
среда, 7. март 2018.

Kiko False Lashes Concentrate - Curling Top Coat Mascara

U potrazi za dobrom maskarom došla sam i do još jedne Kiko maskare - False Lashes Concentrate Curling Top Coat Mascara. Ova maskara ima 12ml i ja sam je platila 7.2 EUR. Maskara je kao što joj ime kaže maskara koja se nanosi nakon neke druge maskare radi uvijanja trepavica i boljeg izgleda.

In search of a good mascara, I came to another Kiko mascara - False Lashes Concentrate Curling Top Coat Mascara. This mascara has 12ml and I paid 7.2 EUR for it. As its name says this is a top coat mascara that is applied after some other mascara to curl the eyelashes and make them look better.

Maskaru sam probala da nanosim i kao drugi sloj, ali i samostalno i moram priznati da nisam uočila neku drastičnu razliku, pa sam je zbog toga nastavila koristiti samostalno. U početku bila je malo tečnija i četkica je kupila previše proizvoda pa su se trepavice lepile, ali ovaj problem je s vremenom smanjen. Četkica je inače klasična ali je savijena što bi trebalo da pomogne kod uvijanja trepavica. Ipak, ne mogu da kažem da ova maskara ima ikakvu moć uvijanja trepavica, a još manje da i to malo što ih uvije uspe da održi u tom položaju. Bar se ne kruni i traje ceo dan.

I tried to apply the mascara as a second layer, but also independently and I must admit that I did not notice any drastic difference, so I continued to use it by itself. Initially, it was a bit more liquid and the brush picked up too much product, so the eyelashes were sticking together, but this problem has been reduced over time. The brush is otherwise classic but it is bent, which should help with curling  eyelashes. Still, I cannot say that this mascara has any curling power, nor it has any power of holding the slightly curled eyelashes in that position. At least it doesn't crumble and stays on all day.

Ako izuzmemo gore pomenute nedostatke i neispunjavanje očekivanog, ova maskara nije toliko loša. Pruža solidan volumen i ne slepljuje trepavie previše, mada ipak treba biti pažljiv. Ne produžava trepavice mnogo. Sve u svemu maskara je osrednja i ništa specijalno. Može da prođe, ali ne bih dala pare za nju ponovo. Toliko od mene ovaj put.

If we exclude the aforementioned drawbacks and the failure to meet the expectations, this mascara is not so bad. It can give some volume, and it won't stick eyelashes too much, although one should be careful during application. It will not make your eyelashes much longer. All in all, the mascara is mediocre and nothing special. It can pass, but I would not give my money for it again. That's all from me at this time.

Informacije i ocene
Cena 7.2 EUR
Gde kupitiKiko
Da li bih ih ponovo kupilaNe
Ukupna ocena4/5
- srednji volumen
- cena  
- ne izdužuje trepavice mnogo
- blago slepljuje
- ne uvija 

Information and scores
7.2 EUR
Where to buyKiko
Would I buy it againNo
Overall Score4/5
- medium volume- price     
- doesn't give a lot of length
- slightly sticky
- doesn't curle    

1 коментар:

  1. Divna maskara.
    Pratim te,pa ako želiš uzvrati! ❤
    I usput pogledaj i komentariši dva poslednja posta,ako nije problem. 😘

    Sara Pokorni
