
субота, 31. јануар 2015.

Propanthenol Protective Winter Sun Cream and Lip Balm & Hair and Face Renewal Emulsion

Evo i drugog posta sa recenzijama novih Top Ten Propanthenol proizvoda koji su po meni zaista odlični. Ovaj put ću vam predstaviti dva zanimljiva, malo neuobičajena i svakako multifunkcionalna proizvoda.

Here's another post with reviews of new Top Ten Propanthenol products that are really great. This time I will show you two interesting, a little unusual and definitely multifunctional products.

Počeću od od ove tubice koja je malo nepravedno po drogerijama složena pored mazalica za usne, iako ona predstavlja toliko mnogo više od toga. Propanthenol Protective Winter Sun Cream and Lip Balm je proizvod koji u tubi sadrži divnu kremu za lice sa SPF 20 koja hrani i štiti kožu od sunca, ali i hladnoće i vetra. U poklopcu u obliku polulopte nalazi se stik za usne koji takođe ima SPF 20. Za početak evo ih sastavi kreme i balzama za usne:

I'll start off with this tubes that you can see on the photos, which is a little unfairly placed beside the lips balms in our drugstores, although it is so much more than that. Propanthenol Protective Winter Sun Cream and Lip Balm is a product which contains a wonderful moisturizer with SPF 20, which nourishes and protects the skin from the sun, but also from cold and wind. The lid there is a lip balm in the shape of a half a sphere, which also has SPF 20. For a start here are the whole compositions of them both:

Ova zaštitna krema sadrži 6% D-pantenola, skvalan, beta-karotin i vitamin E. Tubica sadrži 20ml i odlična je za doziranje i lako nanošenje proizvoda. Košta 299 dinara. I krema i balzam za usne imaju veoma blag slatkast miris koji me podseća na med.

This protective cream contains 6% of D-panthenol, squalane, B-carotene and vitamin E. Tube contains 20ml and is great for dosing and easy application of the product. It costs 299 RSD. Moisturizer and lip balm both have a very mild sweet scent that reminds me of honey.

Krema je malo gušća i masnija pošto sadrži SPF, ali ako se sačeka par minuta lepo se upija i koža uopšte ne izgleda masno. Lako se razmazuje.Nemojte da vas zabrine sjaj koji postoji kada se krema tek razmaže. Lepo hrani kožu i štiti je od isušivanja. S druge strane jako mi se svideo i balzam za usne, koji je na usnama jako prijatan i postojan. Lepo omekša i neguje usne, a dobro ih štiti i od isušivanja kao i naravno od UV zraka. 

The cream is a little thicker and oilier as it contains SPF, but if you wait a few minutes for it to get nicely absorbed, the skin won't look greasy. It spreads easily. So don't you worry about the shine right after application. Nicely nourishes the skin and protects it from drying out. On the other hand I also really liked the lip balm, which is very pleasing on the lips and also very durable. Beautifully softens and nourishes the lips, a offers a good protection from drying out and of course from UV rays.

Za kraj pogledajte teksturu kreme. U svakom slučaju ovo je jedan proizvod koji bi svako ko ide na primer na skijanje trebalo da ima sa sobom.

In the end, look at the texture of the cream. In any case, this is one product that everyone who goes for example to skiing should have with them.

Drugi proizvod je još zanimljiviji i univerzalniji. Hair and Face Renewal Emulsion je kao što i ime kaže emulzija namenjena kosi i koži. Zato je, barem meni, vrlo iznenađujuć proizvod. Retko očekujem, osim ako je u pitanju neko ulje, da proizvod bude namenjen i koži lica i kosi. Ovaj rastvor sadrži čak 9% D-pantenola, hamamelis i aloe veru i prvenstveno je namenjen nezi kose i kože glave. Pospešuje rast i sprečava opadanje kose, pomaže kod uklanjanja peruti i kontroli sebuma, jača korem, popravlja kvalitet dlake i pomaže saniranje raznih oštećenja na koži. Može se prskati na koren kose, a zatim da se utlja i malo odstoji pre pranja kose, ali i nakon pranja kose na koren ili samu dlaku i naravno nema potrebe za ispiranjem.

The second product is even more interesting and more universal. Hair and Face Renewal Emulsion is, as the name says, an emulsion designed for hair and skin. That is why, at least to me, this is a very surprising product. I rarely expect, unless it's some oil, the product to be intended face and hair in the same time. This solution contains as much as 9% D-panthenol, aloe vera and witch hazel and is primarily intended for the care of hair and scalp. It promotes growth and prevents hair loss, helps in removing dandruff and controls sebum, strengthens roots, improves the quality of hair and helps repair various skin lesions. It can be sprayed on the hair roots, and then it should stay there a bit before washing the hair, but also after washing the hair it can be applied to damp hair roots, or the whole hair and naturally there is no need to rinse it.

