среда, 14. јануар 2015.

Siberian Health šampon za suvu i farbanu kosu i balzam za obnovu kose

Ovaj put pišem o šamponu i balzamu koje trenutno koristim. Kao što vidite iz naslova opet je reč o Siberian Health proizvodima,

This time I'll write about a shampoo and conditioner that I currently use. As you can see from the title these are again Siberian Health products.

Oba dolaze u bočici od 250ml. Siberian Health nudi dobar izbor šampona i balzama za različite namene, a ja sam se odlučila da uzmem šampon za suvu i farbanu kosu i balzam za obnovu kose. I šampon i balzam koštaju po 890 dinara. Preko čepa imaju najlon da se osigura da bočice nisu otvarane.

Both come in bottles of 250ml. Siberian Health offers a good selection of shampoo and conditioner for different purposes and I have decided to get a shampoo for dry and treated hair and conditioner for hair restoration. Both shampoo and conditioner cost 890 RSD each. They have nylon above the bottle cap to ensure that bottles haven't been opened.

Šampon za suvu i farbanu kosu kao aktivne komponente sadrži aloe veru, eterična ulja pomorandžine kore i tuje, ekstrakt lipovog cveta i još nekih biljaka. Ove komponente trebalo bi da hidriraju i hrane kosu, obnavljaju zaštitni sloj kose, koji se uništava farbanjem, feniranjem, čestim pranjem i izlaganjem suncu. Evo ga i ceo sastav šampona:

Shampoo for dry and treated hair contains as active components aloe vera, essential oils of orange peel and thuja, linden blossom extract and extracts of some other plants. These components should hydrates and nourishes the hair, restore the protective layer of the hair, which is destroys by colouring, styling, frequent washing and exposure to sun. Here's the whole composition of this shampoo:

Šampon je zanimljiv jer dobro peni, mada ako vam je prljava kosa prvo šamponiranje neće proizvesti previše pene. Blag je i lepo čisti kosu i kožu glave. Ja lično nisam veliki ljubitelj prirodnijih šampona jer mi često kosu ostavljaju slamastom i teškom za češljanje. Ovaj šampon nije baš takav. Kosa nije meka kao kod nekih drogerijskih običnih šampona, ali nije ni strašno suva. Naravno, shvatam ja da problem tu nije toliko do šampona, nego do toga što mi je kosa suva, a šampon ne sadrži nešto što bi je veštački učinilo mekom.

The shampoo is interesting because it makes a nice foam, but if you have dirty hair first shampooing will not produce too much foam. It is mild, nicely cleans hair and scalp. I'm personally not a big fan of natural shampoos because they often leave hair strawy and difficult to comb. This shampoo is not exactly like that. The hair is not as soft as with some ordinary drugstore shampoos but not terribly dry aether. Of course, I understand that the problem here is not so much to do with the shampoo, but with my hair being dry and shampoo not containing something that will artificially make it soft.

Balzam za obnovu kose me je s druge strane oborio s nogu. Ovo je ubedljivo moj omiljeni balzam koji sam do sad probala. Sadrži ekstrakte čička, đumbira, rogača, eterična ulja žalfije anisa, lavande i drugih biljaka. Evo ga i ceo sastav:

Conditioner for hair restoration on the other side has swept me of my feet. This is by far my favorite conditioner I've ever tasted. It contains extracts of burdock, ginger, carob, essential oils of anise, sage, lavender and other herbs. Here's the whole composition:

Namenjen je jačanju korenova kosa, stimulaciju folikula dlake i na taj način pomaže ubrzani rasta kose. Razlog zašto mi se sviđa je što je kosa posle nanošenja i manje količine balzama ludački meka. Rasčešljavanje je prelako a kosa je lagana, sjajna, lepa, ne mrsi se i nije neposlušna. Da li obnavlja koren dlake i ubrzava rast ne znam, ali ako zaista pomaže i u tome ovaj balzam je vredan svaku paru.

It is intended for strengthening the roots of the hair, to stimulate hair follicles and thus help the rapid growth of hair. The reason why I like it is that after the application of even a smaller amount of this conditioner the hair is insanely soft. Combing is too easy ant the hair is light, bright, beautiful, does not tangle and isn't disobedient. I don't know if it renews hair roots and accelerates growth, but if it really does, this conditioner is worth every penny.

Teksture oba proizvoda su malo ređe od uobičajenih za šampone i balzame. Oba mirišu blago i biljno doduše ralzičito zbog različitog sastava biljaka u njima.

Textures of both products are a little rarer than the usual ones for shampoos and conditioners. Both have mild herbal scent, admittedly different due to different composition of plants in them.

Oba proizvoda su mi se baš svidela, balzam posebno. Malo su skuplji od drogerisjkih proizvoda ali ih valja probati. Balzam je nešto što svakako planiram ponovo da kupim, a šampon...ako budem pri parama. Ipak ima solidnih šampona i za manje pare.
Da li ste ih vi možda probali? Da li volite proizvode za kosu sa prirodnim biljnim sastojcima? Koji su vaši omiljeni proizvodi tog tipa?

Informacije i ocene
Cena890 RSD
Gde kupitiSiberian Health
Vrste šampona i balzama5
Da li bih ih ponovo kupilaDa
Izgled kose5/5
Ukupna ocena5/5
- Pakovanje
- Šampon dobro pere kosu i blag je
- Balzam odlično omekšava i hrani kosu
- Cena
- Šampon ostavlja kosu malo suvom
- Šampon majne peni pri prvom šamponiranju

Both products are I really like, especially conditioner. They are a bit more expensive than drugstore products but they should be tried. Conditioner is something that I am planning to buy again, and shampoo ... if I have the money. There are still nice shampoos for less money anyway.
Did you try these products? Do you like hair products with natural herbal ingredients? What are your favorite products of this type?

Information and scores
Price890 RSD
Where to buySiberian Health
Types shampoos and conditioners5
Would I buy them againYes
Hair appearance5/5
Overall Score5/5
- Packaging
- Shampoo washes hair well and it's mild
- Conditioner is great in making hair soft and nourished
- Price
- Shampoo leaves hair a bit dry

- Shampoo makes a lot less foam during the first wash

7 коментара:

  1. Nisam probala nijedno, prvi put cujem iskreno za ovaj brend, a dopada mi se balzam, odnosno tvoj utisak o njemu.. Moja kosa je bas ostecenja, trebalo bi je oporaviti i osveziti necim biljnim malo.. cena je problematicna ali mozda zaista vredi :) Nisam bas razumela gde ima da se kupi?

    1. Imas njihovu prodavnicu na terazijama. Jesi li iz Beograda? Ali ako oces zaista da kupis poslacu ti mij broj kartice pa da mozes da kupis preko nje. Objasnicu ti. :) jel me imas na fb?

    2. Mislim na njihovu clansku karticu :)

  2. Prodavnica je na Terazijama. Ja koristim njihov šampon za farbanu kosu. Zadovoljna sam. Generalno preporucujem Siberian Health proizvode.

    1. I menia se svidjaju. Probala sam svasta i za sada imam samo pozitivne utiske.

  3. Prema sastvavu čine se super. Još se nisam susrela sa ovim brendom, istražiću malo
