петак, 28. новембар 2014.

Essence vodootporna kombinacija - All Eyes On Me maskara i Liquid Ink ajlajner

Pre nekog vremena rešila sam da nabavim neku osnovnu vodootpornu šminku. Uostalom uskoro će sezona skijanja i mećava haha. I pošto sam čitala da hvale Essence-ov vodootporni ajlajner reših da ga kupim a uz njega kupila sam i vodootpornu maskaru All Eyes On Me. I pre sam imala odlično iskustvo sa Essence vodootpornim maskarama pa sam i ovoj htela da dam šansu.

Some time ago I decided to get some basic waterproof makeup. After all, ski season and blizzard are coming soon haha. And as I read only good reviews about Essence waterproof eyeliner I decided to buy it and with it I also bought waterproof mascara All Eyes On Me. I had great experiences with their waterproof mascaras before, so I wanted to give this one a chance.

1. All Eyes On Me Waterproof Mascara

Maskara dolazu u pakovanju koje je malih dimenzija ali sadži 8ml. Cena joj je 269 dinara. Četkica je klasična i prilično mala, kakve ja najviše i volim. Nisam veliki fan gumenih četkica, šta ću. Formula je retka i čini mi se da u sebi sadrži veoma malo dlačica za produžavanje trepavica. Pošto je formula retka lako se maže, a četkica ne kupi previše maskare i ne slepljuje trepavice. 

Mascara comes in a small packaging but it contains 8ml. The price is 269 RSD. Brush is a classic one and rather small, just the way I like. I'm not a big fan of rubber brushes. The formula is rare and it seems to me that it contains a few eyelash extension fibres. Since the formula is rare it is easy to apply, and since the brush doesn't pick up too much mascara lashes don't stick together.

Izgled trepavica koji se dobija je prirodan. One ne mogu da se naglase previše i ne dobijaju mnogo na volumenu, ali postaju crne i lepo razdvojene, pa izgledaju zaista jako prirodno.

The appearance of eyelashes is natural. This mascara cannot emphasize them too much and they don't get much volume, reather become black and nicely separated, and really look very natural.

Sastav / Ingredients:

Sa bilo kojim skidačem šminke ova maskara se lako skida. Ne rastvara se skroz već se malo i kruni pri skidanju, ali nije potrebno trljati da bi se skinula. S druge strane u toku dana ne mrda i zaista je potpuno vodootporna. Ja sam njom prezadovoljna posebno kad se izme u obzir i mala cena. Ali svakako nije za osobe koje žele veoma naglašene trepavice. Evo kako izgleda kada se nanese (bez maskare, jedan sloj, dva sloja).

This mascara is easily removed with any makeup remover. It slightly desolves but it also crumbels a little when removed, but it is not necessary to rub a lot to remove it. On the other hand during the day it won't move and it is completely waterproof. I am very happy with it especially when you consider the small price. But it definitely isn't for people who want a very pronounced eyelashes. Here's how it looks when it is applied (without mascara, one coat, two coats).

2. Liquid Ink Waterproof Eyeliner

Ajlajner dolazi u pakovanju od 3ml i košta 339 dinara. pakovanje je dobro i lepo se zatvara pa se ajlajner neće brzo osušiti. Kod ajlajnera su jednako bitne dve stvari, četkica i formula. Četkica je prilično tanka i vrlo precizna, Jedina zamerka je što je na vrhu sečena kockasto a ne špicasto što bi mnogo povećalo preciznost, ali i ovako uspevam da izvučem i vrlo tanke linije.

Eyeliner comes in packaging of  3ml and costs 339 RSD. Packaging is good and nicely closes so the eyeliner won't dry out. For an eyeliner there are two things that are equally important, brush and formula. The brush is very thin and very precise, only gripe is that on top it is square-cut and not pointed, which would greatly increase accuracy, but I still manage to do even very thin lines.

