недеља, 25. март 2018.

Nyx Cosmic Metals Lip Cream - 06

Nisam preveliki ljubitelj sjajeva za usne, niti tečnih kremastih ruževa koji nisu postojani i koji ne mogu da se osuše i fiksiraju. Ipak volim što sam isprobala jedan od Nyx Cosmic Metals tečnih ruževa sa metalik efektom. Moja boja je naravno narandžasta ili broj 06. Inače, ovi ruževi dolaze u 18 boja, sadrže 4 ml i koštaju 979 dinara.

I am not a big fan of lip glosses, nor liquid creamy lipstick that are not durable and cannot get dry and fixed. I still love that I could try one of the Nyx Cosmic Metals Liquid Lipsticks with metallic effect. My colour is of course orange or number 06. Otherwise, these lipsticks come in 18 shades, contain 4 ml and cost 979 RSD.

Ruž u sebi sadrži mnogo krupnih srebrnih čestica, koje zapravo daju taj metalik efekat kada se ruž nanese. Mene ruževi sa ovakvim česticama iz nekog razloga malo peckaju po usnama. Da li još neko ima taj utisak? Ipak to nije nešto što previše smeta. Formula je kremasta i lepljiva, i takva i ostaje, a ruž ne može da se u potpunosti osuši. Zato je moguče razmrljati ga prilikom jela ili prosto ako ga zakačite rukom. Ipak, boja je dosta postojana i ruž se neće tako lako obrisati sa usana.

The lipstick contains a lot of large silver particles, which actually give this metallic effect when the lipstick is applied. This type of lipsticks, for some reason, feel a bit tingly on my lips. Does anyone else have that impression? However, this is not something that is very problematic. The formula is creamy and sticky, and it stays that way, so the lipstick cannot get completely dry. That's why it's possible to smear it when you eat, or just by accident with your hand. However, the colour is fairly durable and the lipstick will not be erased so easily.

Način na koji možda još više volim da ga nosim je da nakon mazanja maramicom pokupim višak ruža. Boja je tada dosta slabija, ali sve srebrne čestice ostanu na usnama, pa dobijam presijavanje sa mnogo blažom i pristupačnijom, svakodnevnom nijansom na usnama. A takođe gubim i mogučnost razmrljavanja ako dodirnem usne.

The way I even prefer to wear it is to remove the excess lipstick with a paper towel. The colour is much weaker then, but all the silver particles remain on the lips, so I get the shine with a much milder and more approachable, everyday colour on my lips. And I also lose the possibility of smearing it if I touch my lips.

Na gornjoj slici možete videti ruž nakon nanošenja, a na donjoj nakon uklanjanja viška maramicom. Uživo je boja malo jača, mada moram priznati ipak ne prenapadno narandžasta.

In the above picture you can see lipstick after application, and on the bottom one after removing the excess. The colour is a bit brighter in person, though I have to admit not too orange.

Da li ste probali neki od Nyx ruževa iz ove linije? Volite li metalik tečne ruževe? Ja ipak, nisam preveliki fan. Zauvek ću biti mat osoba.

Informacije i ocene
Cena979 RSD
Gde kupitiAlexandar Cosmetics, Lilly
Da li bih ga ponovo kupilaNe
Osećaj na usnama3/5
Ukupna ocena3/5
- Pakovanje
- Ujednačeno brisanje
- Solidna trajnost
- Neprijatan na usnama
- Lepljiv
- Može da se razmaže

Have you tried some of the Nyx lipsticks from this line? Do you like liquid metal lipsticks? I'm not a big fan. I'll always be a matte girl.

Information and scores
Price979 RSD
Where to buyAlexandar Cosmetics, Lilly
Would I buy it againNo
Feeling on the lips3/5
Total Score3/5
- Price
- Evenly erases
- Fairly durable
- Unpleasant on the lips
- Sticky
- Smearable

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