уторак, 31. мај 2016.

Aura Velvet Matte Pressed Powder - 316 Medium Beige

Puder za matiranje je najbolji prijatelj masnokožaca. Ako ste vlasnik ovog tipa kože sigurno dobro znate o čemu pričam. Poslednji koji sam rešila da probam dolazi nam od Aure i reč je o Velvet Matte Pressed Powder-u. Ovaj puder može se naći u 6 nijansi, a cena mu je 629 dinara.

Mattifying powder is oily skin's best friend. If you have this type of skin you certainly know very well what I'm talking about. The last powder I decided to try comes from Aura and this is Velvet Matte Pressed Powder. This powder is available in 6 shades, a costs 629 RSD.

Nijansa koju sam ja kupila je 316 Medium Beige. Od ove nijanse postoji još samo jedna tamnija nijansa, mada realno ni ova nijansa nije pretamna, posebno sada za leto. Ipak naravno nije za one sa vrlo svetlom puti. Pakovanje sadrži 10g. Plastično je i srednje je čvrstine. Dobra strana ovog pudera je što ispod samog pudera postoji pregrada u kojoj se nalazi sunđerčić i ogledalo.

The shade I bought is 316 Medium Beige. There is only one darker shade, although my shade is still not too dark, especially during summer. Of course it is not for those with a very light skin. Packaging contains 10g. It is plastic and of medium firmness. The good thing about this powder is that beneath it there is another compartment with a sponge applicator and a mirror.

Puder je malo krupnije mleven i jako se kruni. Uopšte nije kompatibilan sa četkicama, čak i onim najmekšim. Ako ga nanosite četkicom kupite ga veoma blagim pritiskom četkice na puder, kako se ne bi previše krunio. Puder se zaprvo najbolje slaže upravo sa sunđerčićem koji se uz njega dobija. Kada se koristi sunđer, puder se ne kruni, a dobra količina pudera se sunđerom pokupi.

Powder is a little bit bigger grounded and crumbles a lot. Is not compatible with brushes, even the softest ones. If you apply it with a brush a very slight pressure of the brush will be needed if you want to avoid crumbling. Powder is the best if you apply it with its sponge applicator. When you use the sponge, it does not crumble and a good amount of powder is picked up.

Puder ima srednje prekrivanje. Dakle na koži će se videti, pa je bitno uložiti napor za odabir prave nijanse. Ako se nanosi četkicom može da bude malo brašnjav na licu, dok je sa sunđerčićem to mnogo blaže. Matiranje je srednje, kod mene (posebno leti) potreba za ponovnim matiranjem javlja se posle 2 do 3 sata. Puder se ne pomera sa lica niti nagomilava u boricama. Na koži mi nije izazvao nikakve probleme.

Powder has a medium coverage. So it will be visible on the skin, and it is important to make an effort to select the right shade. If applied with a brush it can be a little floury on the face, while with the sponge this is much milder. Mattification is medium, in my case (especially in summer) the need to reapply it occurs after 2 to 3 hours. Powder does not move from the face nor accumulates in wrinkles. On the skin it did not cause any problems.

Najveća mana ovog pudera je što se previše kruni. Takođe nije dobar za nošenje sa sobom. Meni se skroz izlomio posle par nedelja, dok je još bio prilično nov. Generalno puder je osrednji i mnogo me je razočarao, s obzirom da Auru mnogo volim. Mislim da je Aura sa ovim puderom na dobrom tragu, ali da moraju poraditi na formuli. Šta vi mislite o ovom puderu ako ste ga koristile?

Informacije i ocene
Cena629 RSD
Gde kupitiLilly, DM
Da li bih ih ponovo kupilaNe
Na licu3/5
Ukupna ocena3/5
- solidan izbor nijansi
- pakovanje sa sunđerčićem
- užasno se kruni
- brzo se razbio
- kratko matira
- malo je brašnjav na licu

The biggest drawback of this powder is that it crumbles a lot. It is also not good to take it with you. It completely broke after a few weeks, while it was still fairly new. Overall powder is mediocre and I was disappointed with it, given that I like Aura a lot. I think the Aura is on the right track, but they have to work on the formula. What do you think about this powder if you have used it?

Information and scores
Price629 RSD
Where to buyLilly, DM
Would I buy them againNo
On face3/5
Overall Score3/5
- nice choice of shades
- packaging contains a sponge
- crumbles too much
- broke fast
- short mattification
- a bit floury on face

2 коментара:

  1. Анониман15. јун 2016. 06:41

    Kako je mana da nema ogledalo, kada si napisala da ga ima? :))

    1. Svaka cast na ulovljenoj nebulozi! Detaljno se cita! Mora da mi se bas spavalo kada sam kucala ovaj post. Ispravljam gresku sada!