Formula mi se isto veoma sviđa. Kada se nanosi je vrlo tečan i lako klizi po koži, ali je veoma pigmentovan pa i jedan sloj pravi punu crnu liniju. Takđe se i brzo suši, a kada se osuši ne mrda ceo dan. Zaista jeste vodootporan i vrlo postojan, a kao i maskara vrlo se lako skida skidačem šminke.

I also like the formula very much. When applied is very smooth and easily glides over the skin, but it is very pigmented so one layer can make a full black line. It also dries quickly, and when dried doesn't move all day. It is indeed waterproof and very durable, and as well as the mascara, it is very easily removed by any makeup remover.

Vrlo retko mi se dešavalo da sam kraj linije malo izbledi nakon celog dana i sto treninga pa da moram malo da ga popravim. Pogledajte kako izgleda na koži. 

It rarely happened that the very end of the line faded away after a whole day and hundreds of training, so that I had any need to fix it. See how it looks on the skin.

Sastav/ Ingredients:

I za kraj evo kako izgleda kada se na oko nanesu samo ovaj ajlajner i maskara. Lagano, ne mnogo upadljivo i potpuno spremno za ceo dan skijanja. :P

And finally here's how it looks when you apply only this eyeliner and mascara. Light, not to striking and totally ready for a full day of skiing. : P

Šta mi se sviđa kod ovih proizvoda:
- cena,
- dostupnost,
- ambalaža,
- vodootporni su i postojani,
- lako se skidaju skidačem šminke,
- prirodan izgled trepavica,
- jedan sloj dovoljan kod ajlajnera,
- dobre četkice.

Informacije i ocene:

CENA: 269 dinara maskara,  339 dinara ajlajner

CENA: 5/5

What I like about these products:
- Price,
- Availability,
- Packaging,
- Waterproof and durable,
- Easy removable by any makeup remover,
- The natural appearance of eyelashes,
- One layer of eyeliner is at a sufficient,

- Good brushes.

Information and scores:

PRICE:  269 RSD mascara, 339 RSD eyeliner

PRICE: 5/5

петак, 21. новембар 2014.

Vichy Liftactiv Supreme krema za lice

Red je došao i da napišem utiske o najnovijoj Vichy anti age kremi Liftactiv Supereme. O promociji kreme pisala sam ovde. A onda sam došla kuci isprobala je, a zatim i prosledila mami u nekom trenutku, da je isproba i ona na starijoj koži. Već sam pisala u prošlom postu o ovoj kremi da ona pored uobičajene anti age nege cilja i na pomoć pri dnevnom upuštanju kože, koje smo verovatno svi primetili. Koža ujutru izgleda najbolje a u toku dana se upusti, ten izgleda lošije a bore su izraženije.

It is time for me to write about the latest Vichy anti-age cream Liftactiv Supereme. I already wrote about it's promotion here. And then I came home tried it, and then gave it to my mom at some point, so she can try it on her older skin. I already wrote in my last post about this cream that besides the usual anti-aging care this cream also helps with day ageing of the skin, we've probably all noticed. The skin looks best in the morning and during the day it sags, the complexion looks worse and wrinkles are more pronounced.

Krema sadrži adenozin (blokira kontrakcije fibroblasta) i kofein (drenirajući efekat), ramnozu 5% (ojačava epidermis i dermis, povećava debljinu epidermisa) i neohesperidin 2% (antioksidans, sprečava melanogenezu uzrokovanu UV zračenjem). Krema takođe sadrži i čestice koje upijaju višak sebuma i vizuelno zaglađuju kožu, a takođe i svetlucave čestice koje koži daju živost i svež izgled. Uz ove sastojke krema ima trostruko anti age dejstvo - trenutno, u toku jednog dana i nakon dužeg vremena. Evo ga i ceo sastav:

