Sredstvo za umivanje nije proizvod za koji izdvajam mnogo novca, niti bih to činila svakodnevno, možda tek ponekad, da malo udovoljim znatiželji. Probala sam dosta umivalica drogerijskog ranga i moram priznati da su mi u poslednje vreme omiljeni gelovi za umivanje Biotenovi. Bioten u svom asortimanu ima dva gela za umivanje: žuti sa dunjom - za normalnu i mešovitu kožu, i rozi sa pamukom za suvu i osetljivu kožu. Oba gela dolaze u tubama od 150ml i koštaju 275 dinara. Bioten proizvodi prave se od prirodnih sastojaka, ne sadrže parabene, parafin, veštačke boje, a ovi gelovi ne sadrže ni sapun, ali sadrže SLS.
Face cleansers are not products for which I give a lot of money, nor would I do so every day, perhaps only occasionally, to indulge my curiosity. I tried a lot of drug-store cleansers and I must admit that my favourite products lately are Bioten cleansers. Bioten has two face gels: yellow with quince - for normal and mixed skin, and pink with cotton for dry and sensitive skin. Both gels come in tubes of 150ml and cost 275 RSD. Bioten products are made from natural ingredients, contain no parabens, parafin, artificial colours, and these gels do not contain any soap, but do contain SLS.
Face cleansers are not products for which I give a lot of money, nor would I do so every day, perhaps only occasionally, to indulge my curiosity. I tried a lot of drug-store cleansers and I must admit that my favourite products lately are Bioten cleansers. Bioten has two face gels: yellow with quince - for normal and mixed skin, and pink with cotton for dry and sensitive skin. Both gels come in tubes of 150ml and cost 275 RSD. Bioten products are made from natural ingredients, contain no parabens, parafin, artificial colours, and these gels do not contain any soap, but do contain SLS.
Iako imam mešovitu kožu isprobala sam oba. Moram priznati da mi se oba jednako sviđaju. Divno mirišu, a mirisi osvežavaju i bude. Na koži su vema nežni, lepo pene i nežno čiste kožu, bez izazivanja problema i isušivanja.
Although I have combination skin, I tried them both. I must admit that I like them both the same. They smell wonderful and fragrances make you refreshed and awake. On the skin they are gentle, they foam well and gently clean the skin without causing any problems and dryness.
Although I have combination skin, I tried them both. I must admit that I like them both the same. They smell wonderful and fragrances make you refreshed and awake. On the skin they are gentle, they foam well and gently clean the skin without causing any problems and dryness.
Rozi gel namenjen suvoj i osetljivoj koži ima nežan miris kreme, bele je boje i na prvi pogled formula podseća na kremu. Nekada je kroz sebe imao i roze kuglice koje se u dodiru sa vodom rastvaraju, međutim formula je sada promenjena i potpuno je bela. Sadrži glicerin, ureu i alantoin koji hidriraju i neguju kožu. Ne isušuje i vrlo je nežan. Doduše, mada moram priznati da mi je sestra rekla da joj je čak i sa ovom umivalicom koža bila malo zategnuta nakon umivanja, dok je imala veoma isušenu kožu. Preporučujem ga i osobama sa normalnom, mešovitom i masnom kožom, zato što zaista lepo uklanja svu masnoću, i ja koja imam masnu kožu zaista nisam mogla da mu nađem manu.
Pink gel for dry and sensitive skin has a delicate cream-like scent, it is white in colour and at first glance the formula resembles a cream. Before it contained little pink balls, which dissolved in contact with water, but the formula is now changed and it is completely white. It contains glycerin, urea and allantoin, which hydrate and nourish the skin. Does not dry the skin out and it's very gentle. Still, I must admit that my sister said that while she had very dehydrated skin, even this cleanser made her skin a bit tight after washing. I recommend it to people with normal, mixed and oily skin too, because it really nicely removes all the excess oil from the skin, and even I who have oily skin really could not find any flaws to this cleanser.
Pink gel for dry and sensitive skin has a delicate cream-like scent, it is white in colour and at first glance the formula resembles a cream. Before it contained little pink balls, which dissolved in contact with water, but the formula is now changed and it is completely white. It contains glycerin, urea and allantoin, which hydrate and nourish the skin. Does not dry the skin out and it's very gentle. Still, I must admit that my sister said that while she had very dehydrated skin, even this cleanser made her skin a bit tight after washing. I recommend it to people with normal, mixed and oily skin too, because it really nicely removes all the excess oil from the skin, and even I who have oily skin really could not find any flaws to this cleanser.
