субота, 28. фебруар 2015.

Balea Wellness puter za stopala sa limunovom travom i nanom

I tako dok čekam neke nove sunčane dane i šansu da fotografišem neke nove proizvode koje koristim, moram da koristim fotografije koje su napravljene dok je još bilo toplo i koje su strpljivo čekale da ih iskoristim za neki od postova. Da stvar bude još gora više nemam ni fotoaparat. Srećom telefon koji imam je više nego dobar za fotografije iz blizine, ali samo kada je sunčano. Pa dok dočekam toplije dane pisaću o nečemu što koristim svakodnevno - kemi za stopala. Trenutno koristim Balea Wellness puter za stopala  sa mirisom limunove trave i  nane,.

So while I wait for some new, sunny days and a chance to photograph some new products that I use, I have to use photos that were made while it was still warm and that were patiently waiting for me to use them for some of the upcoming posts. To make matters worse I do not have a camera any more. Luckily my phone has a great camera that makes close up photos very well, but only when it's sunny. So while I wait for warmer days I will write about something I use every day - foot cream. I currently use Balea Wellness foot butter with the smell of lemon grass and mint.

Godinama se bavim plesom i uvek mi je bilo jako stalo da uspem da imam lepa i negovana stopala, a naravno to nije lako kada se bavite bilo kojim plesom. Volim da isprobavam razne kremice i putere za stopala i revnosno ih mažem pred spavanje. Ova Baleina mazalica sadrži šea puter i ulje ricinusa. Miriše vrlo osvežavajuće, baš na limunovu travu. Mada miris možda neće biti po svačijem ukusu. Ima pravu teksturu putera za telo, malo je gušća, ali se vrlo lako razmazuje i upija. Rekla bih da ima srednju jačinu. Neće biti dovoljno jak za izrazito suvu, tvrdu i ispucalu kožu stopala, ali će lepo održavati kožu vlažnom i hidriranom. Dobar je za svakodnevnu malo jaču negu, ali ne i za saniranje vrlo grube kože.

For years, I do dance and it was always very important to me that I have nice and nourished feet, and of course that's not easy when you do any type of dancing. I like to try out a variety of creams and butters and I always apply them before going to sleep. This Balea butter contains Shea butter and castor oil. It smells very refreshing, just like lemon grass. Although the smell may not be to everyone's taste. It has the right texture of a body butter, a little thicker, but it is very easy to spread and absorb. I would say that it has a medium strength. It won't be strong enough for extremely dry, hard and cracked skin of the feet, but it will maintain a beautiful moist skin and hydrate it well. It is good for daily stronger care, but not for repairing very rough skin.

Dolazi u simpatičnom pakovanju od 200ml i košta koliko se sećam oko 400 dinara. Zaista je isplativo i jedno pakovanje mi jako dugo traje, Zadovoljna sam ovim puterom i volim što Balea stalno menja mirise proizvoda pa i ovih putera za stopala. S druge strane volim da imam i neku jaču kremu za stopala u kući, a ovaj puter to svakako nije. 

It comes in a cute packaging of 200ml and costs, as far as I remember, about 400 RSD. It is really affordable and one packaging lasts me a long time, I am satisfied with this butter, and I love that Balea constantly changes scents of products including these feet butters. On the other hand I like to have a stronger foot cream in the house, and this butter is certainly not that.

Da li ste probale Balein puter za stopala i kakvi su bili vaši utisci?

Informacije i ocene
Cenaoko 400 RSD 
Gde kupitiDM
Da li bih ih ponovo kupilaMožda
Ukupna ocena4/5
- Pakovanje
- Cena
- Dobro hidrira i neguje kožu
- Slab za najgrublju kožu stopala  

Have you tried Balea feet butter and what were your impressions?

Information and scores
Pricearound 400 RSD
Where to buyDM
Types 1
Would I buy them againMaybe
Overall Score4/5
- Packaging
- Price
- Nicely hydrates and nourishes
- Weak for the coarsest skin

понедељак, 16. фебруар 2015.