The cream contains adenosine (blocks contraction of fibroblasts), and caffeine (draining effect), rhamnose 5% (strengthens the epidermis and dermis, increases thickness of the epidermis) and neohesperidin 2% (antioxidant, prevents the UV-induced melanogenesis). The cream also contains particles that absorb excess sebum and visually smooth the skin and also the glowing particles that give skin liveliness and fresh look. With these ingredients the cream has triple anti-aging effects - instantly, during one day and after a long time. Here's the full ingredient list:

Pa da pređem i na utiske. Prva i očigledna stvar je tekstura koja malkice podseća na kreme koje matiraju. Kada se namaže koža je matirana i izgleda zaglađeno. Brzo se upija i ne kruni se sa lica a dobra je i podloga za šminku. Ima blag i prijatan miris. Sa ovom kremom lice mi prosija dosta sporije i izgleda lepo i zdravo. To mi se na prvu loptu svidelo. Takođe primetila sam da mi koža izgleda zategnutije i sveže tokom celog dana. 

So to move on to my impressions. The first and obvious thing is just the texture that resembles a cream that mattifies. When applied the skin is matte and looks smooth. It is quickly absorbed and doesn't crumble, so it's also a good makeup base. It has a mild and pleasant fragrance. With this cream my face becomes shiny later and looks nice and healthy. That was the first thing that I liked. Also, I noticed that my skin looks tighter and fresh throughout the day.

Prosledila sam je i mami koja ima stariju kožu i vidne bore i ona je takođe bila veoma zadovoljna. I njeno lice je izgledalo sveže, a ten i izgled kože su bili lepši. A rekla je i da su joj se neke bore malo smanjile vizuelno. I to već pri početku korišćenja. Naravno da je deo toga i efekat čestica koje zaglađuju kožu ali bitno je da koža izgleda bolje.

I gave it to my mom who has an older skin and visible wrinkles and she was also very pleased. Her face looked fresh and complexion and skin appearance were better. She said that wrinkles were visually reduced. And that happened in the beginning of the use. Of course that is in part because of the particles that smooth out the skin but in the end it is just important that the skin looks better.

Krema dolazi u klasičnoj staklenoj Vichy teglici od 50ml i košta oko 3500 dinara. Za kraj poledajte i teksturu kreme:

The cream comes in a classic Vichy glass jar of 50ml and costs about 3500 RSD. In the end here is the texture of the cream:

Ja sam kremom veoma zadovoljna, i svako ko traži anti age kremu a i dalje ima mešovitu i masniju kožu mislim da će biti veoma zadovoljan kremom. Lepo hidrira, ali i matira i zateže kožu. Da li ste je vi probali i kakvi su vaši utisci?

Šta mi se sviđa:
- tekstura,
- hidratacija,
- izgled kože,
- matira i zaglađuje.

Šta mi se ne sviđa:
- pakovanje je lepo ali nije higijensko,
- cena.

Informacije i ocene:

CENA: oko 3500 RSD
GDE JE NABAVITI: Lilly, apoteke

CENA: 2/5


I am very pleased with the cream, and anyone seeking anti-aging cream and still having mixed and oily skin will be very pleased with cream, I think. Nicely moisturizes, mattifies and tightens the skin. Have you tried it and what are your impressions?

What I like:
- Texture,
- Hydration,
- The appearance of the skin,
- Mattifies and smooths.

What I don't like:
- The packaging is nice but not hygienic,

- Price.

Information and scores:

PRICE: around 3500 RSD

WHERE TO BUY: Lilly, pharmacies

PRICE: 2/5



среда, 19. новембар 2014.

Omiljeni dekorativni proizvod ove godine - Aura Absolute Matte ruževi

Stvarno nisam mogla da se suzdržim sa naslovom ovog posta. Aura Absolute Matte ruževi su mi toliko divni...kao da su ih za mene lično pravili. Da evo već u prvoj rečenici vam otkrivam da sam potpuno oduševljena. A evo i zašto.

