Upravo sam shvatila da u poslednje vreme jako često pišem o Vichy proizvodima. U poslednje vreme pisala sam o:
- Vichy Normaderm Night Detox,
- Vichy Idealia Eyes,
- Vichy Teint Ideal Compact Powder - Light,
- Vichy Capital Soleil SPF 50 Tinted Dry Touch Face Fluid.
E pa ciklus ovaj put zatvaramo utiscima o dnevnoj kremi sa matirajućim efektom - Vichy Normaderm Total Mat. Za početak evo ga sastav:
I just realized that I often wrote about Vichy products lately. I already wrote about:
- Vichy Normaderm Night Detox,
- Vichy Idealia Eyes,
- Vichy Ideal Teint Compact Powder - Light,
- Vichy Capital Soleil SPF 50 Tinted Dry Touch Face Fluid.
Well, this time I'm going to close the cycle by writing about a day cream with a mattefying effect - Vichy Normaderm Total Mat. For starters here are the ingredients:
Krema dolazi u kutiji u kojoj je tuba od 30 ml. Cena ove kreme je oko 1700 dinara. Krema je deo Normaderm linije namenjene mešovitoj i problematičnoj koži. Ova krema namenjena je osobama sa masnom i mešovitom kožom, kojima je potrebna lagana hidratacija ali i koje žele da njihovo lice što duže ostane mat i ne prosija. Naravno problemi ovog tipa najizraženiji su upravo sada u toku leta.
The cream comes in a box and inside is a 30 ml tube. The price of this cream is around 1700 RSD. The cream is part of the Normaderm line for mixed and problematic skin. This cream is designed for people with oily and mixed skin, who need light hydration and want their face matte as long as possible. Of course, problems of this type are the strongest right now during the summer.
The cream comes in a box and inside is a 30 ml tube. The price of this cream is around 1700 RSD. The cream is part of the Normaderm line for mixed and problematic skin. This cream is designed for people with oily and mixed skin, who need light hydration and want their face matte as long as possible. Of course, problems of this type are the strongest right now during the summer.
Otvor tube je mali pa je doziranje lako. Sama krema ima retku gelastru strukturu pa se vrlo lako razmazuje i odmah se upija. Na licu se ne oseća nikakav film. Miris kreme je tipičan za Normaderm liniju. Ima blag osvežavajući miris koji mene podseća na citruse. Nisam veliki obožavalac krema ovog tipa jer zanju da mi ponekad naprave nered na licu zbog sastojaka koji samo sede na koži kako bi upili višak sebuma. Srećom kod ove kreme to se nije desilo. Dovoljno dobro i hidrira kožu.
Tube opening is small and dosing is easy. The cream has a rare gel texture and is easily spread and immediately absorbed. It doesn't make me feel like I have a film on my face. The smell of the cream is typical for Normaderm line. It has a mild refreshing scent that reminds me of citrus. I'm not a big fan of creams of this type because they sometimes make a mess on my face because of the ingredients that just sit on my skin to absorb excess sebum. Fortunately this didn't happen with this cream. Hydration is also good.
Tube opening is small and dosing is easy. The cream has a rare gel texture and is easily spread and immediately absorbed. It doesn't make me feel like I have a film on my face. The smell of the cream is typical for Normaderm line. It has a mild refreshing scent that reminds me of citrus. I'm not a big fan of creams of this type because they sometimes make a mess on my face because of the ingredients that just sit on my skin to absorb excess sebum. Fortunately this didn't happen with this cream. Hydration is also good.
Iako na koži nemam osećaj filma ipak imam jednu zamerku. Često mi se dešavalo da kada se krema osuši krene malo da se kruni sa lica, posebno ako pokušavam da nanesem puder preko i razmazujem rukama. Pod prstima osećam i vidim sidne grudvice. Doduše kada jednom njih skinem ovog problema više nema, mada volela bih da se to ne dešava. Ovde napominjem da sam zaista svaki put stavljala minimalnu količinu kreme na lice ali da se i tada ovo dešavalo.
Although on the skin I don't have a sense of film, I still have one objection. The cream often crumbled from the face when dry, especially if I was trying to apply foundation over it using my fingers. I felt under my fingers and I also saw small crumbs. However, when I do remove them the problem doesn't reappear, but I'd still like it not happening. I note here that I always put the minimum amount of cream on my face but even then this problem was present.
Although on the skin I don't have a sense of film, I still have one objection. The cream often crumbled from the face when dry, especially if I was trying to apply foundation over it using my fingers. I felt under my fingers and I also saw small crumbs. However, when I do remove them the problem doesn't reappear, but I'd still like it not happening. I note here that I always put the minimum amount of cream on my face but even then this problem was present.
Matiranje je vidno i kod mene je lice dobro izgledalo i do 3 ili 4 sata duže, mada u najtoplijim danima ni ova krema nije mnogo pomagala. Krema je po meni dobra za osobe sa mešovitom kožom, ali kao i uvek kod ovakvih krema, ne i previše problematičnom pošto ove kreme znaju da naprave problem na licu.