Avon Super Extend Extreme Mascara - Black

Ako me pratite možda znate da nisam ljubitelj maskari koje daju neprirodno veliki volumen i kao ekstremni slučaj trepavice kao paukove nožice. Uglavnom biram one koje izdužuju ili recimo uvijaju trepavice. Mada budimo realni ... moje ravne trepavice ništa ne može da uvije na duže vreme. Poslednja maskara koju sam odlučila da isprobam je Avonova Super Extend Extreme. 

If you follow me you might know that I am not a fan of mascaras that give an artificially high volume and as an extreme case lashes like spider's legs. I basically choose those that are lengthening or perhaps curl lashes. Although let's face it ... nothing can curl my straight lashes for a long time. Last mascara that I decided to try is Avon Super Extend Extreme.

Kao i svaka Avonova maskara zapakovana je u celofan. Pakovanje sadrži 7ml. Puna cena joj je 810 dinara, ali kao što znate retko šta u Avonu nije na sniženju skoro stalno. Plastika je dobra i čvrsta. Četkica je srednje veličine sa prilično čvrstim gumenim zupcima. Takođe malo je spljoštena, tako da izgleda kao da ima zupce sa dve strane a ne sa svih strana kao klasične kružne četkice. Više ima oblik kvadra nego valjka. Ovo je u principu dobro jer duže bodljie lepo rasčešljavaju trepavice, a kraće bočne nanose više maskare.

Like every other Avon mascara it is packaged in cellophane. The packaging contains 7ml. The full price of this mascara is 810 RSD, but as you know everything in Avon is almost always on some discount. Plastic is good and solid. The brush is medium in size with a fairly solid rubber spikes. Also, it is a little flattened so that it looks like it has spikes only on the two sides and not on all sides as a classical circular brush. It looks more like cube than cylinder. This is in principle good since longer spikes nicely comb eyelashes and shorter ones apply more mascara.

Maskara je namenjena produžavanju trepavica pa u sebi sadrži sitne dlačice. Efekat koji ova maskara pruža je prilično prirodan, ne slepljuje trepavice, već ih malo produži, naglasi, i lepo razdvoji. Dobra je za svakoga ko ne želi ekstremne trepavice.

Mascara is designed for extending lashes, so it contains tiny hairs. The effect of this mascara is quite natural, doesn't stick lashes together, but extends them a bit, accents, and nicely separates. It is good for anyone who does not want extreme lashes.

Ja lično imam jednu zamerku, a to je da se nikako nisam navikla na četkicu. Uporno zupcima prodjem kroz trepavice i umažem kapke pošto su zupci vrlo čvrsti. Ali to i ne mogu da uzmem za zlo maskari, problem je više u meni. Ne leži mi četkica iz nekog razloga. Iako mi se u principu veoma sviđa. Formula joj je dobra, ne razliva se i ne kuni, a skidačem šminke se vrlo lako uklanja, Evo kako izgleda na mojim malim i ravnim trepavicama, nakon nanošenja jednog i dva sloja,

I personally have just one objection, and that is that I never got used to the brush. I always touch my eyelid through eyelashes since spikes are very hard and get it all dirty and black. But I cannot say that it is macaras fault, the problem is more in me. This brush just doesn't suite me for some reason. Although I basically like it. Formula is good, it does not run or crumble during the day, and any makeup remover will easily remove it. Here is how it looks on my small and flat lashes, after application of one and two layers,

Da li ste probali ovu maskaru i kakvi su bili vaši utisci? Predložite mi neku drogerijsku maskaru sa sličnim prrodnim efektom.

