Konačno sam se naterala da napišem post o životu, ishrani i vežbanju. Tražili ste i pitali da napišem post i o tome. Tek sada sam se odlučila na to jer nisam bila sigurna kako da pristupim temi, niti da li da napišem jedan post ili više. Ali evo počinjemo sa temom kilograma, vežbanja i zdravlja pa ću pisati još ako vidim da vas zanima.
Preći ću odmah na stvar. Postoji samo jedan pravi i dobar način da smanjite kilažu i budete zdravi - prava ishrana + kvalitetna fizička aktivnost. Žao mi je ali tako je. Ne, dijeta sama neće vam pomoći u potpunosti. Čak i da uspete da smršate to će biti manje kvalitetno i vrlo lako će se kilogrami vratiti ako prestanete sa dijetom, bićete iscrpljeni ili se čak razboleti. Jedini pravi način je korigovanje životnog stila koji ćete prihvatiti kao vaš novi način života i pridržavati se njega stalno. To i nije tako strašno jer kada nađete hranu u kojoj uživate kao i aktivnost koja vas ispunjava, to neće više biti zadatak i mučenje, uživaćete i živeti.
Finally I forced myself to write a post about life, nutrition and exercise. You asked and asked me to write on this subject. I decided to write a post now because I wasn't sure how to approach the subject or whether to write one post or more. So let's begin with the topic of pounds, exercise and health and I will write more if I see that you are interested.
I'll come right to the point. There is only one good way to reduce weight and be healthy - the right diet + quality physical activity. I'm sorry but that's it. No, diet alone won't help you completely. Even if you manage to lose weight it will be in a worse way, pounds will come back as soon as you finish the diet, you will be exhausted or even ill. The only real way is the correction of lifestyle that you will accept as your new way of life and live by it constantly. It is not as bad as it sounds, because when you find food you enjoy, as well as activity that fulfills you, it won't be a kind of torture, you will enjoy it and live fully.
Obožavam hranu i tačka. Ne bih je se odrekla nikad, a i zašto bih, hrana nas pokreće, potrebna nam je i može nas učiniti zdravim i jakim, ali kao i sve može i da nam šteti ako se hranimo pogrešnim namirnicama i na pogrešan način. Glavna stvar kod hrane nije toliko šta jedete nego koje količine i koliko često. Ja sam se u jednom trenutku ugojila baš mnogo, skoro 10kg, zbog velikog ručka koji me ostavi sitom do uveče i usporila sam jako metabolizam. Šta ću volim da kuvam. Ako ste kao i ja kontrolišite količine hrane koje vam čine obrok.
- Najbitnije je ubrzati metabolizam. Ako nam je metabolizam brz hrana se vari brzo i ne skladišti se kao masne naslage nego se koristi. Brz metabolizam se postiže čestim unosom hrane. Ako telo zna da će dobiti uskoro još hrane, nema potrebe da pravi zalihe u masnim naslagama. Ako jedete jednom ili dva puta dnevno po ogroman obrok, telo mora malo i da sačuva u rezervama, jer sledeći obrok neće biti skoro. Dakle trudite se da jedete barem 5 puta dnevno, ali da obroci ne budu veliki. Ako osetite da ste se zasitili dovoljno je, nemojte se prejedati.
- Doručak je jako bitan, ali pre njega popijte čašu vode. Čaša vode je prva stvar ujutru koju treba uraditi jer je nakon spavanja krv najgušća. Ako pijete kafu ujutru, pijte je nakon doručka. Za doručak možete da jede koliko god želite, energija će vam biti potrebna u toku celog dana.
- Ne moraju svi obroci biti veliki, voće se takođe računa. Bitno je samo da jedete. Šaka badema ili nekih semenki takođe. Ne moramo se najesti, samo uposliti želudac. :)
I love food, period. I would never give it up, and why should I, food moves us, we need it and it can make us healthy and strong, but like all things it can also harm us if we eat the wrong food and in the wrong way. The main thing about food is not so much what you eat but how much and how often. At one point I gained a lot of pounds, almost 10kg, due to eating very large meals for lunch, which made me full until the evening and I slowed my metabolism a lot. I just like cooking. If you are like me control the amount of food that you make for one meal.
- It is essential to speed up the metabolism. If our metabolism is fast food is digested quickly and not stored as fat, rather used for energy. Fast metabolism is achieved by frequent food intake. If the body knows that it will soon get more food, there will be no need to make stocks stored as fat. If you eat large meal once or twice a day, the body needs to keep a part of that food as a reserve, because the next meal might not be soon. So try to eat at least 5 times a day, but meals that are not large. If you feel that you are full stop, do not overeat.
