Veoma se radujem današnjem postu. Imala sam sreću da isprobam mnogo Glossip proizvoda, a ovaj put ću vam pokazati tri proizvoda za usne, od kojih se realno ne razdvajam. Glossip u svom asortimanu ima još mnogo vrsta ruževa i sjajeva, a danas ću vam predstaviti tri veoma različita ruža.
I am very pleased about today's post. I was lucky enough to try a lot of Glossip products, and this time I will show you three lip products, all of which are always with me. Glossip has many types of lipsticks and lip glosses, and today I will show you three very different lipsticks.
1. Full Colour Mat Lipstick - 10 Sophisticated Red
Glossip mat ruževi dolaze u čak 18 nijansi (mada nisam sigurna da li baš sve imaju i kod nas). Kao što vidite dolaze u kartonskoj kutijici, a unutra je plastično mat pakovanje solidnog kvaliteta. Iz nekog čudnog razloga nigde ne piše gramaža proizvoda, ali ruž je svakako standardne veličine. Cena ruža je 899 dinara.
Glossip matte lipsticks come in 18 shades (although I'm not sure you can find all of them here). As you can it is packed in a cardboard box, and inside is a plastic matte packaging of solid quality. For some strange reason grammage of the products is nowhere to be found, but the lipstick has a standard size. Price is 899 RSD.
Nijansa koju sam ja dobila da isprobam je tamno crvena, topla i vuče na boju cigle. Čak se po mom mišljenju presijava veoma suptilnim zlatnim tonovima. Formula je polu mat, i veoma maziva. Ruž je naravno veoma pigmentovan, ali crvene nijanse su generalno vrlo zahvalne za pravljenje u mat varijantama. Miriše cvetno i ni malo ne isušuje usne, niti zateže. Pošto mu formula nije veoma suva, vrlo se ujednačeno briše, ne naglašava suve delove, niti pravi bilo kakve probleme. Blago se razmazuje, jer je ipak crvene boje, ali neće sam od sebe da se pomeri, tako da nemorate da brinete. Jedan je od prijatnijih mat crvenih ruževa koje posedujem.
The shade that I got to try is a dark red, warm and pulls to maroon. In my opinion it even has a subtle gold iridescence. Formula is semi mat, and easy to apply. Lipstick is naturally very pigmented, since red shades are generally very nice to make matte. It has a floral scent and does not dry out the lips, nor tightens. Since the formula is not very dry, it erases very uniformly, does not emphasize dry parts, nor make any problems. It can move a bit, because it is red, but it will not move by itself, so you have nothing to worry about. One of the more pleasant matte red lipstick I own.
2. Comfort Colour Lipstick - 03 Dancing in Bali
Prelazimo na ruževe za svaki dan. Ovi ruževi imaju pakovanje od sjajne sive plastike, i koštaju 599 dinara. Ova linija kremastih ruževa sadrži čak 24 nijanse (mada ponovo nisam sigurna koliko ih ima kod nas).
Moving on to every day lipsticks. These lipsticks have gray plastic packaging, and cost 599 RSD. This line of creamy lipsticks contains 24 shades (although again I'm not sure how many are there in our country).
Nijansa koju sam ja dobila je nude, srednje tamna, topla i vuče na braonkasto. U sebi ne sadrži šimer niti bilo šta svetlucavo, ali se zbog kremaste formule na usnama blago presijava. Ruž je vrlo maziv i prijatan. I pored kremaste formule, ne razliva se, a brisanje je veoma ujednačeno, i realno ne treba ni da se popravlja, možete da pustite da izbledi sa usnama u potpunosti, a sve vreme ćete izgledati normalno. Ima slatkast miris na vanilu, i kada se nanese ima malo ukus na kremu, što će možda nekima smetati. Postojanost mu je srednja, očekivano za ovakve ruževe. Pigmentacija mu je odlična i usne se ne provide i sa samo jednim slojem.
The shade that I got is nude, medium dark, warm and pulls on brown. In itself it contains no shimmer or anything shiny, but due to the creamy formula it shines on the lips a bit. Lipstick is very nice to apply and nourishing. Despite creamy formula, it does not run and very uniformly erases. It really does not need to be repaired, you can let it fade away from the lips completely, and you will look normal through this process. It has a sweet smell of vanilla, and when applied has taste like a cream, which might bother some people. Durability is medium, as expected for this kind of lipstick. Pigmentation is excellent and the lips aren't visible even with only one layer.
