петак, 30. октобар 2015.

Dr. Hauschka Volume Mascara

Na jednoj od promocija u divnoj Metropoliten parfimeriji dobila sam između ostalog i tester Dr. Hauschka maskare za volumen. Tester izgleda isto kao i veliko pakovanje i ima istu četkicu samo je pakovanje manje. Full size pakovanje sadrži 10ml i košta 2590 dinara.

On one of the promotions at the amazing Metropolitan perfumery I received, among other things a tester of Dr. Hauschka Volume Mascara. Tester looks the same as full packaging and has the same brush, but the packaging is smaller. Full size packaging contains 10ml and costs 2590 RSD.

Maskara je bila zapakovana u celofan, a po prvom otvaranju zaljubila sam se u blagi cvetni miris maskare, koji me je iznenadio, s obzirom da maskare uglavnom nemaju miris. Četkica je srednje veličine i debljine i sačinjena je od dlačica. Dakle pripada klasičnim četkicama, a po veličini i obliku je idealna i za manje i za veće trepavice i oči. Ovo mi se mnogo sviđa jer su moje oči male pa mi je često vrlo teško da maskaru nanesem ogromnim četkicama.

Mascara was packed in cellophane, and after the first opening I fell in love with a light floral fragrance of this mascara, which surprised me, given that mascara generally have no scent. The brush is medium in size and thickness and is made of bristles. So, it belongs to classic brushes, and size and shape is ideal for smaller and larger lashes and eyes. I love this because my eyes are small so it is often very difficult to apply mascara with huge brushes.

Formula je vrlo retka i bez ikakvih grudvica ili dlačica. Međutim veoma je crna i jako se lako nanosi i boji trepavice. Oduševilo me je i to što mi trepavice podiže, što uglavnom ni jedna maskara do sad nije mogla. Bez ikakvog truda trepavice su razdvojene i potpuno pokrivene. Brzo se i suši. Inače je maskara i zanimljiva zbog prirodnog sastava kao i svi proizvodi ovog brenda. Sadrži prirodne boje mineralnog porekla, pčelinji vosak, kandelilu, ružin vosak i puder. Takođe sadrži i ekstrakte crnog čaja, neema i vidca, koji neguju trepavice i područje oko njih. Ovo je i maskara koja se najlakše skida od svi koje sam probala. U sekundi se rastvara u dodiru sa nekim skidačem šminke. Odlično je jer nema trljanja i čupanja trepavica.

The formula is very rare and has no lumps or fibers. However it is very black and very easy to apply and to coat lashes. I was impressed that my lashes were lifted, since generally no mascara until now could do that. Without any effort lashes are separated and completely covered. It rapidly dries. Otherwise, mascara is also interesting because of natural composition, same as other products of this brand. It contains natural colours of mineral origin, beeswax, candelila, rose wax and powder. It also contains extracts of black tea, neem and seer, who nourish lashes and the area around them. This is a mascara that is most easily removed from all that I've tried so far. In seconds it dissolves in contact with some makeup remover. It is great because there is no rubbing and pulling out lashes.

Moja zamerka je jedino ta što se zbog ove osobine maskara vrlo lako rastvara čak i kada pada kiša ili vam suze oči, pa se na ovo mora obratiti pažnja, u slučaju lošeg vremena ili ako su vam oči osetljive i često suze. Na slici sam stavila oko bez maskare, i sa jednim i  dva sloja. Generalno osim rastvaranja i pri najmanjem dodiru sa vodom, maskara me je po efektu, nanošenju i sastavu oduševila. Miris i pakovanje, kao i četkica su isto odlični. Ne daje preveliki volumen, već srednji i vrlo diskretan i prirodan izgled trepavica, pa ako to volite obavezno obratite pažnju na ovu odličnu maskaru.

My only objection is that because of these qualities mascara easily dissolves when it rains or you eyes water, so this has to be considered, in case of bad weather or if your eyes are sensitive and often watery. In the picture I show my eye without mascara, and with one and two coats. Generally, except dissolving in the slightest contact with water, mascara has thrilled me with its effect, application and composition. The smell and packaging, as well as the brush, are also excellent. It doesn't give too much volume, but medium and very discreet and natural looking eyelashes, so if you like this be sure to check out this great mascara.

Informacije i ocene
Cena2590 RSD
Gde kupiti apoteke, Metropoliten
Da li bih je ponovo kupilaDa
Izgled trepavica5/5
Ukupna ocena5/5
- odličan sastav
- lako nanošenje
- dobra četkica
- razdvaja i podiže trepavice
- lako skidanje
- cena
- rastvara se pri najmanjem 

  dodiru sa vodom

Da li ste je vi probali i kakvi su vaši utisci?

Have you tried it and what were your impressions?

Information and scores
Price2590 RSD
Where to buypharmacies, Metropoliten
Would I buy it againYes
Lashes appearance5/5
Overall Score5/5
- great ingredients
- easy application
- good brush
- separates and lifts lashes
- easy to remove
- price
- dissolves with the slightest 

  contact with water

субота, 24. октобар 2015.

Gerovital H3 Derma+ Active Moisturizing Cream - Dehydrated, Dry Skin

Na jednoj od promocija Gerovital proizvoda dobila sam i hidratantnu kremu iz nove H3 Derma+ linije, međutim krema je za suvu kožu, dok je moja mešovita i masna. Ipak sam rešila da je isprobam i recenziram i to tako što ću je koristiti i ja, ali je dati i mami i sestri. I neverovatno je koliko su njihovi utisci promenili moje mišljenje o samoj kremi.

