
четвртак, 31. октобар 2013.

Kineska paleta ponovo u akciji - LOTD

Vreme je za još jedan look koji nije napadan i koji je dobar za odlazak na posao, mada i za neke druge prilike posebno zbog crvenih usana.

It's time for another look which is not that bold and which is good for going to work, but also for some other occasions, especially because of red lips.

Za oči sam koristila samo dve nijanse iz kineske palete i njih sam obeležila zvezdicom. Pored kineske palete koristila sam još nekoliko proizvoda koji su mi u poslednje vreme u stalnoj postavci:

- Avon baza za senke,
- Garnier BB krema za masnu kožu u svetlijoj nijansi,
- Eveline Celebrities braon ajlajner,

I used only two eyeshadows from the Chinese 120 palette for my eyes and I marked them with a star. In addition to the Chinese palette, I used a couple of products that I use a lot lately:

- Avon eyeshadow base,
- Garnier BB cream for oily skin in lighter shade,
- Eveline Celebrities brown eyeliner,

Kako vam se čini? Ja sam iskreno svakm danom sve zaljubljenija u kinesku paletu. :)

What do you think? Honestly I love my Chinese palette more and more each day. :)

Flormar Perfect Coverage Concealer 04

Neko vreme nisam imala tecni korektor, a onda sam rešila da kupim Flormar Perfect Coverage Concealer, nakon čitanja nekoliko pozitivnih recenzija. Zaista ne znam kako sam živela bez korektova ovog tipa u poslednje vreme. Život i šminkanje su mnogo lakši sa tečnim korektorom. :)

I didn't have a liquid concealer for a while, and then I decided to buy Flormar Perfect Coverage Concealer, after reading several positive reviews. I really don't know how I lived without a concealer of this type. Life and makeup application are much easier with a liquid concealer. :)

Ja sam kupila nijansu 04, a inače postoji pet nijansi, što je solidan izbor. Bočica sadrži 5ml i može da se koristi 12 meseci nakon otvaranja. Košta samo 509 dinara. Pakovanjem sam baš zadovoljna. Miris mu je lep, miriše na neku kremu za lice. Aplikator je tipičan, dlakav što bi se reklo, ali je spljošten sa obe strane. Lepo kupi proizvod i njime se korektor lako nanosi na lice. Ionako od ovih aplikatora tražim samo da lepo izvuku proizvod iz bočice. 

I bought shade 04, but there are five shades, which is a pretty good range of shades. Bottle contains 5ml and can be used 12 months after opening. It costs only 509 RSD. I'm very satisfied with the packaging. It smells nice, like a face cream. The applicator is typical, hairy as one can say, but it is flattened on both sides. It picks up the product nicely and it is easy to apply concealer to the face. Anyway, I only need these applicators to pick up product from the bottle.

Nakon toga korektor najčešće nanosim prstima, utapkavanjem. Na ovaj način najbrže nanosim i blendam korektor, dobija se najprirodniji izgled i najjače prekrivanje. Koristim ga najviše za ujednačavanje boje kože ispod oka i kamufliranje obojenih podočnjaka. Ja nemam veoma izražene tamne kolutove, rekla bih da su srednje jaki, a njih ovaj korektor zaista perfektno prekrije i boja kože mi se potpuno ujednači sa ostatkom lica. Izabrala sam i odovarajuću nijansu za moj ten. 

After that I usually apply this concealer with my fingers, by patting it on. In this way, the application and blending are the fastest and I get the most natural look and strongest coverage. I use it mostly for the unification of colour and camouflaging dark circles  under my eyes. I don't have very prominent dark circles, I would say that they are moderately strong, and this concealer covers them completely and equalizes skin colour with the rest of my face. I chose, a very good shade for me.

Korektor koristim i za sitnije nepravilnosti po licu. Prilično je trajan, a vrlo lako može i da se popravi u toku dana. Ne uvlači se u borice ispod oka. Tačnije ako nanesete malo deblji sloj ispod oka malo će se nakupiti nakon nanošenja, ali nakon što to uklonim i korektor se lepo osuši, nigde ne mrda. Moj HG korektor do sad je bio Maybelline Fit Me, ali ovaj Flormarov korektor zaista može da se nosi rame uz rame sa Maybelline-ovim. Ne mogu da kažem da je bolji, ali nije ni gori. Čini mi se da je malo gušći od Maybelline-a. 