Žuti gel namenjen je normalnoj i mešovitoj koži, miriše sveže, slatko i voćkasto, a miris budi i osvežava. Kao i prethodni gel sadrži glicerin, ureu i alantoin. Malo je ređi i providne boje. Ima malo više sastojaka, međutim oni su na samom dnu liste, tako da se u glavnim sastojcima gel i ne razlikuje mnogo od prethodnog. Preporučila bih ga ponovo svima, osim osobama sa baš suvom kožom, za koje bi rozi bio boli izbor. Ja nisam primetila da mi isušuje kožu uopšte i zaista je jako nežan i blag.
Yellow gel is intended for normal and combination skin, it smells fresh, sweet and fruity, and the scent awakens and refreshes. As with previous gel it contains glycerin, urea and allantoin. It's a little rarer and transparent. There are few more ingredients inside, but they are at the very bottom of the list, so the main ingredients of the gel are not much different from the previous one. I would recommend it again to everyone, except people with very dry skin, for whom the pink one would be a better choice. I didn't notice any drying out of my skin, so this cleanser is also very gentle and mild.
Yellow gel is intended for normal and combination skin, it smells fresh, sweet and fruity, and the scent awakens and refreshes. As with previous gel it contains glycerin, urea and allantoin. It's a little rarer and transparent. There are few more ingredients inside, but they are at the very bottom of the list, so the main ingredients of the gel are not much different from the previous one. I would recommend it again to everyone, except people with very dry skin, for whom the pink one would be a better choice. I didn't notice any drying out of my skin, so this cleanser is also very gentle and mild.
Informacije i ocene | |
Cena | 275 RSD |
Gde kupiti | Lilly, DM |
Tipovi | 2 |
Da li bih ih ponovo kupila | Da |
Pakovanje | 5/5 |
Cena | 5/5 |
Formula | 4/5 |
Čišćenje | 5/5 |
Osećaj na koži | 4/5 |
Ukupna ocena | 5/5 |
Za | Protiv |
- cena - dobro čiste - blagi su - ne isušuju - miris |
Ova dva gela imaju sve moje preporuke i ako ih do sada niste probali, a tražite jeftine umivalice razmislite da li su baš ovo proizvodi za vas. Da li su neki od vas već koristili ove gelove i naravno kakvi su vaši utisci?
Information and scores | |
Price | 275 RSD |
Where to buy | Lilly, DM |
Types | 2 |
Would I buy them again | Yes |
Packaging | 5/5 |
Price | 5/5 |
Formula | 4/5 |
Cleansing | 5/5 |
Feeling on the skin | 4/5 |
Overall Score | 5/5 |
Pros | Cons |
- price - good cleansing - mild - don't dry out skin - scent |
The two gels have all my recommendations, and if you haven't tried them until now, and you are looking for cheap cleansers, consider whether these products might be for you. Have some of you used them before, and of course what were your impressions?
Ovaj roza je meni odličan i korsitim ga tokom jeseni i zime. Nisam imala neželjenih posledica, pa mu se uvek vraćam.
ОдговориИзбришиJa sam ga kupila pošto se mnogo svideo mojoj sestri. Inače sam pre koristila žuti. Al eto i rozi mi je super.
ИзбришиJa sam koristila zeleni, privukao me je pre svega miris. Fino čisti :)
ОдговориИзбришиStvarno ne znam što ja taj gel zovem žuti kad je stvarno više zelen :)
ИзбришиKoristim oba gela, skoro samo njih u poslednje vreme i odlični su! Roze mi je više legao, jer je gušći pa ne može da se desi da iscedim previše proizvoda odjednom. Nisu mi bile jasne one kuglice koje je imao, sad kad su ih ukinuli nekako mi je lepše da ga koristim. :D
ОдговориИзбришиMeni su nekako bile zabavne. Mada realno je sve jedno svakako se rastvore. Ipak malo mi žao što su ih uknuli :))))
ИзбришиImala sam ovaj zeleni i mirise fenomenalno, isto tako i isto tako je i dobro cistio kozu <3 BAs mi je drago sto je i tebi super! <3
ОдговориИзбришиJeste bas mi se svidja. Miris posebno. A nekako nisam mnogo ocekivala pa mi je jos draze da su super :D
ИзбришиKoristila sam zeleni. Htela sam da probam i ružočasti, ali ga nisam videla u DM-u i Lilly-u.
ОдговориИзбришиMožda je baš tad ponestalo. Ja ga svuda viđam pogledaj ponovo, ili pitaj. Uvek ga ima.
ИзбришиHoću, jer svakako treba da kupim novi gel za umivanje.