Takođe može da se koristi i kao tonik za lice, i posebno je pogodan za masnu i mešovitu kožu kao i kožu sklonu bubuljicama. A kako je dobar i u regulaciji sebuma smanjiće i prosijavanje kože u šta sam se i ja uverila i što me je najviše i oduševilo. Takođe hrani i neguje kožu i umiruje bilo kakvo zatezanje usled isušenosti. Što se tiče nege kože glave tu je naravno manje očigledan, a ono što sam primetila je da solidno olakšava rasčešljavanje kose nakon pranja i čini kosu manje suvom. Evo ga i ceo sastav:

It can also be used as a tonic, and is particularly suitable for oily and mixed skin as well as skin prone to acne. What is good is that it will regulate production of sebum and reduce skin shine, which I also noticed and that made me particularly happy. It also nourishes the skin and soothes any tightening due to dryness. As for the care of the scalp that is naturally less obvious, but what I have noticed is that it makes combing quite easier after washing the hair and makes hair less dry. Here's the whole composition:

Ovaj rastvor je potpuno tečan i providan i ima srednje jak miris koji se doduše brzo izgubi. Ne bih znala da opišem miris, ne podseća me ni na šta. Pakovanje sadrži 200ml a pumpica lepo raspršuje proizvod. Cena ovog rastvora je 479 dinara.

This solution is completely transparent and liquid and has a medium strong scent that quickly dissipaters. I do not know how to describe the smell, it doesn't remind me of anything. The packaging contains a 200ml, pump disperses the product nicely. The price of this solution is 479 RSD.

Oba proizvoda obožavam. Posebno volim da koristim emulziju kao tonik za lice i da uživam u usporenoj proizvodnji sebuma. Zima zima e pa šta je!

Informacije i ocene
Cenakrema: 299 RSD
emulzija: 479 RSD 
Gde kupitiLilly, DM
Da li bih ih ponovo kupilaDa!
Ukupna ocena5/5
- Pakovanje
- Cena
- Krema i balzam dobro štite i od sunca  

  i od hladnoće i vetra
- Emulzija umiruje i hrani kožu 
   lica i smanjuje stvaranje sebuma
- Emulzija hrani kožu glave i kosu
- Krema za lice je malo teža
- Potrebno je minut  dva da se
  krema  upije i prestne da bude sjajna 

I adore both products. I especially love to use emulsion as a face tonic and to enjoy the slower production of sebum. Winter is here, so what!

Information and scores
Pricecream: 299 RSD
emulsion: 479 RSD
Where to buyLilly, DM
Types 1
Would I buy them againYes!
Overall Score5/5
- Packaging
- Price
- Cream and lip balm offer a great
 protection from the sun, cold and  wind
- Emulsion calms the skin and
 slows down sebum production
- Emulsion nourishes scalp and hair
- Cream is a little heavier
- Cream needs a minute or
  two to get absorbed and stop
  being  shiny

среда, 28. јануар 2015.

Top Ten Propanthen Skin Renewal Cream & Skin Renewal Gel-Cream

Nega kože u toku zime često zna da zada glavobolju. I koliko god da se mackamo opet nešto pecka, isušeno je i zateže. Ali ja sam ove zime imala izuzetnu sreću da probam novu liniju Top Ten proizvoda koja me je blago rečeno oborila s nogu. Ova linija sadrži različite proizvode namenjene pojačanoj nezi i umirivanju kože u toku zime, a ime joj je više nego odgovarajuće - Propanthen. Recenzije ću podeliti u tri posta, ali već mogu da vam kažem da cela linija ima moju veliku preporuku. Proizvodi koje sam isprobala su:
- Skin Renewal Cream,
- Skin Renewal Gel-Cream,
- Protective Winter SunCream & Lip Balm,
- Hair & Skin Renewal Emulsion,
- First Aid Skin Repair Cream,
- Skin Renewal Body Butter.

Skin care in winter can often produce a headache. And as much as we use creams something can always tingle, be dry and tight. But this winter I had the great fortune to try a new line of Top Ten products that has knocked off my feet. This line includes products designed for enhanced care and soothing the skin during the winter, and its name is more than adequate - Propanthen. Reviews will be divided into three posts, but I can already tell you that the whole line has my big recommendation. The products that I have tried are:
- Skin Renewal Cream,
- Skin Renewal Gel-Cream,
- Protective Winter SunCream & Lip Balm,
- Hair & Skin Renewal Emulsion,
- First Aid Skin Repair Cream,
- Skin Renewal Body Butter.

