Nakon peripetija oko kupovine Aminogenesis Really Really Clean umivalice iz Hrvatske, dočekala sam da Aminogenesis dođe i u Srbiju. Za sada se bez ikakve muke mogu poručiti njihovi proizvodi putem sajta. Od tada probala sam nekoliko proizvoda, a danas ću vam pisati o anti-age hidratantnoj kremi koja me je bez imalo preterivanja oborila sa nogu.
After the problem with buying Aminogenesis Really Really Clean facial cleanser from Croatia, I can finally order Aminogenesis here in Serbia. For now, without any hassle you can order their products on their web site. Since then, I've tried several products, but today I will write about anti-aging moisturizing cream that has, without any exaggeration, knocked me off my feet.
After the problem with buying Aminogenesis Really Really Clean facial cleanser from Croatia, I can finally order Aminogenesis here in Serbia. For now, without any hassle you can order their products on their web site. Since then, I've tried several products, but today I will write about anti-aging moisturizing cream that has, without any exaggeration, knocked me off my feet.
Krema dolazi u kartonskoj kutiji u kojoj je plastična kutijica od 50ml. Ništa previše luksuzno, već samo funkcionalno, minimalistički, a pravo blago je ionako unutra. Kutija je zatvorena belom folijom tako da je sigurno niko nije otvarao pre vas. Cena ove kreme je 48.8 evra. Aminogenesis nezi kože i borbi protiv starenja pristupa na bazi aminokiselina. Tako je i ova anti-age krema puna aminokiselina, čak 17 i to u mnogo većoj koncentraciji nego u drugim kremama koje ih sadrže. Krema sadrži i peptid Preventhelia koji štiti kožu slobodnih radikala. Ne sadži gluten (što je trenutno vrlo u modi hehe). Evo ga i ceo sastav:
The cream comes in a cardboard box in which the plastic jar of 50ml. Nothing too luxurious, but only functional, minimalistic, since the real treasure is inside. The box is sealed with white foil so that no one has opened it before you. The price of this cream is 48.8 euros. Aminogenesis cares for the skin and fights aging with amino acids. So this anti-wrinkle cream is full of amino acids, 17 to be exact, and in much higher concentration than in other creams that have them. The cream also contains peptide Preventhelia that protects the skin of free radicals. It doesn't contain gluten (which is currently very fashionable hehe). Here's the whole composition:
The cream comes in a cardboard box in which the plastic jar of 50ml. Nothing too luxurious, but only functional, minimalistic, since the real treasure is inside. The box is sealed with white foil so that no one has opened it before you. The price of this cream is 48.8 euros. Aminogenesis cares for the skin and fights aging with amino acids. So this anti-wrinkle cream is full of amino acids, 17 to be exact, and in much higher concentration than in other creams that have them. The cream also contains peptide Preventhelia that protects the skin of free radicals. It doesn't contain gluten (which is currently very fashionable hehe). Here's the whole composition:
Krema se je vrlo multifunkcionalna. Bori se protiv starenja kože kao i slobodnih radikala, zadržava kožu elastičnom, veoma hidrira čak i vrlo dehidriranu kožu, ne začepljuje pore i ne masti kožu svojom vrlo laganom teksturom, ujednačava ten, umanjuje fine bore i smanjuje diskoloraciju, revitalizira i povećava elastičnost kože. Može se koristiti i kao dnevna i kao noćna krema.
The cream is very multifunctional. It fights skin aging and free radicals, keeps skin supple, very hydrated even a very dehydrated skin, doesn't clog pores and doesn't make face greasy. It has very light texture, evens the complexion, reduces fine wrinkles and reduces discoloration, revitalizes and increases skin elasticity. It can be used as day and as a night cream.
The cream is very multifunctional. It fights skin aging and free radicals, keeps skin supple, very hydrated even a very dehydrated skin, doesn't clog pores and doesn't make face greasy. It has very light texture, evens the complexion, reduces fine wrinkles and reduces discoloration, revitalizes and increases skin elasticity. It can be used as day and as a night cream.
Krema je bela i srednje gusta, međutim kada se nanese na kožu vidi se da je vrlo lagana i ni malo masna. Odmah se upija i ne sjaji se na koži. Miris joj je lagan i blago citrusan, kao i svi Aminogenesis proizvodi koje sam probala. Meni se lično ne sviđa ali miris se svakako gubi odmah po nanošenju kreme na kožu. Ja lično ne koristim anti-age kreme. Probala sam neke ali kako nemam baš bore uglavnom nisam videla nikakvu posebnu reakciju moje kože i na meni su se one ponašale kao i bilo koja druga krema. Ovu kremu nanela sam prvo umesto noćne kreme, i već nakon dva ili tri nanošenja budila sam se potpuno začuđena. Onda sam počela da je koristim i kao dnevnu kremu i shvatila sam da mi ni malo ne masti kožu. Čak manje od većine krema.
The cream is white and medium dense, however, when applied to the skin it can be seen that it is very light and not greasy at all. It is instantly absorbed and doesn't shine on the skin. The scent is light and slightly citrusy, as well as all Aminogenesis products that I have tried. I personally do not like the smell but it is lost immediately after applying the cream on the skin. I usually don't use anti-aging creams. I tried some, but since I don't have a lot of wrinkles I didn't see any specific reaction on my skin and they felt like any other cream. I first used it instead of night cream, and after two or three application I woke up totally amazed. Then I started using it as a day cream and I realized that it didn't make my skin oily at all. Even less than the majority of creams.