At a promotion of new Gerovital products I got this moisturising cream from the new H3 Derma+ line. Unfortunately it is a dry skin cream, while my skin is mixed and oily. However I decided to test it out and review it in such a way that after using it for a while I give it to my mom and my sister, so they can try it too. And it's amazing how their impressions change my opinion about the cream.

Krema dolazi u kartonskoj kutiji u kojoj je staklena teglica koja ima i mali sunđerasti dodatni poklopac ispod glavnog plastičnog. Sadrži 50ml i cena joj je 2050 dinara. Gerovtal ne može baš svuda da se kupi, ima ga u nekim apotekama, pa ako vas zanima spisak apoteka je ovde. Krema miriše blago, prosto na kremu. Krema obnavlja hidrolipidnu barijeru i dubinski hidrira kožu, pomažući ćelijama da zadrže vodu. Ceramidi i esencijalne masne kiseline pomažu zadržavanje vode i obnavljaju barijeru kože. Akvaksil pomaže stvaranje hijaluronske kiseline koja zadržava vodu i stimuliše proizvodnju ceramida koji sprečavaju isušivanje. Sepilift smanjuje fine linije i bore, a krema sadrži i ureu koja takođe hidrira.

The cream comes in a cardboard box in which is a glass jar that has a small spongy additional cover under the main plastic one. It contains 50ml and its price is 2050 RSD. Gerovtal cannot be bought in many places, just in some pharmacies, so if you are interested in a list of pharmacies is here. The cream has a light creamy scent. The cream restores the hydro-lipid barrier and deeply hydrates the skin, helping cells to retain water. Ceramides and essential fatty acids that help retention of water and restore the skin barrier. Aquaxyl helps create hyaluronic acid which retains water and stimulates the production of ceramide to prevent skin drying. Sepilift reduces fine lines and wrinkles, and cream also contains urea which moisturises.

Kada sam krenula da je koristim, primetila sam da mi zaista lepo hidrira kožu, ali mi je bila prejaka, pa sam je koristila uveče. Ipak je moja koža mešovita i nije ni malo dehidrirana. Kada je nanesem trebalo joj je minut, dva da se upije i osećala sam kako mi stoji na koži i pravi film. Znate one kreme koje kad nanesete imate osećaj kao da vam se koža znoji ispod? Generalno krema je po teksturi prilično lagana i nije masna, ali prosto nije za moj tip kože. Prosledila sam je mami i sestri.

When I started using it, I noticed it really nicely hydrates the skin, but it was too strong for me, so I used in the evening. However my skin is mixed and not even a little dehydrated. When I apply it, it took a minute or two to absorb and I felt it just standing on my skin and making a film. You know those creams that when applied, you feel as if your skin is sweating underneath it? Overall cream texture is quite light and non greasy, but it just isn't for my skin type. I gave it to my mom and sister.

A onda sutra - opšte oduševljenje i mame i sestre. Sestra ima mešovitu kožu koja se masti u T zoni, ali je joj je koža vrlo dehidrirana u svim regijama, zbog preparata protiv bubuljica. Sada pokušavamo da joj nađemo kremu koja bi uspela da joj sanira dehidriranost, Kada se umiva kaže da je koža zateže, čak i kada se umiva kremastim gelovima za suvu kožu. U slučaju njene kože, krema nije delovala ni najmanje masno, nije sedele na koži već se odmah upijala, bez masnog izgleda kože ili osećaja filma. Kaže da joj odlično hidrira i omekšava kožu i da joj se sa njom lice sporije masti preko dana. Krema je vrlo dobar kandidat za rešavanje njenog problema dehidrirane kože, tako da se nadam da će uspeti.

And then tomorrow I saw so much enthusiasm from my mom and sister. Sister has mixed skin that is oily in the T zone, but her skin is very dehydrated in all regions due to anti-blemishes products. We are trying to find a cream that will managed to fix her dehydration, When she washes her face, she says that the skin becomes tight, even when washing her face with creamy gels for dry skin. In the case of her skin, the cream did not seem the least bit greasy, it wasn't sitting on the skin but was absorbed immediately, without the greasy appearance of the skin or the feeling of a film. She says it moisturises well and softens the skin, but also that her face becomes oily much slower during the day. Cream is a very good candidate for solving her problems with dehydrated skin, so I hope it will succeed.

Mama s druge strane ima prilično normalnu kožu. Nekada je bila malo masna, ali s godinama i menopauzom koža se smirila i smanjilo se lučenje sebuma. Kod većine krema mama mi se često žali kako oseća film na koži ili je peku oči ako slučajno preblizu namaže. Čak i kod nekih laganih formla. Ova krema ju je oduševila. Kaže da joj je koža posle nje jako meka, lepa i hidrirana. da nije masna i odmah se upija, a lice joj se ne znoji i ne masti preko dana. Inače za većinu krema ona mi samo kaže - "Pa baš je dobra.", ali ovu je zapravo detaljno nahvalila, što govori mnogo o tome koliko joj se svidela.

Mom on the other hand has a fairly normal skin. Sometimes it was a bit greasy, but with age and menopause her skin calmed down and the secretion of sebum was reduced. My mom often complains about feeling a film on the skin or her eye stinging if she accidentally applies cream too close to them. Even some light formulas are problematic for her. She says she is delighted with this cream, that her skin is very soft, nice and hydrated. that is not greasy and is instantly absorbed. Also that her face doesn't sweat underneath it, nor becomes oily during the day. I must emphasise that for most creams she just says - "Well it is really nice!", but this one she actually described in a lot of detail, which says a lot about how much she likes it. 

