субота, 6. јануар 2018.

Nivea Anti-Wrinkle + Moisture Day Care 35+

Zimi je čak i mojoj masnoj koži potrebna dodatna hidratantna nega. Posebno regiji oko nosa, iz nekog razloga. Odlučila sam se da probam novu Nivea anti-age kremu za osobe starije od 35 godina. Nivea je izbacila nove anti-age kreme za 35,45 i 55+ godina. Krema dolazi u kutijici od 50ml i košta 515 dinara (mada mislim da je puna cena oko 700 dinara).

During the winter, even my oily skin requires extra hydrating care. Especially the region around the nose, for some reason. I decided to try the new Nivea anti-age cream for people over 35 years old. Nivea has launched new anti-age creams for 35.45 and 55+ years. The cream comes in a box of 50ml and costs 515 RSD (although I think it's full price is about 700 RSD).

Formula ove kreme za 35+ godina obogaćena je vitaminom E, uljem semenki grožđa i ima UV zaštitu. Koncept ove kreme je borba protiv prvih bora kroz dobru hidrataciju, i zaštitu od sunca. Krema ima blag i prijatan miris, i standardnu konzistenciju kreme srednje gustine. Lepo se razmazuje i upija. Dobra će biti kod normalne i suvlje kože.

The formula of this 35+ year cream is enriched with vitamin E, grape seed oil and UV protection. The concept of this cream is the fight against the first wrinkles through good hydration, and protection from the sun. The cream has a mild and pleasant scent, and a standard consistency of medium-density creams. It smears good and absorbs quickly. It will be good for normal and dry skin.

Na mojoj masnoj koži krema se takođe lepo upije i na koži ne ostaje lepljivi ili masni sloj kreme. Ipak, nakon nanošenja ove kreme moja koža mnogo brzo počne da se sjaji i da bude masna. Prosto mi je krema masnija nego što mi je potrebno. Ali krema dobro hidrira, i brzo je sanirala suvlje delove kože, a nije teška. Preporučujem je zato svim tipovima kože, osim možda najmasnijoj, s tim da i ovakve osobe mogu da je nanose na suvlje delove, a masnu T zonu da neguju nekom drugom kremom.

On my oily skin the cream is also well absorbed and there is no sticky or oily layer of the cream on the skin. However, after applying this cream, my skin starts to shine quickly and be greasy. I just feel the cream is stronger than I need it to be. But the cream hydrates well, and quickly removes dry parts of the skin, without being heavy. I recommend it to all skin types, except perhaps the most oily ones, with it being good even for those people if they have dry parts. For oily T-zone they can use something else.

Da li ste probali neku od novih Nivea Anti-Wrinkle krema i kakvi su bili vaši utisci?

Informacije i ocene
Cena515 RSD
Gde kupitiLilly, DM
Da li bih ga ponovo kupilaMožda
Izgled kože4/5
Ukupna ocena4/5
- lagana i nemasna tekstura
- lepo hidrira 
- koža mi se brzo masti

Have you tried any of the new Nivea Anti-Wrinkle creams and what were your impressions?

Information and scores
515 RSD
Where to buyLilly, DM
Would I buy it againMaybe
Skin appearance4/5
Overall Score4/5
- light and non-greasy formula
- nicely hydrates
- skin gets oily fast      

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