Recenziju ove predivne linije proizvoda počeću sa dve vrlo univerzalne kreme. Mogu se koristiti za lice, ali i za druge delove tela kojima je potrebna dodatna nega. Kreme su namenjene regeneraciji kože, neguju, hidriraju i hrane kožu. Postoji mala razlika u sastavu i naravno razlika u teksturi pošto je jedna tipična krema namenjena suvoj i iritiranoj koži, dok je druga gel krema namenjena masnoj, oštećenoj i iritiranoj koži.

I'll start the reviews of this wonderful product line with two very universal creams. They can be used for the face, but also for other parts of the body that need extra care. The creams are designed to regenerate, nourish and hydrate the skin. There is little difference in the composition and there is of course the difference in texture, as one is a typical cream designed for dry and irritated skin, while the other is in the form of gel and is designed for oily, damaged and irritated skin.

Propanthen Skin Renewal Gel-Cream je dakle namenjena normalnoj i masnoj koži i pomaže kod smanjenja iritacija i crvenila, pomaže ubrzano saniranje raznih oštećenja na koži i zarastanje rana, štiti od UVA/UVB zračenja, ali i hidrira u toku celog dana. Sadrži ekstrakt hamamelisa i 7% D-pantenola. Takođe može se koristiti protiv peckanja i svraba kod alergijskih reakcija, za sprečavanje pucanja bradavica kod dojilja, za negu ispucalih usana, suve kože ruku, posle brijanja i depilacije, za negu kože oštećene usled lošije periferne cirkulacije, kao i prilikom lečenja ekcematoznih promena. Dakle ovo je jedna višenamenska krema koju bi svako trebalo da ima u kući. Evo ga i ceo sastav:

Propanthen Skin Renewal Gel-Cream is intended for normal and oily skin and helps reduce irritation and redness, helps rapidly repair various skin damage and wound healing, protects against UVA/UVB rays, but also hydrates throughout the day. Contains witch hazel extract and 7% of D-panthenol. It can also be used against burning and itching in allergic reactions, to prevent cracking of the nipples in nursing mothers, for chapped lips, dry skin on your hands, after shaving and waxing, skin damages due to poor peripheral circulation, as well as during treatment of eczematous changes. So this is one multi-purpose cream that everyone should have in the house. Here's the whole composition:

Obe kreme iz ove linije prodiru u duboke slojeve epidermisa i regenerišu ih. Ja sam kremu uglavnom koristila kao dnevnu kremu za lice i bila sam zapanjena rezultatima. Već posle par dana koža je bila vidno mekša, nahranjena, bez ikakvog crvenila i baš je bila jako lepa. 

Both creams from this line penetrate into the deep layers of the epidermis and regenerate them. I've mainly used this cream as a daily moisturizer and I was amazed with the results. After a few days the skin was visibly softer, nourished, without any redness and just looked very beautiful.

Takođe oduševljena sam teksturom kreme. Vrlo se lako razmazuje i upija, a pošto je u formi malo gušćeg gela ni malo ne masti kožu. Čak mi se čini da usporava proizvodnju sebuma i produžava matiran izgled lica. Čini mi se da će moja ljubav prema ovoj kremi veoma dugo trajati. Obe kreme nemaju nikakav miris.

Also, I am thrilled with the texture of the cream. It is very easy to spread and absorbe, since it is in the form of a little denser gel which doesn't make the skin oily at all. It even seems to slow down the production of sebum and extends matte appearance of the face. I think that my love for this cream will last a very long time. Both creams have no scent.

S druge strane imamo Skin Renewal Cream koja predstavlja veoma sličnu kremu ali je namenjena mešovitoj i suvoj koži. Takođe sadrži D- pantenol ali ovaj put 6%, ali sadži i vitamin E i skvalan dobijen iz maslinovog ulja koji ima još jače regenerativne moći. Krema ima istu namenu kao i prva, dakle odlično hidrira, bori se protiv iritacija i oštećenja na koži, štiti od sunčevih zraka, dobra je za ispucale bradavice, posle brijanja itd. Sprečava i hiperpigmentacije i starenje kože. Evo ga ceo sastav:

On the other hand, we have Skin Renewal Cream which is very similar to the first cream but this one is intended for mixed and dry skin. It also contains D-panthenol, this time 6%, but also contains vitamin E and squalane derived from olive oil, which has an even stronger regenerative powers. The cream has the same purpose as the last one. It hydrates perfectly, fights irritation and damage of the skin, protects against the sun's rays, it is good for cracked nipples, after shaving, etc. It also prevents hyperpigmentations and ageing of the skin. Here is the whole composition:

Kremu sam uglavnom koristila kao noćnu kremu za lice ili kao kremu za ruke kada su mi ruke suve. Tekstura je malo gušće kreme, ali nije masna i vrlo se lako razmazuje i upija. Ne ostavlja film na koži niti masan i sjajan izgled. Fenomenalno i veoma brzo hrani i regeneriše čak i suvu kožu ruku. A moje lice nije izgledalo bolje i svežije ni u sred leta.