Jedino što mi se čini je da ako imate suvu kožu ispod oka postoji šansa da će ovaj korektor da vam naglasi suve delove. Nisam sigurna pošto nemam suvu kožu, ali mi se po teksturi čini da će se to desiti. Zato pre nanošenja hidrirajte kožu.
Jeste li vi probali ovaj korektor? Koji tečni korektor vi volite?

I also use this concealer for minor irregularities on the face. It is quite durable and can easily be reapplied during the day. It doesn't accumulate in tiny wrinkles under eyes. Specifically if you apply a slightly thicker layer below the eye it will accumulate in the wrinkles a bit, but once you remove that and concealer dries completely it won't move anywhere. My HG concealer so far was the Maybelline Fit Me, but this Flormar concealer can really stand alongside Maybelline's. I cannot say it's better, but it isn't worse either. It seems to me that it is a little thicker than the Maybelline one.

The only thing I feel is that if you have dry skin under the eye, there is a chance that this concealer will emphasize dry parts. I'm not sure since I don't have dry skin, but the texture looks to me like it might do that. Therefore, before applying hydrate your skin.
Have you tried this concealer? Which liquid concealer do you like?

Šta mi se sviđa kod ovog korektora:
- cena,
- pakovanje,
- miris,
- lepo se blenda,
- dobro prekrivanje,
- trajnost na licu.

Šta mi se ne sviđa:
- čini mi se da ima tendenciju da naglasi suve delove kože.

Informacije i ocene:

CENA: 509 dinara


What I like about this concealer:
- Price,
- Packaging,
- Smell,
- Blends nicely,
- Good coverage,
- Durability of the face.

What I don't like:
- I think it might emphasize dry skin areas.

Information and scores:



недеља, 27. октобар 2013.

Candy Corn LOTD

Bliži nam se noć veštica, ali ja iskreno nikada nisam padala na celu euforiju oko ovog praznika. Valjda zato što se kod nas deca ne oblače u kostima i ne slavi se taj dan ni na kakav način. Međutim kako su mnogi blogovi preplavljeni raznim stvarima na temu ovog praznika, desilo se to da me je jedan look sa bloga The Beauty Department inspirisao pa sam ga isprobala na svoj način, a evo ga i rezultat. Mene lično podseća na candy corn.

Halloween is near, but I honestly never fell for all the euphoria around this holiday. I guess it's because kids don't dress up in costumes in our country and we don't really celebrate this holiday in any way. But since many blogs are flooded with a variety of things about this holiday, a look from the blog The Beauty Department inspired me to try it out my way, and here's the result. It personally reminds me of candy corn.

Koristila sam sledeće proizvode:
- Multiactiv Moisture 24h Natural tinted day cream u svetlijoj nijansi,
- Flormar Perfect Coverage Liquid Concealer u nijansi 04 (recenzija uskoro!),
- Kineska 120 paleta (obeležila sam senke koje sam koristila),
- Avon Mega Effects maskara u nijansi Blackest Black,

I used the following products:
- Multiactiv Natural Moisture 24h tinted day cream in light shades,
- Flormar Perfect Coverage Liquid Concealer in shade 04 (review soon!),
- Chinese 120 palette (I've marked the eyeshadows I've used),
- Avon Mega Effects Mascara in shade Blackest Black,

Multiactiv Moisture 24h Natural tinted day cream sam dobila kao tester i želela sam da je isprobam. Krajnji rezultat mi se nije svideo pre svega zbog jakog dewy finiša koji ne volim, jer sam ionako masna. Međutim mislim da je ova krema baš dobra za devojke sa suvljom kožom i dobrim tenom. Ima baš slabo prekrivanje, ali ujednači ten. Ima SPF 15 što mi se mnogo sviđa. Meni lično nije ni malo zakamuflirala pore što nikako ne volim, pa je ni zbog toga neću kupiti u velikom pakovanju. A sad ako zanemarimo sjaj kože i vidljive pore pogledajte kako je ispalo. :)

Multiactiv Moisture 24h Natural tinted day cream I got as a tester and I wanted to try it out. I didn't like the end result mainly because of the strong dewy finish that I don't like, since I'm already oily and shiny. But I think that this cream is really good for girls with drier skin and good complexion. It provides very little coverage, but evens out the complexion. It has SPF 15 which I really like. It didn't make my pores any less visible, which I also don't like, and this is also why I won't buy a full package. Now if we set aside the glow of the skin and visible pores look how the whole look turned out. :)

I jedna slika sa drugačijim osvetljenjem, pri kom sve izgleda mnogo lepše, bar po meni.

