уторак, 10. мај 2016.

Nyx Lingerie Liquid Lipstick - 12 Lipli

Mnogo mi je drago što mat ruževi više ne moraju da budu naporni, neprijatni, suvi, niti usne moraju da nam budu u savršenom stanju da bi ih nosile. Sve to došlo je mahom sa pojavom velikog broja tečnih mat ruževa. Svi koji pored ovoga još vole i nude boje na usnama sigurno su čuli za Nyx Lingerie liniju ruževa, koja sadrži čak 12 prelepih neutralnih nijansi.

I'm so glad that matte lipsticks no longer have to be tough, unpleasant, dry, nor lips have to be perfect in order to use them. All this occurred mainly with the emergence of a large number of liquid matte lipsticks. All who apart from that also love the nude colours on the lips must have heard of Nyx Lingerie line of lipsticks, which contains 12 beautiful neutral shades.

Lingerie ruževi mogu se naći u Alexandar Cosmetics-u po ceni od 890 dinara. Sadrže 4ml. Nijansa koju sam ja odabrala je 12 Lipli. Nijansu bih opisala kao boju mesa, i od svih nijansi u sebi ima najviše crvenih tonova. Pakovanje je plastično i čvrsto, a aplikator je spljošten i olakšava nanošenje ruža.

Lingerie lipsticks can be found in Alexandar Cosmetics at the price of 890 RSD. They contain 4ml. Shade which I choose is 12 Lipli. The tone can be described as the colour of meat, and from all shades it contains the most of red tones. The packaging is plastic and firm, and the applicator is flattened and makes application easy.

Tekstura ovih ruževa je negde između Aurinih tečnih mat ruževa koji su vrlo tečni i Nyx Seude koji su gusti i veoma kremasti, skoro kao neki mus. Kod Nyx Lingerie ruževa tekstura je gušća i kremasa, ali pri nanošenju deluju ređe i malo providno. Ipak potpuno prekrivanje usana moguće je i sa jednim debljim slojem. Tekstura je takva da se lako nadograđuje, bez osećaja težine na usnama, i debelog sloja ruža. Ne isušuje usne i ne zateže, a i ne lepi se za suve delove usana.

The texture of these lipsticks is somewhere in between Aura liquid matte lipsticks which are very liquid and Nyx Seude which are thick and very creamy, almost like a mousse. Nyx Lingerie lipsticks texture is denser and creamy, but when applying them they are a bit liquid and transparent. Still full coverage of the lips is possible even with one thicker layer. The texture is such that it can be easily build, without feeling of the weight of the lips, and a thick layer of lipstick. Won't dry out lips or make them tight, and also won't stick to dry parts.

Ruž se suši brzo i tada je potpuno mat i veoma trajan. Ruž ne mrda sa usana zbog pića ili hrane, osim naravno masne hrane, kada krene da se briše sa centralnog dela usana. Ako ne jedem na usnama može da bude i po 5 sati. Ipak u centralnom delu usana malkice se obriše pa se linija ruža počne videti. Osim ovoga ujednačno se briše i ne zahteva mnogo popravki u toku dana.

Lipstick dries quickly and then it becomes completely matte and very durable. Lipstick is not going to move from the lips because of drinking or food, but fatty foods are an exception of course and it will start to erase from the central part of the lips. If you do not eat they will stay on as much as 5 hours. However, in the central part of the lips a little bit will erase and a line will be visible. Except this they erase uniformly and do not require many adjustments during the day.

Nyx Lingerie je jedna divna linija ruževa za sve devojke koje vole mat ruževe, neutralnih tonova, a koje ne žele da moraju često da ih popravljaju i gledaju se u ogledalo. Ovi ruževi kada se osuše ne idu nigde i ne mogu uopšte da se razmažu. A takođe su i vrlo trajni. Ni malo me ne čudi što ih ovoliko hvale.

Nyx Lingerie is a wonderful line of lipsticks for all girls who love matte lipsticks with neutral tones, and do not want to have to repaired them frequently and look in the mirror often. These lipsticks won't move when they are dry and cannot get smudged. They are also very durable. I am not even a bit surprised of how much they are praised.

Da li ste probali neki od ruževa iz ove Nyx linije? Kakvi su vaši utisci?

Informacije i ocene
Cena890 RSD
Gde kupitiAlexandar Cosmetics
Da li bih ih ponovo kupilaDa
Ukupna ocena5/5
- čvrsto pakovanje
- trajnost
- laki za nanošenje
- ujednačeno brisanje
- prijatni

Have you tried some of these Nyx lipsticks? What are your impressions?

Information and scores
Price890 RSD
Where to buyAlexandar Cosmetics
Would I buy them againYes
Overall Score5/5
- firm packaging
- durability
- easy to apply
- erase evenly
- pleasant

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