I mostly used this cream as a face night cream or a hand cream when my hands are dry. The texture is a bit thicker, but it's not greasy and it is easily spread and absorbed. It leaves no film on the skin or oily and shiny appearance. Very quickly regenerates and nourishes even dry skin of the hands. And my face didn't look better and fresher, even in the middle of summer.

Obe kreme dolaze u kutijama u kojima je tuba od 50ml. Tube su zatvorene folijicom. Odlično i higijensko pakovanje, iz kog je doziranje vrlo lako. Cena obe kreme je samo 209 dinara. Za ovoliko malo novca, sad više niko ne može da ima izgovor da mu je koža suva u toku zime!

Both creams come in boxes in which are tubes of 50ml. The tubes were closed by a foil. Excellent and hygienic packaging, from which dosing is very easy. The price of both creams is only 209 RSD. For this little money, now no one can have the excuse of having dry skin in the winter ever again!

Da li ste uočili ovu Propanthen liniju proizvoda na policama drogerija? Ova linija ima sve moje preporuke. U sledećem postu vas očekuju recenzije dva izuzetno zanimljiva i multifunkcionalna proizvoda iz ove linije. A planiram je što pre kako biste imali što više vremena da u toku ove zime uživate u ovim divnim proizvodima.

Informacije i ocene
Cena209 RSD
Gde kupitiLilly, DM
Vrste kreme2
Da li bih ih ponovo kupilaDa!
Izgled kože5/5
Ukupna ocena5/5
- Pakovanje
- Cena
- Odlično hidrira
- Elastična i lepa koža
- Brzo umiruje iritacije
- Usporava lučenje sebuma

Have you noticed this Propanthen line of products on the shelves of drugstores? This line has all of my recommendations. In the next post you can expect reviews of two extremely interesting and multifunctional products from this line. And I plan it as soon as possible, so you'll have more time to enjoy these great products during the winter.

Information and scores
Price209 RSD
Where to buyLilly, DM
Types of cream2
Would I buy them againYes!
Skin appearance5/5
Calming effect5/5
Overall Score5/5
- Packaging
- Price
- Great hydration
- Elastic and nice skin
- Calms the skin quickly
- Slows down sebum production

уторак, 27. јануар 2015.

Siberian Health delikatna krema za predeo oko očiju

Nastavljam seriju postova o Siberian Health prirodnoj kozmetici. Ovaj put došli smo na red do jednog ozbiljnijeg proizvoda i to meni vrlo dragog - okoloočne kreme. Ova linija SH proizvoda sadrži dva tipa kreme za ovu regiju hranljiviju i laganu, a kako moje okoloočno područje nije suvo ja sam se odlučila za laganiju.  Ova krema sadrži ši puter, ulja i ekstrakte od baš mnogo biljaka tako da ih ovde neću čak ni nabrajati (ali vrlo lepo piše u sastavu ispod), niacinamid i kofein. Namenjena je borbi protiv svih znakova umora i starenja, i dobra je za smanjivanje finih linija. Bori se protiv gubitka elastičnosti i potpomaže lep izgled kože u regiji oka. Hidrira kožu, smanjuje otečenost i tamne kolutove. Evo ga i ceo sastav:

I'm going to continue a series of posts about Siberian Health natural cosmetics. This time we have a serious product and for me a very dear one - undereye cream. This line of SH product contains two types of creams for this region nutritious and light one, and as my undereye area is not dry I decided to buy a lighter version. This cream contains shea butter, oils and extracts from many plants, so I won't enumerate them all (but everything is nicely written in the composition below), niacinamide and caffeine. It is aimed at combating all signs of fatigue and aging, and is good for reducing fine lines. It fights against loss of elasticity and helps skin look beautiful. Hydrates skin, reduces puffiness and dark circles. Here's the whole composition:

Sastav ove kreme je blago rečeno odličan. Takođe krema ne sadrži nikakve veštačke boje, parfeme i konzervanse. Ima vrlo blag biljni miris i tamniju žućkastu boju. Tekstura je zanimljiva, malo je gušća od prosečnih krema ali pri nanošenju je jednako lagana i vrlo se lako razmazuje i upija. Kutijica je zatvorena folijom, a pakovanje sadrži 15ml. Cena kreme je 710 dinara.