And one more photo with different lighting, with makes everything look much better, at least in my opinion.

Kako vam se sviđa? Malo je drečavo, pa nije za svakoga, ali ja sam baš uživala u nošenju omiljene boje - narandžaste!

How do you like it? It's a little loud and colourfull, so it's not for everyone, but I really enjoyed wearing my favorite colour - orange!

петак, 25. октобар 2013.

Revlon Uniq One Coconut

Evo jednog proizvoda koji je bio na mojoj WL i onda sam ga kupila i radovala se ceo dan - Revlon Uniq One Coconut. Želela sam da probam Uniq One, ali kada sam videla da su ga proizveli i u kokos varijanti znala sam da moram da ga kupim. Ja sam ga kupila u Liliju, ali ima ga i po prodavnicama sa proizvodima za kosu. Uglavnom košta oko 1569 din, koliko sam ga ja platila. Sadrži 150ml.

Kada sam ga prvi put otvorila i videla pumpicu sa raspršivačem, očekivala sam tečni proizvod, međutim prevarila sam se. Tekstura mu je bela i gusta, kao kod regeneratora. Zato pumpica pri nanošenju mora dobro da se pritisne da bi se proizvod dobro raspršio po kosi. Prva stvar koju sam takođe uočila je da prilično slabo miriše na kokos, a taj miris onda i ne ostaje u kosi dugo. To me je malo rastužilo jer volim miris kokosa, a i čitala sam kod mnogih devojaka kako je miris jak i dugo ostaje na kosi....pa i nije baš. No dobro to je manje bitno i pređimo na bitnije stvari.

Here is a product that has been on my WL and when I bought it I was happy the whole day - Revlon Uniq One Coconut. I wanted to try Uniq One, and when I saw that there was also the coconut version I knew I had to buy it. I bought it in Lilly, but it can also be found in stores with hair products. Generally costs about 1569 din, and that's how much I paid for it. It contains 150ml.

When I first opened it and saw a spray pump, I expected it to be liquid, but I was wrong. The texture of it is white and thick, like a conditioner. Because of the pump, during application it must be pressed well to produce proper spray on the hair. The first thing I also noticed is that it has quite a faint smell of coconut and the smell doesn't remain in the hair for such a long time. It made ​​me a little sad because I love the smell of coconut, and I read that many girls like the strong scent and that it stays long in the hair .... well, not really. Oh well that's less important, and let's move on to more important things.

Na kutiji lepo piše šta sve Uniq One treba da radi. Ima deset stavki i komentarisaću ih pojedinačno (na slici piše valjda na italijanskom, ali na samoj bočici je engleski).

1. Obnavlja suvu i oštećenu kosu - pa ne znam baš da li je obnovio da duge staze, ali je kosa nakon mazanja svakako meka i glatka.
2. Sjaj i kontrola neposlušne kose - Malo dodaje sjaj i mislim da je dobar u smirivanju kose, ali na mojoj kosi nije imao veliki izazov pa zato ne mogu da tvrdim. (Moram da pomenem na šta sam naletela na netu sada hahaha ... pošto piše za neposlušnu kosu Frizz Control, na netu sam za Frizzy Hair našla - A type of hair invented by the devil himself.  HAHAHAHA neko je baš bio kivan ko je ovo pisao.)
3. Zaštita od toplote - ovo mi se čini istinito, pošto mi se kosa manje greje kada je sušim fenom.
4. Svilenkasta i meka kosa - potpuno istinito.
5. Zaštita bojene kose sa UVA i UVB filterima - zaista ne znam, ali ajde da im verujemo na reč. Trenutno sam ofarbana u braon, pa mi se ta boja ne ispira i nije zahtevna. Da sam i dalje crvena možda bih mogla da primetim da li je boja duže jarke boje npr.
6. Lakše češljanje i peglanje - ne peglam kosu ali češljanje je zaista mnogo lakše. Bez njega se i ne češljam nakon pranja kose.
7. Neverovatno odpetljavanje - istina, što je i logično sobzirom da je skroz onako uljigavi.
8. Dugotrajna frizura - moram da priznam da zaista produži trajanje frizure, pošto je kosa dosta poslušnija.
9. Sprečava razlistane krajeve - pa mislim da pomaže malo, ali zaista ne znam kako to da izmerim. :)
10. Povećava volumen - da, ali ne drastično.