Informacije i ocene
Cena810 RSD 
Gde kupitiAvon
Da li bih ih ponovo kupilaMožda
Ukupna ocena4/5
- Pakovanje
- Cena
- Ne razliva se 
- Lako se uklanja skidačem
- Lep prirodan izgled trepavica
- Slab efekat produžavanja
- Četkica mi ne odgovara   

Have you tried this mascara and what were your impressions? Suggest me a drugstore mascara with similar natural effect.

Information and scores
Price810 RSD
Where to buyAvon
Types 2
Would I buy them againMaybe
Overall Score4/5
- Packaging
- Price
- Doesn't run
- Easy to remove with any
 makeup remover
- Nice natural look
- Small extension
- I don't like the rush

четвртак, 12. фебруар 2015.

Siberian Health Experalta Luxurious Face Renewal Micellar Water

Šminku najviše volim da skidam micelarnom vodom, pa volim da isprobavam micelarne raznih proizvođača. Bioderma mi je kao i većini devojka bila najbolja, a da budem iskrena konačno sam probala jednu koja bi možda mogla da joj na neki način ipak parira - Siberian Health Experalta Luxurious Face Renewal Micellar Water.

I prefer to remove my makeup using micellar water, so I like to try out micellar waters from different manufacturers. Bioderma was my favourite one, as it is to many other girls, and to be honest I finally tried one that could perhaps compete with it on equal grounds - Siberian Health Experalta Luxurious Face Renewal Micellar Water.

Ova mecelarna voda ima dozu nekog luksuza u sebi i dolazi u kartonskoj kutiji koja je zapakovana celofanom. Unutra je bočica od 150ml. Siberian Health je brend prirodne kozmetike, a dodavanjem ekstrakata raznih biljaka uspeo je da ovaj proizvod učini da bude mnogo više od micelarne vode. Cela linija proizvoda Experalta u kojoj se nalazi i ova micelarna voda sadrži pečurku Reishi koja je veoma bogata germanijumom, amino kiselinama, polisaharidima i drugim sastojcima koji štite kožu od slobodnih radikala, stimulišu sintezu kolagena i smanjuju upalne procese na koži.

This mecellar water has a dose of luxury and comes in a cardboard box which is sealed with cellophane. Inside is a 150ml bottle. Siberian Health is a brand of natural cosmetics, and by adding various herbal extracts they managed to make this product more than just a micellar water. The entire product line Experalta, which includes this micellar water, contains Reishi mushroom, which is very rich in germanium, amino acids, polysaccharides and other ingredients that protect the skin from free radicals, stimulate collagen synthesis and reduces inflammation of the skin.

Ova linija proizvoda u sebi sadrži ekstrakte sibirskog kedra, sibirske šizandre, patuljastog bora, ruskog sladića, sibirskog arktičkog korena, sok breze, ulje šipka i druge biljke. Takođe kako vidim u sastavu ove micelarne ona u sebi sadrži i ulja pomorandže, bergamota, semena suncokreta, semena anisa, bosiljka, mandarine, ruzmarina... Evo ga uostalom i ceo sastav:

This product line contains extracts of Siberian cedar, Siberian shizandra, dwarf pine, Russian licorice, Siberian Arctic root, birch oil, pomegranate and other plants. In the ingredient list for this micellar water I can see that it also contains oils from orange, bergamot, sunflower seeds, anise seeds, basil, tangerine, rosemary ... Better yet, here is the whole composition:

Dakle, ono što mi se prvo sviđa je upravo to da je ova micelarna obogaćena zaista lepim sastojcima pa pored uloge čišćenja kože ona je zapravo i jedan vrlo hranljivi tonik. Nanosi se isto kao i svaka micelarna - sipa se na tufer stavi na kožu i sačeka par sekundi da micelarna rastori šminku i nečistoće i onda se tuferom šminka obriše. Vrlo bitno je to da ova micelarna odlično skida šminku, čak i najtrajniju i problematičnu za skidanje. Apsolutno može da parira Biodermi u ovom pogledu, što do sad ni jedna micelarna koju sam probala nije mogla.