The composition of this cream is excellent to say the least. Also cream contains no artificial colours, fragrances and preservatives. It has a very mild herbal scent and darker yellowish colour. The texture is interesting, a little thicker than an average cream, but when applied it is equally light and very easy to spread and absorb. Box is sealed with foil and packaging contains 15ml. Price is 710 RSD.

Krema me je oduševila. Mnogo dobro hidrira i ni malo ne pecka čak i ako ne pazim kako je nanosim i da li sam preblizu oka. Daje elastičnost i mekoću koži. Čini mi se i da ubrzava uklanjanje jutarnje naduvenosti. Jako malo kreme je dovoljno prilikom jednog nanošenja, pa mi prosto nije jasno kako ću je uopšte potrošiti. Ovo mi je čak možda i omiljena okoloočna krema koju sam do sad probala.  Ko traži dobru hidratantnu kremu koja je lagana i koja će usporiti starenje kože, i kožu učiniti mekom i elastičnom treba da je proba. Posebno ako imate osetljivu regiju oka, pošto ova krema ima samo prirodne sastojke i neće iritirati ni kožu ni oko.

I am thrilled about this cream. It hydrates so well and does not tingle and burn even if you do not watch how you apply it and spread it too close to the eye. It gives elasticity and softness to the skin. It seems to me that it also accelerates disappearance of morning undereye bags. Very little cream is enough for a single application, so I don't understand how I'll ever spend it entirely. This is perhaps the favorite undereye cream that I've ever tasted. If you are looking for a good moisturizer which is light and that will slow down the aging of the skin, and make skin soft and supple, you need to try it. Especially if you have sensitive eye region, since this cream has only natural ingredients and won't irritate the skin and eyes.

Da li ste možda probali ovu kremu? Da li vam deluje zanimljivo?

Informacije i ocene
Cena710 RSD
Gde kupitiSiberian Health
Vrste kreme2
Da li bih ih ponovo kupilaDa
Izgled kože5/5
Podočnjaci i fine linije3/5
Ukupna ocena4/5
- Pakovanje
- Cena
- Odlično hidrira
- Elastična i lepa koža
- Blag efekat na fine linije
  i nadutost
- Ne utiče na tamne kolutove

Have you tried this cream? Does it seems interesting to you?

Information and scores
Price710 RSD
Where to buySiberian Health
Types of cream2
Would I buy them againYes
Skin appearance5/5
Bags and fine lines3/5
Overall Score4/5
- Packaging
- Price
- Great hydration
- Elastic and nice skin
- Mild effect on fine lines
  and under eye bags
- Does not effect dark circles

четвртак, 22. јануар 2015.

China Glaze 1137 Bizzare Blurple

U poslednje vreme slabo kupujem lakove za nokte, međutim jednom prilikom ušla sam sa sestrom u Alexandar Cosmetics i tom prilikom izašle smo sa ovim prelepo čudnim lakom. Naziv govori više od bilo kog opisa - Bizzare Blurple. Ja ga mu tepam sa БЛУРПЛЕ onako po srpski. Formula je odlična, brzo se i suši, dva sloja su dovoljna za potpuno prekrivanje. Četkica je standardna za CG malo uža. Košta 445 dinara, a bočica sadrži 14ml.

I rarely buy nail polishes lately, but once I entered Alexandar Cosmetics store with my sister, we came out with a beautiful strange nail polish. Its name says more than any description - Bizzare Blurple. I gave it a nickname БЛУРПЛЕ as it would be read in Serbian. The formula is excellent, fast drying, two layers are sufficient for full coverage. The brush is standard for CG, slightly narrower. It costs 445 RSD and the bottle contains 14ml.

Naravno boja je glavni adut ovog laka, a kao što ime i kaže mešavina je plave i ljubičaste. Od svetlosti i ugla gledanja nekada će biti više plav, a nekada će se presijavati na ljubičasto. Generalno bih ga pre svrstala među ljubičaste lakove. Jako zabavna, neobična i pomalo luda nijansa. Na slikama sam pokušala da bar donekle dočaram kako ovaj lak izgleda...iako ovo je jedan od onih lakova koji samo uživo mogu u potpunosti da vam oduzmu dah.