Da sumiram. Ova krema se pokazala odličnom za normalnu kožu, pa čak i za mešovitu ali dehidriranu kožu. Biće super naravno i pravoj suvoj i osetljivoj koži. Jedino je kod mešovite i masne kože prejaka. Svima ostalima biće super, dobro će hidrirati i koža vam se neće od nje brže mastiti u toku dana. Ako vas zanima  više pogledajte o kremi i na njihovom sajtu ovde. Mislim da u ovoj liniji postoj takođe i krema za masnu kožu, pa proverite ako vas zanima.

To sum everything up. This cream has proven to be excellent for normal skin, even for mixed but dehydrated skin. It'll be great of course, for dry and sensitive skin, too. Only for mixed to oily skin it is too strong. Everyone else will probably love it, it will hydrate your skin well and won't make your skin oilier during the day. If you want to know more, read about the cream on their website here. I think this line has also a cream for oily skin, so check it out if you are interested.

Da li ste koristili neke Gerovital proizvode i kakvi su bili vaši utisci? Mene je ova krema baš pozitivno iznenadila. Iako se na meni lično nije pokazala baš u pravom svetlu, mamu i sestru je oborila s nogu. 

Informacije i ocene
Cena2050 RSD
Gde kupiti apoteke
Da li bih je ponovo kupilaDa
Izgled i osećaj na koži5/5
Ukupna ocena5/5
- odlično hidrira- brzo se upija
- ne masti kožu ubrzano
- dobra je i za mešovitu dehidriranu kožu
- dobra je i za normalnu kožu
- smanjuje crvenilo i upalu
- cena
- prodaje se samo u nekim apotekama
- mojoj mešovitoj koži bila je prejaka

Did you use some Gerovital products and what were your impressions? I was very positively surprised by this cream. It didn't shine to much  in my case, but my mother and sister just love it.

Information and scores
Price2050 RSD
Where to buypharmacies
Would I buy it againYes
Look and feeling on the skin5/5
Overall Score5/5
- great hydration
- fast absorbing
- doesn't make skin oilier
- also good for mixed dehydrated skin
- also good for normal skin
- reduces redness and 
- price
- available only in some pharmacies
- it was too strong for my mixed skin

понедељак, 19. октобар 2015.

Kanta vol. 19

Zanimljivo mi je to da mi se generalno dešava da dugo ne potrošim ni jedan proizvod, a onda da potrošim baš mnogo od jednom. I naravno nedavno mi se to ponovo desilo. Evo 10 proizvoda koji ovaj put idu u kantu.

- Insight Damaged Hair Restructurizing Shampoo - odličan šampon koji mi traje po godinu dana. A košta samo 590 dinara za 1l. Ne čini kosu suvom i zamršenom iako ne sadrži silikone. Recenzija je ovde. Moja ocena je 5/5.
- Insight Damaged Hair Restructurizing Conditioner - potpuno solidan regenerator koji prilično olakšava češljanje. Nije nešto mnogo obnovio kosu, ali to i ne očekujem od regeneratora.  Košta 620 dinara i isto ima 1l pa takođe traje beskrajno dugo. U njemu sam pisala u istom postu kao i o šamponu (ovde). Ocena 5/5.
- Syoss Oleo Intense Micro Spray Treatment - proizvod koji bi trebalo da štiti kosu, neguje je i obnavlja. Prska se nakon pranja na vlažnu kosu. Potpuno je tečan i lako se razmazuje po kosi, mada moram priznati da nisam primetila neko revolucionarno poboljšanje stanja moje kose. Bočica sadrži 100ml i košta oko 300 dinara mislim. Blago je olakšavao rasćešljavanje. Moja ocena je 3/5. Probala sam i boklje leave in proizvode.

It is interesting to me that I usually don't spend products for a long time and than I somehow finish a lot of them at one. This of course happened to me again. Here are 10 products that are going to trash this time.

- Insight Damaged Hair Restructurizing Shampoo - a great shampoo that lasted me a year. And it costs only 590 RSD for 1l. Doesn't make the hair dry, or hard to comb even though it does not contain silicones. Review is here. My score is 5/5.
- Insight Damaged Hair Restructurizing Conditioner - completely nice conditioner that makes combing easier. It's didn't really renew my hair, but I don't expect that from a conditioner. It costs 620 RSD and also has 1l so it lasts very long. I wrote about is in the same post as the shampoo (here). Score 5/5.
- Syoss Oleo Intense Micro Spray Treatment - a product that is supposed to protect the hair, nourishes and regenerates. It should be sprayed after washing on damp hair. It makes hair smooth and it is easy to spread on the hair, although I must admit that I didn't notice any revolutionary improvement in the condition of my hair. Bottle contains 100ml and costs around 300RSD I think. It makes combing a bit easier. My score is 3/5. I tried better leave in products.