There are ten things that Uniq One is suppose to do, as written on the box. I will comment on them individually (in the picture it is probably written in Italian, but on the bottle it is written in English). 

1. Repair for dry and damaged hair - I don't know whether it helped my hair in the long run, but the hair is definitely softer and smoother.
2. Shine and frizz control - adds a little shine and I think it is good to calm the hair, but my hair is not a big challenge so I cannot really say. (I have to mention what I came across on the web a few moments ago hahaha ... as i wanted to look up what Frizz Control means, I found written for Frizzy Hair - A type of hair invented by the devil himself. HAHAHAHA whoever wrote this was very angry! )
3. Heat protection  - this seems true, since my hair is less heated during blow drying.
4. Silkiness and smoothness - completely true.
5. Hair colour protection with UVA and UVB filters - I really don't know, but let's just take their word for it. Right now my hair is brown and that color doesn't wash out and isn't demanding. If I was still red I might be able to see if the colour is more vibrant for a long time.
6. Easier brushing and ironing - I don't iron my hair, but combing is really much easier. Without it, you don't comb my hair after shampooing .
7. Incredibly detangling - true, which is logical since it makes the hair all slimy.
8. Long-lasting hairstyle - I have to admit it really does help, as hair is quite obedient after using it.
9. Split ends prevention - so I think that it helps a little, but I don't know how to measure it . :)
10. Adds body - yes, but not drastically.

Želim još da dodam, da Uniq One nije masan, i na suvoj kosi se ne primećuje i ne masti je. Takođe i ne ubrzava mašćenje kose, a ja sam ga nanosila duž cele kose. Nisam probala da ga koristim na suvoj kosi, već sam ga nanosila samo na vlažnu, posle pranja.

Sve u svemu jako dobar proizvod, ali manje nego što sam očekivala nakon tolikog hvaljenja. Nisam potpuno sigurna da li je toliko bolji od drogerijskih proizvoda za negu kose koji se ne ispiraju, da bi opravdao cenu. Hm... Kakvi su vaši utisci o Uniq One?

I would also like to add, that Uniq One is not oily, and on dry hair it is unnoticeable and dosn't make it oily. Also, it doesn't make the hair become oily quicker, and I've applied it along the whole hair. I didn't try to use it on dry hair, but I just applied it to damp hair after washing.

All in all a very good product, but less than what I expected after all the praises. I'm not entirely sure if it's much better than drugstore hair care products that don't rinse, to justify the cost. Hm ... What are your impressions of Uniq One?

Šta mi se sviđa kod ovog proizvoda:
- pakovanje,
- dobro raspetlja kosu i omogući rasčešljavanje,
- štiti od toplote i sunca,
- čini kosu poslušnojom i frizure duže traju,
- ne masti kosu.

Šta mi se ne sviđa:
- cena,
- miris kokosa je slab i ne zadržava se u kosi.
- možda i štiti kosu od listanja i regeneriše je, ali ja nisam to baš mnogo uočila.

Informacije i ocene:

CENA: 1569 dinara
GDE GA NABAVITI: Lilly, prodavnice sa proizvodima za kosu, DM?

CENA: 3/5
MIRIS: 3/5

What I like about this product:
- Packaging,
- Detangles the hair and allows combing,
- Protects from heat and sun,
- Makes hair less frizzy and hairstyles last longer,
- Doesn't make hair oily.

What I don't like:
- Price,
- Coconut aroma is weak and doesn't stay in my hair,
- It might provide protection form split ends and regeneration, but I haven't noticed that a lot.

Information and scores:

WHERE TO BUY: Lilly, shops with hair products, DM?

PRICE: 3/5
SCENT: 3/5

субота, 19. октобар 2013.

