Rešila sam da napišem utiske i o mom prvom mineralnom puderu. Dugo sam ovo odlagala i imala sam osećaj da mi mišljenje osciluje, da ga čas volim, čas ne toliko. Ali posle dovoljno dugog perioda mislim da sam sabrala utiske. Kao prvo ovo nije nov proizvod, moguće je da ste već o njemu dosta i čitali ili ga probali, ali za one koji to do sada nisu evo ih i moji utisci. Pakovanje je vrlo zabavno, ali doduše i malo kabasto. U donjem delu plastičnog pakovanja nalazi se puder a gornji deo ima dupli poklopac, jedan na kojem je četkica za nanošenje i drugi koji prekriva i četkicu. Bitno je da je plastika čvrsta, a poklopac se dobro zatvara.
I decided to write about my impressions about my first mineral foundation. I have delayed this for a long time since I had the feeling that my impressions were oscillating, sometimes I loved it and sometimes not so much. But after a sufficiently long period of time I think I have summed up the impressions. Firstly this is not a new product, and it is possible that you have already read something about it or tried it, but for those who haven't here are my impressions. The packaging is very fun, but admittedly a bit bulky. At the bottom of the plastic packaging is the foundation and the upper part has a double cover, one on which is the brush applicator and another covering the brush. It is important that the plastic is solid, and the cover closes well.
Moja nijansa je D4.W4 ili Golden Natural. Nijanse dostupne kod nas su podeljene u tople obeležene sa W i neutralne sa N. Mislim da u svetu postoji oko 12 nijansi, ali kod nas ih naravno ima mnogo manje. Ono što sam ja uspela da vidim je mozda najviše 6 ako i toliko. Drugi problem je što je vrlo slaba snabdevenost ovim puderima pa često mnoge nijanse i nemaju u prodavnici u koju uđete. Ja sam moj kupila u DM-u jer su tamo srećom imali i testere. Ali i u tom DM-u sa najboljom ponudom broj ovih pudera ipak je bio najblaže rečeno srednje mršav. Platila sam ga 1479 dinara.
My shade is D4.W4 or Golden Natural. The shades available here are divided into warm marked with W and neutral with N. I think that outside of Serbia there are about 12 shades, but that is of course much worse here. What I managed to see is perhaps at most 6 shades if even that many. Another problem is that the supply of these powders is quite bad and often many shades cannot be found. I bought mine in DM because luckily they also had testers. But even in this DM which had the best offer the number of these powders was slim at best. I paid 1479 RSD for it.
Donji deo koji sadrži puder ima zaštitnu foliju koju odlepite a ispod toga su rupice srednje veličine kroz koje možete da izbacite malo proizvoda. Takođe celo pakovanje je u plastičnoj foliji tako da ste sigurni da niko nije otvarao puder pre vas. Četkica je vrlo dobre veličine i oblika. Dobro kupi puder i lako se njim napuni, a lepo ga i nanosi po licu i blenda. Nije baš najmekša, mada iako sam čitala da je neke devojke malo grebuckala, meni zaista ništa kod nje ne smeta. Naravno ako ste kod kuće uvek možete puder nanositi nekom drugom četkicom, a ovu koristiti za popravljanje. Mnogo mi se sviđa što puder ima četkicu, jer većina mineralnih podloga to nema, pa je problem popravljati je u toku dana, bez nošenja opreme.
The lower part containing powder has a protective film that you peel off and below that are medium sized holes through which you can get to the product. Also the whole packaging has a plastic foil around it so that you are sure that no one opened the powder before you. Brush has a very good size and shape. It picks up product well, it is easy to fill, and it nicely applies it on the face and blends it. It's not the softest out there, but even though I read that for some little girls it was a bit to rough, I really didn't have any problems with it. Of course if you are at home you can always apply it with another powder brush, and use this one for touch ups during the day. I really like that this foundation has this brush, because most mineral foundations don't, so it is a bit problematic to repair your makeup during the day without carrying additional equipment.
Za celo lice zaista je potrebno vrlo malo pudera koji utrljate u četkicu a zatim otresete višak. Mineralne pudere neki nanose kružnim pokretima, neki idu od ivice lica ka unutra opisujući krugove oko lica. Ja se nešto ne udubljujem u to, efekat mi uvek bude isti i vrlo dobar kako god da ga nanosim. Inače je ova nijansa prilično neutralna, nije nešto mnogo topla. Generalno nijanse koje su kod nas dostupne nisu baš drastično različite pa se malo teže bira prava nijansa za vas, ja sam testere mazala sto godina pre izbora. Mada kako su nijanse slične nećete ni s jednom baš mnogo pogrešiti.