- Velnea Anti-cellulite Body Gel - jedan od gorih anticelulit gelova koje sam koristila. Nije zategao kožu, a očekivano je veoma malo i sredio celulit. A ne sviđa mi se ni masažer i kako su rešili zatvaranje tubice. Sadrži 200ml i košta 499 dinara. Evo ga i detaljniji post. Ocena 2/5.
- La Roche-Posay Lipicar Baume AP+ - mleko za telo za suvu i osetljivu kožu. Mazala sam se ovim gustim mlekom celog leta, dok sam se izlagala suncu. Odlično neguje, hidrira i ne dozvoljava isušivanje kože. Iako je malo gušće prelako se razmazuje i odmah upija. Obavezno ga probajte ako imate suvu, osetljivu i iziritiranu kožu. Tuba ima 200ml i košta 1746 dinara. Ocena 5/5.

- Velnea Anti-cellulite Body Gel - one of the worst anti-cellulite gels I have used. It did not tighten the skin and as expected it got rid of cellulite just a tiny bit. And I also don't like the massager and how they solved the issue of closing the tube. It contains 200ml and costs 499RSD. Here is a more detailed post. Score 2/5.
- La Roche-Posay Lipicar Baume AP + - body milk for dry and sensitive skin. I applied this dense milk all summer, while I was sunbathing. Great nourishment, moisturizes and does not allow the skin to dry out. Even though it is a bit thicker it is too easy to spread and absorbs immediately. Be sure to try it if you have dry, sensitive and irritated skin. Tube has 200ml and costs 1746 RSD. Score 5/5.

- Mixa Soothing BB Cream - nisam je potrošila ali sam je dobila jako davno, kada je Mixa tek došla u Srbiju. BB krema je dobra i ima srednje ka slabijem prekrivanje, ali je premasna za moju masnu kožu. Ona je zapravo vrlo retka i lagana, ali se ja sa njom veoma brzo zasijam, tako da sam je izbegavala i na kraju je nisam potrošila. Recenzija je napisana nekada davno ovde. Tubica ima 50ml i košta 749 dinara. Ocena je 4/5.
- Eucerin Dermo Purifier Aktiv Konzentrat - veoma dobra vodenasta formula za problematičnu kožu. Može da se nanosi i na celo lice ali ja sam ga mahom nanosila ciljano. Nije efikasan i jak koliko npr. LRP Effaclar Duo + ali je vrlo blizu. S druge strane Effaclar zna da osuši i iziritira kožu pa se baš i ne maže na celo lice, a Eucerin je ipak nekako laganiji. Bar se meni čini. Recenzija je svakako ovde ako nekoga zanimaju detalji. Bočica ima 30ml i košta 1380 dinara. Ocena 5/5.
- Nivea Q10 Serum Aktiv Perlen - Fenomenalan serum u vidu kuglica od koenzima Q10. Mnogo je prijao mojoj koži i ona je odlično izgledala dok sam ga koristila. Nije masan i koristi se kao dodana nega, mada kod masnokožaca po meni može i umesto dnevne kreme. Recenzija je ovde. Ima 40ml i košta 1449 dinara. Ocena 5/5.

- Mixa Soothing BB Cream - I haven't spent it but I got it a very long time ago, when Mixa first came to Serbia. BB cream is good and has a medium to low coverage, but it is too greasy for my oily skin. It is actually a very rare and light, but I get shiny to fast with it, so I avoided it and at the end I have never spent it. Review was written long ago here. Tube has 50ml and costs 749 RSD. Score is 4/5.
- Eucerin Dermo Purifier Aktiv Konzentrat - very good watery formula for problematic skin. It can be applied on the entire face, but I used it mostly in problematic regions. It is not efficient and strong as e.g. LRP Effaclar Duo + but it is very close. On the other hand Effaclar can dry out and irritate the skin and you should not spread it on the entire face, and Eucerin is a bit lighter. At least it seems to me that way. Review is here if you're interested in details. The bottle has 30ml and costs 1380 RSD. Score 5/5.
- Nivea Q10 Serum Aktiv Perlen - excellent serum in the form of coenzyme Q10 pearls. It felt good on my skin and I looked great while I was using it. It is not greasy and should be used as an additional care, although for oily skin it can be used instead of a day cream. Review is here. It has 40ml and costs 1449 RSD. Score 5/5.

Avon Super Extend Extreme Mascara - dobra maskara sa srednje gustom formulom kakvu ja najviše volim. Produžava i razdvaja trepavice. Ne daje neki wow efekat, već prilično blag i prirodan izgled. Jedini manjak je što se nisam složila sa četkicom iako je mala, pa sam se često umazivala pri nanošenju. Ima 7ml i košta 810 dinara. Recenzija je ovde, a ocena 4/5.
- Aura Shine Killer - jedna od najboljih stvari za matiranje lica. Kada se nanese lice je meko pod prstima, baršunasto i pore i borice su nekako zaglađeni. A naravno matira satima. Recenziju sam napisala davno. Sadrži 5g proizvoda i košta 627 dinara. Ocena 4/5.

- Avon Super Extend Extreme Mascara - good mascara with medium dense formula which I love the most. Extends and separates lashes. It doesn't not give a wow effect, but quite gentle and natural look. The downside is that I did not agree with the brush to well although it is small, so I often smeared it all over my self during application. It has 7ml and costs 810 RSD. Review is here and score is 4/5.
- Aura Shine Killer - one of the best things to mattify the face. When applied skin is soft under my fingers, velvety and pores and fine lines are somehow smoothed out. And ofcourse it mattifies well. Review was written a long time ago. It contains 5g of products and costs 627 RSD. Score 4/5.

I to bi bilo to u ovoj turi. Volite li vi neki od ovih proizvoda?

And that should be it for this time. Do you love some of these products?

четвртак, 15. октобар 2015.