- Breakfast is very important, but before it drink a glass of water. A glass of water first thing in the morning is something you should always do, because blood is the densest after sleep. If you drink coffee in the morning, drink it after breakfast. For breakfast you can eat as much as you want, the energy is something you'll need during the day.
- You do not have to eat proper meals 5 times a day, fruit also counts. It is only important to eat. A handful of almonds or some seeds will also do. We do not have to eat a lot, just to make our stomach busy. :)
- Nemojte da se prejedate direktno pred spavanje. Ja lično jedem i uveče ako sam gladna. Nisam pobornik toga da bilo kada ne treba jesti ako se oseti glad. Mada ako ste skloni gojenju ili želite da smršate, pripazite se uveče. Ako vam se baš jede birajte šta jedete, jedite lagano i zdravo.
- Voće, povrće, meso, riba sve je dozvoljeno i zdravo. Jedite što raznovrsnije. I žitarice su dobre, mada belo brašno zaobilazite što češće možete jer ono goji najviše. Dakle smanjite beli hleb i pekaru. Naravno ne morate se odreći toga u potpunosti. Ja svakako nisam. Ali to ponavljam zavisi od toga koliko želite da smršate. Ja na primer nikada ne jedem hleb uz neki obrok. Lično nemam potrebu za tim, ali to je stvar koju svakom preporučujem. Maslac i mast bolji su od rafinisanih biljnih ulja i margarina. Evo jedne vrlo pametne slike:
- Do not overeat directly before bedtime. I personally eat in the evening if I am hungry. I do not support the idea of not eating when you feel hungry. Though if you are prone to gaining weight or want to lose weight, make sure you don't eat a lot in the evening. If you eat just choose what you eat, eat light and healthy.
- Fruit, vegetables, meat, fish, everything is permitted and healthy. Eat a wide variety of food. Grains are also good, though white flour should be often avoided since it will make you gain weight easily. So reduce the amounts of white bread and bakery. Of course you do not have to give it up completely. I certainly didn't. But this again depends on how much you want to lose weight. For example, I never eat bread with a meal. Personally, I have no need for that, but this is something that I recommend to everyone. Butter and lard are better than refined vegetable oils and margarine. Here's a very smart picture:
- Pijte vodu! Većina nas pije premalo vode. Ja isto kuburim sa ovim. Pronašla sam odličnu aplikaciju za telefon u kojoj unosite vodu koju ste popili i ona vas podseća da je pijete. Glavna razlika je što je to sve provučeno kroz priču da vi gajite preslatke biljke koje kada popijete vodu i to unesete u telefon rastu i menjaju se. Odlična je ideja jer mi je sada žao da ne pijem vodu i da biljka ugine. Aplikacija se zove Plant Nanny.
- Drink water! Most of us don't drink enough water. I also struggle with this. I found a great app for your phone which lets you enter the water you're drinking and it reminds you to drink. The main difference is what this is all incorporated in a story that you are nourishing cute plants that when you drink water and enter that in the phone growth and change. It is an excellent idea because now I need to drink water or my plant will die. The application is called Plant Nanny.
Bavim se plesom i trener sam. Držim treninge modernog plesa, kondicije, ali i trčim. Imam svaki dan trening, mada naravno nije svaki dan veoma aktivan jer ako držim treninge nekada to od mene zahteva i da mnogo pričam a manje skačem. Ali generalno aktivna sam skoro svaki dan.
- Nađite aktivnost koja vam odgovara. Budite aktivni barem 3 ili 4 dana nedeljno. Ako niste navikli na fizičku aktivnost počnite sa brzim hodanjem. Hodajte sat vremena dnevno videćete kako ni to nije baš lako. Naravno dozirajte i povećavajte dužine i intenzitet kada osetite da možete. Ne lažite sebe i ne olakšavajte, dajte sve od sebe. Ako niste karakter odaberite aktivnosti koje će vam voditi trener, ili nađite upornog prijatelja da sa njim vežbate.
- Trčanje je jedna predivna aktivnost koja ne iziskuje novac. Jedino je bitno da kupite patike namenjene trčanju kako biste sačuvali zglobove. Ako imate veliku kilažu krenite polako, trčanje i kilogrami mogu da budu veliko opterećenje za vaša kolena. Trčanje je odlična aktivnost koja će vam raditi sve grupe mišića. Verujte mi ja sada imam trbušnjake a skoro da i ne radim vežbe za njih, tek povremeno. Počnite polako ali trudite se da nadogradite vreme na barem pola sata trčanja. Idealna kombinacija je trčanje + vežbe za kondiciju i snagu u sali. Ovako ćete najbolje povećati i snagu i kondiciju, ali i smršati i definisati se. Ako želite da detaljnije pričam o trčanju i vežbama slobodno recite, da sada ne preterujem sa tekstom. Takođe ples je po meni super aktivnost jer je zabavan i ne mora nužno biti lak. Fitnes, aerobik itd. vrlo lako dosade posle nekog vremena. Ali budimo realni nisu svi plesovi naporni i nećete od njih smršati. Salsa je npr. vrlo popularna i iako je zabavna i zdrava, verujte mi teško ćete od toga smršati.