3. No Transfer Liquid Liptint - 07 Grapes
Najbolje sam ostavila za kraj. Iako su prethodna dva ruža odlična, ovaj je još kilometrima iznad. Ovi tečni mat ruževi dolaze u 12 nijansi i koštaju 1599 dinara. Dolaze u plastičnoj bočici, čiju zapreminu takođe ne znam, ali moram priznati da nije previše velika. Dakle, malo je skuplji nego što bih volela. Sunđerasti aplikator je zakošen sa jedne strane i odlično se slaže sa formulom ruža.
I left the best for last. Although the previous two lipsticks were perfect, this one is still miles above. These liquid matte lipsticks come in 12 shades and cost 1599 RSD. They come in a plastic bottle whose volume I also don't know, but I have to admit that it is not too large. So it's a little more expensive than I would like it to be. Foam applicator is cut on one side and goes well with the formula.
Nijansa koju sam ja dobila je zagasita prljavo roza, vrlo neutralna i odlična za svaki dan. Miriše blago i slatkasto, tipično za tečni ruž. Formula ruža je kremasta, srednje gustine i vrlo pigmentovana. Jedan sloj je dovoljan za potpuno prekrivanje. Kada se nanese suši se vrlo brzo i tada nastaje magija. Formula ni malo ne zateže, niti se na usnama oseća. Ni malo se ne lepi i ne kruni, niti nagomilava u neravninama usana. A najbolje od svega je što se ni malo ne prenosi sa usana. Jedino ako jedete malo će se izbrisati, ali se vrlo lako popravlja. Veoma je postojan. Ceo dan izdrži uz blago popravljanje unutrašnjeg dela usana. Ipak moram da naglasim, da sam u prodavnici probala još neke ruževe iz ove linije, i formule se ipak blago razlikuju od nijanse do nijanse.
The shade that I got is mauve, very neutral and perfect for every day. It has a mild sweet scent, typical for a liquid lipstick. Formula is creamy, has medium density and is highly pigmented. One layer is sufficient for full coverage. When applied it dries very quickly and then the magic happens. The formula does not feel tight, and you won't feel it on the lips at all. It is not sticky or crumbly, nor it accumulates in the wrinkles of the lips. And best thing of all, it won't transfer from the lips at all. Only if you eat it will erase a little will, but it is easily repaired. It is very durable. It stays on all day, with just a slight correction in the middle part of the lips. However, I must emphasize that I tried some other shades in the store, and formulas differs slightly from shade to shade.
Evo ih i sva tri ruža na gomili. Na ovoj grupnoj slici vidi se razlika u formulama tri ruža. Ja sam mnogo zavolela sva tri. Crveni ređe nosim zbog boje, dok druga dva naizmenično idu samnom na posao svakoga dana. Da li ste probali neki od Glossip ruževa?
Here are all three lipstick together. On this group picture you can see the difference in the formulas. I really love all three of them. The red one I use a bit more rarely because of the colour, while the other two I alternates for work every day. Have you tried some of Glossip lipstick?
Informacije i ocene |
Cena | Mat: 899 RSD Kremasti: 599 RSD Tečni: 1599 RSD |
Gde kupiti | Glossip |
Vrste | 18,24,12 |
Da li bih ga ponovo kupila | Da! |
Pakovanje | 4/5 |
Cena | 4/5 |
Formula | 5/5 |
Nanošenje | 5/5 |
Izgled na licu | 5/5 |
Ukupna ocena | 5/5 |
Za | Protiv |
- pigmentovani - izbor nijansi - ne krune se - trajnost - ujednačeno brisanje - vrlo prijatni | - cena |
Information and scores |
Price |
Matte: 899 RSD Creamy: 599 RSD Liquid: 1599 RSD
Where to buy | Glossip |
Types | 18,24,12 |
Would I buy it again | Yes! |
Packaging | 4/5 |
Price | 4/5 |
Formula | 5/5 |
Application | 5/5 |
Look on the face | 5/5 |
Overall Score | 5/5 |
Pros | Cons |
- pigmentation - choice of shades - no crumbling - durability - uniformly erase - very comfortable | - price |