Nova Vichy nega za žene u menopauzi - Novadiol

Pre nekoliko dana prisustvovala sam prezentaciji novih proizvoda za negu kože u veoma posebnom delu života svake žene - menopauzi. U ovom periodu dolazi do veoma velike oscilacije hormona, i nivoi većine hormona drastično opadnu. Ovo dovodi do stanjivanja kože, koža se manje masti, može da počne i da se peruta, gubi se i mišićna masa, bore počinju da budu još vidljivije, a koža da visi i da bude manje elastična. Menja se i ten, boja kože i svežina. Kako se životni vek ljudi drastično produžio u poslednjim decenijama, dolazak menopauze dešava se na sredini života žene, pa Vichy novom linijom želi da ženama pomogne da još dugo održe svoju kožu što boljom i što lepšom.

A few days ago I attended a presentation of a few new skin care products for a very special part of every woman's life - menopause. This period comes with very large fluctuations in hormones and hormonal levels drastically decline. This leads to thinning of the skin, the skin is less oily, can even become dry, you lose muscle mass, wrinkles begin to be more visible, and skin to hang and be less elastic. The complexion changes, as well as skin colour and freshness. As the life expectancy dramatically extended in the last decades, the arrival of menopause occurs in the middle of a woman's life, and Vichy wants to help women maintain quality an appearance of their skin much longer.

Vichy je razvio posebnu formulu kreme koja pokušava da nadoknadi neke od sastojaka u koži, koji se zbog smanjenja ženskih hormona, prirodno sintetišu u mnogo manjim količinama, što i dovodi do vidljivih efekata starenja kože. Novadiol linija sastoji se od dve kreme, za suvu, kao i za normalnu i mešovitu kožu. Takođe u liniji se nalazi i jedan koncentrovani serum za sve tipove kože.

Vichy has developed a special cream formula that tries to make up for some of the ingredients in the skin which, due to the decrease in female hormones, are naturally synthesized in much smaller quantities, and this leads to the visible effects of skin aging. Novadiol line consists of two creams for dry, and for normal and mixed skin. Also there is a concentrated serum for all skin types.

Proizvodi iz ove linije vraćaju koži punoću i gustinu, obnavljaju površinski sloj i lipide, hidriraju, popravljaju boju kože i zategnutost.

Products from this line give skin its fullness back, its density, renew top layer of the skin, and add lipids, hydrate, and return the nice colour of the skin and its firmness.

Na prezentaciji dobila sam kremu za normalnu i mešovitu kožu, ali kako krema nije namenjena meni koja još nisam ni blizu menopauze, proslediću je nekome ko jeste. U svakom slučaju možete očekivati recenziju u nekom od postova u budućnosti.

I got a cream for normal and mixed skin, but this cream is not intended for me, since I am not even close to menopause, I"ll forwards it to someone who is. In any case, you can expect a review in one of the posts in the future.

Da li neko od vas ima iskustva sa promenama kože u menopauzi? Ako ima podelite to sa ostalima u komentarima. Ja sam veoma znatiželjna da čujem vaša iskustva.

Do any of you have experience with skin changes during menopause? If you have share them with others in the comments. I am very curious to hear your experiences.

недеља, 11. октобар 2015.

Veliki beli preparativni New In

Veoma dugo nije bilo New In posta na mom blogu i u međuvremenu se baš dosta preparative nakupilo. Nekako se sve svelo na samo nekoliko brendova, ali su to bar kvalitetni i dobri brendovi. Nega lica može da počne! Taman nam i dolazi hladno vreme i nega treba da se pojača.

For a long time there was no New In post on my blog and in the meantime, a lot of cosmetics has accumulated. Somehow it all came down to just a few brands, but they are at least good quality brands. Face pampering can begin! Just in time for the cold weather which is coming, when face care should be stronger.

- Vichy Liftactiv Serum 10 Eyes & Lashes - ovo sam željno iščekivala da mi padne ruku i ne mogu da dočekam da krenem da ga koristim. Ali strpljiva sam, prvo trošim načete okoloočne kreme.
- Vichy Idealia Life Serum - njega sam već koristila i obožavam ga, pa mi je drago da ga opet imam. U ovom postu sam već pisala o njemu.
- Vichy Normaderm Global Anti-Inperfections Hydrating Care - o ovoj savršenoj kremi za mešovitu i problematičnu kožu sam nedavno pisala tako da ne bi trebalo da se nalazi u ovom postu ali me je mrzelo da slikam sve ponovo samo da bi nju izbacila. Detaljna recenzija je ovde.

- Vichy Liftactiv Serum 10 Eyes & Lashes - I eagerly waited try it and I cannot wait to start using it. But I am patient and I first have to spend all undereye creams I'm already using.
- Vichy Idealia Life Serum - I have already used it and loved it, so I am glad to have it again. I wrote about it in this post.
- Vichy Normaderm Global Anti-Inperfections Hydrating Care - this perfect cream for mixed and problematic skin I have recently written about, so it should not be in this New In, but I was too lazy to make new photos all over again just to remove it. Detailed review is here.