For the entire face you really need to pick up very little powder with the brush and then shake off the excess. Mineral foundations are applied with circular motions, or going from the edges of the faces inward, making circles around the face. I don't really think much about this and the effect was always be the same and very good no matter how I applied it. This shade is pretty neutral, not very warm. Generally shades that are available to us aren't drastically different and it is a little harder to select the right shade for you, I tried testers for quite a while before I purchased this one. Although since shades are pretty similar you probably wont make a big mistake no matter what you choose.
Puder sadrži SPF15, ne sadrži konzervanse, ulje, parfem a tvrde i da je nekomedogen. Sastav (
ovde) zaista nije loš i nema mnogo nekih problematičnih sastojaka:
Foundation contains SPF15, doesn't contain preservatives, oil, perfume, and they also claim that it's non-comedogenic. Ingredients (here) really aren't so bad and there are not to many problematic ingredients:
Za mineralne pudere često kažu da znaju da budu komedogeni pa se više preporučuju osobama koje nemaju problema sa kožom. S druge strane ovi puderi samo stoje na površini kože, pa bi trebalo da budu manje problematični od tečnih koji se delom i upiju. Dobri su za osobe sa normalnom kožom. Ako imate suvu kožu, ovaj puder će vam nekako naglasiti borice u koži i neće najbolje da stoji, ako imate masnu kožu prosijaćete prilično brzo jer iako je puderast on ne upija višak sebuma toliko dobro. Osobe sa normalnom i blago mešovitom kožom izvući će najbolje iz ovo pudera. Moja koža je mešovita a moja T zona izdrži možda 4 sata a da ne prosija mnogo. Koža izgleda jako lepo i svilenkasto i meko kada se puder nanese. Nije brašnjav na licu ali daje taj mek izgled. Pre nanošenja obavezno nanesite neku hidratantnu kremu.
For mineral powders they often say that they can be comedogenic and they are probably better for people who don't have skin problems. On the other hand they just sit on top of the skin so they probably should be less comedogenic than liquid ones that can be a bit absorbed. They are good for girls with normal skin. If you have dry skin, this foundation will somehow accentuate fine lines in the skin and it is also not the best if you have oily skin. You will get oily pretty quickly, and even though it is a powdery product it doesn't absorb excess sebum that well. People with normal and gently mixed skin will make the best out of this powder. My skin is mixed and my T zone may hold for 4 hours before getting oily with this foundation. The skin looks really nice and silky when the powder is applied. It doesn't look powdery, but gives that soft look.
Ono što jesam primetila je da mi se čini da ako mi dođe period problematične kože, zbog ciklusa, ako nosim ovaj puder on zna malo da pogorša situaciju. Ako mi je lice mirno onda mi puder ne pravi probleme. Pogledajte sada nijansu i teksturu pudera.
What I have noticed is that it seems to me that if my skin is in a problematic period because of my cycle, if I wear this foundation it can exacerbate the situation a bit. If my face is calm, then it doesn't cause any problems. Now look at the shade and texture of this foundation.
A kada ga utrljam u kožu to izgleda od prilike ovako. Vidite da nije brašnjav a daje srednje pokrivanje. Pokrivanje mu je zaista solidno za praškast proizvod. Odlično mi ujednači kožu a nepravilnosti prekrije i bolje od nekih tečnih pudera.
And when I rub it on the skin that looks like this. You see how it's not powdery and provides medium coverage. Coverage is really nice for a powdery product. It evens out the skin and covers imperfections better than some liquid foundation I have tried.
Da li ste vi probali ovaj mineralni puder? Da li uopšte koristite mineralne podloge? Ja sam mislila da probam i Artdeco. Ovim sam solidno zadovoljna. Sve mi se kod njega sviđa osim činjenice da mi se čini blago komedogen ponekad. Ako mi je lice tako raspoloženo.
Šta mi se sviđa kod ovog pudera:
- pakovanje,
- lako se nanosi i četkicom iz pakovanja,
- srednje prekrivanje,
- lepo izgleda na licu.
Šta mi se ne sviđa:
- cena,
- manji izbor nijansi od realnog i loša snabdevenost,
- ne izgleda baš dobro na suvoj i masnoj koži,
- blago komedogen u mom slučaju.
Informacije i ocene:
CENA: 1479 dinara
GDE GA NABAVITI: Lilly, DM, Jasmin
BROJ NIJANSI: kod nas oko 6 inače valjda 12
Have you tried this mineral foundation? Do you even use mineral foundations? I thought about trying Artdeco, too. I'm quite pleased with this one. I like
everything about
it except for the fact that it seems slightly comedogenic sometimes. If my skin is in a bad mood.
What I like about this foundation:
- Packaging,
- Easy to apply even with a brush from the packaging,
- Medium coverage,
- Looks good on the face.
What I don't like:
- Price,
- A small selection of shades of badly supplied,
- Doesn't look very good on dry and oily skin,
- Slightly comedogenic in my case.
Information and scores:
WHERE TO BUY: Lilly, DM, Jasmin
NUMBER OF SHADES: around 6, but in general 12 I think