New in - Italija

Nedavno sam na kratko svratila do Italije zbog posla i nisam mogla da propustim da posetim Kiko prodavnicu. Do sad nisam probala ništa od Kiko proizvoda pa sam se specijalno radovala prvom susretu. Na žalost paletu koju dugo želim Generous Earth nisu imali (na nju me je navukla A Girl in Berlin pa pogledajte o paleti više kod nje), a prodavačice su me gledale belo kad sam pokušala da im je opišem. Mada nije mi žao, ulov je svakako bio dobar. Uspela sam da se suzdržim i ne kupim previše. Ono što me je specijalno oduševilo je što postoje i testeri svih lakova za nokte! To nisam nigde do sad videla.

Recently I briefly visited Italy because of work and I couldn't miss visiting Kiko store. So far I have not tried anything from Kiko products and I especially looked forward to our first meeting. Unfortunately, they didn't have my long longed palette - Generous Earth (A girl in Berlin is the one to blame for my longing, so read more about this palette on her blog), and when I tried to describe it to the saleswoman she had a blank look on her face. Still I don't regret anything, my catch is still a very good one. I managed to contain myself and don't buy too much.

Kupila sam:
- Kiko lak za nokte 245, 2.9 EUR,
- Kiko lak za nokte 389, 2.9 EUR,
- Kiko Colour Sphere senka u nijansi 27 (morala sam da je kupim jer me je podsetila na Dragon Scale senku), 5.9 EUR,
- Kiko četkica za ruž na uvlačenje broj 300, 7.9 EUR,
- Kiko Velvet Mat Lipstick u nijansi 613, 6.9 EUR.

- Chanel Egoiste muški parfem koji obožavam kako miriše (kupila sam ga mužu, ali ću malo i da ga kradem) 50ml, 49 EUR,
- Essence dvostrana tačkalica, koju u Srbiji nisam viđala, 2,49 EUR.

I bought:
- Kiko nail polish 245, 2.9 EUR ,
- Kiko nail polish 389, 2.9  EUR ,
- Kiko Colour Sphere eyeshadow in shade 27 (I had to buy it because it reminded me of Dragon Scale eyeshadow), 5.9 EUR ,
- Kiko Retractable Lip Brush number 300, 7.9 EUR,
- Kiko Velvet Mat Lipstick in shade 613, 6.9 EUR.

- Chanel Egoiste men's perfume which I love (I bought it for my husband, but I'll steal it from time to time) 50ml, 49 EUR,
- Essence two-sided dot maker, which I didn't see anywhere in Serbia, 2.49 EUR.

Bila sam prvi put i u Ikei i ostala sam bez reči od oduševljenja. Šuška se već neko vreme da će Ikea doći i u Srbiju i iskreno se nadam da je to istina. Ikea u kojoj sam ja bila je ogromna i sve je unutra predivno! Kupila sam ovaj plasticni sorter za kupatilo za 14.99 EUR, koji ću koristiti naravno za šminku. Posebno mi se svideo ovaj prednji deo koji se pomera i u koji mogu da stavim četkice.

Takođe kupila sam i još jednu poličicu (to je ovo belo metalno sa desne strane) za 4 EUR, koja služi da napravi mali stepenik kada imate duboke police. Na žalost malo je šira od ormarića u koji sam planirala da je stavim pa još nisam smislila šta sa njom da radim, te je nisam još ni otvorila ni sastavila.

It was my first time in Ikea too and I remained speechless with delight. There were rumors for some time that Ikea will come to Serbia and I sincerely hope that this is true. Ikea store that I visited was huge and everything inside was beautiful! I bought this plastic bathroom sorter for 14.99 EUR, which will be used for makeup of course. I particularly liked the front moving part that can be used for makeup brushes.

I also bought another shelf (it's this white metal thing on the right) for 4 EUR, which is used to make a small step when you have deep shelves. Unfortunately it's a little wider than the cabinet in which I planned to put it in and I still haven't figured out what to do with it, so I haven't even opened it or assembled it.

Volite li vi Kiko i Ikeu? Imate li neke od njihovih proizvoda?

Do you Kiko and Ikea? Do you have some of their products?

среда, 16. октобар 2013.

Avon Mega Effects Blackest Black Mascara

Izgleda da sam došla i ja na red da pišem o Avon Mega Effects Blackest Black maskari. Znam da su mnoge od vas već probale ovu maskaru, ali znam i da me čitaju devojke koje su malo manje zaluđene za šminku od mene. Zato hoću da prenesem svoje oduševljenje i dam im preporuke za ovu maskaru.