So the first thing I like about this micellar water is that it is infused with lots of really nice ingredients and in addition to the role of cleansing the skin it is actually a very nutritious tonic. It is supposed to be applied the same as any micellar water - poured on the cotton pads, placed on the skin for a few seconds so it has time to de-solve makeup and impurities and then you can swipe everything of with cotton pads. The most important thing is that this micellar water is excellent at removing makeup, even the most durable and problematic for removal. It can absolutely match Bioderma in this regard, which none of the micellar waters I have tried so far could.

Ima malo veću rupicu na bočici i poklopac koji se zavrće. Mada i pored takvog otvora doziranje nije mnogo problematično. Blago žućkaste je boje i ima citrusan i prilično jak miris. Srećom pa miris nije loš, a i brzo izvetri.

It has a slightly larger opening and the lid is screwed on. Although it has a bit bigger hole dosing is not very problematic. It is slightly yellowish in colour and has a citrusy and quite strong scent. Luckily, the smell is not bad and quickly evaporates.

Jedina stvar koja mi se kod ove micelarne ne sviđa je što dolazi u relativno malom pakovanju, a po relativno visokoj ceni od 1295 dinara. Jedino što po meni opravdava ovu cenu je postojanje mnogo dobrih biljnih sastojaka koji obogaćuju ovu micelarnu i dobri su za kožu. Mada s obzirom na cenu sumnjam da ću je često kupovati. 

The only thing that I don't like about this micellar water is that it comes in a relatively small packaging at a relatively high price of 1295 RSD. The only thing that can justify this price is the existence of many good herbal ingredients that enrich this micellar water and that are good for the skin. But considering the price I doubt I will buy it very often.

Ako pogledam sastav i efekat ovo mi je omiljena micelarna do sad jer ima odličnu moć uklanjanja šminke, a pored toga neguje, hrani i štiti kožu. Da li ste je vi probali? Da li mislite da su dodatni sastojci dovoljni da opravdaju ovu cenu za ovo manje pakovanje u odnosu na druge brendove?

Informacije i ocene
Cena1295 RSD 
Gde kupitiSiberian Health
Da li bih ih ponovo kupilaDa
Uklanjanje šminke5/5
Ukupna ocena4/5
- Odlično skida šminku
- Dobar sastav
- Tonik i micelarna u jednom
- Cena              
- Jači miris                 

If you look at the composition and the effects this is my favourite micellar water so far, because it has a great strength in removing makeup, and besides that it also nurtures, nourishes and protects the skin. Have you tried it? Do you think that the additional ingredients are sufficient to justify the price for this smaller packaging, compared to other brands?

Information and scores
Price1295 RSD
Where to buySiberian Health
Types 1
Would I buy them againYes
Makeup removal5/5
Overall Score4/5
- Great in removing makeup
- Good ingredient

- Tonic and micellar water in one product
- Price
- Stronger scent                

субота, 7. фебруар 2015.

Top Ten Propanthen Skin Renewal Body Butter & First Aid Skin Repair Cream

Serija recenzija nove Top Ten Propanthen linije proizvoda se nastavlja, a ovim postom dolazimo i do kraja linije. Do sad me ni jedna linija proizvoda nije oduševila toliko da poželim da pišem o svakom proizvodu iz linije, ali sa Propanthen-om je ipak drugačije. 

Series of review posts about the new Top Ten Propanthen product line continues and this post will be the last one. Until now none of the product lines I have tried impressed me enough to want to write about every product from the line, but with Propanthen it's a bit different.

Današnji post posvećen je proizvodima za telo koji dolaze u lepim plastičnim kutijicama od po 110ml. Naravno kao i cela linija, namenjeni su nezi kože kojoj je potrebna jača hidratacija, omekšavanje i zaštita od hladnoće i isušivanja usled niskih temperatura.  