Of course the colour is the main advantage of this nail polish, and as the name says, it is a mixture of blue and purple. From the type of light and viewing angle it depends if it is going to look more blue or purple. Overall I would rather say it is a purple varnish. Very fun, unusual and somewhat crazy shade. In the pictures I tried to show you how this polish looks ... even though this is one of those shades which can completely take your breath away only when you see it in person.

Informacije i ocene
Cena445 RSD
Gde kupitiAlexandar Cosmetics
Broj nijansiMnogo
Da li bih ga ponovo kupilaDa
Ukupna ocena5/5
- Pakovanje
- Lako se nanosi
- Brzo sušenje
- Cena
- Uska četkica

Information and scores
Price445 RSD
Where to buyAlexandar Cosmetics
ShadesA lot
Would I buy it againYes
Overall Score5/5
- Packaging
- Easy to apply
- Fast drying
- Price
- Narrow brush

петак, 16. јануар 2015.

Kanta Vol. 14

Nakupilo se još praznih proizvoda, a ovaj put sam posebno radosna što sam uspela da potrošim ceo tečni puder. Doduše to mi je omiljeni puder pa mi je žao što je potrošen, a neću da ga opet kupujem dok malo ne istrošim druge koje trenutno imam.

More empty products are here, and this time I am particularly pleased that I was able to spend the entire foundation. Admittedly this is my favorite foundation, so I am sorry that I have spent it, and I'm not planing on buying it again soon, while I still have a lot of other products.

Proizvodi za kosu koje sam potrošila su:
- Revlon Revlonissimo 45 Days Total Color Care 2u1 šampon i balzam - dobro čisti i omekšava kosu a čuva boju i daje blag narandžasti preliv. Svideo mi se prilično. Tuba sadrži 275ml i košta 1490 dinara. Ocena 4/5.
- Batiste Dry Shampoo Tropical - obožavam Batiste. A ovaj miris mi je definitivno omiljen. Šta ću slaba sam na kokos. Odlično odmašćuje kosu. Boca od 200ml košta 566 dinara. Ocena 5/5.
- Seri Argan Oil - nisam do sad isprobavala arganovo ulje za kosu, ovo mi je prvo, ali moram da priznam da iako moje suve krajeve malo hrani i zagladi, nisam zadovoljna učinkom, s obzirom na to koliko je arganovo ulje hvaljeno. Bočica je lepa staklena sa pumpicom i sadrži 50ml a košta ja mislim oko 1500 dinara, ne secam se tačno. Ocena 3/5.
- Top Ten Sunny Hair Repairing After Sun Mask - još jedan proizvod za kosu o kom ne znam šta da mislim. Ne mogu da kažem da mi se čini da je obnovio i nahranio kosu, a pored toga još i ne omekšava i ne zaglađuje. Tako da nema neke vidljive efekte. Pakovanje sadrži 250ml a cene se zaista ne sećam. Ocena 2/5.

Hair products that I have spent are:
- Revlon Revlonissimo 45 Days Total Color Care 2in1 shampoo and conditioner - cleans well and softens the hair, preserves colour and gives hair a mild orange shine. I liked it quite a lot. Tube contains 275ml and costs 1490 RSD. Score 4/5.
- Batiste Dry Shampoo Tropical - I love Batiste. And this scent is definitely my favorite. What can I do, I'm a coconut lover. Great at degreasing hair. Bottle of 200ml costs 566 RSD. Score 5/5.
- Seri Argan Oil - I haven't tried any hair argan oils before, this is my first one, but I have to admit that my dry ends were nourished and smoothed just a bit. I'm not pleased with the effect, in view of the numerous praises that argan oil gets. The bottle is pretty, made of glass with a pump, contains 50ml and costs, I think, around 1500 RSD, I do not remember exactly. Score 3/5.
- Top Ten Sunny Hair Repairing After Sun Mask - another hair product which I do not know what to think of. I cannot say that I think it has renewed and nourished my hair, though it also didn't soften and smooth it out. So there aren't some visible effects. The packaging contains 250ml and I really do not remember the price. Score 2/5.

Od šminke potrošila sam tri proizvoda. Na žalost samo jedan je zaista potrošen, Essence puder mi se potpuno polomio i raspšio po neseseru, a korektor se dosta osušio jer ga imam dugo pa više nije to to.
- Nyx HD Photogenic Concealer - dobar korektor sa laganom formulom i dobro ujednačava i prekriva tamne podočnjake, Pakovanje od 3g košta 539 dinara. Ocena 5/5.
- Essence All About Matt Fixing Compact Powder - jedan od boljih pudera za matiranje koji ionako svi već dugo hvale. Pakovanje od 8g košta oko 400 dinara. Ocena 4/5.
- Vichy Teint Ideal Fluid - savršen lagan puder sa srednjim prekrivanje. Ljubav na prvo nanošenje. Savršena nijansa koja mi je davala zdrav i lep ten. Moraću opet da ga kupim. Bočica od 30ml košta 2303 dinara. Ocena 5/5. 