I guess it is time for me to also write about Avon Mega Effects Blackest Black mascara. I know that many of you have tried this mascara, but I know that some girls who read my blog are a little less infatuated with makeup than me. So I want to convey my enthusiasm and give them recommendations for this mascara.

Maskara dolazi u dve boje, crnoj koju ja imam i malo blažoj braon varijanti. Dolazi u kutiji u kojoj se nalazi i papir sa uputstvom za korišćenje. Sama maskara je vrlo zanimljiva i drugačija od ostalih što joj je naravno obezbedilo da izazove veliko interesovanje kod devojaka. Maskara sadrži 9ml.

Mascara comes in two colours, black that I have and a little milder brown colour. It comes in a box which contains a paper with instructions for use. Mascara itself is very interesting and different from the others, so it naturally attracted a lot of attention. Mascara contains 9ml.

Kada skinete poklopac videćete malu dršku koju treba da povučete i izvadite četkicu. Bitno je da prilikom vraćanja četkice oba kraja kliknu, jer je maskara tek tada dobro zatvorena i neće se osušiti. Drška na sebi ima zglob koji može da postavi četkicu u položaj koji vam odgovara.

When you remove the lid you will see a small handle that you need to pull to extract the brush. It is important that when you put the brush back inside both sides click, because the mascara is only then closed well and won't dry out. The handle has a wrist that can set the brush in a position that suits you.

Mnogo mi se sviđa četkica pošto je prilično mala pa mi odgovara, pošto imam male oči i trepavice. Isto tako sami pipci su gumeni ali ih ima puno i ne liče na one koji se često sreću kod maskara. Iskreno ovo je četkica koja meni lično najviše odgovara od svih koje sam do sad probala. Maskara je malo ređa, pa se jako lako maže i ne slepljuje trepavice. Nema grudvica i brzo se suši, pa se ne preslikava. Lepo rasčešlja trepavice, ali im i daje volumen i prilično produži i uvije. Ne kruni se u toku dana i ne razliva se ako pada kiša ili plačete. :) S druge strane prilikom skidanja šminke lako se rastvara i skida, neće vam ispadati trepavice od trljanja.

I like the brush as it is quite small, so it suits me, because I have pretty small eyes and eyelashes. Also tentacles are rubber but there are a lot of them and they don't look like those often found in mascaras. Honestly this is the brush that personally suits me better than anyone I've ever tried. Mascara is little rearer and is applied very easily and doesn't bind the lashes. There are no lumps and it dries quickly so it doesn't smudge. The result is: nice detangled lashes, but with volume and quite extended and curled. Doesn't crumble during the day and doesn't dissolve if it rains or if you cry. :) On the other hand when when I remove makeup it is easily dissolved and removed, and it won't make you pull out your lashes from all the rubbing.

Izgled trepavica koje volimo i tražimo od maskare je prilično individualno i stvar je ukusa, ali meni lično je ova maskara za sad favorit. Daje srednji volumen bez ikakvog slepljivanja, ali zato malo produži trepavice. Naravno to je sa jednim slojem, s kojim je meni svaka maskara uvek najlepša.  

Eyelashes look that we like and want from a mascara is quite individual and a matter of taste, but for me personally this mascara is the best for now. It gives mean volume without sticking, but it extends lashes. Of course this is with a single layer, with which every mascara looks the best in my opinion.

A evo je i četkica u odnosu na moju šaku, koja je prilično mala. Dužina četkice je malo manja od mog oka i vrlo je pogodna da precizno namažem maskaru i dohvatim svaku dlaku. Ovakva drška uošte nije teška za korišćenje, ja sam je već prvi put bez ikakvih poteškoća koristila, tako da nemojte da vas čudan izgled zaplaši.

And here is the brush compared to my hand, which is quite small. Length of the brush is a little smaller than my eye and is very suitable to precisely apply mascara and reach every hair. This type of handle isn't difficult to use at all, I used it without any difficulty the first time I used it, so don't let this strange appearance scare you.

Evo konačno i najbitnijih slika maskare u akciji. Slike su bez ičega, sa jednim i sa dva sloja. Iskreno jedan sloj je moj favorit, ali ako neko voli dva sloja, ni to nije loše kod ove maskare.