Today's post is dedicated to products for the body that come in beautiful plastic jars of 110ml. Of course, as the entire line, these products are also devoted to the care of the skin in need of stronger hydration, softening and protection from the cold and dryness due to low temperatures.

Prvi proizvod je puter za telo Skin Renewal Body Butter, koji sadrži 6% D-pantenola, ši puter i aloja veru. Ne sadrži parabene. Namenjen je regeneraciji i umirenju oštećene, suve i iritirane kože. Evo ga i ceo sastav:

The first product is body butter Skin Renewal Body Butter, which contains 6% of D-panthenol, shea butter and aloe vera. It does not contain parabens. It is intended to soothe and regenerate damaged, dry and irritated skin. Here's the whole composition:

Omekšava i hrani kožu, a nije ni malo mastan i veoma se brzo upija. Bele je boje i srednje gust, a nema nikakav miris. Lepo se razmazuje i male količine su potrebne za vidljive efekte. Cena putera za telo je 265 dinara.

It softens and nourishes the skin, and isn't even a little greasy and also absorbs very quickly. It is white and medium thick, and has no scent. It nicely spreads and small amounts are needed for visible effects. The price of this body butter is 265 RSD.

Ja zimi imam problem sa suvom kožom na potkolenicama od nošenja dugačkih čarapa i hladnoće. Ovaj puter je potpuno vratio kožu u normalno stanje za recimo dva dana korišćenja. I od kad ga koristim nemam ni naznake suve kože, čak i ako preskočim mazanje neki dan. Prezadovoljna sam.

During the winter I have a problem with dry skin on the lower part of my legs from wearing long socks and from cold weather. This butter has completely returned my skin to normal after just two days of use. And now even when I skip a day of using it, I still have no indications of dry skin, I am very pleased with it.

Drugi proizvod je malo drugačiji. To je First Aid Skin Repair Cream sa nevenom i pantenolom, koja takođe zaceljuje, hrani i hidrira kožu. Ona je namenjena brzoj regeneraciji suve i ispucale kože, štiti od spoljnih uticaja, sunčevog zračenja i prevremenog starenja.

The second product is a little different. That is a First Aid Skin Repair Cream with calendula and panthenol, which also heals, nourishes and hydrates the skin. It is intended for the rapid regeneration of dry and chapped skin, protects against external influences, solar radiation and premature aging.

I ova krema ne sadrži parabene. Gusta je i naranžaste boje, a ima malo jači osvežavajući miris, koji je prilično očekivan kod kreme sa nevenom. Petrolatum je prvi u nizu sastojaka, pa je odatle i očekivana konzistencija slična gustom vazelinu. Cena kreme je 269 dinara. Evo ga i ceo sastav:

This cream does not contain parabens, too. It is thick and orange and has a slightly stronger refreshing scent, which is quite expected for a cream with calendula. Petrolatum is the first in a series of ingredients, and hence it is expected for this cream to have consistency similar to thick petroleum jelly (vaseline). Price is 269 RSD. Here's the whole composition:

Kremu sam koristila za stopala, ruke, laktove, nakon depilacije, brijanja ili na nekim iziritiranim mestima i u svakoj situaciji se pokazala vrlo dobrom jer je kožu u veoma kratkom periodu vratila u normalno stanje. Dobra je i isplativa, pošto se jako sporo troši zbog gustine.

I have used it for the feet, hands, elbows, after waxing, shaving or for some irritated spots and in every situation it proved to be very good, because the skin would return to normal in a very short period of time. It is a good and cost-effective product, since it is consumed very slowly due to its density.

I za kraj evo pokušaja da dočaram teksturu kreme:

And finally here is an attempt to show you the texture of the cream:

Da li ste videli ova dva proizvoda na policama drogerija, i da li ste ih probali? Obe kreme imaju moju velik preporuku, pa ako vam treba nešto za suvu kožu znate gde da tražite!