The cream is white and medium dense, however, when applied to the skin it can be seen that it is very light and not greasy at all. It is instantly absorbed and doesn't shine on the skin. The scent is light and slightly citrusy, as well as all Aminogenesis products that I have tried. I personally do not like the smell but it is lost immediately after applying the cream on the skin. I usually don't use anti-aging creams. I tried some, but since I don't have a lot of wrinkles I didn't see any specific reaction on my skin and they felt like any other cream. I first used it instead of night cream, and after two or three application I woke up totally amazed. Then I started using it as a day cream and I realized that it didn't make my skin oily at all. Even less than the majority of creams.
Ono što sam primetila je da od kad koristim ovu kremu moja koža izgleda bolje nego ikad. Mnogo je elastičnija i čvršća. Jako je lepo hidrirana i ten mi se baš vidno ujednačio. Tek kad sam krenula da je koristim videla sam kako moje lice može da izgleda. Do tad sam mislila da izgleda dobro, ali nisam bila u pravu. Tekstura kože mi se isto popravila, nekako su mi pore manje izražene i koža je glatka i mnogo življa. Svakako verujem da su rezultati još vidljiviji na starijoj koži. Takođe čula sam da je krema odlična kod osoba sa jako suvom kožom ili ako neko ima rozaceu, za ublažavanje simptoma. Za kraj pogledajte teksturu kreme:
What I have noticed is that since I started using this cream my skin looks better than ever. It is much more elastic and firmer. It is very nicely hydrated and my complexion I much more even. It was only when I started using it, that I saw how good my face can look. Until then, I though it looked good, but I was wrong. The texture of my skin is also improved, somehow my pores are less pronounced and the skin is smooth and much livelier. Certainly results are much more visible on older skin. I've also heard the cream is great for people with very dry skin or if someone has rosacea, to reduce symptoms. In the end, look at the texture of the cream:
What I have noticed is that since I started using this cream my skin looks better than ever. It is much more elastic and firmer. It is very nicely hydrated and my complexion I much more even. It was only when I started using it, that I saw how good my face can look. Until then, I though it looked good, but I was wrong. The texture of my skin is also improved, somehow my pores are less pronounced and the skin is smooth and much livelier. Certainly results are much more visible on older skin. I've also heard the cream is great for people with very dry skin or if someone has rosacea, to reduce symptoms. In the end, look at the texture of the cream:
Krema definitivno postaje jedna od mojih HG krema. Toliko me je brzo i mnogo oduševila. Da li ste je vi probali? I kakvi su vaši utisci? Ja jako želim da probam njihovu okoloočnu kremu, a nakon ovog oduševljenja to ću sigurno i uraditi.
Šta mi se sviđa:
- pakovanje,
- fenomenalna učinkovitost,
- hidrira i revitalizuje kožu,
- zateže i ujednačava.
Šta mi se ne sviđa:
- za sada ih još nema po prodavnicama u Srbiji,
- cena,
- miris.
Informacije i ocene:
CENA: 48.8 EUR
GDE JE NABAVITI: web sajt, putem maila
CENA: 2/5
The cream is definitely becoming one of my HG creams. It has quickly delighted me. Have you tried it? And what are your impressions? I really want to try their eye cream, and now I will surely do so.
What I like:
- Packaging,
- Phenomenal efficiency,
- Moisturizes and revitalizes the skin,
- Tightens and evens.
What I don't like:
- For now there are no stores in Serbia,
- Price,
- Smell.
Information and scores:
WHERE TO BUY: web site, via e-mail
PRICE: 2/5
Isprobala sam pjenu od ovog branda i bila mi je ok.
ОдговориИзбришиJa sam samo tu umivalicu ranije probala i bila mi je fina. Al ne koliko mi je ova krema fina :)
ИзбришиOdličan post. Uvek napišeš super tekst o proizvodu. :)
Hvala :)
ИзбришиImala sam i bila mi je odlična
ОдговориИзбришиZnam znam ;)) ti si me okrenula ovom brendu. I hvala :)))
ИзбришиStvarno deluje odlično!
ОдговориИзбришиMeni je super legla. Bice super kad se budu prodavale i po nekim prodavnica pa da moze da se proba pre kupovine.
ИзбришиAko si je ti tako nahvalila,ja je kupujem.Pozdrav,Lila
ОдговориИзбришиEh uvek mi bude frka kad tako nesto nahvalim. Jbg nikad se ne zna kako cese bilo koja krema pokazati na nekome. Mene je zaista odusevila. Drzim palceve da se i tebi svidi.
ИзбришиKoristim sada neko ulje,za lice,i jako sam zadovoljna,ali bih i ovu kremicu probala!! :)
ОдговориИзбришиccc sta mi radis! :)
Hahaha e pa sta cu ti. Hahaha. A koje uljeee? :)
Избришиposto mi je jako masna koza lica,koristim ulje od Kostica grozdja,i veruj mi da nema ni M od one masnoce!! :D
Избриши ovaj post je bio presudan! :D
Sad sam procitala taj post. Pa ja moram ovo da probam!!!
ОдговориИзбришиObavezno! :)