Here is the final and most important photo of mascara in action. The pictures are without anything on my lashes, with one and two coats. Honestly one coat is my favorite, but if someone likes two coats, that is also good with this mascara.

Šta mi se sviđa kod ove maskare:
- cena,
- pakovanje,
- malo ređa formula,
- odlična četkica,
- produži i uvije trepavice,
- ne kruni se i ne skida u toku dana,
- ne slepljuje trepavice,
- lako se skida bilo kojim skidačem šminke,
- postoje dve boje.

Šta mi se ne sviđa:
- pa jedino mi je žao što je jedino dostupna preko kataloga, ali svako poznaje bar nekog ko prodaje Avon.

Informacije i ocene:

CENA: 1090 dinara

CENA: 5/5

What I like about this mascara:
- Price,
- Packaging,
- Slightly thinner formula,
- Excellent brush,
- Extends and curls lashes,
- Wear-resistant and doesn't come off during the day,
- Doesn't make lashes stick together,
- Easy to remove with any make-up remover,
- There are two colors.

What I don't like:
- I'm only sorry that it is only available via Avon catalog, but everyone knows someone who sells Avon.

Information and scores:


PRICE: 5/5

Predstavljanje linije Eucerin Volume Filler

Danas sam bila na jednoj lepoj promociji što mi je veoma ulepšalo ovaj kišoviti dan. Ovaj put je Eucerin predstavio svoju novu liniju u oblasti Anti-Age nege - Eucerin Volume Filler. Predstavljanje nove linije održano je u hotelu Hyatt Regency i bilo je zaista veoma dobro organizovano.

Today I attended a nice promotion which made this rainy day much better. This time Eucerin unveiled a new Anti-Age line - Eucerin Volume Filler. This event took place at the Hyatt Regency hotel and it was really very well organized.

Prvo smo odslušali veoma zanimljivo i informativno predavanje o starenju kože, sastojcima koji se nalaze u ovoj liniji i o tome kako oni utiču na našu kožu. Glavnu reč vodila je Stefanie Conzelmann, direktorka odeljenja za razvoj dermokozmetike u kompaniji Beiersdorf AG, kao i Nada Miletić Nevajda, direktorka farmaceutskog sektora kompanije Beiersdorf. Kao što i sami znate izgled i brzina starenja naše kože zavisi od genetskih predispozicija, ali u još većoj meri od spoljnih uticaja i načina života. Zagađen vazduh, pušenje i najviše UV zračenje i izlaganje suncu bez adekvatne zaštite, čine da naša koža stari brži nego što bi se to dogodilo prirodnim putem. Moram da pomenem jednu veoma zanimljivu rečenicu koju sam čula na predavanju. Uporedite kožu na licu sa kožom na vašoj "pozadini", koja je najmanje bila izložena suncu u toku vašeg života i na taj način možete da primetite koliko je vaša koža lica u gorem stanju nego što bi to prirodno bila u godinama u kojim ste.

First we heard a very interesting and informative lecture on skin aging, ingredients included in this line and how they affect our skin. The main speaker was Stefanie Conzelmann, director of the dermo-cosmetics development department in Beiersdorf AG company and Nada Nevajda Miletic, director of the pharmaceutical sector of Beiersdorf. As you know the look and aging speed of our skin depends on genetic predisposition, but even more so from external influences and lifestyle. Contaminated air, smoking and most of all UV radiation and exposure to the sun without proper protection, make our skin age faster than what would happen naturally. I must mention a very interesting sentence that I heard during the talk. Compare your skin on the face with the skin on your bottom, which is the least exposed to the sun during your life and you can notice how much worse the skin on your face looks, than what it should naturally look for your age.

Ova linija proizvoda namenjena je devojkama i ženama koje počinju da primećuju prve bore, gubitak sjaja u koži i sivilo, gubitak elastičnosti i opuštanje kože (kao i starijim ženama). Naravno svi smo mi veoma različiti, pa je u odabiru ovakve kreme presudno subjektivno mišljenje. Potrebno je pogledati sebe u ogledalu i realno oceniti da li vam ovakva krema zaista treba. Naravno što se ranije počne sa ovakvim kremama to će kremi biti lakše da vam pomogne. Ali ako još uvek nemate potrebu za ovakvom kremom i mladi ste, nema potrebe da je koristite.