I really could not help myself with the title of this post. Aura Absolute Matte lipsticks are so beautiful ... as if they were made for me personally. Yes I reviled thet I'm compaltely thrilled in the first sentence. And here's why.

Ruževi dolaze u 13 nijansi, mada moram da priznam da ima nekih nijansi koje su kada se nanesu prilično slične. Pakovanje je dobro i čvrsto. Sadrži 7ml. Koštaju 485 dinara. Aplikator je sunđerast i precizan. Meni lično nije nikakav problem da sa njim jako lepo nanesem ruž.

Lipsticks come in 13 shades, although I have to admit that there are some shades which when applied are fairly similar. The packaging is good and tight. Contains 7ml. They cost 485 RSD. Applicator is spongy and accurate. I personally do not have any problem to nicely apply lipsticks.

Ruževi imaju nekoliko vrlo pozitivnih osobina. Ne isušuju usne, iako su mat vrlo slabo ili ni malo ne naglašavaju suve delove usana (to malo zavisi i od nijanse). Veoma su trajni, kada se osuše i preko 5 sati mogu da izdrže, ne ostaju na čaši kada se nešto pije, brišu se veoma ujednačeno i lepo. Osećaj nakon nanošenja ovih ruževa je kao da sam nanela olovku za usne, ali bez osećaja suvoće na usnama. Ponekad imam veoma blag osećaj isušivanja ali samo u najlošijim danima kada su mi usne i same suve.

Lipsticks have a couple of very positive qualities. They do not dry out the lips, although they are matte they don't accentuate the dry parts of the lips or they do that only a bit (this depends on the shade). They are very durable when dry and stay on over 5 hours, they don't stay on the glass when you drink something, erase very smoothly and nicely. The feeling after applying these lipsticks is as if I applied a lip liner, but without the feeling of dryness. Sometimes I have a very mild feeling of dryness but only on the worst days when my lips and very dry by themselves.

Veoma lako se nanose. Jedan sloj je često prilično prozračan pa za jaču boju može da se nanaese i drugi sloj. Svaka nijansa kada se osuši i postane mat postane malo svetlija, tako da i najtamnije nijanse nisu prenapadne i veoma lako mogu da se nose i preko dana. Na swatch-evima ispod sam nanosila po jedan sloj. Neke boje na žalost nisu mnogo fotogenične, posebno one koje su jarke i veoma crvene. Nijanse sam podelila u nekoliko grupa.

Very easy to apply. Single layer is often quite translucent and for a stronger colour you can apply two coats. All of the shades become slightly lighter colour when dry, so that even the darkest shades are not very bright and can easily be worn during the day. In the swatches below I applied only one layer. Some colours unfortunately aren't very photogenic, especially those that are vibrant and very red. I divided all of the shades into several groups.

1. Nude nijanse / Nude shades: 601 My Beloved, 602 Ring a Bell, 613 Good Vibes, 609 Candy Pick

Ova grupa ima sledeće nijanse:
- 601 bež nijansa,
- 602 boju mesa,
- 613 zagasita svetlo ljubičasta tj. mauve nijansa,
- 609 svetla bebi roze.

This group has the following shades:
- 601 beige shade,
- 602 meat colour,
- 613 dull purple ie. mauve shade.
- 609 light baby pink.

Sve nijanse odlično izgledaju na usnama, čak i 601 koja kada se osuši ne izgleda loše iako je svetlija od mojih prirodnih usana. Usne mi se ne provide neujednačeno, već ruž i sa jednim slojem bude jako ujednačen što me je oduševilo. Sad prelazim na swatcheve. Redosled nijansi je isti kao i u naslovu. Na svim slikama idu prvo ruževi na suncu, a zatim u hladu.

