недеља, 9. септембар 2018.

Vichy Mineral 89

Nisam dugo bila aktivna, ali mislim da proizvod o kom ću danas pisati vredi da se o njemu govori. Reč je o prilično novom Vichy proizvodu koji se zove Mineral 89. To je serum koji sadrži Vichy termalnu vodu, po kojoj je ovaj brend i poznat, i to u koncentraciji od 89%, kao i hijaluronsku kiselinu. Serum je namenjen svim tipovima kože i kroz svoja hidratantna svojstva pomaže koži u borbi protiv zagađenog vazduha, ali i stresa i umora. Takođe, pomaže koži u funkciji barijere od spoljnih uticaja.

I have not been active for a long time, but I think the product I'm writing about today is worth talking about. This is a fairly new Vichy product called Mineral 89. It is a serum containing Vichy thermal water, which is what this brand is known for, in concentration of 89%, as well as hyaluronic acid. The serum is intended for all skin types and through its moisturizing properties, it helps the skin fight against polluted air, but also stress and fatigue. Also, it helps the skin function as a barrier from the external influences.

Kao što ćete primetiti na slici ispod, proizvod sadrži tek nekoliko sastojaka. Zbog toga mislim da cena od 2010 dinara (a često i više) za 50ml proizvoda jeste malo preterana. Doduše, proizvod dolazi u debeloj i vrlo lepoj staklenoj bočici sa pumpicom. Inače, serum nema nikakav miris i ima retku gelasto vodenkastu teksturu. Kada se nanese ne lepi se, odmah se upija i ne ostavlja nikakav trag na koži.

As you will notice in the picture below, the product contains only a few ingredients. That's why I think that the price of 2010 RSD (and often more) for 50ml of product is a little to much. However, the product comes in a thick and very nice glass bottle with a pump. Also, the serum has no scent and has a rare gelatinous watery texture. When applied, it is not sticky, and it is immediately absorbed without leaving any traces on the skin .

Meni je veoma prijatan, osvežava i veoma lepo hidrira kožu. Nanosim ga ujutru i uveče na čistu kožu, a pre nanošenja kreme. Čak sam ga u dnevnoj varijanti nanosila i samostalno, bez ikakve kreme i bio je sasvim dovoljan da moju kožu održi hidriranom i da ona izgleda lepo i zdravo. On samostalno verovatno ne bi bio dovoljan za osobe sa suvom kožom. Kupila sam ga namenski, kako bih ga koristila ispod krema sa SPF-om, koje manje neguju kožu, a u toku leta koža se dodotno isušuje zbog izlaganja suncu i visokim temperaturama.

It is very pleasant, refreshes and hydrates the skin very well. I apply it in the morning and in the evening to clean skin, before applying the cream. I even used it alone during the day, without any cream, and it was quite enough to keep my skin hydrated and to make it look nice and healthy. Serum alone would probably not be enough for people with dry skin. I bought it intentionally, so I would use it under some SPF cream, which are often less nourishing, and during the summer the skin is additionally dried due to exposure to the sun and high temperatures.

Serum je zaista dobar. Ako ste spremni da izdvojite malo više novca za ovaj tip dodatne nege i tražite nešto što će pomoći hidrataciji vaše kože, definitivno treba da ramislite o isprobavanju Vichy Mineral 89.

The serum is really good. If you are willing to spend a little more money for this type of extra care and you are looking for something that will help hydrate your skin, you should definitely think about trying Vichy Mineral 89.

Informacije i ocene
2010 RSD
Gde kupitiLilly, apoteke
Da li bih ga ponovo kupilaDa
Izgled kože4/5
Ukupna ocena4/5
- koža izgleda lepo
- ne lepi se 
- brzo upijanje
- malo viša cena

Information and scores
2010 RSD
Where to buyLilly, pharmacies
Would I buy it againYes
Skin appearance4/5
Overall Score4/5
- hydrates
- skin looks nice
- non sticky
- fast absorption
- a bit higher price

4 коментара:

  1. Već duže vreme želim da isprobam ovaj serum i dosta sam čitala o njemu, svi ga hvale i sigurno ću ga kupiti! :)


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