
среда, 8. октобар 2014.

Predstavljanje nove Vichy Liftactive Supreme kreme za lice

U utorak 7.10.2014. Vichy je predstavio svoju novu anti age kremu - Liftactive Suprime. Ova krema namenjena je borbi protiv starenja i opuštanja kože na dnevnom planu, ali se bori i protiv dugoročnih efekata starenja kože.

On Tuesday, 07.10.2014. Vichy has introduced its new anti-aging cream - Liftactiv Suprime. This cream is intended for the fight against aging and sagging of the skin on a daily basis, but it also fights against the long-term effects of skin aging.

Mnoge od vas su verovatno primetile da koža kada se ujutru naspavani i odmorni probudite izgleda lepo i sveže, ali da se u toku dana ova svežina gubi. Izgledamo umornije, pa i bore postaju dublje, javlja se sivilo u licu, ten je lošiji, a podočnjaci izraženiji. Krema sadrži adenozin i kofein koji stimulišu kožu i pomažu u održanju svežeg izgleda u toku celog dana.

Many of you have probably noticed that in the morning when we are well rested our skin looks nice and fresh, but during the day the freshness is lost. We look tired and wrinkles become deeper, complexion is worse and gray looking, and dark circles are more pronounced. The cream contains adenosine and caffeine, which stimulate the skin and help in maintain fresh look throughout the day.

Krema takođe sadrži i ramnozu i neohesperidin koji na duge staze povoljno deluju na smanjenje bora i čvrstinu kože. Krema je hipoalergena i bez parebena. Veoma ima prijatan miris i zanimljivu teksturu. Krema s jedne strane blago popunjava i maskira bore i matira kožu, ali sadrži i svetlucave čestice pa daje koži i blistavost. Tekstura joj je vrlo zanimljiva i razlikuje se od većine krema ovog tipa koje sam imala priliku da vidim. Malo podseća na kreme za matiranje, ali u dosta blažem obliku.

The cream also contains rhamnose and neohesperidine that have long-term beneficial effects on the reduction of wrinkles and skin firmness. The cream is hypoallergenic and pareben free. It has pleasant scent and interesting texture. On one hand this cream gently fills and masks wrinkles and mattifies the skin, but also contains shimmering particles and gives the skin nice glow. The texture is very interesting and different from most of the creams of this type that I have had the opportunity to see. It is reminds me of mattifying cream but only a bit.

Sam događaj bio je održan u vrlo zanimljivom i osvetljenom ambijentu uz posluženje i predavanja o koži, starenju kože, uticaju okoline i godina na promene na koži, ali i naravno uz priču o sastavu i uticaju različitih sastojaka u novoj Vichy kremi. Takođe čuli smo i prve utiske nekoliko žena koje su već počele da koriste ovu kremu. Ono što je mene kao masnokošca obradovalo je to da se sa ovom kremom lice sporije masti.

The event was held in a very interesting and light environment with refreshments and lectures on the skin, aging of the skin, the influence of the environment and age on changes in the skin, but also with the story about the composition and the impact of various ingredients in the new Vichy cream on our skin. We've also heard the first impressions of a few women who have already started using this cream. What really made me happy is that I have heard that the cream makes skin become oily slower.

Na moju sreću ja još nemam bore, posebno zato što imam masniju kožu, ali ću svakako naći način da vam što bolje predstavim ovu kremu i da čujete neke utiske o njoj što pre. Lično mi se krema vrlo sviđa ovako na prvu loptu...a za prave utiske ćete malo sačekati.

Luckily I still don't have wrinkles, especially because I have oily skin, but I will certainly find a way to introduce this cream to you and to write about impressions as soon as possible. Personally, I quite like this cream at first glance ... but for some real impressions you'll have to wait a little bit more.

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