- Avon Planet Spa Volcanic Iceland Warming Face Mask - proizvod iz nove Planet Spa linije. Vrlo zanimljiva i drugačija maska za lice o kojoj ću uskoro pisati.
- Noreva Exfoliac Lotion - losion protiv bubuljica u koji sam polagala dosta nade....ali detaljnije uskoro.
- Bioten Cleansing Gel-Creme Dry/Sensitive Skin - svima nam poznata jeftina i dobra umivalica.
- Lilly Krema za problematičnu kožu - jeftin brend koji polako izbacuje mnogo novih proizvoda a neki od njih su već zapali za oko blogerima i lepe reči se o njima mogu pročitati.
- La Roche-Posay Toleraine Ultra Contour Yeux - moja prva LRP okoloočna krema zbog koje cupkam u sebi dok dođe na red za isprobavanje. 

- Avon Planet Spa Volcanic Iceland Warming Face Mask - a product from the new Planet Spa line. Very interesting and different face mask about which I will soon write.
- Noreva Exfoliac Lotion - lotion for blemishes from which I expected a lot .... but I'll write in more detail soon.
- Bioten Cleansing Gel-Cream Dry/Sensitive Skin - well known cheap and good face cleanser.
- Lilly cream for problematic skin - a cheap brand that is slowly releasing many new products and some of them already caught attention of  bloggers and nice things about them can be read.
- La Roche-Posay Toleraine Ultra Contour Yeux - my first LRP undereye cream which I just cannot wait to try.

- Eucerin AquaPorin Active dnevna krema - nikako da dođe na red da je isprobam a toliko želim. Ali strpljiva sam.
- Eucerin AquaPorin Active okoloočna krema - moram je isprobati u paru sa dnevnom kremom. Ima vrlo zanimljiv metalni aplikator.
- Eucerin Hyaluron-Filler noćna krema - bilo bi dobro da u isto vreme koristim i ovu noćnu kremu pa da vidim kako je negovati se isključivo Eucerinom.
- Eucerin 3u1 micelarna - mnogi je hvale. Uskoro ću i ja videti da li je zaista tako dobra.
- Eucerin Hyaluron-Filler CC krema - tamnija nijansa nove CC krema na čijoj sam promociji bila nedavno i koju sam krenula da isprobavam.

- Eucerin Aquaporin Active Day Cream - it is a long wait for this cream to have its turn to be tried out. But I wait patiently.
- Eucerin Aquaporin Active Undereye Cream - I have to try it paired with day cream. It has a very interesting metal applicator.
- Eucerin Hyaluron-Filler Night Cream - it would be good use it in the same time with the other two creams and see how it feels to be using only Eucerin.
- Eucerin 3in1 Micellar Water - many praise it. Soon I will see whether it is really that good.
- Eucerin Hyaluron-Filler CC Cream - darker shade of the new CC cream whose promotion I recently attended and which I just started trying out.

Šta mislite o ovom New In-u? Mene mnogo raduje jer prvi put na gomili imam nekoliko proizvoda koje prosto ne mogu da dočekam da isprobam. Ne znam ni odakle mi strpljenja da sve ne pootvaram od jednom. O čemu vas najviše zanima da čitate, da to prvo krenem da isprobavam? Volite li vi neki od ovih proizvoda?

What do you think about this New In? I am very excited because for the first time I got a few products that I simply cannot wait to try. I do not know where I got the patience not to open them all at once. What are you most interested in reading about, so I can try those products firs? Do you like some of these products?

субота, 10. октобар 2015.

Ebelin sredstvo za čišćenje četkica

Nakon što sam isprobala Allin čistač četkica koji je biljnog porekla i miriše na žvake, rešila sam da isprobam i ovaj Ebelinov. Ah, kako sam se iznenadila kada sam nakon mirisa žvaka pomirisala Ebelin koji miriš kao razređivač za farbu. Miris je vrlo jak kao hemikalije i imam osećaj kao da će da mi sprži četkice. No i pored toga rešila sam da ga isprobam.

After I tried Allin makeup brush cleanser which is of plant origin and smells like chewing gum, I decided to try Ebelin, too. Ah, how surprised I was when, after using the one that smells like gum, I sniffed Ebelin that smells like paint thinner. The smell is very strong like chemicals and I feel like it's going to destroy my brushes. Nonetheless, I decided to try it out.

Dolazi u kartonskoj kutiji u kojoj je bočica od 100ml i košta 329 dinara. Ima raspršivač i za manje četkice dovoljno mi je jedno prskanje dok one veće, posebno ako su za tečni puder, prskam više puta. U neku ruku me i ne čudi što miriše na razređivač. jer ovaj proizvod i treba da razgradi šminku i omogući lako uklanjanje iste. Nakon prskanja na četkicu sačeka se recimo 30 sekundi i onda se četkica očisti o maramicu ili ubrus. Ja nekad četkicu protrljam i od ruku pa je isperem pod mlazom vode. U oba slučaja sa vodom ili bez, šminka nestaje u deliću sekunde. Eventualno kod tečnih proizvoda bilo bi dobro ponoviti još jednom postupak.

It comes in a cardboard box in which is a 100ml bottle and it costs 329 RSD. One press of the pump is enough for smaller brushes and bigger ones I spray a few times, especially if they are used for foundation. In some ways I understand its paint thinner smell. because this product should dissolve makeup and allow its easy removal. After spraying the brush I wait about 30 seconds and then clean the brush with a paper towel. I also sometimes rub the brush on my palm and wash under running water. In both cases, with or without water, makeup disappears in a split second. For liquid products this process should usually be done once again.

