Iza mene je 400 postova. Prosto ne mogu da verujem da sam toliko pisala za ovih par godina. Ali kako ne planiram da uskoro prestanem da vodim ovaj blog, još mnogo postova tek čeka na svoj red. Danas na redu je recenzija jedne maskare. Avonova Mega Effects maskara je jedinstvena zbog potpuno drugačije četkice, koja nekima odgovara, a nekima ne. Ja sam staru maskaru obožavala (recenzija je ovde). Avon je sada uveo i vodootpornu varijantu ove maskare, koju sam takođe rado probala, jer sam uvek u potrazi za dobrom vodootpornom maskarom.
I have already written 400 posts. I just cannot believe I wrote so much in these past few years. But as I do not plan to stop running this blog any time soon, many more posts are waiting for their turn. Today I'll write about one mascara. Avon Mega Effects Mascara is unique because of the completely different brush, which suits some people, while others don't like it. I adored the old mascara (review is here). Avon has now introduced a waterproof type of this mascara, which I also needed to try because I always look for a good waterproof mascara.
Ova maskara dolazi u istom pakovanju kao i prethodna Mega Effects maskara - kartonskoj kutiji u kojoj je plastično pakovanje od 9ml. Ja sam je platila 549 dinara, međutim puna cena joj je malo viša. Trenutno ne znam kolika je puna cena, jer ove maskare nema u aktuelnom katalogu. Četkica se zapravo nalazi na kratkoj dršci koja ima zglob i može da se nagne u položaj koji vam najviše odgovara. Zupci su gumeni, a veličina četkice je prilično mala, Lako se koristi i na donjim trepavicama. Meni su generalno oči i trepavice mali tako da mnogo volim ovu malu četkicu.
This mascara comes in the same packaging as the previous Mega Effects Mascara - a cardboard box in which is the plastic packaging of 9ml. I paid 549 RSD for it, but the full price is a little higher. At the moment I do not know what is the full price because this mascara is not in the current catalogue. The brush is actually located on a short handle with a hinge and can be tilted to a position that suits you best. The brush spikes are made of rubber, and the size of the brush is fairly small, easy to use even on the lower lashes. My lashes and eyes are generally small, so I love using this little brush.
Formula maskare je retka. U sebi ne sadrži nikakva vlakna ili grudvice za povećanje volumena. Ja bih je svrstala u maskare za produžavanje. U početku maskara je vrlo retka i ima je dosta, pa ako se sa četkice ne skine višak maskare ona će malo slepiti trepavice. Mada kako je maskara retka to se lako može rešiti. Prilično se brzo suši, ali odmah nakon nanošenja može da se ocrta na koži ako kinete, ipak je vrlo retka. Maskara ne uvija i ne podiže trepavice.
Formula is rare. It doesn't contain fibres or lumps to increase the lash volume. I would classify it as a lengthening mascara. In the beginning it is very rare and there is a lot of it, so if you don't remove the excess mascara from the brush it will stick your lashes together a bit. Although as the mascara is rare, so this can easily be solved. Pretty quick drying, but if immediately after application you sneeze it will transfer to your skin. Mascara doesn't curl or lift lashes.
Efekat na trepavicama je prirodan i neupadljiv. Ja volim ovakve maskare, ali ako ste ljubitelji upadljivih trepavica, zaobiđite je. Što se tiče trajnosti i vodootpornosti formula je odlična. Ne mrda nigde ceo dan, ne razliva se niti kruni. Ne spira se ni zbog suza ili kiše, Ipak kada se skida, nije problematična, i lako se rastvara bez krunjenja svim skidačima šminke. Evo ga i sastav:
The effect of the eyelashes is a natural and not too strong. I love this mascara, but if you're a fan of striking lashes, don't buy it. As far as durability and water resistance is concerned, its formula is excellent. It won't move anywhere all day, and it does not run nor crumble. It wont dissolve due due to tears or rain, however when you want to remove it, it's not a problem and it easily dissolves without crumbling with any makeup remover. Here is the composition:
Maskarom sam zadovoljna. Efekat koji daje isti je kao i nevodootporna stara varijanta maskare. Vodootpornost i formula generalno su vrlo dobri. Ova maskara ima sve moje preporuke ako ste osoba koja traži vodootpornu maskaru sa prirodnim efektom na trepavicama. U suprotnom...zaobiđite je.
I'm satisfied with this mascara. The effect that it gives is the same as the old non water resistant version. Water resistance and formulas are generally very good. This mascara has all my recommendations, if you are a person who seeks waterproof mascara with a natural effect on the eyelashes. Otherwise ... bypass it.
Na slici su moje trepavice bez maskare, sa jednim i sa dva sloja. Da li ste probali ovu maskaru? Da li koristite vodootporne maskare? Šta mislite o staroj Mega Effects maskari?
Informacije i ocene | |
Cena | 549 RSD |
Gde kupiti | Avon |
Tipovi | 2 |
Da li bih ih ponovo kupila | Da |
Pakovanje | 5/5 |
Cena | 5/5 |
Efekat | 4/5 |
Vodootpornost | 5/5 |
Ukupna ocena | 5/5 |
Za | Protiv |
- dobro pakovanje - lep prirodan izgled - vodootporna - lako se skida sa svim skidačima šminke | - nije za one koji vole dramatičan izgled - u početku malo slepljuje trepavice |
On the photo you can see my lashes without mascara, with one layer and with two. Have you tried this mascara? Do you use waterproof mascara? What do you think of the old Mega Effects mascara?
Information and scores | |
Price | 549 RSD |
Where to buy | Avon |
Types | 2 |
Would I buy them again | Yes |
Packaging | 5/5 |
Price | 5/5 |
Effect | 4/5 |
Water Resistance | 5/5 |
Overall Score | 5/5 |
Pros | Cons |
- good packaging - nice natural look - waterproof - easy to remove with any makeup remover | - not for those who like dramatic effect - sticks lashes together a bit in the beginning |
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