All shades look great on lips, even 601, which when dry doesn't look bad though it is lighter than my natural lips. Lips cannot be seen through one layer unevenly, but even a single layer looks very uniform, which I love. Now let's move on to the swatches. Shades are in the same order as in the title. All of the pictures show lipsticks in the sun and then in the shade.

 601 My Beloved, 602 Ring a Bell, 613 Good Vibes, 609 Candy Pick
 601 My Beloved
602 Ring a Bell,
613 Good Vibes
609 Candy Pick

2. Crvene nijanse / Red shades: 603 Sooner od Later, 606 Pink a Color, 604 Boy Oh Boy, 605 Checkmatte

Crvene nijanse su naravno prepigmentovane i vrlo jarke i postojane:
- 603 je po meni opet boja mesa ali sa primesom crvene u sebi. Nije baš fotogenična. Na slikama je crvenija, a slika na usnama izgleda malo rozikasto više nego što je to slučaj u realnosti. Ovo je jedna od mojih omiljenih nijansi,
- 606 ima dozu fuksijastog u sebi pa nije potpuno crvena već više malinasta nijansa,
- 604 je možda meni i omiljena nijansa, izrazito topla crvena koja je svetla pa bih rekla da je nešto između narandžastog i crvenog,
- 605 je tamna crvena sa hladnim podtonom iako se u pakovanju to ne čini baš tako. U sebi ima malo ljubičaste pa je zato kada se namaže ipak hladna crvena. Tamnija je nego na slikama.

The red shades are naturally very pigmented, vibrant and durable:
- 603 is I think, again, meaty colour but with a tinge of red in it. It's not very photogenic. It is a bit more red in the photos and on the lips it looks a little more pinkish than it is in reality. This is one of my favorite shades,
- 606 has a dose  of fuchsia in it so it's not completely red but more a raspberry shade,
- 604 maybe my favourite shade, very warm red that is bright and I would say that is somewhere between orange and red,
- 605 is a dark red with a cool undertone, although in the packaging it doesn't seem quite to be the case. It has a little purple in ti and therefore when applied it is a cool red. It is a bit darker than in the pictures.

 603 Sooner od Later, 606 Pink a Color, 604 Boy Oh Boy, 605 Checkmatte
603 Sooner od Later
606 Pink a Color
604 Boy Oh Boy
605 Checkmatte

3. Ljubičaste nijanse / Purple shades: 610 Vivid Feel, 607 Mind on Vacation, 608 Instant Crush, 611 Time for Selfie, 612 Matte Mess

Ljubičaste nijasne nisu baš najfotogeničnije u pakovanjima. Pokušaću da ih opišem:
- 610 je tamnija mauve nijansa, ali ipak ne previše zagasita već ima i dozu toplote u sebi,
- 607 je malinasta i topla,
- 608 je veoma jarka roza nijansa, čak malo ide i na fuksijastu roze,
- 611 topla tamno ljubicasta, čak malo vuče  na boju mesa,
- 612 najtamnija nijansa, zagasita i hladna ljubičasta.

Purple shades are not exactly the most photogenic in packagings. I'll try to describe them:
- 610 is darker mauve shade, but not too dull, it has a dose of warmth inside,
- 607 is raspberry and warm,
- 608 is a very bright pink shade, even a bit pulling towards fuchsia pink,
- 611 warm dark purple, even a bit meaty colour,
- 612 darkest shade, dull purple and cold.

 610 Vivid Feel, 607 Mind on Vacation, 608 Instant Crush, 611 Time for Selfie, 612 Matte Mess
610 Vivid Feel
607 Mind on Vacation
608 Instant Crush
611 Time for Selfie
612 Matte Mess
I to bi bile sve nijanse. Mene su sve nijanse oduševile a nekoliko omiljenih su mi svakako 602, 603, 604 i 612. Da li ste vi probali neku od nijansi i kakvi su bili vaši utisci? Koje su vam omiljene nijanse?

