucerin SPF50+ Sun Gel-Creme Oil Control i Vichy Ideal Soleil Bronze - Tan Optimizing Hydrating Spray SPF30 - kreme sa SPF-om za lice i telo koje sam mnogo volela u toku leta.
- Eucerin SPF50+ Sun Gel-Creme Oil Control i Vichy Ideal Soleil Bronze - Tan Optimizing Hydrating Spray SPF30 - SPF cream for face and body that I loved very much during the past summer.
- Eucerin SPF50+ Sun Gel-Creme Oil Control i Vichy Ideal Soleil Bronze - Tan Optimizing Hydrating Spray SPF30 - SPF cream for face and body that I loved very much during the past summer.
- White Smile trakice za izbeljivanje zuba - odlično obavljaju posao.
- White Smile trakice za izbeljivanje zuba - they get the job done well.
Oduševljenje / Amazing:
- Eucerin pH5 Hautschutz Duschol - ulje za tuširanje koje me je radovalo sa svakim korišćenjem. Jedino pravo oduševljenje ove godine.
- Eucerin pH5 Hautschutz Duschol - shower oil that I loved with each use. The only real excitement this year.
Razočaranje / Disappointment:
- Nivea Baby Caring Oil - šokirana da je ulje za bebe na parafinskoj osnovi. A i ne upija se i ne neguje. Hm.
- Nivea Baby Caring Oil - I was shocked that the baby oil has a paraffin basis. And it also isn't absorbed and it doesn't nourish. Hm.
- Nivea Baby Caring Oil - I was shocked that the baby oil has a paraffin basis. And it also isn't absorbed and it doesn't nourish. Hm.
Dobro / Good:
- Rimmel Stay Matte Pressed Powder - svi ga hvale pa eto da počnem i ja.
- Rimmel Stay Matte Pressed Powder - everyone praises it, so I can start, too.
- Rimmel Stay Matte Pressed Powder - everyone praises it, so I can start, too.
- Golden Rose Velvet Matte 22 - ljubav na prvo mazanje. Dobra formula i boja.
- Golden Rose Velvet Matte 22 - love at the first application. Great formula and colour.
- Golden Rose Velvet Matte 22 - love at the first application. Great formula and colour.
- Aura Fina Matte Ruževi - odlični mat ruževi. Jedina moja je želja više braonkasto mesnatih nijansi kojih nema (osim jedne).
- Aura Fina Matte Ruževi - excellent matte lipsticks. My only wish is more brownish meaty shades which lack in this current line (there is only one).
- Aura Fina Matte Ruževi - excellent matte lipsticks. My only wish is more brownish meaty shades which lack in this current line (there is only one).
- Inglot Freedom System senke - kupila sam ih nekoliko, mada sam za sad pisala samo o jednoj. Divne su!
- Inglot Freedom System eye shadows - I bought a few of them, although I just wrote about one of them, for now. They are amazing!
Razočaranje / Disappointment:
- Aura Prime ME! Eye Shadow Base - mnogo mi je žao što ova baza nije dobra. Tačnije manjka joj samo što ne daje senkama trajnost. Ali dovoljno da mi ne padne na pamet opet da je kupim.
- Aura Prime ME! Eye Shadow Base - I'm so sorry that this base is not good. Specifically it lacks giving eye shadows durability. But that is more than enough for me to not even think about buying it again.
- Aura Prime ME! Eye Shadow Base - I'm so sorry that this base is not good. Specifically it lacks giving eye shadows durability. But that is more than enough for me to not even think about buying it again.
I to bi bilo to! A da se za kraj malo vratim na teme koje nisu vezane za blog i kozmetiku nego za život. Najmudrije i najlepše reči ove godine, čula sam nedavno. Najbolji opis ljubavi ikad, a što je možda i očekivano, došao je od male devojčice, jer samo deca mogu da tako jednostavno i tačno opišu stvari. Parafraziram: Ljubav je kada delimo sve što moramo da delimo, a ono što ne moramo želimo. I tačka. Te od mene za vašu sledeću godinu, a i moju, ide samo jedna želja: Delite.
And that is it! In the end I want to go back to topics unrelated to this blog and cosmetics, but topics about life. Wisest and most beautiful words this year, I've heard recently. The best description of love ever, and as expected, it came from a little girl, because only children can describe things so simply and accurately. I'm paraphrasing: Love is when we share everything we have to share, and what we don't, we want to. And period. So the only thing I want to wish you an myself in the next year is: Share.
Slazem se za Eucerinovo ulje, zaista je odlican proizvod, prija mojoj kozi savrseno :) Takodje, Inglot sjenke su mi odlicne, obozavam ih. A Aura je inace 2015. god. bila moje odusevljenje <3
ОдговориИзбришиE sve se slazem s tobom. Jedino mi ta Aura baza kvari prosek:)
ИзбришиI ja volim Avonove maske za lice, Stay Matte puder i GRVM ruzeve :)) Srecna ti Nova godina i svako dobro ! Kristina
ОдговориИзбришиHvalaaaa draga i tebi!!
ИзбришиSlazem se za trakice za izbeljivanje zuba :) Volela bih da isprobam Inglotove senke, vidim da su bas hvaljene :) <3
ОдговориИзбришиPazi samo da ti se ne oslade malo su skupe:)
ОдговориИзбришиGolden Rose zakucavanje predobrog karmina!!!!
Haahahaah pa kako to? Koja nijansa? Ok ti mat nece da se mazu ako su ti mokre kontam da ti se onda ni GR ne bi mazao. Hahahah hit.