When it comes to makeup I have spent three products. Unfortunately, only one was actually spent. Essence Powder broke apart completely in my bag, and the concealer has dried up because I bought it a long time ago, so the effect was no longer as good as it used to be.
- Nyx HD Photogenic Concealer - a good concealer with a lightweight formula. Evens out the skin colour well and covers dark circles. Packaging of 3g costs 539 RSD. Score 5/5.
- Essence All About Matt Fixing Compact Powder - one of the best mattifying powders that has been praised a lot for a long time. Packaging of 8g costs around 400 RSD. Score 4/5.
- Vichy Teint Ideal Fluid - perfect lightweight foundation with medium coverage. Love at first application. Also a perfect shade that gave me a healthy and beautiful complexion. I'll have to buy it again. Bottle of 30ml  costs 2303 RSD. Score 5/5.

I za kraj preparativa za lice:
- Vichy Aqualia Thermal Light - odlična krema koja dobro hidrira i lagana je. Mada u toku leta mi je činila kožu brže masnom. Teglica standarno sadrži 50ml i košta 2194 dinara. Ocena 4/5.
- Gerovital Plant noćna krema za lice - solidna noćna krema koja dobro hrani kožu. Formula je malo gušća ali nije masna. Pakovanje sadrži isto 50ml i košta 850 dinara. Ocena 4/5.
- Balea gel za umivanje sa grejpfrutom - baš mi se nije svideo ni miris ni tekstura gela. Mada dobro čisti i ne isušuje. Pakovanj sadrži 150ml a košta oko 300 dinara. Ocena 3/5.

And finally cosmetics for the face:
- Vichy Aqualia Thermal Light - excellent cream that moisturizes well and is lightweight. Although during the summer my skin became greasy faster while I was using it. It has a standard jar containing 50ml and costs 2194 RSD. Score 4/5.
- Gerovital Plant Nourishing Cream - a nice night cream that works well. The formula is a bit thicker but not greasy. The package contains the same 50ml and costs 850 RSD. Score 4/5.
- Balea Face Wash with grapefruit - I did not like the smell and texture of the gel. Although it cleaned well and didn't dry my skin out. Packaging contains 150ml and costs around 300 RSD. Score 3/5.

I to bi bilo sve za ovaj put. Da li ste probali neki od ovih proizvoda i kakvi su bili vaši utisci? Koje arganovo ulje biste mi preporučili da sledeće probam? Ili već neki proizvod da malo sredim suve krajeve.

And that's all for this time. Have you tried any of these products and what were your impressions? Which argan oil would you recommend that I try next? Or some kind of product that will make make ends a little bit less dry.

среда, 14. јануар 2015.

Siberian Health šampon za suvu i farbanu kosu i balzam za obnovu kose

Ovaj put pišem o šamponu i balzamu koje trenutno koristim. Kao što vidite iz naslova opet je reč o Siberian Health proizvodima,

This time I'll write about a shampoo and conditioner that I currently use. As you can see from the title these are again Siberian Health products.

Oba dolaze u bočici od 250ml. Siberian Health nudi dobar izbor šampona i balzama za različite namene, a ja sam se odlučila da uzmem šampon za suvu i farbanu kosu i balzam za obnovu kose. I šampon i balzam koštaju po 890 dinara. Preko čepa imaju najlon da se osigura da bočice nisu otvarane.

Both come in bottles of 250ml. Siberian Health offers a good selection of shampoo and conditioner for different purposes and I have decided to get a shampoo for dry and treated hair and conditioner for hair restoration. Both shampoo and conditioner cost 890 RSD each. They have nylon above the bottle cap to ensure that bottles haven't been opened.