Šta mi se sviđa:
- cena,
- dostupnost,
- pakovanje i aplikator,
- pigmentacija,
- izgled na usnama,
- mat su,
- trajnost,
- homogeno se brišu,
- ne naglašavaju suve delove usana.

Šta mi se ne sviđa:
- ponekad minimalno isušuju usne.

Informacije i ocene:


CENA: 5/5

And those would be all of the shades. I was thrilled with all the shades but a couple of them are my favorites like 602, 603, 604 and 612. Have you tried any of the shades and what were your impressions? What are your favorite shades?

What I like:
- Price,
- Availability,
- Packaging and applicator,
- Pigmentation,
- The appearance on the lips,
- They are matte,
- Durability,
- Homogeneously erase,
- Do not emphasize dry parts of the lips.

What I don't like:
- Sometimes they dry out the lips but only a little.

Information and scores:


PRICE: 5/5

петак, 14. новембар 2014.

Kako očuvati boju kose nakon farbanja u narandžasto - Revlonissimo 45 Days Total Color Care & Revlon Nutri Color Creme

Pre manje od pola godine rešila sam da ponovo ofarbam kosu u narandžasto. Kako sam već bila i crvena i narandžasta znala sam da su te boje najteže za održavanje. Kosa može fenomenalno da izgleda nakon farbanja ali crvene nijanse se brzo ispiraju i nakon toga kosa više nije tako lepa. Ovaj put sam pokušala da se protiv toga borim.

Less than half a year ago I decided to re-dye my hair orange. Since I already had red and orange hair I knew these colours ate the hardest to maintain. The hair can be awesome after colouring but red shades quickly rinse off and then the hair is not nearly as beautiful. This time I tried to fight that.

Rešila sam da kupim Revlonissimo 45 Days Total Color Care 2u1 šampon sa balzamom kao i Revlon Nutri Color Creme koji je 3u1 proizvod koji obnavlja boju, ali i daje kosi mekoću i sjaj. Oba proizvoda kupljena su  u prodavnici sa proizvodima za kosu u Svetogorskoj ulici. Sada ću vam detaljnije preneti utiske o oba proizvoda.

I decided to buy Revlonissimo 45 Day Total Color Care 2in1 Shampoo and Conditioner as well as Revlon Nutri Color Creme which is 3in1 product that restores the colour, but also gives hair softness and shine. Both products were purchased in a store with hair products in Svetogorska street. Now I will convey my impressions of both products.

1.  Revlonissimo 45 Days Total Color Care

Ovaj šampon je vrlo zanimljiv proizvod pošto je namenjen očuvanju boje farbane kose ali i blagoj obnovi boje. Postoji čak 6 vrsta za svaku boju kose - za hladne plave, tople plave, braon, crne, narandžaste i crvene. Ja sam kupila naravno šampon namenjen narandžastoj kosi. Šampon dolazi u tubi od 275ml i košta 1490 dinara.

This shampoo is very interesting because the product is intended for preservation of colour treated hair and mild colour reconstruction. There are 6 shades for each hair colour - for cold blonds, warm blonds, brown, black, orange, and red. I bought the one designed for orange hair. Shampoo comes in a tube of 275ml and costs 1490 RSD.

Šampon je narandžaste boje i vrlo lepo peni i čisti kosu. Takođe je ne otežava, ne masti, a takođe je i omekšava i čini rasčešljavanje lakim. Zaista sam primetila da usporava ispiranje boje, ali takođe i daje blag narandžasti preliv. Efekat je vrlo mali i uočljiviji je što vam je kosa jače ofarbana. Nekako dobije jači narandžasti sjaj. Ali kako vreme prolazi a farba se ispira i ovaj efekat pojačavanja boje postaje sve manje vidljiv. Evo ga i sastav:

The shampoo is orange and makes a lot of foam and cleans hair well. It also does not make hair heavy and oily, and it also softens it and makes detangling easy. I really noticed it slows down the colour disappearance, but also provides mild orange shine. The effect is very small and more noticeable when hair is recently dyed. Somehow hair gets stronger orange glow. But as time goes on and the colour is washed off, the effect of colour enhancement becomes less visible. Here are the ingredients:

Aqua, Sodium Lauroyl Methyl Isethionate, Sodium Cocoamphopropionate, Glycerin, Cocamidopropyl Betaine, PEG-150 Distearate, Di-PPG-2 Myreth-10 Adipate, Polyquanternium-55, Vaccinium Macrocarpon (Cranbery) Fruit Juice, Benzophenone-4, Glycol Stearate, Panthenol, Copolymer, Triethanolamine, Citric Acid, Sodium Acetate, Parfum, Linalool, Limonene, Pentylene Glycol, Lauryl Alcohol, Diphosphonic Acid, Lauric Acid, Disodium EDTA, Phenoxyethanol, Methylisothiazolinone, CI 19140 (Yellow 5), Basic Orange 31.

Tuba je dobra za doziranje. Nakon utrljavanja u kosu šampon trebada odstoji 2 minuta pre ispiranja.

The tube is good for dosing. After rubbing shampoo into the hair it should stay on for 2 minuters before rinsing.

Evo da pogledate i teksturu:

Here is the texture:

2. Revlon Nutri Color Creme 400 Tangerine

Ovo je malo stariji i veoma poznat proizvod. Izgleda kao farba za kosu, međutim boja nije trajna već služi samo obnovi boje tako da kosa dobija ponovo lep sjaj i boju kao da je tek ofarbana. Postoji čak 15 nijansi, a moja je 400 Tangerine. Dolaze u dve veličine. Manja izgleda kao farba za kosu u metalnoj tubi i trenutno je jedina koja ima da se kupi u Srbiji, bar kada sam je ja kupovala. Veću koja izgleda kao kuglica sa pumpicom su rekli da ne uvoze više. Ova manja ima 100ml i košta 1245 dinara.

This is a little older and a well-known product. It looks like a hair colour, but colour is not permanent but it only serves to rebuild colour so that the hair gets a beautiful shine and colour it had when it was dyed. There are as many as 15 shades, and mine is 400 Tangerine. They come in two sizes. Smaller ones look like hair colour in a metal tube and they are currently the only ones that can be bought in Serbia, at least when I bought mine. Larger packaging looks like a ball with pump and they told me that it is not imported any more. The smaller packaging contains 100ml and costs 1245 RSD.

Krema se nanosi na mokru kosu nakon pranja uz upotrebu rukavica. Prstima se utrlja i treba da odstoji 3 minuta nakon čega se ispira vodom. Tuba je dovoljna za nekoliko nanošenja, što naravno zavisi i od dužine kose.

The cream is applied to wet hair after washing, using gloves. It should be applied with fingers and needs to stay in hair for 3 minutes and then it should be rinsed off with water. Tube is sufficient for several applications, which depends of course on the length of hair.

Evo ga i sastav:

And here are the ingredients:

Efekat je zaista vrlo vidan. Kosa mi je nakon nanošenja baš drečavo narandžasta, mada moram da napomenem da to opet zavisi od vaše kose i farbe. Na primer meni je koren ipak jače ofarban jer moja prirodna kosa nije tamna pa je i efekat Nutri Color Creme jači na korenu nego na ostatku kose. Ja volim da je koristim jednom na sredini između dva farbanja i na taj način prilično osvežim boju kose, koja se zatim polako ispira u narednih nekoliko pranja. Ovo je zaista vrlo korisna stvar ako vam se boja mnogo ispira a kada se ispere ne izgleda lepo, što često bude slučaj. 