Informacije i ocene
Cenaputer: 265 RSD
neven: 269 RSD 
Gde kupitiLilly, DM
Da li bih ih ponovo kupilaDa!
Ukupna ocena5/5
- Pakovanje
- Cena

- Odlično hrane i hidriraju kožu 
- Posle već par mazanja koža je meka
  i nije više suva i iziritirana

Have you seen these two products on the shelves of drugstores, and have you tried them? Both creams have my great recommendations, so if you need something for dry skin you know where to look!

Information and scores
Pricebody butter: 269 RSD
calendula cream: 265 RSD
Where to buyLilly, DM
Types 1
Would I buy them againYes!
Overall Score5/5
- Packaging
- Price
- Great nourishment and hydration
- After just a few applications skin
  is soft and stops being dry

уторак, 3. фебруар 2015.

SuperNovin drugi rođendan + Giveaway

Prosto mi je neverovatno ali prošle su pune dve godine od kad sam napisala prvi post. Za to vreme napisala sam dosta postova, tačnije zadesilo se da je upravo ovaj rođendanski post 300. po redu! U toku ove godine blog je dobio i novo ruho i malo sam se igrala sa izgledom same stranice.

It simply is amazing, but it's been two whole years since I wrote the first post. During that time I wrote a lot of posts, to be precise this birthday post is actually 300th! During this year my blog got a new look and I played a bit with its appearance.

Neću da budem dosadna i nadugačko ponavljam kako sam veoma uživala u druženju sa drugim blegerkama i u isprobavanju i pisanju o raznim proizvodima. I nakon dve godine ovaj blog mi donosi jednako mnogo uživanja tako da svakako planiram da nastavim da na njemu radim i pokušaću da ga učinim još boljim, zanimljivijim i korisnijim.

I won't bore you for a long time by writing how much I have enjoyed spending time with other bleggers, trying out and writing posts about various products. After two years this blog still brings a lot of joy, so I am planning to continue to work on it and try to make it better, more interesting and more useful .

Naravno, hvala svima koji me pratite i koji komentarišete jer činite da mi pisanje bude još veće uživanje. Zato sam htela da vam se ovim putem zahvalim i nekome od vas poklonim jedan mali paketić sa nekoliko proizvoda. U njemu su Rimmel Lasting Finish by Kate ruž u nijansi 105 i She Stylezone lak u nijansi 183 (narandžasta je moja omiljena boja šta da radim). Pored ovih proizvoda poklanjam vam i Aura Correct me! tečni korektor u najsvetlijoj toploj nijansi 301 Vanilla. Napominjem da ovo nije nov proizvod već sam ga koristila jednom kada sam ga dobila od Aure kako bih uradila swatch za post. Ali kako mi je presvetao nikada ga više nisam koristila i prosto mi je žao da stoji. Tako da ga prosleđujem u nadi da će dobiti vlasnicu koja ga neće terati da stoji u fioci kao ja. Darivanje je otvoreno za Srbiju i sve okolne zemlje i trajaće do 15.2. kada ću izvući dobitnicu. Sve što treba da uradite je da popunite Rafflecopter ispod. Srećno!

Of course, thanks to all who follow me and comment, because you make everything even more enjoyable. That's why I wanted to give one of you a small gift with several products. In it is Rimmel Lasting Finish Lipstick by Kate in shade 105 and She Stylezone nail polish in shades 183 (orange is my favourite colour). In addition to these products there is also a Aura Correct me! Liquid Concealer in lightest warm shade 301 Vanilla. Please note that this is not a new product, but I used it once when I got from Aura, so I can do a swatch for the post. But as it is too light for me I have never used it again and it's a pity for it to go to waist. So I'm forwarding it to one of you, hoping that it'll get a new owner that won't make it just sit in a drawer like I did. Giveaway is opened for Serbia and all the surrounding countries and will continue until 15.2. when I will draw the winner. All you need to do is fill out the Rafflecopter below. Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway