Evo jednog poklona koji sam dobila i na kom sam veoma zahvalna pošto sam mnogo želela da ga probam, nakon što sam se potpuno zaljubila u tečni puder iz ove linije Vichy Teint Ideal Fluid o kom sam pisala u ovom postu. Ovaj put ću pisati o kompaktnom puderu iz iste linije Vichy Teint Ideal Illuminating Foundation u nijansi Light.
Here's a gift that I have received and on which I am very grateful, because I have really wanted to try it after I completely fell in love with a liquid foundation from this line Vichy Teint Ideal Fluid, that I wrote about in this post. This time I will write about the compact powder from the same line Vichy Teint Ideal Illuminating Foundation in shade Light.
Puder dolazi u zaista lepom i prilično kvalitetnom plastičnom pakovanju. Pakovanje je super jer se unutra nalazi zaista veliko ogledalo, i sunđečić za aplikaciju. Puder volim da nanosim četkicom jer na taj način puder nanesem u tanjem sloju ali sunđer zaista odlično radi posao ako želim jače prekrivanje ili samo želim da popravim puder u toku dana. A meni kao masnokošcu to je svakako potrebno. Evo ga i sastav:
Powder comes in a really nice plastic packaging of a pretty good quality. The packaging is great because there is a really large mirror and a sponge applicator inside. I like most applying it with a brush because that way I apply it in a thin layer, but sponge does a really great job if you want more coverage or just want to fix the powder during the day. And since I have mixed skin I do need to touch up my makeup during the day. Here are the ingredients:
Powder comes in a really nice plastic packaging of a pretty good quality. The packaging is great because there is a really large mirror and a sponge applicator inside. I like most applying it with a brush because that way I apply it in a thin layer, but sponge does a really great job if you want more coverage or just want to fix the powder during the day. And since I have mixed skin I do need to touch up my makeup during the day. Here are the ingredients:
Pakovanje sadrži 9.5g, i puder treba da se potroši u roku od dve godine nakon otvaranja. Dolazi u dve nijanse, od kojih ja imam svetliju - Light. Cena mu je 2742 dinara.
Package contains 9.5g, and powder should be consumed within two years after opening. It comes in two shades, of which I have the light one. Priced is 2742 RSD.
Package contains 9.5g, and powder should be consumed within two years after opening. It comes in two shades, of which I have the light one. Priced is 2742 RSD.
Nijansa je prilično svetla ali je vrlo prilagodljiva. Mislim da bi odgovarala svima, od osoba sa veoma svetlom kožom do srednje tamne kože. Prilično je neutralnog podtona pa mi se čini da bi odgovarala i devojkama sa hladnim i sa toplim podtonom. Meni lično nijansa odgovara, međutim trenutno kada mi je koža srednje preplanula puder mi je malo svetao. No i dalje mogu da ga nanosim u vrlo tankom sloju a da ne izgleda loše.
The shade is very light but very adaptable. I think that it would suit everyone, from those with very light skin to medium dark skin. It has a pretty neutral undertone and I think it would fit girls with cool as well as warm undertones. For me personally this shade is a good match, but at the moment my skin is a bit tan so it is a little bit to light. But I can still apply it in a very thin layer and make it look good on me.
The shade is very light but very adaptable. I think that it would suit everyone, from those with very light skin to medium dark skin. It has a pretty neutral undertone and I think it would fit girls with cool as well as warm undertones. For me personally this shade is a good match, but at the moment my skin is a bit tan so it is a little bit to light. But I can still apply it in a very thin layer and make it look good on me.
Tekstura pudera je vrlo meka i baršunasta. Na koži ne izgleda ni najmanje brašnjavo. Skoro da se i ne vidi, a koži da vrlo nežan i mek izgled. Matira solidno, ali ništa zapanjujuće. Nakon 2 do 3 sata moram da sređujem sjajnu T zonu, mada sada u toku leta sumnjam da bi mi išta moglo pomoći.
Texture of the powder is very soft and velvety. The skin does not look floury at all. You almost cannot see it on the skin, but it will give your skin a very gentle and soft look. Mattification isn't bad, but nothing amazing. After 2 to 3 hours I need to fix my shiny T zone, but during the summer I doubt that anything could really help me.
Texture of the powder is very soft and velvety. The skin does not look floury at all. You almost cannot see it on the skin, but it will give your skin a very gentle and soft look. Mattification isn't bad, but nothing amazing. After 2 to 3 hours I need to fix my shiny T zone, but during the summer I doubt that anything could really help me.
Puder se ne kruni, ali je vrlo mek, pa i najmanji dodir četkicom ili sunđerčićem pokupiće dovoljnu količinu pudera.
Powder doesn't crumble, but it is very soft, and the slightest touch of the brush or a sponge will pick up a sufficient amount of products.
Powder doesn't crumble, but it is very soft, and the slightest touch of the brush or a sponge will pick up a sufficient amount of products.
Za kraj pogledajte i swatch. Kada se lepo razmaže skoro da je neprimetan, ali koži daje jako lep odsjaj. Prekrivanje mu je srednje ka blažem ali ipak malo ujednači ten i da blistavost.
In the end, look at the swatch. When applied evenly it is almost imperceptible, but it gives skin a very nice shine. Coverage is medium to light but it still unifies the complexion and gives the skin radiance.
In the end, look at the swatch. When applied evenly it is almost imperceptible, but it gives skin a very nice shine. Coverage is medium to light but it still unifies the complexion and gives the skin radiance.
Meni se ovaj puder veoma svideo i skoro da može da parira ljubavi koju osećam prema fluidu iz ove linije. Da li ste ga vi probali ovaj puder i kakvi su bili vaši utisci?
Šta mi se sviđa:
- pakovanje,
- izgled na licu,
- ne kruni se i lako se nanosi.
Šta mi se ne sviđa:
- cena,
- samo dve nijanse,
- volela bih da malo bolje matira.
Informacije i ocene:
CENA: 2742 dinara
GDE GA NABAVITI: Lilly, apoteke
CENA: 3/5
I like this powder a lot and my love can almost be compared to how I feel about the fluid from this line. Have you tried this foundation and what were your impressions?
What I like:
- Packaging,
- The look on the face,
- Doesn't crumble and easy to apply.
What I don't like:
- Price,
- Only two shades,
- I would like a little more mattification.
Information and scores:
WHERE TO BUY: Lilly, pharmacies
PRICE: 3/5