The effect is really very noticeable. After application my hair is really very orange, but I have to mention that the effect also depends on your hair and hair colour. For example, my roots are more orange since my natural hair is not as dark as the rest that was dyed brown before, so the effect of Nutri Color Creme is stronger at the roots than on the rest of the hair. I like to use it once between the colourings and that way I quite refresh my hair colour, which is then washed off slowly over the next couple of washings. This is indeed a very useful thing if your hair colour gets washed off and doesn't look nice that way, as is often the case.

Oba proizvoda zaista mnogo lepo mirišu. A pogledajte i teksturu kreme:

Both products have a really nice smell. Now look at the texture of the cream:

Za kraj sam htela da stavim slike kose koja je ofarbana, pa nakon pranja Revlonissimo šamponom i nakon korišćenja Nutri Color Creme. Moram priznati da je malo problematično bilo uhvatiti pravu boju kose na slikama. Nekako je efekat uživo mnogo uočljiviji pošto kada pomerate kosu i ona se presijava sve je mnogo vidljivije. Prvo idu dve slike sa kosom koja je samo ofarbana. Slike su napravljene kada sam se prvi put ofarbala preko braon kose i prekrivanje je bilo odlično. Tako da moram da pohvalim i Garnier Olia farbu u nijansi 7.40. Nakon još farbanja boja se izjednačila i postala još svetlija. Vidite kako kosa izgleda različito na dve slike, a to zavisi od osvetljenja. Druga slika je bliža realnosti. 
Leva slika....podočnjaci do neba!

In the end I wanted to put pictures of hair that is dyed, and after washing it with Revlonissimo shampoo, and after using Nutri Color Creme. I have to admit that it was a bit problematic to get the right hair colour in pictures. Somehow the effect is much more visible live because when you move the hair and it shines everything is more visible. The first two pictures are with hair that was just dyed. The images were made when I first dyed it over the brown hair and the effect was great. So I have to commend the Garnier Olia hair colour in shade of 7.40. After a few more colourings the colour equalized and become even brighter. See how hair looks different on the two images and that depends on the lighting only. The second picture is closer to reality.
Left picture .... under eye bags are so huge!


Zatim sa leve strane ide kosa nakon pranja Revlonissimo šamponom. S desne strane je kosa posle Nutri Color Creme, ali mi se slika iskreno ne sviđa jer je na boljem suncu kosa mnogo drečavija. Takođe sada kada mi je kosa još svetlija efekat je mnogo bolji. Ali s druge strane postoji dosta slika sa pre i posle na netu za Nutri Color Creme pa i tu možete da pogledate mnogo bolje dočarane efekte ove kreme. 
Slike - poređenje  ja bez i sa šminkom.

Then, on the left is a photo after using Revlonissimo shampoo. On the right side is me after using Nutri Color Creme, but I honestly do not like the picture because in reality hair is much more orange and bright. Also, now that my hair is even lighter shade the effect of the cream is much better. But on the other hand there are a lot of pictures of before and after on the web for Nutri Color Creme and you can find much better examples of the effects of these creams.
Pictures - me with and without makeup.


Da li ste probali neki od ova dva proizvoda i kakvi su vaši utisci? Kako vi pazite na boju vaše farbane kose?

Šta mi se sviđa:
- pakovanje,
- efekti.

Šta mi se ne sviđa:
- dostupnost,
- cene.

Informacije i ocene:

CENA: Revlonissimo 1490 RSD, Nutri Color Creme 1245 RSD
GDE GA NABAVITI: bolje opremljene prodavnice sa frizerskom opremom
BROJ NIJANSI: Revlonissimo 6, Nutri Color Creme 15

CENA: 3/5
NEGA: 5/5

Have you tried any of these products and what were your impressions? How do you make the colour of your dyed hair last longer?

What I like:
- Packaging,
- Effects.

What I don't like:
- Availability,
- Price.

Information and scores:

PRICE: Revlonissimo 1490 RSD, Nutri Color Creme 1245 RSD
WHERE TO BUY: better equipped hair product stores

PRICE: 3/5
CARE: 5/5