Šampon za suvu i farbanu kosu kao aktivne komponente sadrži aloe veru, eterična ulja pomorandžine kore i tuje, ekstrakt lipovog cveta i još nekih biljaka. Ove komponente trebalo bi da hidriraju i hrane kosu, obnavljaju zaštitni sloj kose, koji se uništava farbanjem, feniranjem, čestim pranjem i izlaganjem suncu. Evo ga i ceo sastav šampona:

Shampoo for dry and treated hair contains as active components aloe vera, essential oils of orange peel and thuja, linden blossom extract and extracts of some other plants. These components should hydrates and nourishes the hair, restore the protective layer of the hair, which is destroys by colouring, styling, frequent washing and exposure to sun. Here's the whole composition of this shampoo:

Šampon je zanimljiv jer dobro peni, mada ako vam je prljava kosa prvo šamponiranje neće proizvesti previše pene. Blag je i lepo čisti kosu i kožu glave. Ja lično nisam veliki ljubitelj prirodnijih šampona jer mi često kosu ostavljaju slamastom i teškom za češljanje. Ovaj šampon nije baš takav. Kosa nije meka kao kod nekih drogerijskih običnih šampona, ali nije ni strašno suva. Naravno, shvatam ja da problem tu nije toliko do šampona, nego do toga što mi je kosa suva, a šampon ne sadrži nešto što bi je veštački učinilo mekom.

The shampoo is interesting because it makes a nice foam, but if you have dirty hair first shampooing will not produce too much foam. It is mild, nicely cleans hair and scalp. I'm personally not a big fan of natural shampoos because they often leave hair strawy and difficult to comb. This shampoo is not exactly like that. The hair is not as soft as with some ordinary drugstore shampoos but not terribly dry aether. Of course, I understand that the problem here is not so much to do with the shampoo, but with my hair being dry and shampoo not containing something that will artificially make it soft.

Balzam za obnovu kose me je s druge strane oborio s nogu. Ovo je ubedljivo moj omiljeni balzam koji sam do sad probala. Sadrži ekstrakte čička, đumbira, rogača, eterična ulja žalfije anisa, lavande i drugih biljaka. Evo ga i ceo sastav:

Conditioner for hair restoration on the other side has swept me of my feet. This is by far my favorite conditioner I've ever tasted. It contains extracts of burdock, ginger, carob, essential oils of anise, sage, lavender and other herbs. Here's the whole composition:

Namenjen je jačanju korenova kosa, stimulaciju folikula dlake i na taj način pomaže ubrzani rasta kose. Razlog zašto mi se sviđa je što je kosa posle nanošenja i manje količine balzama ludački meka. Rasčešljavanje je prelako a kosa je lagana, sjajna, lepa, ne mrsi se i nije neposlušna. Da li obnavlja koren dlake i ubrzava rast ne znam, ali ako zaista pomaže i u tome ovaj balzam je vredan svaku paru.

It is intended for strengthening the roots of the hair, to stimulate hair follicles and thus help the rapid growth of hair. The reason why I like it is that after the application of even a smaller amount of this conditioner the hair is insanely soft. Combing is too easy ant the hair is light, bright, beautiful, does not tangle and isn't disobedient. I don't know if it renews hair roots and accelerates growth, but if it really does, this conditioner is worth every penny.

Teksture oba proizvoda su malo ređe od uobičajenih za šampone i balzame. Oba mirišu blago i biljno doduše ralzičito zbog različitog sastava biljaka u njima.

Textures of both products are a little rarer than the usual ones for shampoos and conditioners. Both have mild herbal scent, admittedly different due to different composition of plants in them.

Oba proizvoda su mi se baš svidela, balzam posebno. Malo su skuplji od drogerisjkih proizvoda ali ih valja probati. Balzam je nešto što svakako planiram ponovo da kupim, a šampon...ako budem pri parama. Ipak ima solidnih šampona i za manje pare.
Da li ste ih vi možda probali? Da li volite proizvode za kosu sa prirodnim biljnim sastojcima? Koji su vaši omiljeni proizvodi tog tipa?

Informacije i ocene
Cena890 RSD
Gde kupitiSiberian Health
Vrste šampona i balzama5
Da li bih ih ponovo kupilaDa
Izgled kose5/5
Ukupna ocena5/5
- Pakovanje
- Šampon dobro pere kosu i blag je
- Balzam odlično omekšava i hrani kosu
- Cena
- Šampon ostavlja kosu malo suvom
- Šampon majne peni pri prvom šamponiranju

Both products are I really like, especially conditioner. They are a bit more expensive than drugstore products but they should be tried. Conditioner is something that I am planning to buy again, and shampoo ... if I have the money. There are still nice shampoos for less money anyway.
Did you try these products? Do you like hair products with natural herbal ingredients? What are your favorite products of this type?

Information and scores
Price890 RSD
Where to buySiberian Health
Types shampoos and conditioners5
Would I buy them againYes
Hair appearance5/5
Overall Score5/5
- Packaging
- Shampoo washes hair well and it's mild
- Conditioner is great in making hair soft and nourished
- Price
- Shampoo leaves hair a bit dry

- Shampoo makes a lot less foam during the first wash