This product line is designed for girls and women who are beginning to notice the first signs of wrinkles, loss of skin glow and greyness, loss of elasticity and sagging skin (and also for older women). Of course we are all very different, and for selection of this type of cream personal opinion is essential. You need to look at yourself in the mirror and objectively evaluate whether you really need this cream. Of course the earlier you start using this type of products, the easier it will be for the cream to help you. But if you still don't have any need for anti-age cream and you are still young, you don't need to use it.

Ova linija obuhvata nekoliko proizvoda. Dnevnu kremu za suvu kožu, kao i dnevnu kremu za normalnu i kombinovanu kožu, zatim noćnu kremu i kremu za predeo oko očiju. Vrlo dobra stvar je što dnevne kreme i krema za regiju oka sadrže SPF 15.

This line includes several products. Day cream for dry skin, as well as day cream for normal and combination skin, but also a night cream and eye cream. A very good thing is that both day creams and eye cream contain SPF 15.

Linija se bazira na tri glavna sastojka:
- Magnolol - dobija se iz kore magnolije. Utiče na povećanje broja i volumen masnih ćelija u najdubljim slojevima kože, koji daju našoj koži volumen i punoću. 
- Oligopeptidi - dobijaju se iz plodova i semenki anisa. Stimulišu proizvodnju kolagena koji vraća čvrstinu i strukturu dermisu. Deluje na srednji deo kože.
- Hijaluronska kiselina - odlična za hidrataciju kože, pa samim tim smanjuje i fine linije nastale usled dehidriranosti. Deluje na površinski sloj kože.

Nakon predstavljanja sastava i dejstva proizvoda pokazali su nam različite rezultate in-vitro kao i in-vivo merenja. Slušali smo i utiske žena koje su već probale ove kreme, a zatim je na red došao koktel. Naravno ja sam morala da slikam kolače. Bilo ih je nekoliko vrsta, a svi su bili preukusni! Ponovo sam se družila i pričala sa blogo-koleginicama, što mi je mnogo ulepšalo čitav događaj.

The line is based on three main active ingredients:
- Magnolol - which is obtained from the bark of magnolia. It increases the number and volume of fat cells in the deepest layers of the skin, which gives our skin volume and fullness.
- Oligopeptide - obtained from the fruits and seeds of anise. Stimulates the production of collagen which restores firmness and structure of the dermis. It acts on the central part of the skin.
- Hyaluronic acid - great for moisturizing the skin, and therefore reduces fine lines caused by dehydration. It acts on the top layer of skin.

After the presentation of the composition and effects of the products, they showed us different results of in-vitro and in-vivo tests. We listened to impressions of women who have already tried these creams, and then it was time for a cocktail. Of course I had to take a photo of cakes. There were a few kinds, and all of them were so tasty! I also hang out and talk to my blog-colleagues, which made ​​the entire event so much more fun for me.

Na kraju da vam pokažem i ono što sam dobila. U prelepoj Eucerin kesi nalazile su se dnevna krema za normalnu i kombinovanu kožu, kao i noćna krema. U nekom trenutku doći će i one na red za isprobavanje, pa ću tada nastaviti i ovu lepu Eucerin priču.

In the end I have to show you what I got. In the beautiful Eucerin bag there were day cream for normal and combination skin, and night cream. At some point I will try them and then I will continue this nice Eucerin story.

Preporučene cene proizvoda:
- dnevna krema za normalnu i kombinovanu kožu 2649.00 din
- dnevna krema za suvu kožu 2649.00 din
- noćna krema 2788.00 din
- okoločno krema 2119.00 din

I za kraj želim da vas pitam šta vi mislite o Anti-Age proizvodima? Kada je vreme da se počne sa takvim kremama? Da li ih koristite i ako je odgovor potvrdan, kada ste krenula sa upotrebnom?

Recommended prices of products:
- day cream for normal and combination skin  2649.00 RSD 
- day cream for dry skin  2649.00 RSD  
- night cream 2788.00 RSD  
- eye cream 2119.00  RSD

And finally I want to ask you what do you think about Anti-Age products? When is the right time to start using this type of creams? Do you use them and if so, when did you start using them?