Sadrži od 5-15% nejonskog surfaktanta (to je jedinjenje koje smanjuje površinski napon između dve tečnosti ili tečnosti i nečeg čvrstog i zbog toga može da se koristi kao deterdžent). Takođe sadrži i fenoksietanol i parfeme (koji se ni malo realno ne osećaju). Proizvod odlično radi svoj posao i jeftin je, te moram priznati da vredi da se kupi. Samo nemojte da pomešate ovo i neku hemiju za čišćenje po kući, rastvaranje farbi i kreča, ili benzin za kola.

It contains from 5-15% of non-ionic surfactant (this is the compound which reduces the surface tension between two liquids or a liquid and a solid and therefore may be used as a detergents). It also contains phenoxyethanol and perfumes (which I really do not feel at all). The product is doing its job very well and is cheap, so I must admit that it is worth the buy. Just do not confuse this and some chemical for house cleaning, dissolving the paint and lime, or petrol for cars.

Da li ste probali ovu tečnost za čišćenje četkica? Koje je vaše omiljeno sredstvo za čišćenje pribora za šminkanje?

Informacije i ocene
Cena329 RSD
Gde kupitiDM
Da li bih ih ponovo kupilaMožda
Ukupna ocena4/5
- Cena
- Odlično i lako rastvara šminku
- Veoma jak miris alkohola

Did you try this liquid for cleaning brushes? What is your favourite cleanser for makeup tools?

Information and scores
Price329 RSD
Where to buyDM
Would I buy them againMaybe
Total Score4/5
- Price
- Great and easy makeup removal
- Very strong alcohol smell

четвртак, 8. октобар 2015.

Eucerin promocija - nova Hyaluron Filler CC krema

Juče sam prisustvovala promociji novog proizvoda iz Eucerinove Hyaluron Filler linije koja je namenjena borbi protiv prvih bora tj. osobama koje imaju oko 30 godina. Eucerin je ovaj put rešio da u liniju uvede i jedan oboje proizvod CC kremu!

Yesterday I attended the promotion of new Eucerin products from Hyaluron Filler product line which is intended for fighting first wrinkles so for those with about 30 years of age. Eucerin decided to introduce one coloured product into this line - CC cream!

Hyaluron Filler linija sadrži hijaluronsku kiselinu dugog lanca koja prodire u površinski sloj kože, ali i hijaluronsku kiselinu kratkog lanca čiji mnogo manji molekuli prodiru i u dublje slojeve kože. Takođe sadrži i biljne saponine dobijene iz soje, koji stimulišu proizvodnju nove hijaluronske kiseline u ćelijama, koja odlično vezuje za sebe vodu i čini kožu hidriranom ali i čvršćom, punijom i zategnutijom, pa na taj način popunjava bore i zateže kožu. Hijaluronska kiselina je supstanca koju stvaraju ćelije i koja za sebe vezuje vodu. Jedan gram kiseline može da veže i do litar vode. S godinama sinteza hijaluronske kiseline se smanjuje pa je naša koža tanja i opuštenija i javljaju se prve bore. Kako su spoljni uticaji najbitniji za izgled naše kože, a posebno sunčevi zraci ova CC krema ima i SPF15, pa štiti i od sunca. Ovaj niži faktor biće dovoljan u hladnijim mesecima.

Hyaluron Filler line includes a long-chain hyaluronic acid, which penetrates the skin surface, but also a short-chain hyaluronic acid whose much smaller molecules penetrate to deeper layers of the skin. It also contains herbal saponins derived from soybeans, which stimulate the production of new hyaluronic acid in cells, which is great in binding water and keeping the skin hydrated, fuller and firmer, and thus fills wrinkles and tightens the skin. Hyaluronic acid is a substance created by the cell which binds water. One gram of acid can bind up to one liter of water. Over the years the synthesis of hyaluronic acid decreases and our skin is thinner, more relaxed and first wrinkles appear. External influences are probably most important factors for skin appearance, especially the sun, so this CC cream has SPF15 and protects from the sun. This lower SPF will be sufficient in the colder months.

CC krema sadrži i pigmente koji koriguju ten, pa se može koristiti i umesto pudera ako volite lagano prekrivanje i ujednačavanje tena. Dolazi u dve nijanse. Svetlija je prilično svetla i žućkaste je boje, dok tamnija nijansa u sebi sadrži i malo rozikasto narandžastih tonova, mada je i ona prilično topla. Prekrivanje je naravno lagano, pa se CC kreme stapaju sa vašim tenom. Ja ću svoju uskoro isprobati pa ćete moći da čitati o njima mnogo detaljnije.

CC cream contains pigments that correct complexion, and it can be used instead of foundation if you like light coverage and unified skin tone. It comes in two shades. Lighter one is quite light and yellow, while the darker shade contains a slightly pinkish orange tones, although it is also quite warm. Coverage is of course light, so CC cream blend with your skin tone easily. I will try mine soon and you will be able to read about them in more detail.

Koristite li CC kreme? Da li vam se ova čini zanimljivom?

Do you use CC creams? Does this one looks interesting to you?

среда, 7. октобар 2015.

Ulovila sam na sniženjima - moje nove mono senke koje obožavam Inglot 15 i Artdeco 373

Inglot i Artdeco senke zaista jako volim, a posebno mi je drago što sam dve prelepe mono senke od ova dva brenda ulovila na sniženjima. Duže vreme nisam kupovala senke, ali ovim senkama i smanjenoj ceni nisam odolela i nije mi ni najmanje žao.

I really love Inglot and Artdeco eyeshadows, and I am especially pleased that I have bought two beautiful mono eyeshadows from these two brands on a discount. I haven't bought any eyeshadows for a while, but I couldn't resist these great colours and reduced price, and I'm not sorry at all.