Krema mi se generalno svidela, mada ne mogu reći da se kod mene posle ove kreme razvila neka posebna ljubav prema matirajućim kremama. Ostajem prilično nezainteresovana za ovaj tip krema ... pa do neke sledeće koja će možda da me oduševi. Jeste li je vi probali? Koja je vaša omiljena krema za matiranje?
Šta mi se sviđa:
- dostupnost,
- pakovanje,
- solidno hidrira,
- solidno matira,
- ne pogoršava bubuljice.
Šta mi se ne sviđa:
- cena,
- kruni se sa lica i pored toga što ne stvara osećaj filma na koži.
Informacije i ocene:
CENA: oko 1700 RSD
GDE JE NABAVITI: Lilly, bolje opremljene apoteke
CENA: 3/5
GDE JE NABAVITI: Lilly, bolje opremljene apoteke
CENA: 3/5
Matte effect is nice and I was matte for 3 or 4 hours longer than usuall, although during warmest days even this cream did not help much. The cream is in my opinion good for people with mixed skin, but as always with this type of cream, not too problematic since these creams can make even more problems on the face.
I generally like this cream, although I cannot say that after using it I feel a special love for mattifying creams. I remain quite uninterested in this type of creams ... so I'm waiting for some next cream that might just amaze me. Have you tried it? What is your favorite mattifying cream?
What I like:
- Availability,
- Packaging,
- Nicely hydrates,
- Nicely mattifies,
- Doesn't worsen acne.
What I don't like:
- Price,
- It crumbles a bit, even though it doesn't make me feel like I have a film on my skin.
I generally like this cream, although I cannot say that after using it I feel a special love for mattifying creams. I remain quite uninterested in this type of creams ... so I'm waiting for some next cream that might just amaze me. Have you tried it? What is your favorite mattifying cream?
What I like:
- Availability,
- Packaging,
- Nicely hydrates,
- Nicely mattifies,
- Doesn't worsen acne.
What I don't like:
- Price,
- It crumbles a bit, even though it doesn't make me feel like I have a film on my skin.
Information and scores:
PRICE: around 1700 RSD
PRICE: around 1700 RSD
WHERE TO BUY: Lilly, better equipped pharmacies
PRICE: 3/5
PRICE: 3/5
Koristim dosta Vichy proizvoda a kako mi je LRP pri kraju mozda probam i ovaj. Mada ni LRP mi nije bio od velike pomoci kada je bilo bas toplo
ОдговориИзбришиMeni se licno cini da je kod vichy matiranje malo bolje, mada ni kod mene ni jedna od dve kreme nije bila nista revolucionarno.
Избришиmeni je dobra i nije mi zazvala nikakve probleme, no opet, nije savršena po pitanju matiranja, ali kao ni ti, ne uzbuđujem se previše oko takvih krema :)
ОдговориИзбришиMozda kad bi neka bolje matirala vise bih se zainteresovala. Ovako su mi nekako simpaticne at best.
ИзбришиKoristim Bioderminu kremu i veoma sam zadovoljna njenim matirajućim dejstvom.
ОдговориИзбришиKoju Bioderminu?
ИзбришиSebium Global.
ИзбришиOho, znaci da je doslo vreme da ti gospodja iz Visija dopuni zalihe, bas si joj to suptilno rekla na pocetku...
ОдговориИзбришиKako je zanimljivo citati komentare ljudi koji nemaju prestavu kako drugi ljudi zive i sta rade. :)
ИзбришиNe volim kreme za matiranje iako mi trebaju, uvijek im nešto nedostaje:ili se rune, ili isušuju. Draže su mi lagane hidratantne pa matiranje puderom. Sebum ionako rijetko što može zadržati :P
ОдговориИзбришиPa da to je i moje misljenje :) Sta da se radi. :/
ИзбришиBukvalno svaka krema za matiranje koju sam probala se kruni osim Murad matirajuće kreme, jeste dosta skupa ali isplati se. Za moje lice "radi" ili ona ili obična nematirajuća krema posle koje se prosijam ali u poslednje vreme mi ne smeta malo prirodniji nematirani izgled.
ОдговориИзбришиMeni je ok da malo sijam al cesto prosijam bas dosta. Ali zato su tu matirajuci papirici :)) Murad nisam probala ali ima vremena i za to :)
ИзбришиProbala sam dosta krema za matiranje, ali malo koja mi se svidela, sve me posle par sati počnu da zatežu i neki delovi lica se isperutaju. To me, naravno, ne sprečava da i dalje eksperimentišem sa njima :D Ovu nisam probala.
ОдговориИзбришиHahah ni mene to nebi sprecilo :)
ИзбришиHtela sam da kupim ovu kremu, ali sam si me bacila u dilemu. Pretpostavljam da bi napravila problem masnoj, ali dehidriranoj kožu, baš to ljuspanje. :(
ОдговориИзбришиPozdrav, sjajna recenzija. :)
Pa znas kako....ne lepi se ona za suve delove. Ona sama od sebe proizvodi to ljuspanje jer je takve konzistencije. Mozda ti i ne bude losa. Mada hrani kozu nocu necim jacim da ne bude vise dehidrirana.
ИзбришиHm. Razmisliću, hvala na savetu! :)