I'm a dancer and a coach. I train modern dance, fitness, and I run. I have training every day, although of course not every day is very active, because if I lead a training sometimes that requires me to talk a lot and workout less. But generally I'm active almost every day.
- Find an activity that suits you. Be active at least 3 or 4 days a week. If you are not accustomed to physical activity start with a fast walk. Walk an hour a day you will see that this is not so easy. Of course dose and increase the length and intensity when you feel you are able. Do not lie to yourself, make things easy and give it all you got. If you don't have a strong character select activities that will be lead by a trainer, or find a persistent friend to practice with.
- Running is a wonderful activity that does not require money. All that matters is to buy shoes designed for running to save your joints. If you are overweight start slowly, running with extra pounds can be a big burden on your knees. Running is a great activity that will work all the muscle groups. Believe me, I now have a six pack an I almost never exercise this muscle group separately. Start slowly and try to upgrade the time to at least half an hour of running. The ideal combination is running + exercise for fitness and strength in the gym. This will increase your strength and fitness best, but also help you lose weight. If you want to talk in more detail about jogging and exercises just say so, since for now I do not want to burden this post even more. Also dance for me is great activity because it is fun and not necessarily easy. Fitness, aerobics, etc. can easily become boring after a while. But let's face it not every dance is hard and won't help you lose weight. Salsa, for example, even thought it is very popular and fun is also easy, and believe me, it is not going to help you lose weight that much.
- Jutarnje vežbice za razmrdavanje i snagu i malo istezanja su vrlo korisna stvar za koju možete da utrošite i manje od 10min a mnogo će vam značiti. Na internetu imate mnogo klipova sa jutarnjim vežbicama od 5 min. Nađite svoju pravu kombinaciju ili ih menjajte da bi vam bilo zabavnije. Vežbice radim nakon popijene jutarnje čaše vode, ali pre doručka i kafe.
- Morning energizing exercises, strength exercises and a little stretching are very helpful thing you can spend less than 10min on and it'll be very good for you. You have many clips on the internet with 5min morning exercises. Find the right combination for you or change them to make things more fun. I exercise after drinking a morning cup of water, but before breakfast and coffee.
Neću više da davim u ovom postu. Želela sam da iznesem samo neke osnovne stvari koje mislim i koje primenjujem u svom životu. Pišite mi kako vi živite, da li se slažete samnom ili ne, o čemu želite više da pišem. Ja nisam ni lekar, ni nutricionista, a nisam ni završila DIF. Ja sam samo osoba koja misli o sebi, trenira mnogo i voli hranu. Kada sam krenula da se hranim tako što jedem mnogo puta na dan po malo i da trčim izgubila samo oko 8kg za samo dva ili tri meseca. Nikada se nisu vratili. Moja caka je i ta da svako jutro izmerim kilažu, i ako vidim da imam kilogram više taj dan se ne prežderavam i sve se vrati na normalu. Na taj način nikada više neću ni doći u situaciju da se mnogo ugojim. A da smršam sam morala iako nikada nisam bila baš debela. Od mnogo treninga kolena su mi se toliko upalila da nisam na treninzima mogla da čučnem, a i trčanje je bilo jako bolno. Ali sada više nemam tih problema ni malo. Kao što kaže piramida sa slike iznad: trenirajte, dnevno kontrolišite kilažu i jedite zdravo, često i umereno. Pazite na sebe, imate samo jedan život.
I will not bore you in this post any longer. I just wanted to express some basic things I think and I apply in my life. Tell me how you live, whether you agree with me or not, what you want me to write more about. I'm not a doctor or nutritionist, and I did not even finish Faculty for sport. I am only a person who thinks about life, who trains a lot and loves food. When I started eating so that I eat smaller meals many times a day I lost about 8kg in just two or three months. They never returned. My other trick is that I measure my weight every morning. If I see that I have a kilogram more I do not eat too much that day and everything returns to normal. In this way, I'll never even get into a situation that I gain a lot of weight. And I had to lose weight even though I was never really fat. Since I train a lot my knees got very inflamed when I gained to much weight and I couldn't squat on my training, and running was very painful. But now I no longer have these problems at all. As it is shown on the pyramid from the image above: train, control the weight daily and eat healthy, often and in moderate amounts. Take care of yourself, you only have one life.