Artdeco 373

Ova senka dolazi u standardnom pakovanju od 0.8g koje ima magnet sa donje strane i od čvrste je plastike. Puna cena senke je 669 dinara, a ja sam je kupila prilikom sniženja od 20%.

This eyeshadow comes in a standard packaging of 0.8g which has a magnet on the bottom and is made from firm plastic. Full price is 669 RSD, but I bought it at a 20% discount.

Nijansa ove senke je vrlo posebna. Ja bih je opisala kao srednje tamnu boju slonovače sa mnogo zlatnog šimera koji je samo malo krupnije mleven. Senka mi se pored boje prvenstveno svidela i po teksturi. Vrlo je meka i lako se kupi prstom ili četkicom, pa je i pigmentovana i lepo prekriva kapak. Ovo me je veoma pozitivno iznenadilo sobzirom da je reč o svetlijoj nijansi. Blago se kruni pošto je prilično meka.

The shade of the eyeshadow is very special. I would describe it as a medium dark ivory with lots of golden shimmer which is just a little bit bigger. I also really love its texture. It is very soft and easy to pick up with your finger or a brush. It is also pigmented and covers lid well. This was something that very positively surprised me, considering that it is a lighter shade. It crumbles a bit since it is quite soft.

Jako se lepo i blenda, a zlatni šimer je vidljiv ali vrlo odmereno i prefinjeno. Senka je generalno po meni veoma elegantna.

It nicely blends, and the golden shimmer is visible in a very nice an subtle amount. The eyeshadow is generally very elegant in my opinion.

Inglot Freedom System 15

Ušla sam u Inglot prodavnicu prilikom jednog sniženja i sto godina birala senku, testirajući živce Jovane koja je tada radila u prodavnici (i koju moram da pohvalim da se odlično držala). Na kraju sam jedva izabrala senku, i naravno baš te nije bilo. Moj drugi izbor bio je savršena senka broj 15 (iako po onu koju sam prvu želela moram da se jednog dana vratim).

I went to Inglot store during a discount and I started choosing what to buy for such a long time, testing Jovana's nerves, who was working in the store at that time (and she was holding up excellently). At the end I could hardly choose the shade, and of course just the one I wanted was missing. My second choice was this perfect shade 15 (although I will have to go back and buy the one I wanted in the first place, too).

Freedom System senke dolaze u kartonskim kutijicama i plastičnom omotu, a senke su u metalnim posudicama. Inglot senke su mnogo veće od Artdeco i imaju 3.2g, a puna cena im je 840 dinara, što je kada se pogleda odnos cene, količine i kvaliteta ipak isplatljivija opcija od Artdecoa. Ja sam je takođe kupila kada je cena bila sa 20% popusta. U kutijici ima i papirić sa sastavom:

Freedom System eyeshadows come in cardboard box and plastic wrapping, and eyeshadows are in metal containers. Inglot eyeshadows are much larger than Artdeco and have 3.2g, and the full price is 840 RSD, which is when you consider the ratio of price, quantity and quality, most definitely more cost effective option than Artdeco. I also bought it with a 20% discount. The box contains the ingredient list:

Kao i sve inglot senke i ova je izuzetno dobro pigmentovana, dobro se blenda, ne kruni se i izdržljiva je na kapku.

Like all Inglot eyeshadows this one is also extremely well-pigmented, easy to blend, doesn't crumble and is very durable on the lid.

Boja ove senke je neverovatna. Srednje tamna breskvasta nijansa, puna crvenkastog i zlatnog veoma sitnog i finog šimera. Veoma je sjajna i u zavisnosti od pravca iz kog je osvetljena može veoma različito da izgleda - od narandžasto rozikaste sa malo manje šimera, do skoro potpuno zlatne šimeraste nijanse koja blago vuče na narandžasto.

The colour of the eyeshadow is amazing. Medium dark peachy shade, full of reddish and gold, very fine and delicate shimmer. It is very bright and depending on the direction of light it may appear very different - from pinkish orange with a little less shimmer, to almost entirely gold shimmery shade that gently pullst to orange.

Evo mog pokušaja da vam pokažem neka od lica ove senke, mada ovo nije ništa kako uživo ona menja boje.

Here is my attempt to show you some of the faces of the eyeshadow, but this is nothing compared to how it changes colour in reality.

Eto to bi bila moja dva nova ljubimca. Koja senka je više po vašem ukusu? Da li više kupujete Inglot ili Artdeco?

Informacije i ocene
CenaArtdeco: 669 RSD
Inglot: 840 RSD
Gde kupitiJasmin, Inglot
Da li bih ih ponovo kupilaDa
Kvalitet senki5/5
Ukupna ocena5/5
- Odlično pigmentovane
- Veliki broj nijansi
- Trajne
- Lako se blendaju
- Cena
- Pakovanje, tj. namenjene su
  ubacivanju u palete
- Artdeco se blago kruni

Well these would be my two new loves. Which shade is more to your liking? Do you buy Inglot or Artdeco more often?

Information and scores
PriceArtdeco: 669 RSD
Inglot: 840 RSD
Where to buyJasmin, Inglot
Would I buy them againYes
Eyeshadow quality5/5
Total Score5/5
- Great pigmentation
- Large number of shades
- Durable
- Easy to blend
- Price
- Packaging i.e. they are
 intended for palettes
- Artdeco crumbles slightly