уторак, 27. јун 2017.

Bioten Cellufight! Cryo-Scult Gel

Večite muke sa celulitom su prisutne kod većine devojaka. Jeste, celulit je prirodan...i svi smo svesni toga, ali ga i dalje ne volimo i nadamo se da će nam neki proizvod pomoći. Čim dođe leto postovi sa anticelulit kremama su najčitanijina mom blogu. Već duže vreme isprobavam Bioten Cellufight! Cryo-Scult Gel i vreme je da o njemu kažem par reči. Gel dolazi u pakovanju od 200ml i košta 449 dinara.

Cellulite problems are something most girls have. Of course, cellulite is natural and we all now it, but we still don't like it and we hope that some product can help us. As soon as summer comes, posts with anti-cellulite creams are the most popular on my blog. I've been trying out Bioten Cellufight! Crio-Scult Gel for some time and I will now tell you more about what I think of it. Gel comes in a packaging of 200ml and costs 449 RSD.

Gel sadrži guaranu, koja pospešuje mikrocirkulaciju i morske alge, koje pomažu izbacivanje viška vode. Takođe sadrži i vitamin E koji hrani i čini kožu glatkom. Sadrži i ekstrak bele rade koji izbacuje toksine i čisti kožu. Tu su i ekstrakt gorkog đumbira, kao i kofein Proizvođač obećava smanjenje obima regija na koju se nanosi nakon četiri nedelje korišćenja, kao i glatku i zategnutu kožu. Gel je vodenkast i beličaste boje. Ima svež i citrusast miris, a prilikom nanošenja rashlađuje.

The gel contains guarana that promotes micro-circulation and seaweed to help remove excess water. It also contains vitamin E that nourishes and makes the skin smooth. There is also daisy extract, that expels toxins and cleanses the skin. Also, bitter ginger extract, as well as caffeine. The manufacturer promises slimming effect after four weeks of use, as well as smooth and tight skin. Gel is a watery and whitish colour. It has a fresh and citrusy scent and cools when applied.

Gel koristim već duže vreme i nanosim ga na bedra i zadnji deo nogu. Kao prvo moram da naglasim da se obim, naravno, nije smanjio. Nisam to doduše ni očekivala, bez obzira šta proizvođač tvrdi. Celulita takođe nema manje. Koža jeste malo zategnutija i lepša. Ipak ovo nije dovoljno da celulit deluje manje vidljiv. Vrlo standardno ovaj anticelulit gel ne radi nista posebno. Malo će zategnuti kožu, ali dalje od toga ništa... Dakle, ovaj gel, kao i skoro sve ostale, kupujete na svoju odgovornost.

I have been using this gel for a long time. I apply it on the thighs and the back of my legs. First of all, I must emphasize that the volume of the region didn't decreased. I did not expect that to happen anyway, no matter what the manufacturer claims. Cellulite is also not reduced. The skin is a little tighter and more beautiful. Still, this is not enough to make cellulite less visible. As it mostly happens, this anti-cellulite gel does nothing special. It will slightly tighten the skin, but nothing more than that... So this product, like almost every other gel, you buy at your own risk.

Informacije i ocene
Cena449 RSD
Gde kupitiLilly, DM
Da li bih ga ponovo kupilaNe
Ukupna ocena3/5
- Cena
- Lagana tekstura
- Hladi
- Ne smanjuje obim
- Ne uklanja celulit

Information and scores
Price449 RSD
Where to buyLilly, DM
Would I buy it againNo
Total Score3/5
- Price
- Light texture
- Cooling
- No slimming effect
- No cellulite reduction

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